Published under s. 35.93, Wis. Stats., by the Legislative Reference Bureau. 305 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 25.02 Chapter NR 25 COMMERCIAL FISHING — OUTLYING WATERS NR 25.01 Purpose. NR 25.11 Handling of illegal fish. NR 25.02 Definitions. NR 25.12 Processing of fish. NR 25.03 Commercial fishing licenses. NR 25.13 Commercial fishing reports. NR 25.04 Transfer of commercial fishing licenses. NR 25.135 Fleet reporting programs. NR 25.05 Open seasons; size limits; possession and harvest limits. NR 25.14 Possession of fishing equipment. NR 25.06 Quotas, catch fees and special regulations. NR 25.15 Taking of fish by or for the department. NR 25.07 Individual licensee catch quotas. NR 25.16 Lake trout tagging and identification. NR 25.08 Transfer of individual licensee catch quotas. NR 25.17 Wholesale fish dealer reports. NR 25.09 Commercial fishing gear. NR 25.18 Landing and transportation of fish. NR 25.10 Restricted commercial fishing areas. NR 25.19 Vehicle identification requirements. NR 25.105 Exemptions. Note: Chapter NR 25 as it existed on September 30, 1976, was repealed and a new (j) Section NR 25.16 chapter NR 25 was created effective October 1, 1976. Corrections made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, December, 1998, No. 516. (k) Section NR 25.17 History: Cr. Register, September, 1976, No. 249, eff. 10−1−76; r. and recr. Regis- ter, October, 1979, No. 286, eff. 11−1−79; emerg. cr. (3), eff. 4−22−86; cr. (3), Regis- NR 25.01 Purpose. (1) This chapter, along with other ter, October, 1986, No. 370, eff. 11−1−86; emerg. am. (3) (intro.), eff. 3−10−87; am. applicable rules and statutes, regulates commercial fishing in the (3) (intro.), Register, December, 1987, No. 384, eff. 1−1−88; CR 19−103: cr. (2m) outlying waters. Register July 2020 No. 775, eff. 8−1−20. (2) The rules contained in this chapter are not intended to, nor NR 25.02 Definitions. Except as otherwise specifically do they authorize, the sale or introduction into interstate com- defined in the statutes, the following terms, for the purposes of this merce for purposes of human consumption or use fish taken from chapter, are defined as follows: the outlying waters which fail to meet food and drug administra- tion (FDA) standards. (1) “Allouez Bay” means that body of water in Douglas county lying south of a line commencing at the most northerly (2m) The following shall apply to any agreements relating to point in section 29, township 49 north, range 13 west, and running the allocation or management of Lake Superior resources which due east in a straight line to the water’s edge on north line of sec- are entered into between the department and a tribe or tribes with tion 28, same township and range. reserved treaty rights in the Lake Superior commercial fishery: (a) The department shall assess implementation of any agree- (2) “Baileys Harbor” means that body of water in Door county ments and any experimental regulations established by the agree- lying north of a line commencing at the most southerly point in ° i ments using factors including scientific data, biological indica- section 21, township 30 north, range 28 east at N45 03.303 , ° i tors, and metrics related to the health, safety, and welfare of users. W87 05.526 , and running in a straight line westerly to the south line of section 20, same township and range at N45°03.294i, (b) In the event the department determines the sustainability W87°07.505i. of any Lake Superior resource or the health, safety and welfare of Note: All latitude and longitude coordinates are expressed in degrees and minutes. its users are or are likely to be jeopardized, the department shall (2m) “Catch−per−unit−of−effort” means the average number take action to address the department’s concerns, including good of fish caught per 1,000−foot lift of gill net or per lift of trap net, faith negotiation or the modification or termination of any agree- and includes all dead and live fish. ment, in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Note: In December 2018, the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, the (3) “Chunked” means fish from which the viscera, head and Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, and the Wisconsin Department of Natu- tail have been removed. ral Resources entered into an agreement relating to the allocation and management (3m) “Cisco” means the fish species commonly known as of Lake Superior fishing resources (“the Agreement”). The Agreement contains pro- visions applicable to both tribal treaty fishers and non−tribal commercial fishers in lake herring or as cisco. the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior. For