
Looking aft you ('an ::o.ee how much light there is below. The "lip" at the forward end of the cabin is a lateral strut and how the smoked ponlights Jet the light through that gives great strength to the masl and shroud!). This is a Aut:ill ir ludlcr without glare . strongly built boat. •'1"'11 .. til ck'~'k , 111t' ~at locker open~ wide so lhilt t,'\'cn the With a toe rail like this your choicc~ of where to large!>1 geno.1 jib can be casil)· stuffed in. Your lead c>.1.ra sheets, guys. pre\,enters and the like liferafl can slay in the cockpit, if yuu e\'er need it. are endless. The hardware you see is standard. \(f. ~_ The forward st..1teroom has plenty of room for )'OU or your crew. and plenty of prh'3C)', It's just forward of the head. which is the full width of the boat. 01L9.2 Both the Navigator and the Cook have plent)' of work· space to gel theIr jobs done, T.... o burntr ,,14th' and plenty of room to Buh ill r hi ... " v.uh rumnR b.lOlrd. slore the nece!;!)<1T}' gear, Swllll,· .... tt'I" :'~ ,t \".III\t'r, c.,binct unck·r !<oh'd .. illl., l-,.bUll:1 1J1lt).·' Fllh'd Fnoo SI<1\\ ,IR\' 'lld',lIIt: ,h .. 11 r.j.\. IHcker .. , l'11I\'(.'r-..,1 bill" ~lIlrd k.,l. ,abll1l't I .....cl·qhndl:r hl' h", bullJlt. .Q .... '!h m.rrul', d'\'~1 t.'nj.!II\l: l,ft.' rilft ~lCIr"Rt.' an rudpil 5';" WId..· , (i~I " IHI~ d.. ubl~ ~rth_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • Head with - • holdlllR lank and o\crboard dlscharj{c, EnRIIl(.' bt.'l)(>alh f I Hanging rcnlO\'ab14: \tK'l.t'r. ..... MJnd·dalllpened .... ,', I .. h.II~'iI""lh't· compamonwI}' ladder. / ,,, ..... "U\I', I .. ,,, IIIIL .. ' , I\ I~""" ,~'tI"k 1":l\h t.lhl. I .... ',10.-' Id" llIflJ:: Qu."'.r b.mh / 11' ''1,1 • .11 '.,',1. 3'5" WIck' :\ fi':i" lUll/.! "II "',lIul, .... .. In 11"!."IIt"',II .. 1\ ~ .• l, Tht' n lI,'kPII is designed "I .. ! ,II', .. I ... h .· .. fliT 1.ll 111).! illld relaxing, I' WII tht.' dt'fk aft is sloped fill IlIlltf"rtablc sitting V.lk'lItlw blMIIS hel'ling, Lllk' .. \I 'J1Pl.'r~ arc \'isible III tht: fUft'.,.'T'c)lJnd: they make IlIlI: h:llldhnJ: caSll'f and !a:-.ter. The \'ery name-Cal 9.2 MeIer-tells you from the under sailor power. And power cornes from a beginning that this C.. l is different from all others dependable Iwo<ylinder dieselthat's standard that have rome before. The equipment on the Cal 9.2. Ca19.2 is a s ..... ift. secure and Look around the Cal 9.2. You'll find performance opulent!)' romfortablt> thirty features and Je()-fast gear 10 !kitH.f\' the moltl dedi' footer concehed by' or~ of tht: • cated mcer. The cockpit is ('"OItIII~md l'Ontrol: color· most hij.1:hl)"rCf,l:3nk.·d ck!~It:n· 1 coded hal)'3 rd~ lead aft thwuf,th hIlt" ~t'!Ppcr:!t l1lak· ers of the ne~ breed. Ron ing cabin' top wincht.-:!t more \~rs ;ltI le . Thert.' art.