Pinsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation 1 Station Square, Suite 450 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 -L134 www.phlf.com Address Correction Requested PususHpo FoR THE MEMBERs oF THE PrrrsnuncH HrsroRy ¡¿ LnNoueRKs FouNDATToN No. 149 March 1998 Priorities This Year In, this issue: 0n December 5, 1997, the Board. of Trrutees of the Pittsburgh History & I-and.marþ,s Found,ation approued, awork plan outlining 4 major prograrn prioritíes in the rww year. Local Main Streets Arthur P Ziegler, Jr., presid,ent of lnn"d.marlæ, informnd. m,etrubers andfrinnds about the 1998 worh plan on January B during an author's receptionfor Rirhard. Moe, presid,ent of the Natipnal Thutfor Hi"stori,c Presentation. (Please see thc artirle on page 3 10 of this ksun.) Arth'ur reported that l'øndmnrks has a sound,finanrial bo,se dun to the sale of Station Squnre in 1994 that resuhed Membership Contributions ín the creation of an endowment for hßtori.c preseruation. "Based, upon our end,owmcnt this year," Arthur said,, "we haae a work- and Donations Help ing bud'get of 82,000,000. An qddítínml 81,000,000 will be wed to o,ugm,ent the Preseruation Inan Fund,, so more loans can be Landmarks Fulfill Its extend'ed in our historic nnighborhoods." He emphasized. that mnmbership contributíons and charita.ble gifts rcw are being used, Mission n1997 solely to support speciftr projects in the community and are rn longer allocq,ted, tofund, operating et(penses. "We will inaest in preseruation programs for the Pittsburgh region," said, Arthur. L2 Inndmarlæ' program priorities for I99B include the following: Stadiums to Date Neighborhood Preservation . work with the Pittsburgh Public School Historic Religious Properties Under the capable leadership of Board on issues regarding the preser- Initiative vation and renovation of numerous Howard B. Slaughter, Jr., with assisrance Thanks to lead gifts from rrusree historic school buildings in the City of from Elisa Cavalier and Tom Keffer in Constance O'Neil and the Katherine Education, Membership, Pittsburgh; specialized areas, Landmarks will: Mabis McKenna Foundarion, together and Library Services . continue to try to change the Pennsyl- extend new loans to neighborhood with year-end gifts from our members, Louise Sturgess, Cathy Broucek, Mary vania Department of Education guide- organizations for the restoration of Landmarks will again provide assisrance Lu Denn¡ Mary Ann Eubanks, Barry lines that result in historic school historic properties and continue to to historic religious properties in Hannegan, Walter Kidne¡ Melinda abandonment; provide technical assistance as needed; Allegheny County. Howard Slaughter is McGee, Al Tännler, and our dedicated . implement a porch, facade, and garden . work on the anti-sprawUsaving small planning an historic religious properries volunteers will: towns and rural buildings program in seminar this September that will include restoration program to promote . offer a variety of educational programs association with the National Trust for a program of financial and technical on-going, appropriate restoration on (tours, lectures, student/teacher work- Historic Preservation, Preservation assistance concerning the restoration Liverpool Street; shops, etc.) to more than L0,000 mem- Pennsylvania, and 1.0,000 Friends of of stained glass and murals. o assist Homewood Brushton Revitaliza- bers, tourists, students, and teachers; Pennsylvania; and tion & Development Corporation in . co-sponsor the National Trust for . prepare a list of historically significant Historic Landscape restoring houses on Bennett Street, Historic Preservation's Main Street buildings in the right-of-way of the Preservation North Murtland Street, and Fleury Süay; National Conference in Pittsburgh from proposed Mon Valley expressway, Barry Hannegan joined . provide an expanded technical services Landmarks' May 17 through 20, and host the and work with PennDOT for their program in construction management; staff in June of 1997 as director of annual National Trust Board meeting preservation. historic landscape preservation. offer a scholarship-assisrance program on May 20 and2l; This year he and Greg Yochum, our . so that several board members and Critical Building Needs horticulturist, will: complete the manuscript for a book on executive directors from neighborhood Pittsburgh bridges and begin design futhur Zíegler, Cathy Broucek, . organizations can attend educational work with public agencies and neigh- work; Elisa Cavalier, V/alter Kidney, and borhood organizations (including the conferences; . publish new education and membership Howard Slaughter will: Strategic Parks Alliance and Pittsburgh . work with the Apostolic Alliance brochures and encourage more people . work with parties interested in Parks Conservancy) for the resroration Village, Inc. to restore the