EXLIKMS CONTENTS MEMORIES OF THE UNIVERSITY THE CLASSES ATHLETICS ORGANIZATIONS AND CAMPUS LIFE (.i\S LI. Ml. ( il l(,AN, i-.dilur LOUIS DESAN-IIS, Unsnnss Mfinaijir Illuslralt'd by RICHARD COLLINS ^^^^^^^^^^^^m The 'Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-two CARDINAL ub!is/}cd /' The Senior Qass of tl)C Catholic University of -America At Wasbington, D. C. y ^' Of yiiV.Qk ^ \ '^-.I BR A R Y/ Volume XV BISHOP THOMAS J. SHAHAN uedication To Bisbop Tbonias J. Sbaban, Rector of tbe University, 1909 to 1927, ivbose deatb on Marcb 9, 1932, robbed lis of a Friend and Counselor, ii/jose place in our affections shall remain secure. Tbe Editors. FOREWORD To preserve tbe Memories of four pleasant years and to present a picture of Catljolic University stu­ dent life as u e kneu it; is tbe end for u l.ncb ue made tbis CARDINAL 1^ to F W" ^ 1-^ f/" ^ \r-%_ > UNIVERSITY •••X ^ -^:^.-' .:..>^^ x^^- ;:.;-^..>'' 4{g4.^.-^.vi. .-•i-mtu^ •j'^w. ^li^: '•'^^' , ^Lii^:-. -»'4#- 1!t^^HPH^*. ^. t. ^LJIHH ^; ^v<\ yVv •,•.7. 6.^i .^•>*y ^^^"^^ •?h?*?i .^=--., --f^^jp^-"" 'Vl :> V-'•^'^'• *' ^3 •' -iii'- '' S-k/L » *: W yt-u m^ ^^P Um^i H«i^liE .T'/^i»» If- - |K»-- P"- I 5'--1 l**— , J.- i¥~ ADMINISTRATION Oar Rector Under the giiidaiiee of Moiisigiior fames H. Ryan, Catholic Uiiiiersi/) has lirogressed and prospered, liii- pellid h) his indefatigable energy and directed by his active intellect, plan after plan has been carried out and improve­ ment alter improvement achieved. His sincere and intense interest in the u el fare of the students and his championship of their interests has given to him a place in our hearts such as feu men ever attain. To him we pledge our lo)alt) and cooperation in the years to come. MoNsiGNOR JAMES H. RYAN Rector CARDINAL iiiiiiiiii HiiiiiiniiM RIGHT REVEREND EDVC ARD A. PACE Vice-Rector REVEREND NICHOLAS A. WEBER Dean of the Sc/jool of Arts and Sciences 20 CARDINAL 19 3 2 iiiiiiii II iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii III! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIII IIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HARDEE CHAMBLISS Dealt of t/oe Sc/oool of Engineering JOHN MCD. FOX Dean of the School of Laiv 21 CARDINAL 1932 REVEREND MAURRE SHEEHY Assistant to the Rector OTTO JOS. RAMBLER Dean of Ireshmen C A R D I N A L 19 3 2 IIIIKIIIIIIMIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilliiiiiilltllllllllllllllll ROY JOS. DEFERRARI Dean of tJoe Graduate Scloool REVEREND EDMUND J. FITZGERALD University Chaplain 23 C A R D I N A L 1 9 3 IIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII REVEREND FRANCIS P. CASSIDY Dean of Men CHARLES F. BORDEX Registrar 24 CARDINAL 1932 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiciiiiiitiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiiiiiiiiMiriiiii IIIIIIIIII THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HIS EMINENCE, WILLIAM CARDINAL O'CONNELL, Archhishop of Boston, Chair/nan HIS EMINENCE, DENNIS CARDINAL DOUGHERTY, Archbishop of Philadelphia, I ice- Chair man. HIS EMINENCE GEORGE CARDINAL MUNDELEIN, Archbishop of Chicago. HIS EMINENCE PATRICK