FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN PHILATELIC ASSOCIATIONS II SERIES Nr. 30 - January 2017 FEPA EVENTS OF THE FIRST SEMESTER OF 2017 FEPA News II Series No. 30 – January 2017 IMPRESSUM CONTENT Editor: Impresum and Content 3 José-Ramón Moreno Open letter from the President 4 [email protected] What happened in the second half of the year 2016 Co-Editors: Symposium in Carinthia 7 Birthe King WESTFILA 2016 8 Bojan Bračič Philatelic Seminar not like the others 9 Administration: ABPS York Fair 2016 10 FEPA HALLFRIM 2016 11 Federation of European Philatelic Associations ODESSAPHILEX 2016 12 Tabladilla, 2 P7, 3C E – 41013 Seville GMUNDEN 2016 14 Spain JUPHILA 2016 16 EXFILNA 2016 19 Printer: EUROGRAFIS D.O.O. FIP Seminars in Saragossa 24 Puhova ulica 18 VARDØ 2016 25 SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Timbres Passion Toul 27 AUTUMN STAMPEX 2016 29 ISSN: 2218-516x Exhibition Nature in Luxembourg 29 TRAKOSCAN 2016 30 FEPA BOARD JERUSALEM 2016 34 Elections at the FIP 36 José-Ramón Moreno ABPS Motion 37 President – FIP, FIAP and FIAF, FEPA Website, FEPA News, Exhibitions, Jury Apprentice and Training PRAGA 2018 signs the FIP Patronage 38 E-mail: [email protected] EUROMED 2016 39 Nexo Awards 41 Giancarlo Morolli Vice-president – Project “How to Change Direction”, Statutes and News from the FEPA Family FREGEX, Expert Group, Philatelic Literature, Press Releases, Poland 44 AIJP. FEPA Awards Denmark 45 E-mail: [email protected] Bulgaria 48 Alfred Kunz Portugal 49 Treasurer – Finance and Accounting Switzerland 50 Communication German Language Czech Republic 51 E-mail: [email protected] Obituary: Knud Mohr 52 Bojan Bračič What happens in February 2017 Secretary – Administrative Matters, FEPA News, Youth Philately SPRING STAMPEX 2017 53 E-mail: [email protected] What happens in May 2017 Birthe King ECTP Essen 54 Director – Communication English Language MAXIESPAÑA and JUVEBIA 2017 55 FEPA News, Open Philately, Picture Postcards 300th Anniversary of Maria Theresia 57 E-mail: [email protected] FINLANDIA 2017 58 Nicos Rangos FEPA Synposium of Youth Philately 64 Director – Best Practices, Support to Member Federations, FEPA CONGRESS 65 Fakes and Forgeries Philatelic Seminars and Workshops Moldova Request 66 Communication French Language FEPA Matters E-mail: [email protected] Views on Judging Youth Exhibits 67 FEPA Awards 69 Frontpage. The logos and views of FEPA Exhibitions on the first Reflections sur l’Expert Team 71 semester of 2017: Finlandia 2017, Spring Stampex 2017, Max- Literature Corner iespaña 2017, Juvenia 2017, Ectp 2017, Fepa Congress Hellenic Stamps 1861-1961 74 Advertisements Postal Boats Wrecks in Norway 74 Soler y Llach International Auctions 2 500 Years of European Post 75 Correos, Spanish Post 23 XXI Centuries of Postal Communications in Spain 75 Post of Slovenia 35 Book of Open Philately 76 Correios de Macau 43 Junge Sammler 77 Magyar Posta 47 Small Philatelic Lexicon 77 Auktionhaus Christoph Gärtner 83 FEPA Family 78 Postiljonen Auction House 84 Exhibition Calendar 82 FEPA NEWS January 2017 Page 3 Open letter from the President ing requests for FEPA involvement in your for the future of our hobby is absolutely events. necessary and will never be enough. De- spite the difficulties, I am looking forward to 2016 saw an unprecedented number of meeting the challenges that we face. exhibitions with FEPA Support or Recogni- tion as you can see in these pages. But On the 28th of May we will have our Con- it doesn’t stop here, and for 2017, you, gress in Tampere, Finland. We will present our member Federations have requested the candidacy of Moldova to become the and been granted FEPA status for Spring FEPA member number 44. Also at the Con- Stampex 2017 in London, UK; Maxiespaña gress it is again time for elections of all the 2017 and Juvenia 2017 both exhibitions in positions of the FEPA Board. Aviles, Spain; the ECTP 2017 in Essen, Germany; Finlandia 2017 in Tampere, Fin- I wish to meet all of you there! land, with full FEPA Patronage, the FEPA Congress and up to eight Seminars, em- José Ramón Moreno phasizing particularly the FEPA Sympo- sium of Youth Philately with speakers from eight FEPA members; Gmunden 2017 in Austria; Övebria 2017 in Hirtenberg, also in Austria; Exfilna 2017 in Portugalete, Bilbao, Spain; and Nordia 2017 in Vejle, Dear friends, Denmark. One of the main satisfactions of collect- Gmunden, in Austria, will be the first city ing is to show the result of what we have hosting a FEPA Exhibition for three con- achieved. And, as in other disciplines, the secutive years. Congratulations! competition encourages to go forward and to improve our results. But we are wrong if Communication is essential amongst our Liebe Freunde, we measure the health of our hobby by the members to inform about the activities of number of Gold medals granted at the big each other and to share the best practices. Die größte Genugtuung beim Sammeln exhibitions. zeigt