May 23, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3113 student loans in exchange for a two- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Whereas, in 1977, President Jimmy Carter year commitment at an NHSC-ap- nominated Patsy Takemoto Mink to serve as proved site, within two years of com- Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and pleting their residency. Accepted par- SENATE RESOLUTION 219—HON- International Environmental and Scientific ORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Affairs; ticipants may serve as primary care Whereas, in 2003, Patsy Takemoto Mink medical, dental, or mental/behavioral OF PATSY TAKEMOTO MINK, THE FIRST WOMAN OF COLOR TO was inducted into the National Women’s Hall health clinicians. of Fame; SERVE IN CONGRESS NHSCLRP provides critical relief to Whereas, on November 24, 2014, Patsy physicians who have completed pediat- Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. SCHATZ, Takemoto Mink was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the high- rics or psychiatry residency training Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. CANT- WELL, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. est civilian honor of the United States; programs; however, pediatric sub- Whereas November 3, 2019, marks the 55th DUCKWORTH, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. specialists, such as child and adoles- anniversary of the election of Representative cent psychiatrists, are effectively GILLIBRAND, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. HASSAN, Mink to the House of Representatives; and barred from participating due to the Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink was a extra training these physicians are re- ROSEN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. SMITH, Ms. trailblazer who not only pioneered the way quired to take after completing their STABENOW, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WAR- for women and minorities, but also embodied residency. This extra training, which REN, Ms. SINEMA, and Mr. KAINE) sub- the true definition of leadership as a ‘‘na- mitted the following resolution; which tional legislator’’: Now, therefore be it often results in increased student debt, Resolved, That the Senate— typically consists of a fellowship that was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary: (1) acknowledges the 55th anniversary of takes place in the two-year window of the election to the House of Representatives eligibility for NHSCLRP. The creation S. RES. 219 of Patsy Takemoto Mink, the first woman of of NHSCLRP preceded the expansion of Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink was born color in Congress; many pediatric subspecialties, not tak- in Paia, Hawaii, to Japanese-American par- (2) pays tribute to the service and dedi- ing into account the extra years of ents, Suematsu and Mitama Tateyama cated work of Representative Mink— training required for these physicians. Takemoto; (A) to improve the lives of women and mi- Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink overcame norities; The Ensuring Children’s Access to gender discrimination to become the first (B) to advance justice and equality; and Specialty Care Act would correct this Japanese-American woman to practice law (C) to promote the rights of all individuals loophole and allow pediatric sub- in Hawaii; in the United States, particularly in edu- specialists practicing in underserved Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink devoted cation, the workforce, and democratic proc- areas to benefit from the NHSCLRP. her life to public service; esses; and Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink served in— By so doing, this bill would increase (3) recognizes the extraordinary work and (1) the Hawaii territorial House from 1956 legacy of Representative Mink, which has in- access to specialty care for children to 1958; spired and empowered many to devote their and improve mental health parity for (2) the Hawaii territorial Senate from 1958 lives to public service. children. to 1959; Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, I rise (3) the Hawaii State Senate from 1962 to today, during Asian Pacific American Providers across the spectrum of care 1964; and support this bipartisan legislation in- (4) the Honolulu City Council from 1983 to Heritage month, in remembrance of cluding: the American Association of 1987; Representative Patsy Takemoto Mink. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Whereas Representative Mink became the Representative Mink was elected 55 American Academy of Pediatrics, the first Asian-American woman and the first years ago to represent Hawaii’s second Arthritis Foundation, Children’s Hos- woman of color to be elected to Congress in congressional district. In 2006, I had pital Association, March of Dimes, and 1964; the privilege of filling the seat that my the National Alliance on Mental Ill- Whereas Representative Mink served 12 friend, Representative Mink, honorably terms as a Member of Congress; held for 24 years. ness. I look forward to working with Whereas Representative Mink fought these and other stakeholders as well as throughout her life for fundamental rights Patsy Mink was a trailblazer, whose Senator BLUNT and our colleagues to and equity for women, children, Asian Amer- career embodied a series of firsts. She pass the Ensuring Children’s Access to icans, and other minority and was the first woman of color, and first Specialty Care Act in order to help