
i^'utmi»uitAx,->tAmmMsms&itiiiaimW^^ : 1^' ,']<•! ^ .;;^* Fif ty-fdurtn- Year SPIRIT. Ayer, Mass., Saturday, December 17 Alliance and told how ghe earned It. Delicious cocoa and sandwiches were served by the ho.sicsses. : Mlss Joy HIt-Kliis, 'whoas.'jl.sted In pageant work heve during the wir .tar'thft^lion'''^;'^'^"''^ P^«!anX 'The star that shone," ^.lvcn In Boston Mon- day_^cvenlns. ^ .si... also assisted In the P':°<l"P"on of u mystery phay, "The traveling man,- tho samo evening. wo'^L*^'^?",!,^- vJ''*" ^"^ returned to •i°^.,^L"^'- -^" w.-i onico, havlns re­ signed his po.sition In Boston. ihf/J' '•""'. ?'"' Stone have bought v^r/"7'\ ?'i •''"•«- Clara DavLs In Har- «?m.; , '"'^'' ""'>• have rented for some time pa.-t. .Mrs. DavLs will re­ side In West -Manslield. vitality"!""''"" °'''''*' ='"'' '"='" •'"i Iri- Tuosl I '^'""'? '" Hardy's hall last ?^.rnl«i • .^•'•'^"';'«- Wilson's orchestra lurnished musk-, Pocket and Meat Knives Chinaware ^ Other A.ver matter will be found Riazors and Scissors on pase viKht. Electric Flat Irons t,..^ '^?'^'o"f "'•* was, averted at the Hair Clippers .,^1 ,'" .'''•'*' Stiturday afternoon by Asbestos Flat Irons hen,?^t ^,'"•>•• e^'lnsulsher. An over­ Razor Strops Sterno Stoves heated stovepipe Icadlas frora Chief rt,^.!?,M>,''""L"".'""'*""'' 'o ^he rear ot Flashlights Perfection Heaters the bulldiiiK had set lire to some rub- Dish on top of a closet over which It Thermos Bottles runs, D.;,inls J. Flaherty, who was Rayo Lamps and Lanterns working: there, put out the Arc, about Thermos Lunch Sets forty dollai.s being the estimated dam­ Pyrene Fire Extinguishers age. Mrs. Charles R. White's dancing Three-Coin Banks class w-as being conducted In tho. up­ Cobbler Sets per hall and was promptly dLspersed, Coffee Percolators ittc flro alarm box near the town hall •Clothes and Mop Wringers was tried but failed to work. Pencil Sharpeners _ Harbinger lodge, K.. of P., visited Ash Sifters and Ash Barrels Daniel Hlnes lodge of T.owell, witness­ Tea, Kettles ing the rank of esquire last Tuesday Skates, Sleds, Skiis evening, Alarm Clocks Playing Cards Frank C, Harmon, Frank R. Mason and Mrs, Grace M. Bradshaw are at­ Food Choppers Snow.Novels tending the arinual meeting of the State Grange In Sprlngfleld this week. Dog Collars Sidewalk Cleaners Mr.s. Caroline N'lles ot Alb.any. N Y. Is visiting her sister, Mrs, Edward E' Cello Water Bottles' Hockey Sticks Pufter. Bread Mixers Fish Reels -Mlss Gladys I, Porter appeared In |His Christmas Qifts at Browns a one-act play, "Suppressed desires," Savory Roasters —^Air Rifles from the Provincetown players pre­ THE STORE OF A THOUSAND-AND-bNE THINGS THAT MEN APPRECIATE sented by tjie .Masque, the dramatic IMut Crackers and Picks orgtinizatlon- of Jackson college in Boy Scout Axes Medford last week. Miss Porter Is of Lunch Baskets the class of 1923, Her mother, Mrs year ^"e.