Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-3-1980 Arbiter, December 3 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. .. l-\E'LL BE Opinions News Last-Page THE Garfield's got Ganhe really An outdoors FIRaT '. the doldrums. do It? program at BSU? ... see page 15 ONE ... see page 6 ... see page 4 EVER! III T ft 15 5 The University 5 by Donald Barclay- Besides rip-offs of students, Arbiter Editor Henthorne also reported that the Student Union Building itself was Thefts of books and backpacks suffering thefts. are on the rise in the Student Three weeks ago, four of the Union Building, according to wood and gilt room signs In the, assistant SUB director Mike SUB were stolen following a Henthorne. ' dance. Henthorne said that the ",Il,t this time of year students signs are worth $150 apiece and have gotten Into the habit of being are essentially Irreplacable, since very lax about their belongings, all Student Union Building funds and we always have an Increase in are urgently needed 'tor; necessi- the instances of petty theft and ties and can't ,be expended to stealing righCbefore Christmas. " replace the "nice-elements of the Henthorne warned that students building that add to its decor and should be particularly cautious atmosphere.' , about leaving their books and Henthorne asked that anyone packs in the SUB bookshelves, who knows the whereabouts of the citing the reported theft of three missing signs, or who had them backpacks and a purse from the and wanted to turn them back ,in, racks recently. _ to call the Student Union Building "Books are just walking money and tell the director where the this time of year," said signs could be found. Henthorne, "people plclc them up On the campus as a whole, over and sell them easily in the $5000worth of property was stolen Campus Bookstore without any during the month of November, requests for identification." according to Sgt. Don _~Davis, Campus Bookstore manager Bill Commander of the Campus office Barmes said that the Bookstore of the Boise City Police. does require Identification from BE)5idElSthe Property taken from, people selling books; and that the the SUB, items stolen from the . clerks were instructed to write all campus in November included book sellers' names, addresses, several bikes, a tool chest 'worth and phone numbers on the back of $1000, a wheel and a tire from a salesslips along with the names of ear parked near Chaffee Hall, and the books sold back. a painting valued at $1500 taken Barmes suggested that students from the Art Department. Art professor Gaye Hoopes hangs one of the paintings that make up his water color show now on display protect themselves by writing The painting was recovered in Gallery lion the second floor of the Liberal Arts BUilding. their names in their books In Photo by LInda McDougall along with some other stolen several places, and by notifying goods when a search warrant was the Bookstore of bOok thefts as served on the residences of two . soon asthey occur so that the book former Boise State students who buying clerks can keep an eye out were known to frequent the ntr rs C ntinu for the missing books. c university and the Student Union He also recommended that Building. .'.. '. students shopping in the Book- ····· store leave their belongings in the Davis cautioned students to not h m liel leavevaluables in their ears and to Par bookshelves located In the store r keep their ears locked to discour- itself, instead of in the more by Ryndy Reed against several law enforcement by the Arbiter, said he would try to age the "casual thief." exposed out-of-store bookshelves. Associate Editor agencies to try and stop the law. prosecute every drug case that he Their suit - claimed that the received from area law enforce- Idaho's new paraphernalia law wording of the law Was so vague ment agencies. He said that the has seen several Bolse merchants that it violated due-process rights. factual circumstances would have leaving the state In search of new Judge Robert Rowett granted an to be analyzed and that If a Sf t business. Three weeks ago a 4th District injunction until arguments could substantial case could be brought Il'I Court Judge denied an appeal to be heard and decided upon In up, he would prosecute It. set aside the law that was passed court. Rowett had said at the time How will this new law effect the I by "the 1980 Idaho legislature that he had doubts about the student population of Boise State which bans the sale, distribution constitutionailtyof the law. University? In an Informal poll But on Oct. 31, Rowett