&&£ *^5 .-.-^»Y^^ •>^ "^^^^^^s&^s^^^^^T^t^^--t:>:-M?-< &*&**&?** :'•<£& --< m%::mx School of Business mud of New York _ VOL. XXVf—No. 6 TU€SOAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1951 ^©T gy SmbtcrTpHpn Onf] In of Players By Ira Bernstein By Steve Sehatt T Student Council recommended the reinstatement of-Ed Cityites who rocked the walls of the Garden with their . tumultous cheering at the Roman, Al Roth and Ed Warner in the fall semester, by an Lafayette game last week will have .a g*» at the rafters of PET Thursday from 12:30 to 2 ll-lO vote with three abstentions. •• where the annual "Beat £JYU" rally will take place. Letters conveying Council's stand, • As jt prelude to^ the traditional taken Friday, will be forwarded NYU game, slated for Tuesday tcutne JBoardTofHigher Education, Tickets for JTheatroh.!s spring SMS to Sponsor Hazard night at the Garden, this year's President Hany N. Wright and production. "Detective Story," to edition of the rally takes on added the faculty. -- be presented in Pauiine Edwards significance m light of the recent Along with the letters urging Theater March 16 and 17, In Radio, Television Talk scandal, and it will be of prime im­ reinstatement, SC wiD include the are now on sale on the ninth Eldon Hazard, Assistant Sales Manager at CBS, will portance for every Lavender rooter reasons for both the negative and floor. address the Sales Managemenl^Society^ Thursday in 1009.t o get down there and let the" boys affirmative votes. Whereas the Tickets are selling at $.70, know we're behind them, in this. 2£i?!5^5J^L^ ^ "f^iPg Network Time on AMJ^ last ^ mosrimp0rtant game »\ote was very close, several of $.90 and $1.20 for balcony, mez­ « ,~ ~~ * ~~ ^ ^^ City schedule. those- Council members who voted zanine and orchestra respective* Radio and Television.* MnM ' * against reinstatement: said that ly. They are being sold on a first Following the address, there will Among the notables who will be they did so because they were come, first served basis. be a period of questioning for the present at Thursday's ratty to help against action until after the trial remainder of the meeting. Mr. with the cheering will be Louis Ef- Some Hazard's rise to his present posi­ frat, noted sports writer for the <me said that they were not J C^—- «-*»#^m.*» l\J^y tion has been a notable one. From ecessarily opposed to the players'j ^VflffdicrS 1 V GW New York Times, and the popular return, but preferred to wait for' -m-^ • g~i - -»• 1933-1940, he was connected with Curt Gowdy, one of the top sports- the advertising agency of Batten, further developnients. iMXeCeiVe l^T€*Cut casters in the country, who cur­ Barton, IXirstein and Osborn. rently handles the basketball tele­ I>uririg the meeting, which lasted Students who are in the Gram- - Since 1940, he has been asso­ casts from the Garden, and has re- until one in the morning, SC also| ercy Chorus will receive one-half ciated with CBS's Sales Depart­ jcently been signed to a contract asked the Board of Estimate to credit for each semester on. -the ment- In 1*46, he was promoted to broadcast the baseball games .of include in the City budget funds chorus retroactive to last sem­ to the Network Sales Department. the Boston Red Sox. ester, announced Professor WaT- j Four yearsi later, he was mad^ Dean Thomas L. Norton, of f°L *? ouT a^tic ***>** ^1 ther Brandt, director, activities. This request was passed Assistant .Manager of the Network course, will pitch in with another unanimously. Thursday is the last day^when Sales Department. of his inspiring talks, and natural­ students may join. Students may . Members of the Sales Manage^, j ly Nat Holman and the rest of the Council voted to set up its own still receive credit for this sem­ ment Society have been conducting battling Beavers will be on hand. mimeographed newspaper to help ester if they register by Thurs­ a survey this semester among the Also on the program f rom the publicize its meetings and activities. day. business firms of New York City. Eldon Hazard entertainment point of view will Ralph Rehmet was elected to The course was reorganized? This survey is intended to analyze | be Sam Patrello, the erstwhile serve on Ticker Association, the last semester by Professor Wal- the objects„ ,, functions an_d method„„—s . [fill-in for Jerry Lewis who left TICKER governing group. ther Brandt, faculty advisor and involved in all phases of selling, ^ar»ntf~*ari~Il |4~» 'I *€1 lira i 'em howling in his recent appear- ~The ^Elections Committee an­ director of the Chorus. Members The survey will be used as a »~^"^** %MAXZ M. Uia» anc,—e, a^t th+ue± School««H~O . nounced that three candidates were