sich im Resultat, das wir erreicht ha- “FEPA News” magazine used to take up ben. Wie auch in anderen Disziplinen ist I see, in my frequent visits to your national most of the FEPA budget. Now our maga- es der Wettbewerb, der ermutigt weiter zu and regional events all across Europe, zine is self-financing. The same goes for gehen und das Ergebnis zu verbessern. how impressive your work is at local level our Website that has became a source of with youth collectors, with retired people, income rather than expenditure. All this is Wir liegen jedoch falsch, wenn wir glau- and with all segments of the population, to the result of the team work from you, the ben, das Befinden unseres Hobbys damit develop philately. In my opinion this work FEPA member Federations, Associations zu messen, wie viele Gold-Medaillen wir is what really keeps our hobby alive and or Unions, providing interesting information bei großen Veranstaltungen zugesprochen bodes well for the future. and the excellent collaboration of our loyal bekamen. advertisers, with us at the FEPA Board be- I agree that showing our material is prob- ing just the co-ordinators. Ich sehe während meiner vielen Besuche ably the best way to promote philately, but bei euren nationalen und regionalen Ver- we do not have to focus only on the ex- Most of our advertisers are already part of anstaltungen in Europa, wie beeindruckend clusive top collections but on the basis of the FEPA Family because of their long re- die Arbeitmit jungen Leuten auf lokaler Ebe- the members of local clubs and philatelic liable relationship. I want publicly to thank ne ist, die von vielen Seiten durchgeführt societies. Postiljonen, Correios de Macau, Spanish wird, um die Philatelie weiterzuentwickeln. Post “Correos”, Soler y Llach International Meiner Meinung ist diese Arbeit das, was Also, when we refer to international exhib- Auctions, Magyar Posta, Auktionhaus Chris- unser Hobby aufrechterhält und für die Zu- iting, we are seeing an enormous increase toph Gartner (Magyar Posta and Christoph kunft sichert. of national exhibitions with the participation Gartner are sponsoring both the Magazine of neighboring countries, who want to be and the Website), and Post of Slovenia not Ich gestehe schon, dass Ausstellen der supported by FEPA and to show our Conti- only for its advertisement but also for apply- beste Weg ist, die Philatelie voranzubrin- nental Flag to both collectors and sponsor- ing lower postage rates for the distribution gen, aber wir dürfen uns nicht auf die die ing institutions. of the “FEPA News” magazine. exklusiven, hochwertigen Sammlungen fokussieren, sondern auf die in der Basis At the FEPA Board we are trying to help All those facts together have resulted in a arbeitenden Mitglieder unserer Klubs und our members by giving as much support as significant increase of the FEPA reserves Vereine. we can and attending at almost all FEPA and have allowed a reduction in the Pa- events. Usually the organisers are not tronage fees and given free FEPA Recog- Auch wenn wir von internationalen Aus- able to support our travel expenses, and nition to Youth exhibitions and to Seminars stellungen berichten, sehen wir einen we continue our policy of not charging the and other events. enormen Anstieg an nationalen Veran- modest FEPA Finances but supporting it staltungen mit einigen Nachbarländern, ourselves. It is encouraging to see that you But I cannot be satisfied with so much still welche von der FEPA unterstützt werden appreciate our efforts through the increas- to be done. Every effort we make working wollen und mit Stolz unsere kontinenta- Page 4 FEPA NEWS January 2017 Open letter from the President le Fahne sowohl den Ausstellern als den milie bedingt durch ihre die langjährige segments de la population, pour dévelop- Sponsoren zeigen. und zuverlässige partnerschaftliche Bezie- per la philatélie. À mon avis, ce travail est hung. Ich möchte hier besonderen Dank ce qui maintient réellement vivant notre Der Vorstand der FEPA versucht seinen aussprechen an: Postiljonen, Macau Post, passe-temps et qui le garde pour l’avenir. Mitgliedsländern zu helfen und so viel als Spanische Post, Soler y Llach Auktionen, möglich Unterstützung zu geben, auch Ungarische Post, Auktionshaus Christoph Je suis d’accord que les expositions sont durch die Präsenz bei praktisch allen FEPA Gärtner (die Ungarische Post und das Auk- probablement la meilleure façon de promou- Veranstaltungen. tionshaus Christoph Gärtner sponsern bei- voir la philatélie, mais il ne faut pas nous Normalerweise sind die Veranstalter nicht des, das Magazin und die Internet-Seite). concentrer sur les collections exclusives de in der Lage, unsere Reisekosten zu über- Auch die Slowenische Post sponsert uns haut niveau, mais a la base des membres nehmen. Wir werden jedoch unseren nicht nur durch Werbung, sondern auch de nos clubs et sociétés philatéliques.
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