wail 4-' anan T**a WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1268 PACE TWENTY-FOUR ifbmcl;eBter lEv^ ning l^ m lb BUtodmohile Visits Center Church Tomorrow^ 12:45 to 5:30 p.m . P vt Richard J. Zapadha, 30, aon About Town of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zapadka, 168 Woodland St, la scheduled to | Airtrage Dally Net Preaa Run depart from F t l^nning, Oa., this The Weather Bud McNulty of Gtutonbury month for Europe under “Opera­ For Un Week BiHM Fetaeaet ef U. 8, Weather Baraae will call for th« Manchecter Square tion Gyroscope," the Army’s unit March a, 1958 ■e ■ Danoo Club Thuraday night at the rotation plan. He graduated from HAtFS BUSINESS FOR MARCH ifyt qaite aa eoM beadght. Laav Manchester High School in 1955, Waddell School from 8 to - ll 12,634 96 to 85. a eod y Yriday. Ohaaea a'clodk. attended the University of Con­ necticut and entered the Army in Member e f Um AadH of eaow begiaalBg early nM ay, Mpaer Club will poatpone Ita August 1957. He is a firemkn in j p l i n r - Bunaa ef OIrealatloa ohaagtag to rala. tiigh 40 to 48. meeting acheduled for Sunday, the 3rd Infanti^ "Division’s 10th Manchester— City of Viliage Charm M ar^^lS, to Sunday, March 23. Elngineer Battalion. - Ura. Chester Hogan, 65 Jean Rd., S t Gerard’s Mothers Ciidle will I VOL. LXX19L NO. 138 ^TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) CONN.. THURSDAY,^.MARCH4 $. 1968 (daeaMeg Aayertlaiag ea Paga 91) PRICE n V E CENTS la c h a ir in g of the Friendly Clr- meet tomorrow night at '8:15' at .Z cle’a food sale set for Friday at the home of Mrs. Frank Assklar, | 10 a.m. at Hale> store, the pro­ 136 Vernon St. Members are re­ DOUBLE GREEI TOMORROW, ceeds of which wHl be devoted to minded to bring ^items for the| charity. Easter basket. GaltexField The Ferris Reynolds Group of Grand Chancellor Grlswold'Chap- O Blasts the Second Congregational. Church pell and his staff of Grand Lodge Women’s Fellowship will meet at iLL CASH SALES! Area Taken officers will make an- official vidt J ___ MARCH 13, WITI the church Thursday front 10' a.m- to Linne Lodge, KnighU of to 1 p.m. Pythias, tonight at 8 o’clock In Orange Hall. Refreshments will be t Neutralists By Jakarta David Charles Woodbury, son of Served foliowing the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Woodbury, 88 Server St, la a member of the SPECIAL SALE Jakgrtt, Ihdonesi*, March Leon Holmes, 106 Hamlin St., la UConn Band which Is giving a Manila, March 18 (/F)—The 18 (/P)— Premier Djuands to­ concert In the auditorium at the planning to leave Friday . to Join | CLOSEOUT SALE ^SEATO Council ended its day claimed that Jakarta college tomorrow night. He grad­ his brothetr and sister-in-law, Mr. New ipring and Mrs. Mark Holmes, in Clear­ fourth annual conference to­ paratroopers had emfured the uated from ' Maqchuter High day with-a swipe at neutralist -School last June. water. Fla. AH three Will tour Flor­ American-owned Caltex oil ida and then reiium to Manchester { nations which won’t recognize fields near Pakanbaru in Cen­ at the end of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Vola Sr., the dangers of communism tral Sumatra. 68 Delmont St., and Mias Veronica and a 'promise of only slightly The rebel regime in Central The Women’s Misaionaly Society ME J P Stelts, 91 Washington St., recently I . more economic aid to help the Sumatra disputed earlier govern­ Labdr Tells of Emanuel Lutheran CSiurch will P olice Say returned from a three aceks' trip Choose from manyi^|i«ctive necklAcefl-, earrinfS, \Asian pact members develop ment claims thst paratroopers to Harahan, La., and Hollywood, meet Friday night at 7:30 in the dropped on the Pakanbaru girfield receptimi room. Devotions will be braceteta, pins, et ^ e ir resources. Fla, Iba foreign ministers of the yesterday and a combat reipment I k e Slum p led by Mrs. Herman- Johnson and | lmF-«nptored the. nearby^ tonm i^ Necklnjiiigt Mias Eleanor M. Seelert, daugh- t>.'o fllmstripa wUl .be ehown. Re­ Mgitt'natlow-natllBaa-ther __«f thete. meating in a Jx?00^ord_ Pakanbaru. ____ _ . 1___ ter..of. M rrpid Mra. Otto L. Seel­ freshments will be served by Mrs.'! 'Mlhas oilfield,' one o f two major Cbrl'Matson., chairman, Mrs. Ru- eommimiqho which pinpototad ”Uia Now W o rse ert, 30 N .^taflttwood Cirdle, is a huidiout waraetaF' of Com-1 Caltex fields in Central Sumatra, On W oM aii member o f .