birthplace and businesses to join; preserving major endangered buildings, of historic parks; in Plum Borough, Allegheny Count¡ o reorganize the library's book collection including various public schools, o develop educational programs regarding of \íilliam Dickson Boyce, the Boy due to additional new shelving and inte- historic religious properties such as designed landscapes and provide infor- Scouts of America founder; grate approximately 2,900 new volumes B'Nai Israel in East Liberty and mation services to owners for the . continue to extend loans and technical recently donated by llalter Kidney; St. Michael fuchangel on the South restoration of historic gardens; assistance utilizing the "Comprehensive Side, and special landmark strucrures . promote sales of books published by Neighborhood Development Initiative" co-sponsor an historic house and such as the Landmarks, including P ittsburgb's Shouse house in Glenwillard landscape preservation symposium on and the "\Øorking in Neighborhoods" Landmark Arcb itecture, and the Lowen house in Beechview; Aprll22 to aid in Landmarks'resrora- Clyde Hareb program; and Pinsburgh, and A Legacy in Bricks and . provide technical assisrance in regard to tion of the Neville House in Collier . work with selected historic neighbor- Mortar: African-American the Garden North (formerly Federal Township; Landmarþs hoods to secure historic designation status. in Allegheny County; and North) project on the North Side; o develop model front yard planting plans . continue to operate The Landmarks . work with the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, for Manchester; Advocacy Store in The Shops at Station Square Mayor's office, and Urban Redevelop- . work with The Community Arthur Zíegler, Elisa Cavalier, Barry Builders for the benefit of our members and the ment Authority to evaluate the feasibiliry and East Liberry Hannegan, Walter Kidney, Howard Development general public. of restoring historic downtown build- Corporation Slaughter, and Ron Yochum will: on a landscape plan for ings for residential, hotel, and office Pennley Park; . continue to testify on preservation issues purposes; In Conclusion . advise Kennywood Park, during its before City Council, the City Planning . \Øith the support of our trustees and work with the Comminee on the centennial Commission, the Ciry Historic Review season, on appropriate members, Landmarks' staff will imple- Allegheny County Courthouse Victorian planting for its Commission, and local governmenr Victory ment these programs and others this Restoration and with the Allegheny Garden; and agencies; County Commissioners in regard to year, and continue to respond to daily . create a neighborhood greening pro- o work with Preservation Action on the reuse of the old jail; and telephone calls for âction and informa- proposed historic gram with the'S7estern Pennsylvania tion. Please call Louise Sturgess at tax credits for home- . consider an expanded facade easement Conservanc¡ Conservation Consultants, (l-41,2) 471-5808 for a complete copy owners and on a grassroors lobbying program. network; Inc., and the Pittsburgh Partnership for of the 1998 work plan. Neighborhood Ðevelopment. Page 2 PHLF News March f998 Welcome New Members National Cíty, Víctoria Hall, Martin Media, and (as of February 9,19981 Iandmørks Co-sponsor Old House Fair The Pittsburgh History 8c Landmarks Foundation welcomes the Landmarks'third annual Old House Fair at Victoria Hall in Bloomfield was held following members who recently joined Landmarks. SØe look on Saturda¡ February 28. Visitors met with restoration architects, craftsmen and forward to their participation in our work and special events. contractors, conservationists, glass and lighting designers and fabricators, and Diane Alder Kate McDonald representatives from lending institutions and neighborhood organizations. David Baker Bobbie P. Mikita, AICP 'Willis They attended lectures and demonstrations on related restoration and preservation Victoria L. Batc'ha McCook Miller topics and enjoyed twenry-minute tours of Bloomfield and Garfield aboard Barbara Bonnett and family A. Moye and family Jerry Molly's Tiolleys. Marilyn Brusche Bobbi and Peter Murphy 'We Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Burdine Pamela Murphy thank National City Bank of Pennsylvania and Victoria Hall for co-sponsoring and family Peter Niederberger the Old House Fair, and are grateful to Martin Media Outdoor Advertising for Sherry and Arnola Burton Mr. & M¡s. Howard Nolder donating billboards. Sam Cammarata Becky O'Connor and family Denise Capurso Partners for Sacred Places Carol Carlson Martha J. Pasula Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cavalier Rogers Elementary School Joan P. Dailey Ann Fay Ruben A Donation of Books George D'Angelo IØilma M. Rybar Patricia
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