30546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE November 18, 1999 SENATE—Thursday, November 18, 1999 The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was The Senate may also consider any leg- completing the bankruptcy bill and not called to order by the President pro islative or executive items cleared for completing it this year. The only two tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. action during today’s session. amendments of the seven that I under- f I thank my colleagues for their at- stand are causing any controversy are tention. the ones dealing with gun manufactur- PRAYER Mr. REID addressed the Chair. ers and clinic violence. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- On the gun manufacturing amend- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: sistant minority leader. ment, the proponents have agreed to a Almighty God, the only source of f 70-minute time agreement, and on the lasting authentic courage, we thank amendment relating to clinic violence, You that You use ordinary people to do BANKRUPTCY REFORM the proponent has agreed to 30 min- extraordinary things. This morning, we Mr. REID. Mr. President, I appreciate utes. So there is really not much left turn to the psalmist and to Jesus for the Senator outlining for us what the to complete this bill. I hope that dur- the bracing truth about courage to see intent is for the day. I hope that part ing the day there can be discussions things through, not just to the end of of what we are going to do is to work ongoing to complete this bill. We the Senate session but to the accom- on completing the bankruptcy bill. I would be willing at any time the ma- plishment of Your ends. David reminds say to my friends in the majority that jority wants to lock in these amend- us: ‘‘Be of good courage, and He shall we only have a few amendments re- ments; we would be willing to come strengthen your heart, all you who maining. I have spoken to Senator back and I would propound this unani- hope in the Lord’’—Psalm 31:24. And LEAHY and his staff, and I am ready to mous consent request, or we could have Jesus challenges us to take courage offer a unanimous-consent request. I the majority do so, so that this bill (John 16:33). We know that we can take will not ask that the Senator accept could be completed in a reasonably courage to press on because You have this, recognizing that he must speak short period of time. taken hold of us. You have called us to with the manager of the bill, Senator f serve You because You have chosen to GRASSLEY. But what I would like to do get Your work done through us. So is ask unanimous consent that the fol- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME bless the Senators as they confront the lowing amendments numbered 2517, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under issues of the budget, consider creative 2537, 2538, 2539, 2658, 2666, 2667, 2747, 2748, the previous order, leadership time is compromises, and seek to bring this 2753, 2759, 2761, 2763, and 2670, and any reserved. Senate session to a conclusion. In this amendment agreed upon by the two f quiet moment, may they take courage managers be the only amendments— MORNING BUSINESS and press on. Through our Lord and those I have just read and those agreed Savior. Amen. to by the two managers—in order to S. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the previous order, there will now be a f 625, the bill to amend title 11, United States Code, and for other purposes, period for the transaction of morning PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and that following the disposition of business not to extend beyond the hour The Honorable JAMES INHOFE, a all the above-described amendments, of 12 noon, with Senators permitted to Senator from the State of Oklahoma, the bill be immediately advanced to speak therein up to 5 minutes. led the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: third reading; that the Senate then Under the previous order, the time until 11:30 shall be under the control of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the proceed to the House companion bill, United States of America, and to the Repub- H.R. 833; that all after the enacting the Senator from Ohio, Mr. VOINOVICH, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, clause be stricken, the text of the Sen- or his designee. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ate bill, as amended, be inserted; that f f the bill be advanced to third reading; ORDER OF PROCEDURE that a vote occur on passage of the bill RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, my col- without any intervening action, mo- MAJORITY LEADER league from Nevada spent several min- tion or debate; that the Senate insist The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. utes outlining a unanimous consent. It on its amendments, request a con- was on the time of the Senator from INHOFE) The Senator from Ohio. ference with the House, and the Senate Ohio. I wonder if we might accommo- f bill be placed back on the calendar. date that. Mr. President, that is the unani- SCHEDULE Mr. REID. Absolutely. mous-consent request that I spread Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I ask Mr. VOINOVICH. Mr. President, across the RECORD of the Senate, recog- unanimous consent that the Senator today the Senate will be in a period of nizing that at this time there will not from Ohio have charge of the time morning business until 12 noon, with be an objection to it. We will make this until 11:35 and then the remainder of Senator VOINOVICH in control of the unanimous-consent request at some the time under the charge of the des- first 30 minutes and Senator DURBIN in later time. ignee of the minority leader. control of the second 30 minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there For the information of all Senators, objection? objection? The Chair hears none, and it the final appropriations items were Mr. REID. I am not asking, Mr. is so ordered. filed last night and are expected to be President, that there be objection. I am The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- considered in the House throughout the not asking unanimous consent at this ator from Ohio. day. Therefore, following morning busi- time. f ness, it is expected that the Senate will I say to the majority that we have begin consideration of the final appro- enumerated 14 amendments. Seven of THE STATE OF AFFAIRS IN THE priations items as they are received. them have tentatively been agreed BALKANS Members will be notified as the sched- upon or they will be withdrawn. Only Mr. VOINOVICH. Mr. President, as ule for consideration becomes clearer. seven amendments are now between the first session of the 106th Congress ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 08:52 Jul 27, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S18NO9.000 S18NO9 November 18, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 30547 comes to a close, I want to remind my lieved that, with the Cold War over, it could in the LBJ room here in the Capitol. colleagues that the aftermath of our leave Yugoslavia to Europe. Europe’s hour They made it very clear to me that nation’s largest foreign policy initia- had not dawned in Yugoslavia; Washington they are ready to work together. I was tive this year and a 78-day air war, will had a dog in this particular fight. pleased that they realized they have a be our nation’s biggest foreign policy The overconfidence of Europe and the symbiotic relationship—a relationship concern next year. disengagement of the United States that must be cultivated in order to As my colleagues are aware, I op- contributed greatly to the tragedy of bring about peace and implement a posed our nation’s ‘‘sign or we’ll bomb’’ Slavonia, Krijna and Bosnia- modern, free-market economy. The diplomacy that ultimately led to the Herzegovina. When we finally realized Holy Spirit was definitely present in decision to conduct the air war over it was important for the U.S. to get in- that room. There was an aura of en- Kosovo and Serbia earlier this year. In- volved, we dealt with, and thus, lightenment among those leaders, and stead, I believed that we should have legitimatized three war criminals— we must capitalize on the momentum done all that we could to negotiate a Slobodan Milosevic, Franco Tudjman of this cooperative spirit if we are to real diplomatic solution. Nevertheless, and Alija Izetbegovic—at the Dayton successfully bring the region into the at the conclusion of the conflict, I Peace Accords. broader European fold. came to the Senate floor and com- Unfortunately, the legitimitization Consider that not so many years ago, mented that ‘‘some good always blows of Milosevic caused us to continue to no one would have thought that Euro- in an ill wind.’’ have a relationship with him at a time pean political and economic coopera- The ‘‘good’’ that I saw in the ill wind when we should have been working tion, let alone union, was possible. of the bombing campaign was the op- with opposition leaders to get rid of After all, two world wars had been portunity for NATO and the United him. Then, when he showed his true fought in the trenches and on the fields States to provide the impetus for a colors, we were reluctant to be as ag- of Europe, fostering tremendous ill-will lasting peace throughout Southeastern gressive as we should have been.
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