ruled taken on campus, last Thursday (Boise) - The State Board of report from Arthur Anderson and and posession of drug parapher- that he saw' no denial of afternoon, -atout three-quarters of Education~wlll decide Whether to Co. on its recent audit. of the nalia. due-process in the law and that he the students contacted said they approve a second-semester fee Institutions. Drug paraphernalia includes could not rule in favor of the thought the law would do 1It~leor and "tuition increase (or ldaho's , On Thursday, the session will water pipes, bongs and rosen clips begin at 8 am, with a public used for the ingestion of drugs, assoclatlon. In a written opinion nothing to curtail the use of Illicit hlqher education iflstltutions Rowett said that the law was not drugs by the public. The other during Its Dec. 3-4 meeting at hearing on the proposal to such as marijuana and hashish. increase general student fees $50, There are at least two Boise - vague or overly broad and that It quarter of students contacted by Boise. violated no freedom of speech. He phone said that they believed the The meeting, open to the public, the per-credit-hour part-time fee paraphernalia stores that have also refused to order any more law might have some effect, In is scheduled Wednesday and by $4, and non-resident tuition by been forcedto shut down because Injunctions against the law, and It that It may make paraphernalia Thursday at the Boise State $100 for second semester of the of the law. The Red Eye Hut and went Into effect. harder to acquire. University Student Union Building academic year. The Stash have both been closed Last April, Idaho Law Enforce- "It wouldn't be too much Senate Chambers. At 8 p.m. Also scheduled for discussion for nearly two weeks. Other are several legislative proposals Treasure Valley stores that have ment Director, Kelly Pearce stated trouble to drive over to Ontario Tuesaay, Dec. 2, the Board held that the paraphernelta law would some saturday afternoon and an informal work session at the drafted by the Board's staff as sold paraphernalia along with be given "very low priority" come back tl) Boise with a gooq SUB's Clearwater Roomto discuss requested by the Board at Its records, posters and other goods, October meeting. Those lnolude'a because of budget cuts In the supply of roach clips, spoons and issues which will be raised during have managed to remain open. state's narcotics control program. roiling papers for my friends that the two-day formal sesslon. ' proposed constitutional amend- The new. law bans the sale of He said that'with the budget cuts, Induldge, " said one student On Wednesday, the meeting ment which would permit Imposi- many different items like spoons, tion of resident tuition, ~ proposed his agencl¢s would have to majoring In Polltlcal Science. will begin at 8:30 a.rn, and will measuring devices, blenders, - concentrate' on eliminating big' .- --.. include agenda presentations from statutory amendment to clarify the bowls, pipes and any other device 'drug suppliers and would not go NOTE: In last week's Arbiter, th the Division of VocationaJ. Re- difference between "tuition" and that Is Intended for the use ot around knocking on the doors of by-line on the Alcohol Awarene habilitation, the State Department "fees, " and proposed amend- Ingesting drugs. Many of these every "head shop" (drug, para- story was Inadvertently left off th of Education; the Division of ments to give the Board authority Items are found In the the average to make program changes -the phemella outlet) In the state to story. It was written by Arbit Vocational Education, the State at household~tchen. close them down." staff member cecilia Kelly. au SChoolfor·the Deaf and the- Blind, higher education Institutions. Last June, attorneys for the Ada County Prosecuting At- apologies to Ms. Kelly and and the four higher education Other staff reports Include one Progressive Businessmen's As- torney,Jlm Harris, wnen C?~tSC!~, fans. ' : Instltutions..A1so scheduled Is a CONTINUED TO PAGE 3 sociation of Idaho flied a suit " .' ,;. ,,' ',''','', ..... ~ ";' . -:.:"-,:', , .... ~,',::,-,-:-.-.-,---,~'.~.~.-.-~~, .. _-., "',-,-','-':''- " -: .. ~ ,'.:-. }':' \ . ... .' .. - .. Tho UnlvorsityArbitor News ,'Living With Your Roommates ts T clocks, and the steady whine of phone calls, neither the time nor cockleburr unto the jockstrap. by Cecilia Kelly Barry Manilow (also loathsome to the maker thereof. For I will pro- Arbiter Staff 3. Thou shalt not take the pills the Lord).
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