CONSTITUENCY OF KERRY REFERENDUM 36TH AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION BILL 2018 - 25TH MAY 2018 I, Padraig Burke being the Returning Officer for the Constituency of Kerry, hereby give notice of the polling stations for the constituency. 57. Ballyheigue Community Centre Ballyheigue 115. Gneeveguilla NS Gneeveguilla 171. Scoil Chillín Liath An Chillín Liath (Killeenleigh) MUNICIPAL DISTRICT: TRALEE Booth 1 (1-695) LI Booth 1 (1-462) AK (Killeenleigh NS) (354) FU Polling Polling Polling Districts & Polling 58. Ballyheigue Community Centre Ballyheigue 116. Gneeveguilla NS Gneeveguilla Station No. Station No. of Electors Letters Booth 2 (696-1408) LI Booth 2 (463-969) AK 172. Killorglin NS Killorglin 1. St Patrick NS Arabella 59. Ballylongford NS Ballylongford 117. Tooreencahill Reaboy Booth 1 (1-712) GO Ballymacelligott (523) TC Booth 1 (1-672) LK Community Centre (290) BE 173. Killorglin NS Killorglin 2. Ardfert NS Ardfert 60. Ballylongford NS Ballylongford Booth 1 (1-526) TD Booth 2 (673-1168) LK 118. Barraduff NS Headford Booth 2 (713-1456) GO (463) AS 3. Ardfert NS Ardfert 61. Kilconley NS Beale 174. Killorglin NS Killorglin Booth 2 (527-1055) TD (555) LM 119. Killcummin NS Kilcummin Booth 3 (1457-2175) GO 4. Caherleheen NS Ballyseedy 62. Killury NS Causeway Booth 1 (1-444) AT 175. Killorglin NS Killorglin Booth 1 (1-452) TF Booth 1 (1-466) LN 120. Killcummin NS Kilcummin Booth 2 (445-938) AT 5. Caherleheen NS Ballyseedy 63. Killury NS Causeway Booth 4 (2176-2474) GO Booth 2 (453-910) TF Booth 2 (467-933) LN 121. Holy Cross Mercy Primary Killarney Rural Dromin (391) SC 6. Blennerville NS Blennerville 64. Slievadra NS Clashmealcon Booth 1 (1-532) AV 176. Lauragh NS Lauragh Booth 1 (1-514) TG (458) LO 122. Holy Cross Mercy Primary Killarney Rural (258) GP 7. Blennerville NS Blennerville 65. Clounmacon Cloontubrid Booth 2 (533-1015) AV Booth 2 (515-915) TG Community Centre (398) LP 123. Gaelscoil Faithleann, (An Phairc) Killarney Urban 177. Portmagee NS Portmagee 8. Brosna NS Brosna 66. Coolard NS Coolard Booth 1 (1-690) AW (453) GT (629) TH (574) LW 124. Gaelscoil Faithleann, (An Phairc) Killarney Urban 9. Scoil Íde, Curranes Castleisland 67. Ballincrossig NS Dromartin Booth 2 (691-1415) AW 178. Scoil an Gleanna An Gleann Iarach (258) TI (460) LQ 125. Holy Cross Mercy Primary Killarney Urban The Glen NS (St Finian’s) (157) GV 10. Spa NS Clogherbrien 68. Dromclough NS Dromclough Booth 3 (1416-2230) AW Booth 1 (1-590) TJ Booth 1 (1-489) LR 126. Holy Cross Mercy Primary Killarney Urban 179. Sneem NS Sneem 11. Spa NS Clogherbrien 69. Dromclough NS Dromclough Booth 4 (2231-2986) AW (563) GW Booth 2 (591-1176) TJ Booth 2 (490-966) LR 127. Presentation Monastery Killarney Urban 180. Tahilla NS Tahilla 12. Kilmurry NS Cordal 70. Duagh NS Duagh Booth 1 (2987-3684) AW Booth 2 (509) TK (157) GX Booth 1 (1-553) LT 128. Presentation Monastery Killarney Urban 13. Listellick NS Doon 71. Duagh NS Duagh Booth 2 (3685-4389) AW (660) TM 181. Tuosist NS Tuosist Booth 2 (554-1120) LT 129. Presentation Monastery Killarney Urban (638) GZ 14. Fenit NS Fenit 