UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER AD388159 CLASSIFICATION CHANGES TO: UNCLASSIFIED FROM: CONFIDENTIAL LIMITATION CHANGES TO: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. FROM: Controlling DoD Organization: Office of the Adjutant General (Army), Washington, DC 20310. AUTHORITY AGO ltr 29 Apr 1980 ; AGO ltr 29 Apr 1980 THIS PAGE IS UNCLASSIFIED 1H!3 R~PORT HAS BEEN DELIMITtD AND CltARED FOR PUBLIC REL~SE UNDER DO~~, DiRECTIVE 5200.20 AND NO RESTRICTIONS ARE IMPOSED UPON Irs usa P.t•n n1 scu-.suRr:, DISTRIBUTION STATE~ENT A APPROVED FQR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED, SECURITY MARKING The classified or limited status of this repoit applies to each page, unless otherwise marked. Separate page printouts MUST he marked accordingly. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794. THE TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. NOTICE: When government or other drawings, specifications or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a defi- nitely related government procurement operation, the U. S. Government thereby incurs no responsibility, nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. -^ . ^ ^^ i MHaMMM| n ■ ■!■ 11 ■ IH^MM^M—m CONFIDENTIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL a1, iirftvNGTopj^oc. Mllfl ' ■ AOAM-P (M) (5 May 6?) FPIM*1, 15 M"y 1967 SUBJECT: OgpÄr*ti«Mil H^ipqflLJlÄB^ons Learned, Headquarters, Uth infantry Dlvlaion (U)r(g) ^^_L—^ SEE DISTRIBUTION / > : J'*' '-: J) a /.' ^7. 1. Forwarded as inclosure is Operational Report - Lcessons Learned, Headquarters, 4th Infantry Division for quarterly period ending 31 January 1967. Information contained in this report should be reviewed and evaluated by CDC in accordance with paragraph 6f of AR 1-19 and by CONARC in accordance with paragraph 6c and d of AR 1-19. Evaluations ^"and corrective actions should be reported to ACSFOR OT within 90 days £*—of receipt of covering letter. ^■—^ 2. Information contained in this report is provided to the Com- LiJmandants of the Service Schools to insure appropriate benefits in the —^ future from lessons learned during current operations, and may be adapted 1,4«. for use in developing trainiig material. BY ORDER OF THE SFrRETARY OF THE ARMY: KENNETH G. WICKHAM Major General, USA The Adjutant General -: DISTRIBUTION: Commanding General US Army Combat Development Command US Continental Army Command Commandants US Army Command and General Staff College US Army War College US Army Air Defense School US Army Artillery and Missile School > US Army Armor School US Army Chemical Corps School [-£> -• i) ,- r ^n *'r, ,.,-' o- ,.' US Army Engineer School S 5 - , ■; US Army Military Police School REGRADED UHCLASSIFIED US Army Infantry School WHEH SEPARATED FROM J US Army Intelligence School CLASSIFIED DTCLOSURE i : ^ - s US Army Medical