December 11, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1781 by a focus on the fundamentals of supporting COMMENDING REGINA MEREDITH District Organization, as well as many school, the submarine force, a focus on the vitality church and charitable organizations. Together and viability of the base, and deepening the HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH Dan and Joan have four children; Bettina Lou- connections between the base and its host ise, Marcella Joan, Leonard Daniel, and Den- OF VIRGINIA community and state. nis Clark, 17 grandchildren, and 16 great- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under Captain Lahti’s leadership the base grandchildren. undertook over $36 million in major infrastruc- Friday, December 11, 2015 Dan and Joan are still both very active com- ture projects and capital investment to improve Mr. GRIFFITH. Mr. Speaker, today I com- munity members. They have owned and oper- the base’s operational infrastructure and the mend Regina Meredith, Salem High School’s ated JoDan Farms, a wholesale tree nursery, quality of life for sailors and their families. counseling coordinator, who was recently in Murrieta, California since 1989. Dan also Most notably, Captain Lahti led the prepara- named Counselor of the Year by the Virginia has served as the Chair of the Riverside tions to return a new flag officer to SUBASE Counselors Association. County Republican Party. In 1989, Dan was with the establishment of the new Undersea Regina studied at Radford University, where chosen to be the recipient of the Bob Howie Warfighting Development Center. And, work- she earned her bachelor’s degree as well as Award for Outstanding Service to Riverside ing closely with the State of Connecticut, Cap- two master’s degrees. She began her career County Agriculture. More recently, he was also tain Lahti deepened the innovative relationship at Carroll County High School, where she selected to receive the Myra Goldwater Life- between the base and its host state through taught English. Regina also worked in time Achievement Award in recognition of his collaborative investment in new projects to im- Hillsville, Roanoke, and Christiansburg as a many contributions to the Riverside County prove the operations, training and security at special education teacher. community. the base. She began her counseling career in 2000 in Dan and Joan’s tireless passion for their Beyond the nuts and bolts of base infra- Christiansburg, where she also taught English, family, community service and giving back has structure, Captain Lahti prioritized efforts to prior to joining the staff at Salem High School contributed immensely to the betterment of the deepen the connection between the installa- in 2005. In 2012, Regina was named Salem community of Riverside County, California. I tions and the surrounding community. Under High’s teacher of the year, and in 2014 she am proud to call Dan and Joan close friends, his watch, the base community contributed was named the Roanoke Area Counseling As- fellow community members and great Ameri- thousands of community service volunteer sociation’s Member of the Year. cans. Today, I add my voice to the many who hours in the region in local schools and orga- ‘‘Regina is an exemplary educator and her will be congratulating them on the celebration nizations. And Captain Lahti was instrumental work ethic, her professionalism, her innovation of their 60th wedding anniversary. in broader regional events such as the highly and, most importantly, her love for and service successful Coast Guard Birthday Salute event to others are models for both students and her f in August 2015. colleagues,’’ said Salem High School principal Captain Lahti was a fixture in the south- Scott Habeeb in the Roanoke Times. ‘‘Without TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY DANOS eastern Connecticut community during his ten- a doubt, we meet the needs of Salem’s young ure at SUBASE New London, and the base people more effectively as a result of Regina HON. DAVID YOUNG was rightfully honored under his leadership. It Meredith’s influence on our school.’’ is no wonder then that SUBASE New London I ask that my colleagues join me in recog- OF IOWA was selected by the Mystic Chamber of Com- nizing Regina Meredith for her years of dedi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merce as Southeastern Connecticut’s ‘‘Em- cation to our nation’s young people. I appre- Friday, December 11, 2015 ployer of the Year.’’ In addition, Captain ciate her hard work, and congratulate her for Lahti’s leadership led SUBASE New London this tremendous accomplishment. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Johnny Danos for being to earn the SECNAV Energy Gold Award, Gal- f ley 5-star Award, and the CNO Environmental recognized by the Des Moines Business Restoration Award. TRIBUTE TO DAN AND JOAN Record with the Spirit of Philanthropy Award. As you might imagine, a close working rela- HOLLINGSWORTH Johnny has been a longtime supporter and tionship with the Commanding Officer of the volunteer for numerous local charities and or- base is a prerequisite for anyone representing HON. KEN CALVERT ganizations. eastern Connecticut in Congress. However, I OF CALIFORNIA For years Johnny has dedicated his time consider myself privileged to have worked so and talents to promoting the greater good. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES closely with Captain Lahti not just in his ca- has volunteered his efforts to organizations pacity as a Navy officer, but as a friend. He Friday, December 11, 2015 like the United Way of Central Iowa, and his team have never been more than a Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Broadlawns Advocacy Center for Mental phone call or email away, and the connection honor and pay tribute to a couple whose com- Health, Above and Beyond Cancer, Iowa Soci- between his office and mine has been nothing mitment to each other and to the Riverside ety of Economic Success, and the Des Moines short of a two-way street. I am grateful for his County, California community is exceptional. Symphony, to name a few. Johnny has utilized time, his advice, his counsel and most of all, Today, Dan and Joan Hollingsworth will be his unique relationship-building skills to im- his unflagging commitment to Connecticut’s celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. prove the community. base and the sailors and submarines stationed This couple has spent their lives raising a Johnny’s willingness to serve others before at it. beautiful family and serving their local commu- himself has made a long-lasting impact on the Leading a major installation like SUBASE is nity. community. His dedicated leadership on a va- a team effort, and no one was a more impor- Dan and Joan were married in Pomona, riety of philanthropic boards and organizations tant part of Captain Lahti’s team than his wife California in 1955 at the First Baptist Church. cannot be understated. The philanthropic work Lisa. She was actively involved in the sur- After moving to San Jacinto, California in Johnny has put in over the years has ad- rounding community, attending a wide range 1960, the couple established Dan’s Dairy, a vanced the Des Moines metropolitan area in of events for non-profit organizations, pro- dairy farm that also featured a cash and carry ways that were previously thought to be moting charitable activities of all different storefront. Dedicated to his business and the unachievable. stripes. Both Carl and Lisa are devoted par- greater farming industry, Dan joined the Board Mr. Speaker, Johnny’s display of civic duty ents to Benjamin, Nathaniel, Samuel, Abra- of Directors of the Riverside County Farm Bu- throughout his life is admirable and gives me ham, Rebehka, and Katheryn, who also have reau after being asked to serve. Dan later great hope for our nation’s future. It is Iowans been frequent guests at community events. went on to serve as the President of the Farm like him who make me proud to call myself an Mr. Speaker, I ask all my colleagues to join Bureau Board from 1976 to 1978. Dan also Iowan and represent the people of our great me in thanking Captain Lahti for his service to worked as a District Representative for Con- state. I ask that my colleagues in the United SUBASE New London and our nation, and in gressman Victor Veysey. States House of Representatives join me in wishing him and his family, ‘‘fair winds and fol- Like her husband, Joan was also very in- congratulating Johnny for receiving this out- lowing seas’’ as they move on to new chal- volved with the community over the years. standing recognition and in wishing him noth- lenges. She served on the Riverside County School ing but continued success. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:18 Dec 12, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11DE8.024 E11DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 11, 2015 PERSONAL EXPLANATION diverse, global animal collection. His leader- posal. While we all hope the fire department ship for the aquarium, housed in an does not see too much action, at least we all HON. ANN M. KUSTER architecturally beautiful setting, also helped know they are ready for every crisis. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE promote 21st-century advances in animal Mr. Speaker, please join me in thanking and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care, environments and interpretation. recognizing the Picatinny Arsenal Fire Depart- For 35 years he devoted his life to animal ment and its firefighters for their dedicated Friday, December 11, 2015 conservation and education. He holds degrees service, and wish them continued success Ms. KUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I wish to clarify from Ohio State University (OSU).
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