CARDINAL HAYES^ Archbishop of New Yoric. MOST REVEREND MICHAEL JOSEPH CURLEY, S.T.D., Archbishop of Baltimore. President. MOST REVEREND JOHN JOSEPH GLENNON, S.T.D., Archbishop of St. Louis, I ice- President. MOST REVEREND EDWARD JOSEPH HANNA, S.T.D., Archbishop of San Francisco. MOST REVEREND JOHN W. SHAW, S.T.D., Archbishop of New Orleans. MOST REVEREND ALBERT T. DAEGER, O.F.M., S.T.D., Archbishop of Santa Fe. MOST REVEREND JOHN T. MCNICHOLAS, S.T.D., Archbishop of Cincinnati. MOST REVEREND ARTHUR J. DROSSAERTS, S.T.D., Archbishop of San Antonio. MOST REVEREND EDWARD D. HOWARD, S.T.D., Archbishop of Portland, Oregon. MOST REVEREND FRANCIS J. L. BECKMAN, S.T.D., Archbishop of Dubuque. MOST REVEREND SAMUEL A. STRITCH, S.T.D., Archbishop of Milwaukee. MOST REVEREND THOMAS F. LILLIS, S.T.D., Bishop of Kansas City. MOST REVEREND JOSEPH SCHREMBS, S.T.D., Bishop of Cleveland, Secretary. MOST REVEREND WILLIAM TURNER, S.T.D., Bishop of Buffalo. MOST REVEREND HUGH C. BOYLE, S.T.D., Bishop of Pittsburgh. MOST REVEREND THOMAS E. MOLLOY, S.T.D., Bishop of Brooklyn. MOST REVEREND THOMAS C. O'REILLY, S.T.D., Bishop of Scranton. MOST REVEREND JOHN G. MURRAY, S.T.D., Bishop of Portland, Maine. MOST REVEREND MICHAEL J. GALLAGHER, S.T.D., Bishop of Detroit. MOST REVEREND EDWIN V. O'HARA, S.T.D., Bishop of Great Falls, Mont. RIGHT REVEREND JAMES HUGH RYAN, S.T.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Rector RIGHT REVEREND MICHAEL JOSEPH LAVELLE, A.M., LL.D., New York. RIGHT REVEREND JOSEPH F. SMITH, Cleveland, Ohio. RIGHT REVEREND EDWARD J. MCGOLRICK, Brooklyn, N. Y. RIGHT REVEREND MICHAEL J. SPLAINE, Brookline, Mass. RIGHT REVEREND PETER L. IRETON, Baltimore, Md. RIGHT REVEREND BERNARD A. MCKENNA, Washington, D .C. RIGHT REVEREND T. J. O'CONNELL, Toledo, Ohio. REVEREND RALPH L. HAYES, Pittsburgh JOHN JOSEPH NELLIGAN, Treasurer, Baltimore JOHN J. SULLIVAN, A.M., LL.B., LL.D. Philadelphia THOMAS HUGHES KELLY, New York FRANCIS PATRICK GARVIN, A.B., LL.B., New York CLARENCE E. MARTIN, LL.B., LL.M., Martinsburg, W. Va. HONORABLE JUSTICE PIERCE BUTLER, Washington, D. C. THEODORE F. MCMANUS, Detroit, Mich. CHARLES I. DENECHAUD, New Orleans, La. WILLIAM H. ALBERS, Cincinnati, Ohio 25 CARDINAL EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE uxn'ERsnv -Mo.sr KiAi.Ki.M) .MICH.\I;L JOSIT'H CLRMA', S.T.D., Chiuirellor RK.HT KI.\ I RIM) JAM IS HL(;H R> AN, S.1\D., PhJX, LL.D., Litt. D., Rector RK.III RI\IRI\I) EuwwRn AL()>SILS P,\CI:, Pli.I)., S.T.D., f'ice-Reetor RICH I RINIRIND DWIDT. ()'I)\\NIR. LL.D., Procurator RI.\IKI\D .MNLRHI. Sii.iMllN Slll-.hU'^, Pii.l)., .rissist/iiit to the Rector [o.si I'M H \K\ i.-i C'\IN, ^Jssis/arit Treasurer RK M \Kl) [. Pi Rc I 1,1., Pli.I)., Ccueral Secretary RiAiKiMi l-Rwus l'\iRKK C.vssiin, Ph.D., Dean of Men Josi ni SciiNiiDiK, Hic\ct ^llpL•Ii(•ln , Acaiicmic de i^an^, .\LA., Librarian ClINRlls l-n.\ HdKDl \, .\.\1., I.L.H., Rct/islrar RKII\RI) TIIOMXS \i)S. I.I..H.. Seirc/arv to lli, Hoard of Deans Josi I'll .M. .Ml Kl'in, .\..\I., Dirc<lor of llic lliircaa of l'in>lic Relations ALICI. .MISHWI. .l.\.