tribal members, the Agreement provi- (4) “Closed area” means any area designated as a refuge by sions are enforceable through tribal codes adopted by the Tribes. For non−tribal members, the state’s regulations have been amended to be consistent with applicable rule or statute, or any area where fishing is restricted in any man- provisions in the Agreement. Biological representatives of the state and the two tribes ner by rule. have identified specific goals for assessing state and tribal commercial fishing sea- (5) “Closed season” means that period of the year not sons under the Agreement. Those specific goals are reviewed regularly and adjusted as necessary. The Agreement contains provisions for modification or, if necessary, embraced within the open season for each species of fish therefor for termination for any reason by any party. Grounds for amendment or termination as provided in s. NR 25.05 (1) during which the taking of the fish include, but are not limited to, adverse conditions which, in the opinion of any party, species enumerated is prohibited. could jeopardize the sustainability of the Lake Superior resources or the health, safety, and welfare of resource users. (6) “Commercial fish” is any species of game or rough fish for (3) Except as modified by an agreement with the tribe of the which an open season has been provided in s. NR 25.05. treaty fisher, the following sections of this chapter are applicable (7) “Commercial fisher” means a person required to obtain a to treaty fishers fishing in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior: license under s. 29.519 (1m), Stats. (a) Section NR 25.02 (8) “Commercial fishing” means fishing for fish regulated by (b) Section NR 25.05 this chapter with commercial gear or methods other than those (c) Section NR 25.06 commonly known as hook and line fishing or angling, the taking of smelt pursuant to s. NR 20.20, or the taking of minnows. (d) Section NR 25.09 (9) “Commercial fishing gear” or “commercial gear” is that (e) Section NR 25.10 equipment identified in or regulated by this chapter, with the (f) Section NR 25.105 exception of hook and line or angling equipment, gear for the tak- (g) Section NR 25.11 ing of smelt pursuant to s. NR 20.20, or the taking of minnows. (h) Section NR 25.12 (9m) “Commercial fishing license” means, for the purposes (i) Section NR 25.13 of s. 29.503 (2) (b), Stats., those licenses issued pursuant to ss. Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published. Register February 2021 No. 782 Published under s. 35.93, Wis. Stats., by the Legislative Reference Bureau. NR 25.02 WISCONSIN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 306 29.519, 29.523, 29.526, 29.529, 29.531, 29.533, and 29.535, (27) “Fish Creek” means that body of water in Door county Stats. lying south and east of a line commencing at the most northerly (10) “Commercial ice fishing” means the setting and operat- point in the southwest quarter of section 29, township 31 north, ing of commercial fishing gear through and from the surface of the range 27 east at N45°07.925i, W87°14.926i, and running north- ice. easterly in a straight line to the water’s edge on the north line of ° ° (11) “Condition of the fish” means the form that fish are in, that section, township and range at N45 08.480i, W87 14.505i. and includes but is not limited to fresh round, fresh dressed, frozen Note: All latitude and longitude coordinates are expressed in degrees and minutes. dressed, fresh fillet, frozen fillet, fresh chunked, frozen chunked, (28) “Fisher” means any person engaged in fishing. smoked dressed, smoked fillet, smoked chunked, fresh snipped or (29) “Fleet reporting program” means a program of catch frozen snipped. assignment and reporting under s. NR 25.135. (12) “Department” means the Wisconsin department of natu- (30) “Float plan” means a description of the day’s proposed ral resources. commercial fishing activity that includes the commercial fisher’s name, commercial fishing license number or fleet reporting num- (13) “Detroit Harbor” means that body of water in Door ber, date and intended time of leaving the pier or shore for com- county lying north of a line commencing at the most southerly mercial fishing activity, targeted species, port of departure, point in section 14, township 33 north, range 29 east at intended port of return, intended time of return, and the type of N45°20.016i, W86°56.451i, and running in a straight line to the commercial fishing gear involved. most southerly point in section 18, township 33 north, range 30 east at N45°20.054i, W86°54.139i.
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