|S^ Practical C^st^aa yea^ Game Traps Lois E, Porter, attended the perform­ ance. • • : --f^^M^^aSS'^^^s^^M^^Z'I^X^ T^- «tore Offers a greai. Woman'.s Cluh. , • The Woman's club will hold its reg­ ^^^^yo^ay be perfectly surel^at yc^sSeda^r^^g^ ^ff^^ff^.P^^^ ^o the Mea^J^ 1. ular business meeting at three o'clock o Wednesday, December 21, at Hardy's '.:' hall. The program Is In charge of CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS :i. Main Street 'I'M: Depot Square AY^R, MASS the legislative committee. Mrs, Edith -GIVE HIM GLOVES „ p. Johnson, chairman. The speaker Embroidered Initial -15^ to ;25^. i: ft, is- How-ard B, White, representative aten's Dress Gloves', tJiilmed Cape'. t^.Bt^^i^^.0O from the twelfth .Middlesex district Japanette Initial .......::; .15^ > Men's Genuine Arabian Mocha, unlmed...;....C.'......:.'si©a -Mr, Whites subject is "The duties of Linen Initial ... ...'40<J td ,75<*-' a representative to the legislature." , Men'sijndia Mocha,, .unlmed .SZMb That Thcy :ail May IBe One All club members aro reminded that Linen Hemstitched 25<r to 75^ this Is an c-vcellent opportunity to .:^J^?)f^H'pe- B.«<*;- «ne quality $4.'50 and'S5.00 hear their representative. Fine Cottoii-,.,.:/,,..lOfJ to-25^ ' The postponed lecture by Prof. Ro­ Fine Cambrifii^ in' Christmas Men s Domestio IV^obHa, litfed.-. -. $l,50ut(L!$a,5fJL The Ministers' Union Seeks the Oneness in Good WiU, and in land B. Dlxon of Harvard Is to be Men's Horsehide,-.-liiied .and unlmed $2.50 to..S^:oO' Practical Co-operation, of AU the People! given at Hardy's hall Tuesdav even- ._; . box .......,'..'.50<J. and 75< '"S- December 20, at eight o'clock. Men's Woolen Gloves and Mittens 50^ frf S^'OO-"""' It is not a local; body,, but, like' the My -Stack Prayer The subject of the lecture Is "A thou­ '</,Liiien Hemstitched-r3 in ehrist- sand miles through the Himalayas." mas bos . i .?1.50 to ^2.50- Men's Work :G1Oves,,Leather, hned and unlined. ,59*f to" SsW Meeting of over a century ago, a World body. -But it was Illustrated by lantern slides. This Meir^S:^ocha -gloves; fur lined ;;,.;.,SS,00 meeting Is open to the public and the Silk Handkerchiefs in Fancy-- -T--H founded at Ayer. It's first nieeting was held therein 1895 It Womans club cordially fnVltes Its Colors and Plain White Men s Fur, Gauntlet, Gloves .-,... ^.50 to S-TvSO friends to enjoy this lecture. No ad- .-=TSfe.*. can never cease to appeal for the earnest good wiU of all the mtsslon is to be charged. 50<J to $1.50 ;. Mep s :J-e^ther -Gaiintlet Gloves, Imed $3:00 and S8.50 people of Ayer and vicinity! The chairman of the home econom­ Little , Boys' Handkerchiefs'.- in : Boys-Gloves and Mitteni 35,^ to $1.25 ics department has sent the foHowInr- message, to all Federated clubs of Christmas box 15^ each Mas^chusettsi "At the suggestion of GIVE HIM A the Bureau of Markets our state com­ GIVE HIM A SWEATER AYER the successful financial canvass of last mittee has carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of the Nothing Could Be More Acceptable Than a Gk>od Warm Sweater'. JTowB JCtems. , year whon approximately »2,400 000 present method ot marketing celery. w.as raised within the denomination The committee has conferred with TT ^''y-,.'^^^^ B.-cfanaall of the Pliit ihosa. .bert .Informed--and.