£29: planning'board for uolph Carlson, Mrs. Eric Anderson { N ot a ll sTzesTn a lt colors. Values to $1. l5 pair. Seomless and full la about IS miles . northeast of and Mra. Victor Johnson. munlat aubvaralon as Bouthaast | the 1958 clUnpuB conference on Asia's "moat M»batantial current; Pakanbaru. Washington, March 13 (/P) religion at Cornell Univeralty, fashioned sheer and semi-sheer. menace.” May Reaume Operatlona — I^ailers of organised Labor Vemon, March 13 (/P) —• Ithaca, N. T. A member of the RockvUle Emblem Club wiU meet I Without naming the conn- j Djuanda aaid capture of the oil tonight at 8 o’clock at the Elksl told President Eisenhower to­ State Police said the body of class of 1959, she is majoring in ell warned “ aome nop-communiat i field would permit Caltex to re­ home' economics. Home, that city. day the recession is growing Mrs. Evelyn Sedden, about 38, ovemmenta" against v“faiUng toj sume operations "If the company Mansfield, with a bullet hole Slatinguiah between the A<mi and i SO" desires." .Evacuation of Ameri­ worse and requires immediate ideals of the free world and the | can peraonn'el from the area would tax cutting and. public works through her neck, was found purposes . of international com -: no longer be' neceaaar>’, he told remedies. in a car in an isolated wooded munlsm.^' Tba communiqua 'lUld \ newsmen. section here, today. baeausa "tba Insidious chsractar ' George Meany, AFI..-CIO prto- of Communist subversions, .tbers'l The company Shut dOMvn opera­ ident, and other members of tha She was the former Evelyn was particulto’ danger arising” T tions last Monday and evacuated 8-man AFL-CTO Executive Com­ Olsen, a 1942 graduate of from theee govainmenta; a few women and children at Uie mittee said they told Eisenhower Manchester High School. A sugeestion of the Djuanda govern­ econoniic data already at hand SALE! Tha foreign miniatera aaid bullet was found near the car. shows there is no hope for eco­ BEATO collectiva toieurity meaa- ment. NOW S THE TIME TO lUY FOR TOILETRIES etc. An Army spokesman aaid the nomic improvement this month. State Police say. -\ uraa had forced a divaraion of "The discuseion was mainly on Communiat actlvitlaa Ih the area Jakarta troops suffered no caa- OlFTS O R FOR YOUR O W N USE . Coty Fact Powdar with Lifittick ......... $2.00 ^ s i g n s ualUaa in occupying the Pakanbaru the . question of getting at this from the military to tha nm-miti thing right now with speed." The body of Mrs, Evelyn Noxiarna Skin Craam . S9c tsvy Bald. It warned■ of RatK;"acti­ Baml Bolh,'^. pro-weetem pre- area. He could not say whatber Sedden, about 33, Stafford mier of Lehman and hia gov­ fhcra were any casualUts among Meany told newsmen after the Economy Siza Glaam Toofhpatta ..............S9c vity in tha economic, poUUcat\Snd half-hour White House talk with Rd., Mansfield, was found in a BEAUTIFUL ‘‘OAN RIVER’’ FASHIOM MAihlFAOtHiEBB' BPEGI^ SALE cultural flald, and alao actim y ernment reaipM yeeterday. the rabel forces. Caltex official! Mrller declined Eisenhower. car in an isolated section of B O X E D s t a t i o n e r y GBi HSWe LEATHER K to»8 ’ $1.00 ValuaJPapiodant Toofhpaita ...... 79c vrithin youth and labor organizav His 8-man cabQiqt in offica eight montha;— rbidgnad to direct tomraenlTbn the atattta of • Meany said the AFL-CIO vrouid Valley Falls -Rd., Vernon, this BORDER RRtf F A S n i STRIPED x Pfo-phy-la'ctlc Tooth IrusTias .. 7'1.. .TH... 2fc dbha.” prepare s memorandum and send ^ ^LLFO^ond The' communique announced no \maka way for a lalYC cab­ future operatlone at Pakanbaru but morning, an apparent victim said it might be poasible to re­ it to Eisenhower tomorrow to show Fine quality paper and envelopes In all Whjta and 75c Bayar Aspirin Tablats ......................... S7e big new program of economic aid inet of 12 ministers. Sources that economic Indicators dertton*-' of “ foul play.” to meat Pakistani chargea that in '^ iru t said the new clu^inet sume production soon. FRENCliPURSES Unicap Multi Vitamins...... $3.11. and SA.94 strate the economy is stlU 'dectin- She was found lying acroM the color, 100 aheeta and jW envelopes. Buch neutral nations aa India were Is expected to attempt a yyt-ppl- An official of Caltex- who re­ ing. front seat of a gtoen Chevrolet, her ' 40c Alka-Saltxar ............. S4c Icy, wlUcb, though atiU fused to be Identified said com* Sheets and Pillow Cases lotting more help than free world prOc Bttll Going. Pb%W head a mass of blood. Bkia -Strika''OotiUa €dj[^' Bladas vn-rT^.'''SOrf0f fSC'' u-avetd^anUgonlaini pany-offieialwin out that BEA’TO'a three other Arm. countries. "Wa^'sre'halfway thr^gh March Medical Examiner John E /F la - ▼ ' ^ " y O ' Wide range of styles and Phillips Milk ot Ma^Rusia, lar^a ...........
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