en- disenfranchised groups; Asian American woman elected to Con- sure children have greater access to Whereas Representative Mink— gress in 1964. She became the first the health care they need. (1) introduced the first childcare bill; and Asian American woman to practice law (2) co-authored and championed the land- in Hawaii and the first Asian American mark title IX of the Education Amendments By Mr. KENNEDY: of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.) to promote woman elected to the Hawaii terri- torial legislature. No matter how many S. 1693. A bill to reauthorize the Na- equal access and equal treatment for women times she was excluded from tradition- tional Flood Insurance Program; con- and girls in educational settings; ally male spheres, Representative sidered and passed. Whereas Representative Mink maintained a national focus on issues affecting Asian Mink persevered and took risks. She S. 1693 Pacific Americans, notably educating people overcame gender and racial discrimina- of the United States about the internment of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tion and pursued a career during which Japanese Americans during World War II; she fought the injustice that she had resentatives of the United States of America in Whereas Representative Mink was a com- Congress assembled, mitted advocate for many progressive endured. She devoted nearly 50 years of SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. causes, including— her life to be a champion for those who (1) ending gender and racial discrimina- had no one to stand up and speak for This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National tion; them. Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of (2) promoting social and economic justice; 2019’’. Representative Mink maintained a (3) improving access to high-quality edu- national focus on issues facing the SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION OF NATIONAL FLOOD cation and affordable child care; Asian Pacific American community. INSURANCE PROGRAM. (4) protecting civil liberties; and (5) ensuring government accountability; Twenty-five years ago, she helped (a) FINANCING.—Section 1309(a) of the Na- Whereas Representative Mink was the first found the Congressional Asian Pacific tional Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. American Caucus. She also worked 4016(a)) is amended by striking ‘‘May 31, Democratic woman to deliver a State of the 2019’’ and inserting ‘‘June 14, 2019’’. Union response in 1970; with members of Hawaii’s congres- Whereas Representative Mink was a co- sional delegation to educate Americans (b) PROGRAM EXPIRATION.—Section 1319 of founder and chair of the Congressional Asian about the internment of Japanese the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 Pacific American Caucus; U.S.C. 4026) is amended by striking ‘‘May 31, Americans during World War II. Whereas Representative Mink served as Representative Mink fought through- 2019’’ and inserting ‘‘June 14, 2019’’. the Secretary of the House Democratic Cau- (c) RETROACTIVE EFFECTIVE DATE.—If this cus; out her life for the principles of equity, Act is enacted after May 31, 2019, the amend- Whereas Representative Mink served as fairness, and integrity. She was a lead- ments made by subsections (a) and (b) shall the co-chair of the Democratic Women’s er on women’s rights, social and eco- take effect as if enacted on May 31, 2019. Caucus; nomic justice, health care, child care, VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:37 May 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23MY6.101 S23MYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S3114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 23, 2019 and education. She introduced the first SHAHEEN, Mr. YOUNG, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Whereas post-traumatic stress can result childcare bill in the House. Patsy’s Mr. RUBIO, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. ROBERTS, from any number of stressors other than name is forever linked with the passage Mr. LEAHY, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. SMITH, combat, including rape, sexual assault, bat- tery, torture, confinement, child abuse, car of Title IX of the Education Amend- Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. REED, and Mr. accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bomb- ments of 1972, which she coauthored BOOKER) submitted the following reso- ings, or natural disasters, and affects ap- and fought for relentlessly. This act is lution; which was referred to the Com- proximately 8,000,000 adults in the United now named the Patsy T. Mink and Lou- mittee on the Judiciary: States annually; ise M. Slaughter Gender Equity in Edu- S. RES. 220 Whereas the diagnosis now known as PTSD cation Act. Title IX provides women Whereas the brave men and women of the was first defined by the American Psy- and girls equal access to higher edu- Armed Forces, who proudly serve the United chiatric Association in 1980 to commonly and cation and protection from sexual har- States, risk their lives to protect the free- more accurately understand and treat vet- assment, and prohibits gender discrimi- dom of the people of the United States and erans who had endured severe traumatic combat stress; nation in all educational activities, no- deserve the investment of every possible re- source to ensure their lasting physical, men- Whereas the word ‘‘disorder’’ perpetuates tably in athletics.
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