72. Duagh NS Duagh Booth 3 (4390-5122) AW (749) TE Booth 3 (1121-1665) LT 130. St Olivers NS Killarney Urban 182. Ballyhearney NS Valentia 15. Nohoval NS Gortatlea TN 73. Killocrim NS Ennismore Booth 1 (5123-5883) AW (571) HA (269) (394) LU 131. St Olivers NS Killarney Urban Kilfelim (KLY) BJ 74. Knockanure NS Kealid Booth 2 (5884-6646) AW 183. Scoil an Chorrain An Chorrain (Waterville) (118) (337) LX 132. St Olivers NS Killarney Urban Waterville NS Stáisiún 1 (Booth 1) (1-495) GE 16. Kilflynn NS Kilflynn 75. Glenderry NS Kerryhead Booth 3 (6647-7419) AW 184. Scoil an Chorrain An Chorrain (Waterville) Booth 1 (211) TO (351) LY 133. Lissivigeen NS Lissivigeen 17. Knocknagoshel NS Knocknagoshel 76. Kilflynn NS Kilfeighney Booth 1 (1-421) AZ Waterville NS Stáisiún 2 (Booth 2) (496-1063) GE Booth 1 (1-541) TR Booth 2 (626) LZ 134. Lissivigeen NS Lissivigeen 185. Kilgarvan NS Kilgarvan 1 18. Knocknagoshel NS Knocknagoshel 77. Killahan NS Killahan Booth 2 (422-884) AZ Booth 2 (542-1161) TR (281) MA Booth 1 (1-483) HC 135. Raheen NS Raheen 19. Lyreacrompane NS Lyreacrompane 78. Listowel Boys NS (Hall) Listowel Rural (385) BC 186. Kilgarvan NS Kilgarvan 1 (252) TP Booth 1 (1-507) MF Booth 2 (484-928) HC 136. Holy Family NS Rathmore 20. Clogher NS (Nohoval) 79. Listowel Boys NS (Hall) Listowel Rural Booth 1 (1-642) BD Kilgarvan (KLY) (14) AU (643) TU Booth 2 (508-1005) MF 137. Holy Family NS Rathmore 21. St. Brendans NS O’Breannan 80. Listowel Boys NS Listowel Urban Booth 2 (643-1297) BD 187. Annascaul NS Annascaul O’Breannan (680) TV Booth 3 (1-605) MG 138. Scartaglin NS Scartaglin (769) RF 22. Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Rathass 81. Listowel Boys NS Listowel Urban Booth 1 (1-700) BF Booth 1 (1-475) TW Booth 4 (606-1301) MG 188. Ballyfinnane NS Ballyfinnane 139. Scartaglin NS Scartaglin 82. Listowel Boys NS Listowel Urban (287) RC 23. Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Rathass Booth 2 (701-1320) BF Booth 2 (476-903) TW Booth 5 (1302-1909) MG 140. Teernaboul NS Teernaboul 189. Castledrum NS Boolteens 83. Listowel Boys NS Listowel Urban 24. Spa NS Spa (716) BG Booth 3 (776) TY Booth 6 (1910-2357) MG Booth 1 (1-391) RE 141. Castleisland Convent Castleisland 1 25. Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Tralee Urban 84. Listowel Convent Listowel Urban 190. Castledrum NS Boolteens Booth 1 (1-732) BH Booth 1 (2358-3137) MG Booth 3 Div 2 (1-736) UB Booth 2 (392-865) RE 142. Castleisland Convent Castleisland 1 85. Listowel Convent Listowel Urban 26. Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Tralee Urban Booth 2 (733-1468) BH Booth 4 Div 2 (737-1519) UB Booth 2 (3138-3855) MG 191. Castlegregory NS Castlegregory 143. Castleisland NS Castleisland 1 27. Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Tralee Urban 86. Scoil Mhuire De Lourdes (Boys NS) Lixnaw Booth 1 (1-456) RI Booth 1 (1469-2156) BH Booth 5 Div 2 (1520-2101) UB Lixnaw - Booth 1 (1-632) MH 144. Castleisland NS Castleisland 1 192. Castlegregory NS Castlegregory 28. Tralee CBS Tralee Urban 87. Scoil Mhuire De Lourdes (Boys NS) Lixnaw Booth 2 (2157-2911) BH Booth 2 (457-919) RI Booth 1 Div 2 (2102-2829) UB Lixnaw - Booth 2 (633-1262) MH 145. Kilmurry NS Cordal 1 29. Tralee CBS Tralee Urban 88. Murhur NS Moyvane Booth 1 (275) BI 193. Scoil Naisiunta An An Clochán Booth 2 Div 2 (2830-3599) UB Booth 1 (1-574) MJ Chlochain (Cloghane) 30. Tralee CBS Tralee Urban 89. Murhur NS Moyvane Cloghane NS (514) RJ Booth 3 Div 2 (3600-4337) UB Booth 2 (575-1171) MJ BARDASACH DÚICHE: DEISCEART AGUS IARTHAR CIARRAÍ 90. Tarbert NS Tarbert 31. Tralee CBS Tralee Urban 194. Clochar na Toirbhirte Daingean Ui Chuis Booth 4 Div 2 (4338-5047) UB Booth 1 (1-519) ML MUNICIPAL DISTRICT: SOUTH & WEST KERRY (Dingle Convent) (1-685) RL 32. Presentation Convent Tralee Urban Div 1 (78) UA 91. Tarbert NS Tarbert Polling Polling Polling Districts & Polling Booth 1 Tralee Urban Div 3 (1-620) UC Booth 2 (520-1059) ML Station No. Station No. of Electors Letters Stáisiún 1 (Booth 1) 33. Presentation Convent Tralee Urban 92. Lisselton NS Urlee 146. Scoil Achadh Tiobraid Achadh Tiobraid 195. Clochar na Toirbhirte Daingean Ui Chuis Booth 1 (1-521) MR Booth 2 Div 3 (621-1304) UC (Aghaturbid NS) (Aghatubrid) (231) FA (Dingle Convent) (686-1372) RL 34. Presentation Convent Tralee Urban 93. Lisselton NS Urlee 147. Scoil Baile an Scealg Baile an Sceilg Stáisiún 2 (Booth 2) Booth 2 (522-1125) MR Booth 3 Div 3 (1305-1991) UC (Ballinskelligs NS) (Ballinskelligs) (511) FC 94. Abbeydorney NS Abbeydorney LA 196. Clochar na Toirbhirte Daingean Ui Chuis 35. Presentation Convent Tralee Urb. Div 3 (1992-2083) UC 148. Bonawn NS Bonawn Booth 1 (1-425) (Dingle Convent) (1373-2056) RL Booth 4 Tralee Urb. Div 4 (1-590) UD (232) FG 95. Abbeydorney NS Abbeydorney LA 36. Presentation Convent Tralee Urban Stáisiún 3 (Booth 3) Booth 5 Div 4 (591-1286) UD Booth 2 (426-833) 149. Scoil Saidhbhín Caherciveen Booth 1 (1-702) FH 197. Scoil An Ghleanna Baile Ui She Baile an Chainain 37. Scoil Eoin Balloonagh Tralee Urban 150. Scoil Saidhbhín Caherciveen (Glens NS) (Ballycaneen) (222) RA Booth 1 Div 5 (1-725) UE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT: KILLARNEY Booth 2 (703-1341) FH 38. Scoil Eoin Balloonagh Tralee Urban Polling Polling Polling Districts & Polling 198. Scoil Naomh Gobnait Dun Chaoin 151. Scoil Saidhbhín Caherciveen Booth 2 Div 5 (726-1390) UE Station No. Station No. of Electors Letters Booth 3 (1342-1995) FH St Gobnaits NS (Dunquin) (167) RM 39. Scoil Eoin Balloonagh Tralee Urban 96. Fossa NS Aghadoe 152. Caherdaniel NS Caherdaniel Booth 3 Div 5 (1391-2129) UE Booth 1 (1-550) AA 199. Scoil Baile an Fhirteirigh Dún Urlann (426) FI 40. Scoil Eoin Balloonagh Tralee Urban 97. Fossa NS Aghadoe Ballyferriter NS Dunurlin (583) RN Booth 4 Div 5 (2130-2872) UE Booth 2 (551-1083) AA 153. Cahir NS Cappagh (356) FK 200. Fybagh NS Fybagh 41. Holy Family NS Tralee Urban 98. Carhooreigh NS Allagheemore Booth 1 Div 6 (1-718) UF (504) AB 154. Glounagillagh NS Caragh (172) RO 42. Holy Family NS Tralee Urban (430) FL 99. Anablaha NS Anablaha Booth 2 Div 6 (719-1450) UF 201. Scoil na Muirigh Cill Maoilchéadair (573) AC 155.
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