~A & E~ -SPORTS- Marist hockey await Jazz Poet's Society jazzed up the cabaret their post-season Tuesday, pg. 11 assignment, pg.14 the student newspaper of rist ge VOLUME #52 ISSUE #12 FEBRUARY18,1999 byPATRICKKEMPF "My StqffWriter main goal With colorful posters and is to have catchy slogans catching students everyone's eyes on campus re­ voice cently, the student government their com­ election season is in full swing plaints," and the candidates are eager to she said make dieir mark here at Marist. "I always hear stu- The most coveted prize up for Hunter grabs is that of Student Body dents talking Circle file photo President. The position, which Mdi lot i& working With the DOT to s>top cars from entering Route 9 when pedestrians have right of way.i s currently held by Colleen about is­ McCulloch, is a race between sues on Rebecca Valk and Ryan Hunter. campus Junior Ryan Hunter, apolitical but I Accident prompts science major originally from don't Long Island, said he would like think that • to'see"Maris't"becbmem6re stu­ they take dent involved if he wins the advan­ crossing upcoming election. tage of "My main goal basically is to the SGA Valk by KRISHNA BRTTO sive Phase, which will be imple­ office." mented at the intersection put the student back in student StqffWriter government and help people Valk echoed her opponent's Even when pedestrians are where me accident occurred. belief on the parking issue. Merolli said'that the Depart­ deal with the issues that effect using the crosswalks, crossing them," he said. "I think that the $25 fine for Route 9 still has its dangers. ment of Transportation had al­ parking violations is far too high ready agreed to do this as part Hunter points to a lack of in­ A car struck Amanda Wheeler, volvement on campus as some­ especially with the limited a Marist student,'on Feb. 9 at of the Mid-Hudson Business amount of spaces available on Center development across from thing that needs to be fixed. 5:47 p.m. as she-was trying to "I want to see student gov­ campus," she said. "The cross Route 9 in front of the campus. amount is an arbitrary number "With the Pedestrian Exclu­ ernment as more of a social in­ college's main entrance. stitution," he said. "We can ac­ that I would like to see lowered." Wheeler was.inside the pedes sive Phase, the pedestrian" will Valk said she also sees Marist r push a button at die crosswalk complish this through events trian crosswalk "when she .was such as battle of-the bands, Money as a problem, especially hit. The accident occurred when and no cars will be able to turn for upperclassmen living on left or right at the intersection karaoke night, and reviving a car was-attempting to turn Greek life here at Marist." campus. onto Route 9 from Fulton Street. while they are crossing," he 'The $25 minimum deposit on said. "The pedestrian will have Parking, an issue that is con­ Wheeler had a green light in the stantly-debated at Marist, is Marist Money is far too high Circle flic photo to wait about two minutes be­ especially for juniors and se­ crosswalk at..the same as the Student waits to cross Route 9. also high on Hunter's list, ac­ driver. fore crossing after they have niors who only use it for laun­ pushed the button." cording to him. According to the president of Marist, said mat "Parking is the biggest issue dry, I would like to try to work Poughkeepsie Journal, the Tom Weiner of the State De­ with administration to see the Marist is aware of the Route 9 partment of Transportation, said on campus with all the problems driver did not see Wheeler walk­ crossing situation as well as the that students have been experi­ amount lowered to at least $ 15," ing across the road and was not the D.O.T. has now decided to she said. traffic light and crosswalk hav­ accelerate the Pedestrian Exclu­ encing. There has to be some issued a ticket since he also had ing a green light at the same way that we can sit down and There are several other posi­ a green light. The Journal re­ sive Phase, scheduled to be tions that will be at stake when time. Marist has been working completed by week's end. fix it," he said. ported that Wheeler suffered a with the Department of Trans­ students cast their votes. A "As long as all pedestrians use Junior Rebecca Valk, a politi­ minor leg injury. portation for the past six months competitive position being vied this, it should help," he said. cal science major from Walden Wheeler declined comment to find a solution. According to for is resident senator, which is Merolli said he also believes N.Y., hopes to make the SGA of­ about the accident at this time. him, Marist and the D.O.T. fice a student-friendly place if Roy Merolli, executive vice • agreed on a Pedestrian Exclu­ ...pleasesee CROSSING,^. 