Field Service School Ü O O) u o •o : fn ': ■] ' (Continued on page 2) BJ n O «-> (D "■'©•HO \ W e tn ♦* a YA ■ o u M S . CONFIDENTIAL Foa or »/> ^3 6 S'ü ~M- 1 CONFIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION (Cont'd) US Army Ordnance School US Army Quartermaster School US Army Security Agency School US Army Transportation School US Army Signal School US Army Special Warfare School US Army Civil Affairs School Copies fuml*b«CL. Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development Office, Chief of Steff, US Amy Research Analysis Corporation (Library) Security Officer, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Commanding General, kth Infantry Division Director of Defense Research and Engineering, ODD(SEAN), ODER&E CONFIDENTIAL L ^ -a **—* M^IMI^^^M im MM CONFIDENTIAL t>A OPERATIONAL RCPOR\ O KOMPMM •H QÜI NHON Dragon Mountain Base Camp —TUY HOA — NHA TRANO ^O - CAM RANH BAY Lt^om LEARNED I CONFIDENTIAL S^f deJ at 3 year Nervals Declassified after 12 years DOD DH 5200.10 .-■■,: ■. L „ . ^.M^ ., ,. mm, ... ^ . ^ - - —^—^ . -. JJ.^fctafc^J^fc^,«_tj^ ^ . ^. ._^J^_ ^^^^^a..^^^^. CO NDEPARIHENT FI D OF e THE K\~r ARM i/\L. '^'— HEtDQUitRTERS 4TH INFANTRY DIVISION i'iPO San Francisco 96262 AVDDH-GC 20 March 196? SUBJECT: Operational Report Lessons Leorned (RCS CSFOR-65) for Quarterly Period Ending 31 Jnnuary 1967 (U) TO: See Distribution SECTION 1 (C) SIGNIFICnNT ORG/J-ilZaTION OR UNIT ACTIVITIES 1. (C) General: During the period covered by this report, the division terminated Operation PAUL REVERE IV and initiated Operation SJM HOUSTON. At the end of the reporting period Operation SAK HOUSTON continued. The 1st Brigade, operating under IFFORCEV, and 3d Prigade,, operating in the III Corps Tactical Zone under the 25th Infantry Division, are not included in this report, a. Organizational Structure, See Combat After Action Report, PAUL HJBVBRE If» for organization during Novenbcr and December 1966. (1) Task organization on 1 January 196? (OPORD 1-6? r^ted UlOOClZ January 1967) (U). TF 2-4 TF 1-10 Cav HHC 1-10 Cav (-) 2-8 Inf C/3-4 Cav 1-12 Inf C/2-35 Inf 1-22 Inf CA Det G-5 Sect 4-42 Arty D/5-16 Arty (OPCON) Div Arty Plat B Co, 4th Engr Bn Det CA Tm #8, 41 CA Co HHB 6-14 Arty (OPCON) Division Troops 5-16 Arty (-) HHC TF 3-25 4th nvn On (-) 4th Engr Bn (-) HHC 124th Sig ai (-) 1-14 Inf 4th Iff Co (-) 1-35 Inf 4th Admin Co (-) 2-35 Inf 4th Div TACP .i&B Co, 69th iLrmor 4th MI Det (-) 2-9 Arty (Atch) 20th PI Det C/5-16 Arty (OPCON) 2l3t PI Det B/3-6 .trty (OPCON) Downgraded at 3 year intervals Declassified after 12 years COMF>DENri^v_ DOD DIR 5200.10 / j — . - .