REPORT TO: PLANNING COMMITTEE 17 September 2008 REPORT BY: CHIEF PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION OFFICER PREPARED BY: C B Clarkson Dip TP MRTPI (01254 388111) APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED UNDER THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 FOR DETERMINATION Purpose of Report : To present planning applications for determination as set out in the report 1. 11/08/0355 Land south of the former Huncoat Power 2 Station, off Lowergate Road, Huncoat 2. 11/08/0361 197 Manchester Road, Accrington 16 3. 11/08/0403 Victoria Works, John Street, Oswaldtwistle 19 4. 11/08/0418 200 Bold Street, Accrington 23 5. 11/08/0421 5 Higher Gate Road, Huncoat 26 6. 11/08/0428 Mount Carmel High School, Wordsworth Road, 29 Accrington 7. 11/08/0358 Former Cliffe Brickworks, off Cliffe Lane, Great 33 Harwood 8. 11/08/0388 161B Richmond Road, Accrington 39 9. 11/08/0405 Victoria Works, John Street, Oswaldtwistle 42 10. 11/08/0406 6 Edinburgh Drive, Oswaldtwistle 45 11. 11/08/0425 Laneside Garage, Livingstone Road, 47 Accrington NOTE: The policies referred to under “Relevant Policies” are set out in the Hyndburn Borough Local Plan (reference letters) and the Lancashire Structure Plan (reference numbers). These documents may be inspected at the Council Offices. 1 THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED FOR CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (Category A) 11/08/0355 Land south of the former Huncoat Power Station off Lowergate Road Huncoat Accrington Outline application: Employment development B1, B2 and B8 uses (Resubmission 11/07/0350) G N Properties Site description and locality The site comprises 8.42 hectares of agricultural land to the south of the former Huncoat Power Station site and near to the junction of Lowergate Road with Altham Lane. The area is currently used for grazing livestock and is nominally divided by partial stone walls and hedgerows running roughly north to south and large electricity pylons which enter the site in the north-east corner and cross it form east to west. The site is bounded by the former Power Station and Peter Grime Row, a short terrace of houses, to the north, a narrow strip of land adjacent to Lowergate Road to the west and extensive greenbelt areas to the south and east which run away to Burnley Road and the A56 respectively. There are residential properties facing the site on the opposite side of Lowergate Road and also to the south-west on Towneley Avenue. While the majority of the site is allocated in the Hyndburn Borough Local Plan for employment uses a small portion of the site, in the north-eastern corner and required to provide vehicular access to the site, is within the green belt. Although associated with the former Power Station site through a mutual employment land allocation in the Hyndburn Borough Local Plan it should be noted that the land is of a distinctively different character to that of the Power Station site itself and would not be considered to be ‘previously developed’ land. Details of proposal The applicant seeks outline planning permission to establish the site as an employment estate, comprising a mix of office, industrial, and distribution uses. The matters for consideration at this stage are the principle of the use of this land for commercial employment uses and the proposed access arrangements up to the site boundary. The other reserved matters - layout, scale, appearance and landscaping are reserved for future approval. An Environmental Statement has been submitted with the application. The applicant expects that development of this site would create approximately 600 job opportunities within the borough through the provision of a mix of employment uses. The 2 indicative masterplan identifies a total of 23,975m gross floor area across the development but the details of such buildings would necessarily be the subject of a subsequent reserved matters application. Access to the site has been considered across a number of modes; details in the masterplan indicate provision for pedestrian and cycle access as well as the retention of all footpaths which currently cross the site. Vehicular access to the development will be by means of a branch road off the forthcoming link road 2 from A679 Burnley Road which has already been approved as part of the Lancashire County Council Waste Transfer development for the main Power Station site. Planning history 11/07/0350 Outline Application: Employment development B1 B2 & B8 uses. Refused 17.12.2007 The County Council granted planning permission for the development of a Waste th Management Facility on the site of the former power station (11/05/0535) on the 20 July 2006. Consultations Prior to submitting the first application, the applicant staged a local exhibition of the scheme for the general public. The originally refused application drew letters of objection from103 local residents together with a petition containing 645 names. The council consulted immediate neighbours by letter as well as displaying 5 site notices and publishing a press notice. Statutory consultees were also fully consulted. 