1 THE OREGONIAN SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2020 Year of the Nurse Advance Local illustration, Andrea Levy INSIDE Caregiving in a crisis Pathways to nursing Nurses’ stories In this pandemic, nurses are balancing a commitment Nursing careers are projected to increase 12% in the Caregivers share their most inspiring, heartbreaking to care with a lack of protective gear and fears about the next 10 years. Multiple approaches aim to address the and unforgettable moments of joy, sorrow, loss and safety of themselves and their loved ones. Page 2 shortage of nurses in the immediate future. Page 6 redemption from the front lines of health care. Page 10 2 SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2020 THE OREGONIAN Year of the Nurse ! ! ! ! !" #./996+)/'29+):/54.54- 589:.+4;89/4-685,+99/54 # ! =.59+3+3(+89.'<+6;::.+/82/<+954:.+ 2/4+,58354:.945=*'?',:+8*'?:5)'8+ ,586+8,+):9:8'4-+89#.+?8/).2?*+9+8<+ :.+8+)5-4/:/54 #.+?'8+-5/4-:5=581+<+8?*'?)53- 62+:+2?'='8+5,:.+8/91945:0;9::5:.+3- 9+2<+9 (;: :5 :.+/8 ,'3/2/+9 '4? 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During these past weeks, our nurses and all of our caregivers have also been blessed by support from our communities. From donated PPE and meals to simple chalked messages on sidewalks, your kindness has lifted us up. To all our nurses, we are immensely grateful. Thank you. Providence.org/oregon #ProvidenceHeroes O9586134-01 4 SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2020 THE OREGONIAN Nurses: A calling to save lives FROM PAGE 2 dent nurses, since most experienced nurses Our Nurses were away at war. The nurses were mostly “I never thought I’d be fighting for my life single as well because a student had to leave are True Heroes at my job,” said 57-year-old Sheryl Mount, nursing school or a hospital job when she got who volunteered to return to the intensive married, Keeling said. care unit because she knew she’d be assigned That meant they were treating contagious there once the wave of COVID-19 cases hit diseases unburdened by any fear of infect- at Bonaventure her South Jersey community. “Everyone is ing their own children, unlike today’s nurses scared to death.” grappling with COVID-19. Nor did those ear- By mid-April, more than 9,000 health lier nurses have to deal with home-schooling Senior Living care workers had contracted COVID-19, their children after their shifts ended. according to a report by the U.S. Centers for But that’s Jessica Collum’s schedule. Disease Control and Prevention. The aver- She works three overnight shifts a week in age age of those testing positive for the virus the emergency department of Ocean Med- was 42; the bulk of the 27 reported deaths ical Center along the New Jersey coastline, occurred among workers older than 65. returning home at dawn. “I’ve never been so scared to be a nurse — When she gets home from her shift, she and so proud to be a nurse,” Mount said. strips off her uniform in her garage, steps Every day, when you wake up, you Adding to the stress are shifting COVID carefully along a series of bathmats placed do it with the sole purpose of being treatment protocols that mean nurses can’t in a connecting hallway, then jumps into the practice their profession the way they always shower. She washes her blonde hair so rigor- there for our seniors. did, or even the way they were trained. They ously she jokes she now looks like “that guy have to limit their interactions with their from Van Halen.” Being a nurse is a rewarding experience at patients, and some safety protocols have Normally she’d see her three boys off to abruptly changed.
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