- . ■ •■• ^ OPER.iTIONAL REPORT - - LESSONS LE/JINED V SECTION 1 SIGNIFICANT ORGANIZATION OR UNIT ACTIVITIES Para Page General 1 1 Intelligence 2 6 Operations and Training Activities 3 14 Logistics h 21 Military Civic Action Program (MILCAP) 5 23 Personnel 6 23 Artillery 7 26 Engineer 8 30 Signal 9 31 Information Activities 10 34 SECTION 2 COMMANDER'S OBSERViiTIONS • AND RECOMMENDATIONS Part 1: Observations (Lessons Learned) Personnel 1 34 Operations 2 35 Civic Actions 3 37 Intelligence 4 39 Part II: Recommendations 40 t ■ ■I ■Minn i ■ il I Mit ~ - -*^. .-^—-.—■-. - - ^ - . ^«^^^^mg^||^tt|y^^^^ I— . „ .. _ - - - - - . « ^ . - . mam ■•■■■nalMIMMHIM^ COlMPIDENTiAL AVDDH-GC 20 Karch 1967 SUBJECT: Operational Report Lessons Learned (RCS C3FOR-65) N r for Quarterly Period Ending 31 January 1967 (U) 29th Mil Hist Det D/65 Engr r 43cl Cml Det 40th Inf Plat (Set Dog) 1-69 Armor (-) 33d Inf Plat (Set Dog) 41st CA Co (-) MSCOK HHC & Band 704th haint &! (-, 4th Ked Bn (-) 4th ß&T Bn (-) "(2) Task Force Organization as changed b' FFUGO l-l-67> effective O3OIOOZ Jan-ary 1967. Div /irty TF 2-4 HHB HHC 6-14 Arty (OPCON) 2-8 Inf 5-16 Arty (-) 1-12 Inf 1-22 Inf (-) TF 1-10 CaV 4-42 Arty D/5-16 Arty (OPCON) 1-10 Cav (-) A/6-14 Arty (OPCON) C/3-4 Cav (-1 Plat) 237 RADAR (OPCON) C/2-35 Inf Plat B Co, 4th Engr Eh /i/l-69 /JTior Det CA Tn #8, U CA CO C/l-22 Inf 3-6 Arty (-) (DS) Div Trps a; Det, 4th Div HHC TF 2-35 Inf 43d Qnl Det 29th iiil Hist Det 2-35 Inf (-1 Co) 1-69 Amor (-) E/l-69 iirraor 4th Engr Bn (-) C/2-9 Arty (OPCOK) 4th Avn Eh (-) B/3-6 /urty (OPCON) 124th Sig Eh 33d Inf Plat (Set Dog) DISCOK 4th Div T,CP 4th 141 Det (-) No change Tin #1, 4l8t CA Co (-) (3) Task Force OrganitAticn as changed by FRAGO 2-1-67* effective 16120OH January 1967. TF 2-4 TF 1-69 Armor HHC 1-69 Amor (-B Co) CONFIDENT» AL. .- -^ ■ AVDDH-GC COKlPiOEN' ^ ' ' ' 20 March 1967 SUBJECT: Operational Report Lessons Learned (RCS CSFOR-65) for Quarterly Period Ending 31 January 1967 (U) 2-8 Inf (-) C/5-16 Arty 1-12 Inf (-) C Co (-), 12th Inf 4-42 Arty D/5-16 Arty (OPCON) TF 1-22 Inf Plat B Co, 4th Engr Bn Det CA Tta #8, 41 CA Co 1-22 Inf (-1 Plat) TF 2-35 Inf Div Arty 2-35 Inf (-) HHB B/l-69 Armor (-) 6-14 Arty C/2-9 Arty A/6-14 Arty GSR 4-42 Arty B/3-6 Arty (OPCON) 3/6-14 Arty GS C/5-16 Arty C/6-14 Arty GS C/4-42 /trty TF 1-10 Car 5-16 Arty (-) GS 1-10 Cav (-) C/3-4 Cav (-) Div Trps C/2-35 Inf Plat B/l-69 Amor HHC Plat 1-22 Inf 43d Oml Det 2-6 Arty (-) 29th Mil Hist Det Plat ;y2-8 Inf DISCOM 4th Engr Bn (-) 4th Avn Bn (-) No Change 124th Sig Bn 33d Inf Plat (Set Dog) bv* TACP 4th MI !>«<-.(-) 41st CA Co (-V (4) Task Force Organization as changed by FR^GO 3-1-67, effectx.-. 241400H January 1967, TF 2-4 TF 3-25 (OPCON Ist Cav Div (AM)) HHC HHC 2-8 Inf 1-14 Inf 1-12 Inf (-) 1-35 Inf 4-42 Arty (-) Div Trps Div Arty HHC, 4th Inf Div 4l8t CA Co (-) D/5-16 .jrty GSR 4-42 ürty 4th MI Det 6-14 «arty (-) GS 29th Mil Hist Det A/6T14 Arty GSR 4-42 .irty 43d Cml Det 33d Inf Plat (Set Dog) DISCOM 1-22 Inf No Change C O NF \D ELMT"\ Al- L ..x........
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