-isl/int Liljrarinn or niv I \ n > C'()M,I:GI-: RlxiKiM) l"i)\\ \Ki) .A. Giicw, S.S., S.T.I)., President Rl \ I Rl M) [OH \ H. (Ji l\ .\, S.S., Procnrator op H ASSll.l \ I'Ol \ I) \ 1 io\ Rl \ I Rl Ml Ll (M I) P \i I .Ml I )oN \i.i), S.S., Ph. I)., President l\i \ I Rl M) 1 I I I s A. 15 \is\i I , S.S., S.'IM)., Ph.D., J'ice-I'residcnl Ol' OIHKONS H.M.I. RiNiRiMi LRWCIS PxiRiiK CASSII)^, Ph.D., Tue-I'residenl OF (,R \l)l A I i:s H.\FI, Rl \ I Rl \l) TlMoi IM |. \. .\I\iT'\Riin, Tice-President OF AI.HI.RI H.\LL l\i\iRi\l) .\i.i'M()\M. I-'RI i.HilF, O.S.H., J^ice-Prseidenl OF SI . 1 HO\F\S H \l.l, RlAFRKNn Will I \M H. RUSSFLL, A.M., J'ice-Pres'.dent OF ST. JOHN'S HALL RFXKRKND JOHN JO.SFPH O'CONNOR, A.M., Vice-President 16 CLASSES i SI CARDINAL 19 3 2 llllllllllllllllllliillllil Hill mill iiiiiiiiiiii CLASS OFFICERS Senior Arts and S ciences LOUIS P. BERTONI, President GEORGE O'REILLY, Vice-President WILLIAM UNCLES, Secretary GEORGE GAROFALO, Treasurer THOMAS MCGR.ATH, Representative 29 A R D I N A L 1 9 1 2 JOHN V. AMHROSL LOUIS P. BERTONI ,7. /;. W'drchotci, Ma^s. ./, I!. Clifton, N. J. John \'. .Aiiibrd-f iv uiuiiiuhtrcll\ one <if Lo know Lou Hertoni is to like and admire the nuisl jirii^rf^'-i \ r iiicn nil tlu' C\ U. hiiTi, for he possesses those rare <iualities cainpus. lie in.i\ MuU Uc rfltTit'cl to as a which give rise to friendship. He possesses Scliolar, ,\ililiti- and (ientleman. Ili^ reconi a very pleasing personality which attracts \-ic\Vfcl from a scholastic ^laiit is one whicii widespread attention wherever he goes, for any collfK'' nian may hr ucll proud of, but he is always friendly and jovial. He is hiv pidwc^- on the athletic field eclipsed all also \ery sincere, and has a keen ability for other accoinplishineiit-. during his four yearv willi us. Me ha- luen ihe "Rock of (ii- doing things well. Lou's qualities as a hraltar" of the Cardinal's front line, a fact leader were so predominant that he was wliich is supported hy sports writers who chosen President of the Senior Class, a posi­ picked liiin ,1- the .\ll-Di-t rict center during tion whicli he filled admirably. He was also his three years of varsity football. The elected chairman of the Student Council. .ictions of this platiiuim flash will linger long Lou will no doubt continue his campus in the memories of C. I . basketball fol­ successes in a larger field of endeavor—the lowers. outside world. He has great ambitions in His character, which has been moulded by the field of jurisprudence, having studied in the combination of an incomparable disposi­ a law office for the past three summers. So tion and a delightful personality, is one of the chief reasons for his popularity. These with the practical experience he now assets blended with a determined desire for possesses, together with his intention to success should make .\mbrose both con­ study further, we predict that some day spicuous and successful in the business Lou will be a great success. world. This is our ardent wish for this Utopian Club; Football (/, _?, 4); Baseball iliant blond I (l); To'u.'er (2); Class President (4); Football II.
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