-«oMr..,iaoot. Men's Coat Stylei aU^bolors. • -...;,.......... ;?3.50 to ^io.Oo" Unitarian-parish has been appointed „.I ,'*-^'^'' Branch. AUlaJice hc!lff a J^ecktle pra Muffle]" ^fy. P'^asan' and instructive meoting a r^hre. that this body disapprove fr^':^^.xf--!^'^M^y}^r-^^y^^.^-^^^'-^-x--~'^ ,^^^!r,'^'^ ?' "iS church membership at the home of Mrs. Theodore Barry fviii L'^i^'^"'"' °' spiking celery and Men s V-Neck, YHiite,- with collar, i. campaign In this town to recruit a will lend Its assistance to effect a - 1 K-l --,-/vJl, |l|'-'i' ^^-'y'^y-'P^r^t-in^re^e In^ m'em^ ""s''",^fe'eflng'"e\'<?h"re^'hl'^'^ ""t T'Chang—e 'In" th' e present custom, which The Famous Tom Wye Knit Coat ?'r.50; I bers in a n.atlon-wlde "follow-up" of , wlshed;";VJs"J'ntero''no "SX^^to'Ihe I'^r^vrin^^'"°",'^- ^ ^-aste, but'an Boys' Sweaters, all calors. — —. I "uiiar 10 tne I inlury to the local cek-rv- industry," 98^ to ^7.50" Four-in-Hands m Christmas Polders.' "^ - 50i^ to $2:00 Boys' Four-m-Hands 25<J to 50^ :Silk Mufflers .$3.00' to-^.'oO A, G. Pollard Co Wool Mufflers .".$2.'S0 to i^OO, •'ig'' THE STORE FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE MEN?S ANG^ BOYS' CAPS AND TOQUES .: ^ LOWELL, MASS. Caps of Every Kind for Men and Boys.' Toques and Knit Otqis f^^ --^i Merrimack, Palmer and Middle Streets .Men, Boys ajid Children -. ^ ->r Fine Cotton Hose, all colors. 25^ and 35S Men's Cloth Caps for Winter C \ .75^ to $2.5a" 1—Ji Men's - _r„ „. ,,...„^,. -^o^ to ;p3fi.sw. Lisle Thread Ilose, all colors .'. .40^ and 50<>: CHRISTMAS JEWELRY EASY PATTERNS IN STAMPED Silk Hose, all colors 50^ to 85«S Boys . Cloth Caps for Wmter SOf^tcr'aiOT^NxS^i Mens-.Yarn -Toques.. 75^ and ?i:^/. ^k Tf you run down your list, you are sure to GOODS S>ilk IIo.se. full fashioned ei-nn- spot one, if not many places that call for Lashmere Hose, fine qualitv ; 50<* to 75*' Boys Yarn ..Toques 3»^ to Jt.OOr- ni Jewelry, Our as.sortment of beautiful gifts •^till time for embroidery work if it's not Heavy Woo! Ilose ", ;.•;.•; .'39^ to $i:00 - h for men. -ivoinen and children alike are un­ too exacting, We prepared for just such an Boys Black Cat Hose, according to size 25<^ ^5 55^ Children's Hats and Caps SQX trai AA usual. You will be fascinated .at the great emergency. There are huncb'cds of pieces readv .ti'tlH •:;:i!'! variety of different priees, . for your needle which include Boys' Muffler Caps , i::::::::: .T;!!^:^!. '^J •-••••!:1 ,Waldemars ^2.50 to 98.50 Scarfs. Center Pieces. Pillow Covers. Gowns, MISCELLANEO.US tTEMS ^^"'y«s ?2.50 to ?4.50 Towels and -Xovelties too numerous to mention SUSPENDERS—Many kinds, in Christmas Boxes 50^ to $1.0O SHEEP-IINED OOAIS—For Men... $7:00 to $ai8;-06t>^'. Pencils, Eversharp $1.00 to $4.50 JIade up Articles— ARM BANDS—Many kinds, in Christmas BoxeS„',:. .25^ to 50^ ' For Boy», -10 to 18 years. $7.00 to ST^as©^^-'*^^? Chains, neek or pencil lengths , Madeira Scarfs and Center Pieces. Luneh CUFF BUTTONS—Good assortment .'25^ to $3,0O PAJAMAS-Domet .Flannel ^1,50 to>2.«ia $1.50 to $5.00 Set.s.
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