> Holland. I<nl1'~ hdlf-tons and fi\'e Bariems in all, mcludmg onl' moumed on the one·lolUlers are con~b,tenl after side of the lIlast to nl.lkt.' n'dinf,t t'a ... icr. Spm· winners and his Grand Pm. naker gear and boom \"an~ art.' slimdard a ... an' duu· boa" ""'lhe talk of the I.O.R. ble bow and stern pulpits and wllIblte' hrehnt'~. 11K' CirCUIt. Ih a direct dc!,(:emL.ln1 genoa track has adJu:.table tumll1~ bl(K.·h~ .. Iread\" of oneot hb. half-ton desi!.,"~. the Cal 9.2 will surely mounted. and the toe nul is hlotted ~ exira bll~k::, be one of the boats to beat In PfiRF and M.O.R.C. and shackles can be atlached anr\\herte' un the.> 00.11. generous TIle Cal 9.2 has a different look fr(lm other Cals. As With so many idea':> that werl' dc\t'lopt.'d (ur colnpartment A long smoked ..... Indow runs the length of the racing, these (eatures also 01.1kc )'our crul:!om" h mcludes ample stowage for IUlCns cabin. prO\'idlng tremcndtlu!ot amounb of lildlt be­ (a:Jter and the boat ea':tlcr to sail shoulden.'-d hanging locker. low. 1lle transom has a CUl"\'ed re\'erse sheer remi­ A great deal o( thought has been ~i\"l.'O lO the 'Ibe forward cabin is pri\'ale and , niscent of the dockside hneup at tht' S.O.R.C. The deSign and layout of this Cal: strlklll~ a pt.'rfct"1 bal· generous ..... ith 6'4" "V' berths I cockpit is brilliantly laid out to mcludt: a molded ance between high performance and ea~)' handling and a sk)'light hatch for light. seat locker to acconunodate o\'ersized ~llb.lgS. for couples or small crews. ventilation and eas)' sni l SlOW· and a spedall)' dcsignl-d SIOf3~re locker to keep Wmch bases are molded into the coaming::. to age ..... hile racing. your hfe raft out of the \llar and out of the wind. assure proper placement and extra strength. Twent y·fh-e )'ears and The Cal 9.2·s perfonnance h\'es up to her An"on deck" an· lhirty·four Cal models ha,e tantalizing good look!>. A tiger to windward and a chor well allows (or built a proud tradition: racehorse downwind. A true fin k("d and deep con\'Cnienl stowage, a .....esome performance on spade rudck:r cut drag and welted surface 10 it mini· yet keeps !he anchor the racing course, and mwn. while the deep hull entry gh'es superior handy, if needed in a exceptional comfort in dimbinJJ abilit)· to windward and better tracking in hurry, Shrouds art~ quiet CO\'es, Holland's a (ol1owlng breeze. sel well apart to C319.2 JOinS a neet of The rig is all modem, with a high aspect ratio give the mast added main and ,li:enerous (oretrianlo(lc. Sheeting is at the stiffness: on the wind the genoa sht."Cts mboard o( legendanlyworthy legends. good Ancl_~;~~~~=::=-~ lifehnes. thruu~h Investmen1S. + "2--_ after end of the boom to controlthc leech. while the The Cal 9.2 is a winner and ...J I the standard boom \'ang is led 10 mid·boom (or Ihrou~h . LOA control. Lines are inside the mast and Iklow the machine turns into a \·achl. You'lI see 29'11 W' 9.15 ~"~Iers draft boom LII'L 25'S" 7.75 ~It:h.·n. where\'er possible for reduced windage and non· panel after panel of glowing teak. fabnc-cmered lJt>am 10'4" 3 15 ~1t:!cr .. (ouhng. D•. "Cks are Wide and the foredeck is WlClut· cushIOns are beautiful and breathable. color coor· Ilr:lf. 57' or 1. 