3 she is elected. ...please see ELECTION, pg. 4 T^EKLYPOIX Opening slated for May by CHRIS GROG AN new shopping center, there will also_be other business estab­ INSIDE News Editor lishments of interest to stu­ Do you feel the Now diat the Mid-Hudson dents. a TODAY: room damage fines Business Park has been demol­ McDonald's, a bank, a gas sta­ Rainy are justified? ished, many students are hop­ tion and a deli are planning to hi:41° ing the new shopping center take up residence across the Io:33° being built across die street will street from Marist. There are YES NO open soon. more tenants that have yet to Community. 2 31 69 The shopping center will be be named. Features 5 called the Mid-Hudson Busi­ The gas station will be similar A&E 11 ness Center. While Home Depot to me Citgo and Campus Deli SEE RELATED STORY, PG. 3 Circle photo/Kourtney Cilligan Opinion 9 and Super Stop and Shop will This is an unscientific survey taken from 100 Home Depot to anchor center. ... please see SHOPPING, pg. 4 Sports.... ..16 Marist students. be the anchor tenants in this THE CIRCLE THEvQRCJLEi FEBRUARY 18.1999 News PAGE 3 .&. .-'-."-rasa , F a c U It j' FEBRUARY 18,1999 ity PAGE 2 ;efs member Clinton seeks to rebuild Thursday, Feb. 11 because of honored a burnt hamburger. IN YOUR OPINION MER1DA, Mexico - - Presi­ dent Clinton went to woik on for service rebuilding his tarnished presi­ Nine, twelve-ounce can's of dency Monday, saying "every­ by CHRIS GROGAN Coors were confiscated on thing will be fine" if Republicans News Editor Mid-Rise's 4th floor at lp.m., and Democrats put aside bitlei Sunday, Feb. 14. differences and work on the What are your A Marist faculty member is Roughly ten minutes later, nation's business. Two Mid-Rise residents nar­ being honored tomorrow night one full can of beer and an un­ The piesident also fueled rowly escaped serious injury at the First Annual Black Pres­ specified number of empty speculation that his wife, crossing Route .9 towards predictions for the tige Awards. cans were confiscated down Hillary, might run for a U S. Sen­ Beck Place Parking Lot at 6 Joseph Parker, director of Up­ the hall. ate seat from New York. "She p.m., Tuesday Feb. 9. ward Bound, is one of a few lo­ would be terrific," Clinton .said Amanda Wheeler and Erin cal educators, entertainers and Fleming were obeying the millennium? He quickly added that she has community service leaders be­ A second floor Marian resi­ not made a decision and that he crosswalk signal, just as the ing honored from throughout . Circle file photo dent was taken to St. Francis driver, Gary Traver of would enthusiastically support t h e Officals are working oh delaying Route 9 traffic at the main gate light to allow more time to cross. Hospital on Saturday, Feb 13. Staatsburg, N.Y., turned left on whatever she docs. Mid- the green light off of Fulton She was released, with Clinton spoke in a brief ex­ Street onto Route 9. sprained fingers, after slam­ change with leportcrs at talks CROSSING: Solution sought Neither group saw the other, ming her fingers in a car door. with Mexican President Ernesto ... continued from pg. J until the side of Traver's car Zedillo. They met at a 17th cen- trian safety is a big concern, In their study they counted made contact with Wheeler, in­ tuty hacienda in the middle of that this will enhance pedestrian especially with the Mid-Hudson where, when and who crossed flicting minor injuries to her Gartland's "F" Block was Mcrida's Mayan archeological safety, but only for those stu­ Business Center development. Route 9. They found that more right leg. visited by the fire department ruins. U.S. and Mexican officials dents who do use the cross­ She said she would completely students cross during rush hour Fleming contorted her body Saturday, Feb 13 at 2:50 p.m. signed nine modest agreements walk. support anything to increase and do not cross in the cross­ and voided the passing car, because of a burnt bagel. on air transportation, the war on Colleen McCulloch, student pedestrian safety and prevent walk. any future accidents from occur­ but twisted her left ankle in drugs, trade, border safety and body president, said she has Schwab said he believes a sig­ ring.
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