now elect their i>wn officers and basis for a report by the Society As usual, Joe Boardman is ex­ yying for the upper senior vacancy regular attendance is tak e.n. on selling, sales policies and sales On Advertising pected to provide the crowning on CoundL The three are Walter - The group meets on Thursday administration. "Research, A Sure Basis for touch of the rally by leading the Gibbons, Joel Green and Aaron between 12:30 and 2 in 4S. Stu- The Sales Management Society Measuring Future Trends,** will f students in many of the favorite Rennert, Electtoas will be held dents do not have to be good \ was formed to serve as an aid to; be discussed today in 1420 by City College songs. tod*y outside the Department of singers in order to join. Altos and j those students interested in .be—j Raymond E. Ruffley, Account f All students are strongly urged Student Life, _92L tenors are particularly needed, j coming administrative sales heads. ' Research Director of the Kenyon f to attend. The tremendous turnout Research Company. The tallr is At last week's rally and game in­ 9 being sponsored by. the Adver­ spired the reorganized Holmen to tising Division and Alpha Delta victory then, aaid more of the same •live CQVY is Theme of Activities Fair; Sigma -and. is one of a series of Thursday could well achieve the Symposium discussions, same results against the Violets. J. Eugene Littleton,. President Incidentally, buttons will go on- Females, Club Booths to Vie for Awards [of Littleton Association^ will an- sale at the Rally for use art the "Live CCNY" w01 be the theme personal gift She will be selected J poise, charm and' intelligence as j alyze the topic. "Merchandising NYU game with the appropriate? of the semi-annual Activities Fair from five finalists on the Thurs-I well as on beauty. * / [.Tomorrow's Advertising Can Pay slogan, "Lavenderize the Violets."- to be held Thursday and Friday day following the Fair in Lounge A scroll will be awarded to thei*^" Thursday in 1420. The "price will be ten cents. f rom. 10-3 in Lounges A, B and C. C. The selection will be based oh club having the most attractive The Fair- is a primary means for booth, and to the Retailing Society, students to get acquainted with the which was last semester's winner. NSA Emphasises importance various organizations on campus ^ The freshmen will be brought up and for clubs to recruk members. to the Fair from Frosh Chapel The. theme is based on the idea Friday in order to introduce them Of Higher Education in Crisis that students should make the to- some of the studentr orgahiza- 1 The- National Executive Com- \ must be corrected, not only in a „?iost of their short life at CCNY tions. mittee of the National Student As-jxjuantitaTive sens'e, but also oy joining as many activities as In commenting on the seventh itsociatjk m in a recent, resolution p^rough the superior quality of our possible. Activities Fair, Bill Schachter. its j stressed the impor-t^nce of main- J training. On the ideological front Featured at the Fair will be the] ehairman said, "it offers a fineJ Gaining higher education ;n the! we mus^mobiJize our intellectual Queen of the Fair" contest and opportunity to the students to com--present crisis. •-=-_-- and spirituaN^sources to dissem- the presentation of an ayflrd for pare over 30 of the-organizations j The group, however, rejectc-d the J inate truth and^rnake meaningful the best booth. Any ^prospective J existing _iir the School. The stu- principle of 'wholesale deferment'' J and compelling our^4?eritage of 'Que~n" may have her photo- p dents can enrich their lives at the ; of college and university students, j freedom." graph taken at-the Camera Club j College by joining the proper stu­ Delegates frctfntwenty-one^regioniit ALso emphasizing other needs dent groups". _ throughout "the country' met in j the resolution continued, "Excop booth. Henry Lowenthal, Mel Linn "Not only do the students have Wisconsin to discuss the dralt and a^ our generation can grasp afresh «nd Eleanore Nissen will judge the a chance to make a wise choice, other student problems. and make .clear to itself* and all test booth. Jaut the clubfr have an opportunity-f- The resolution stated that the men everywhere the creative \iir~ " Besides having ~her~picture ap^ to build i^p . their respective or- j conflict now "is being waged on tues as wfcil'as the obligation o£ pear in the metropolitan news­ ganizations," said Al Ryan, chair- . three fronts — the technological, freedorh under law, mi-litary vic­ papers, the Queen will receive an man of Inter-Club Board, which is I the" military .and the ideological.
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