70 ~lt tl'r:. teredo gl\'lng the helmsman an unobstrucced view dinated to highlight the wamlth of a wood interior. 47" I -I() ~1('ter:- 1be overhead is o((·whne aircraft grade plastic (or IlhplarclIlcnl 7000 Lbs. 3175.2 Kllr,,,:Tamil bri~tness and durabIlity, a!; well as reduced Hall .. .,t 2730 Lbs. 1238.3 KIl( 'Io.'I"am5 ,.L weIght abo\'e the waterhne. 8alla." to Displacement Ratio m There's the right blend of working space and 5.ul Area Main 162.5' 15.1 Sq. ~lc.'Iers relaxing space, too. The navigator's table is large lOW enough to accommodate needed tools and charts. FOMriangle 225.6' 20.9 Sq. ~1t'It'r~ TOial 388.1' 36.0 Sq. ~It'tt~r .. It's located opposite lhe large "L",shaped galley I 38.0' 11.58 Meter and forward of the generous quarter berth. 1be P 32.5' 9.91 Meier., formica and teak dining table has folding lea\'es E 10.0' 3.05 Mekr., to alio~'-t.'le..5larboard settee to form an oversize l 11.875' 3.62 Meters double berth. Ttie n".a:!! ~in is surrounded b)t Mast height abo\'e WJI~ 42.25' 12.87 Meters '.:. ." ......, "J • ..... ·ro· ............... , ""- '.. " ..... " .....,u, _ .. os .~ •• o.: .... " ...." I"'~' ....... '1. n ....... :.0111 ••• .aIUdU. ,",,!UIPfIIeIlI .lUll "f\llUll~ art' UlI .... ·ll u""ng~ lit an)' lime. ~ )'OUr dealt'r for the la test $prcirICilIlOM. -... ) ,~~ ., Standard Features for All CaiS. Cal 9.2 - Additional Standard Features. 111111, Drocll . ..... i~"I HtllI ... l>Kk • T... door ....... ItrldfrOlll_~ ~daar~" .... "­ • 0-PI«" ___ ~t'd fibco,.....1IIdI1IId ~ • EU"NI. t'P"'~ to>Mrd mi. "I!OI ..... ~ (Iwioft..,dr.tflt_ S'7"or . 7" ........ • ,,1oiIW-.. "'1. NnpP, _,_,_ *c\ nib, • Kn-IawUIIC"''''''"'''' *,t'~,,"2"'1~"""""'lr~'" 'btl' 5.. • 'C-nboD'" It,.. tf'Il"" "'PClfI"'~l~, ...... lI'l!oN:"--..a • a.m.. ..I'f)- od ....... Ikdo "1llI1II'lIOH _,.. ,..''''11. Stnt-".Iad"",.IIId .hrhftllUl.,.,. ... _ wtt_'-*--.., ...... I,!,", t.bnr-.... ... · ~"""<nt""'IMh."b_',,-h • "'"H...... d«\~1." .. Itr«trd.......... ...! Ihrouch .. nott_""n.irt! s· • "UNrM ~'m ~ lIfIIted '" t.n...... or llOl'ft bondPd IOIIIIll ""-'-I.. tIIl • ,u.-........ 'u ..... _bo>InL ..."'M'I,f'ft • f\/r.h IIkhar """'" .. '«Ck ....... _00..1 dr-. ·'-' ............. "'I ... """.nnt .... ,.IIM~ ... ,..t.to; .......... ~. .... OoC'ftft t'IImYlh 10 ...... lrrnll tM .1'3" a. Pan bntll • ....... tlffl ...... nd __ ~fta"..... ..... III~lCIl..:tWUn. • f'lw1_1laftIcw,I Ito .. , ..... ~, _9" "".~.i"''' aoR'T .~ · "'--0.1",,"' "'-""'-........... v ___ ....... • f'Iw' ... ~ .... ""'I_U_.,.."', ....... ,.... • ""II"lII/Ir..tr! "'"' ..... ''''' . 1....... ,.'..,.pufptI_.,... ........ ,... 1 -ItA ........ ~ ...t't't...., .... • ~ -"' duuttOr .,.1... "","*-liIDPI,, utIko • \~ Inlif'lrn, ".til ........... 8.od ....."', ..... , '.I...... _<o4C'nI'IIIInr ........
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