44 members of the public responded by letter objecting to the proposed development raising a number of concerns as follows: • Concern regarding the loss of green space in rural location. • Too much industrial development in Huncoat particularly in light of the forthcoming Recycling Plant. • Loss of Greenbelt. • Impact of increased traffic. • Loss of trees, hedgerows and other environments including wildlife habitats. • The proposal will affect local rights of way. • Increase in noise and air pollution. • Contradicts local Plan Policies E3, E4, E13, E10 & E 6. • Increased traffic including heavy lorries. • No need for further commercial development in the area, there are existing empty units. • The EIA is flawed. • Negative visual impact on the surrounding area. • Negative impact on the amenity of local residents. • The status of the site should be reconsidered pending the forthcoming Local Development Framework as it has always been used for agricultural purposes and the local plan is out of date. • The same grounds for refusal apply as the changes to the current application are very minor. The responses of the Council’s Statutory Consultees were as follows: Lancashire County Council Strategic Planning: The Director of Strategic Planning and Transportation assessed the proposal and raised no objection and reaffirmed comments previously made on application 11/07/0350, noting that the proposal ‘will assist the 3 development of a regeneration priority area’ and concluding that the proposal could be considered to demonstrate very special circumstances for the small infringement on Greenbelt land. The application was considered to conform to policies held within the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan. Lancashire County Council Archaeology: Archaeological matters were also considered by LCC Strategic who recommended that any finds would be of local or perhaps regional importance and although not requiring preservation in situ would require preservation by means of a record. Consequently they found no grounds for objection but recommended the imposition of a condition to achieve the above. Lancashire County Council Ecology Unit : LCC’s Ecology Unit assessed the application in relation to PPS9, Policy 21 of the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan and Policy ER5 of RPG 13, and raised no objections to the proposal but requiring the implementation of a number of conditions relating to the management of environments within the scheme. Lancashire County Council Highways: The highway authority assessed the scheme and concluded that there were no significant objections to the proposed means of access and accepted that the Transport Assessment was acceptable in terms of methodology and demonstrated that the affected junctions were adequate in terms of capacity. North West Regional Assembly: The North West Regional Assembly reiterated their concerns raised in the previous consultation regarding the current status of the development plan and the extent to which B1 uses should be included in an out-of-town site. The applicant has responded to these issues in a supplementary planning statement and these matters are dealt with in my observations below. Still remain to be convinced that previous concerns about building on the green belt have been adequately addressed. The reduction in the area to be taken from the green belt is negligible. Highways Agency : The Agency is satisfied that there would be no unacceptable impacts upon the surrounding transport network and has requested a more robust travel plan in relation to the proposal be approved by the Authority prior to occupation of the site. This will be conditional upon approval. Environment Agency: The Environment Agency raised no objection in principle to the development but required that a compensatory ditch habitat be provided by the developer as well as a sustainable drainage approach to be demonstrated by any forthcoming reserved matters proposal. United Utilities: United Utilities raised no objections to the proposal and later supplied a supplementary letter confirming the applicant’s position in relation to the overhead power lines. Head of Environmental Health: Environmental Health identified that the submitted noise impact assessment was not satisfactory and made unacceptable assumption considering the outline nature of the proposal. Notwithstanding that they chose not to object, noting that nothing within the matters for approval at this stage would preclude the detailing of an acceptable scheme with an improved noise impact assessment at reserved matters stage. 4 Natural England: Natural England raised no objection to the proposed scheme but advised the Council to be mindful of guidance in PPS 9 in relation to the conservation of habitats. Hyndburn Borough Council – Regeneration: Strongly support the proposals as the development of this allocated employment site is crucial to future job creation in the borough. High quality design will be essential. Areas of Huncoat and Hyndburn generally suffer from worklessness and unemployment and a high proportion of residents do not have access to a car.
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