•' '• V - ' ''i V 'ik ; ' . 1 'r. -.'i ■ Ijtaforsptied Aiibthilieriw oFdjyi jE SS,D l H ^r^a Nelson leajads area ■ e p ric e : ■ f e r s into. s ta te5 mI eet. elections. OfOll eVev e r " ■ . :'SpORTS,Ci S^PMKEis ^ b p Clltilim bing? MW e s - N e W i ceirints H ........ .............. i p t f m n nbillvieto ovesmdeiin doulbt when.lawmakers sent the! mnsslver reserved for “We will have to rcpass ihele w hole H o u s e ^ t t ^ n i M ^ a i n m easu re to th e W hite House ' unopposed leg- thing,thlr as will tiie Senate,” saliaid Hep. lytopassfarn T h a t m e a n s Dush vetoedla t d i..- in s id e islation. The LouiseLot Slaughter. D-N.Y. "WtiVc can't t j ''' - '' ■'•:\^ ■-' * ' entent bill from the one CcCongress ^rm bill illwill Senate was lellet thi e farm bill just die." 5 t ^ * s ^ t a t e < l P ^ ' •' 3 1 6 -i0 8 v o te,le, Bush had vetoed the passed,pai raising questions tlthat the help afeasugaiifiar expcclcd to foi- TheWliltcT House, almost glgleeful- fiv^ycar'mealeasure, saying Jt waf. too eventualcvc law would be uncciconstltu- beet growers.rs. low suit. The Iy,ly.s seized on the fumble and sjsaid the ::W ASHiNGTON^ Th«T he -H ouse expensive ,aiand''gave-too' much tional.tlpi Republicans objecteited w hen -------------------— correct version mix-upmb coiild give Congressi limli e to bvcrwhymih^y.'rcjeciedfd 1P resident' m o n ey to wiwealthy farmers when DemocratsDe proposed passisslng the SeoPagoOl>1 would then bc fixfixi tlic “bloated” bill. Bush’svctoWcdriesday'ofa3faS290bll- fami IricotiiKlies are hlgh.'.The'Senate missingmii section separate]teiy and sent to Bush "We are {rylng to iindcrsiailand the iion.rannbiU, but.whatshcshould havt! then was c6q©cpccted to follow suit, sendingser that to Dush. un d er a new billbill n u m b e r for a n o th - ramificationsran of this congresessionul astlri^ g defeat foror thet presi- quickly, In Older to avoid those potentialp( cr cxpected veinCIO. farmfan bill foiil-up. Wo iiaven'iI'l found ^ n i b'ccamoan.cmbaitass■assmentfor , Action stalllallcd, hovrovcr, after’the preproblem s. H ouse Dem ocratsits hoped Lawmakers; alsoal wlll have tu pa.ss aa precedentp for a congresL.‘ssional pbrtiocrats.;. ■' ; discovery tha:hat Congress had oralt- to ]pass the entfrc bill,, againdn, today an extension ool f current farm law, ' Only hpurs,before thethe House's ted a 34-pag)age section o f the bill un^under expedited rules usually w hich expiresi I'riday.I'l Pleaso see FARM. PiPage A3 Ob$iiia;(Clinton .A V I E V A F ]IELD chart anI endgameI le to primaliry battle ByBetiiFouhy . Associated Press'writer NEWYORK— IVvQ week;•eks before th e final prim ary thcir innrathon battle,, BarackH. Obama and* Hillaillary Rodham Qinton were can:ampoignlng hard Wednesdtsday. B oth w ere In R orlda, b uu t tlth cir goals could hardly hhave a been more cliffercnt — or said morc about how eaieacli o n e ho p es to b ring their: historichli race to a closc. rO bam a, feeling sure o>f f thetl Democratic nomlnatio w as t r ^ g to stake a n earljarly claim to a state th a t cou be qmdal.in the genera!a! ,cclcction against Republlcilican John.M cCain'..'CJlntoh, InsistingIrij she can still be h p B ^ ‘i'nbmlhet!.:W aS niakiaking an impassioned,plea f ' thb stated d&i])'utcd ^ m a ^ - '’r6sults-''to 'be M countcd.-; ■. H f.Obahia'pl^ to'^n-’ B tM t th e flrtal th ree prl- I rnarics .in; P u c n o Rico.- m South • balcbta '' and For more'focal and national ' M o n tan a, b u t . h e Is election'news, go to already movingon, well Maglcvatley.com and hit thi into the early stages of a Elections 2008 button. general clcction plan trMurnm thai wlirtake hlrfi to otherher critical swing states In1 tlth e Wltii a view from aboutmtSOOfeet'aplaaR^u^FMox 5 ag Sendee loc. bellcopter, a fannemer trorfis a fleld west of Tiria FallFalls Tuesday moming. corning weeks. ' .His' cam pa!^ was offeritering so m e n ew delegate mn a a th ~ ~ ~ ' -=■ before the last votes wer.vere cast. ■•BecJausc o f how th e popany allocates its delegatt Obama almost certainlyy cannotc win the nominatlc b ased o n th e 86 pledged1 dcdelegates yet to b e claim edE W h o)’s ’ tiredI of the;big,b{ladwoljI? ^ e final three contests. Dut his advisers projcct th at Ih e ^cds Just 25 to 28' mornore superdeiegates to cop a b o ard by th e e n d o f th eI pip rim aries to p u t h im overX tl More thann 100 turn p F ~ top. M ^ a lalley.dom l Tlie campaign's estimattlatc was confirmed through o u tfo rF &kG’s ( m eeting - . >^tch testimorv.fy.frorri separate tabulation by Tlielie Associated Press, ^Wednesday night's public heehearing." ' , As for Clinton; aides sasaid she has twb immcdiadiatc BySeanBmlin Staff writer - PIPlease se e EMDGAME, Page)»eA3' ^ hhas been deva.stating lO't}• the state's elk T h e newly-dellste(sted gray wolf was prac- populations,p Invoking thee iire o f h unters. ticaJly In the crossh;sshairs os local hunters, SeveralS' hunters and ouiQUtfittcrs com- ranchers andoulfittifitters v en ted th eir fnis- plainedp th at tliey've h ad toto jgo o ut o f state P R j- '* • tratlons aboUt the1C ]predators' cffccts on totc h u n t for elk each season.)n. *HKjnnBn • Idaho's big gamee ppopulaUon and local “If you guys don't d o soi lett, of Stanley, discusses the negatnative livestock. , now.n I'm afraid It's already o< I effects oflof wolves during an Idaho Flsh andid Game )f the crowd agreed tiie gray vrolvps Into Idaho Please seele \WOLF. Page A3 Commluloiulon meeting Wednesday night inI i<ieronie. T h e m ajority o f tl introduction of gra; 1 r idal: Interiiior rulings: subject toD m e d d lin g) Tlie fourr cofficials — includ- inter!erfcrcnce by Julielie T he Busli adniiiiiststra tio n wrtter ing three Bu}ush administration MacLicDonald, a high-rankinglg later reversed seven rulingsr I : u s offli . appointeess •— may have put. Intcricrlor ofilcial who resigned:d that denied endaniingercd 4 — A con* pqlitical pn)ressurc on lower- lastt ;year after the depart-rt- .species increased p roxcciion. tt H i . SyMattbewDatr :igator assert- ranking cm;Tiployees w ho w ere m en:nt's t inspector generalal saying MncDoiiald's .ictions.i< ' Assoclrted Press writthat at least deciding cnjndangered species founclind that she pressured gov-V- hnd tainted th e d ecision>ns. D ^ r i& 'p ie ^ M iiu i iwpefst,H Sen. B a r ^ Obaisi, D-IO, kft, lam ent offi- cases, saidi ta top investigator ernmiment scientists to alterer The officials nn a m e d H^aiis^aToniUlB^Ia •, WASHINGTONlappropriate- - for thee Government tlielr:lr findings about endan-n- Wednesday were not accusedac MoB,D4LYnlK>l(ls.b^s«HhI»r gresslonftl investigaidecisions on Accountabiliilllty O filce.. gered'ed speclcs and leaked;d of wrongdoing, per se,S( b ut daifMif,CMuf,ulbeI>litr(latredaced «t'a caniulcB m n t|M k : ed Wednesday thaendangered The ailegagallon came during Infonormation about spcclf^sr.s fotu" Interior D ep art ^ Ratoi, 0>) diy.Jv- ' a H ouse h esaring a on purported' decisi:lslons to Industry ufTiclals.s. Please see INTERIOR, PagePi A3 " ••.cials m tiy'havcinap] ly interfered in dec 1“ ■ protcctioti of en | W i M y^ouUkefr ( species. dia^BeUter save u 3rice of an'average barbecueuc Bftr- :|riG ^5Q ^for)r Memorial Da irbecues - ’Sm'Sburgers, hot dogs, beer, soda, \ nes with tl , condimciicnts, salad, paperplates andid . lo t iQ orc^than It ' U ^ tc r fluidfit — could run familiesles \ Atsoclrted Press writer er, or Just about about 6i p'pcrccnt more than last year,ir. • ' any^layfi^s’forbarlon th e grllL ' Tliat’ss making shoppers pauseic < ::N E W T O R K — Ham burglurgers a n d h o t d o g s?' Fc st in almost two as theyY fill thcir carts for thec J ppoicht;lt!s_i^lng to Cost a lot dhedc'VUghter Quid? ChiCheck. .Beer? Check. ' ,dea rices for oil, gas Mcmorlo'lal Day weekend, the J Id last y e a r'to roost ,a b u rg e r,' M oiremcmey?;;'' !,"• '. • iuid and for staples unoOicialial start of the barbecpc> 1 ny^otlicr barbecue Eavorite, o n i ■TAiiericans are. ab o u t to ffiie'up their baibe*. .sucl rorprotcinssuch' season, Foodiihfladon is the hic^est L ciies^^r Ihe start ofthe sunsummer-cookout sea-' as reaching into cradef/dHven by record price son.'.anfl. qnp. thing hasas bt^m e palnfUUy^ ' Piesease se e BARBECUE, Page A3 nd motinting global demanc tich as'whee ta n d com. and for ] • AtVtour'senjlcedlrMtdfy .E9s chlckoni ’And that's ,C7-rei .Jumble ....................... i.EU Obltu^os..................... KKh:57 Low:411 ’;> Bridge.:eiim ericaos', backyards.' '; •10 ; M a<lcvalley ............ ,.B1 Opinion ....................... V'-:CaIsfktor ,C8 , ' - M o v l i » .......... .B3 .Su|do|ku....................... Cloudy, tireezy end Kattered tti<ttiowers. DMOKC8 B- ctossi^;.'; .. A2' .M imiet FUodi .....................D2 W eather............ •9 ■■ C o n iic s...,.07- 11'.'./Crossword.......
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