Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera)

Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera)

1 OHBR Checklist: Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera) Outer Hebrides Checklist: Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera) The list of species recorded in the Outer Hebrides (VC110) is derived from records submitted by various organisations to the National Biodiversity Network Atlas Scotland. With the exception of records supplied by OHBR, we cannot verify the accuracy of the identification nor whether these species are still present. Unfortunately, not all the records submitted to NBN are publicly available; therefore, although we are aware that a species has been recorded on the islands, it does not appear on the NBN distribution maps. Over 2500 species have been recorded in the British Isles and so far, 552 moths and 17 butterflies appear in the Outer Hebrides checklist. This is not a definitive list; it does not include species recorded in literature or in museum collections, and although moths and butterflies are well documented in comparison with other insects, we are still adding new species to the list. If you record a species not currently listed, and submit your record to OHBR you will be requested to supply further information on how the species was identified to enable us to verify the record. Please note that some species can only be identified by dissection. The species number is the new checklist number, used in the Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles (Agassiz, D.J.L., Beavan, S.D. & Heckford, R.J. 2013). There has been a major review of the taxonomy of Lepidoptera so some of the species names have changed and some species have been moved to another family. We have not adopted the trinomials used in the new checklist as most recorders only use binomials. We would like to acknowledge the contribution made by John Kemp in revising this checklist and for his advice on the current status of a number of species. ABH Family Species Vernacular Name Micropterigidae 1.003 Micropterix aureatella (Scopoli, 1763) Yellow-barred Gold 1.004 Micropterix aruncella (Scopoli, 1763) White-barred Gold 1.005 Micropterix calthella (Linnaeus, 1761) Plain Golden Hepialidae 3.003 Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (De Geer, 1778) Map-winged Swift 3.004 Phymatopus hecta (Linnaeus, 1758) Gold Swift 3.005 Hepialus humuli (Linnaeus, 1758) Ghost Moth Nepticulidae 4.002 Stigmella lapponica (Wocke, 1862) Drab Birch Pigmy 4.003 Stigmella confusella (Wood, 1894) Pale Birch Pigmy 4.005 Stigmella betulicola (Stainton, 1856) Common Birch Pigmy 4.010 Stigmella microtheriella (Stainton, 1854) Nut-tree Pygmy 4.015 Stigmella anomalella (Goeze, 1783) Rose Leaf Miner 4.025 Stigmella nylandriella (Tengström, 1848) Common Rowan Pigmy 4.035 Stigmella salicis (Stainton, 1854) Sallow Pigmy 4.041 Stigmella sorbi (Stainton 1861) Barred Rowan Pigmy 2 OHBR Checklist: Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera) Opostegidae 5.001 Opostega salaciella (Treitschke, 1833) Sorrel Bent-wing Incurvariidae 8.004 Incurvaria praelatella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Strawberry Bright 8.005 Phylloporia bistrigella (Haworth, 1828) Striped Bright Tineidae 12.027 Tinea pellionella (Linnaeus, 1758) Case-bearing Clothes Moth 12.030 Tinea pallescentella (Stainton, 1851) Large Pale Clothes Moth 12.036 Monopis laevigella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Skin Moth 12.037 Monopis weaverella (Scott, 1858) Carrion Moth Gracillariidae 15.003 Caloptilia populetorum (Zeller, 1839) Clouded Slender 15.004 Caloptilia elongella (Linnaeus, 1761) Pale Red Slender 15.005 Caloptilia betulicola (Hering, 1928) Red Birch Slender 15.006 Caloptilia rufipennella (Hübner, 1796) Small Red Slender 15.010 Caloptilia stigmatella (Fabricius, 1781) White-triangle Slender 15.014 Gracillaria syringella (Fabricius, 1794) Common Slender 15.015 Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Zeller, 1839) Ribwort Slender 15.025 Parornix betulae (Stainton, 1854) Brown Birch Slender 15.030 Parornix scoticella (Stainton, 1850) Rowan Slender 15.040 Phyllonorycter messaniella (Zeller, 1846) Garden Midget 15.056 Phyllonorycter salicicolella (Sircom, 1848) Long-streak Midget 15.058 Phyllonorycter hilarella (Zetterstedt, 1839) Sallow Midget 15.063 Phyllonorycter maestingella (Müller, 1764) Beech Midget 15.067 Phyllonorycter rajella (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Alder Midget 15.070 Phyllonorycter quinqueguttella (Stainton, 1851) Sandhill Midget 15.079 Phyllonorycter stettinensis (Nicelli, 1852) Small Alder Midget Yponomeutidae 16.001 Yponomeuta evonymella (Linnaeus, 1758) Bird-cherry Ermine 16.002 Yponomeuta padella (Linnaeus, 1758) Orchard Ermine 17.002 Ypsolopha nemorella (Linnaeus, 1758) Hooked Smudge 17.003 Ypsolopha dentella (Fabricius, 1775) Honeysuckle Moth 17.015 Ochsenheimeria urella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1842) Variable Stem-moth 3 OHBR Checklist: Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera) Plutellidae 18.001 Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1758) Diamond-back Moth 18.003 Plutella porrectella (Linnaeus, 1758) Grey-streaked Smudge 18.004 Rhigognostis senilella (Zetterstedt, 1839) Rock-cress Smudge 18.005 Rhigognostis annulatella (Curtis, 1832) Coast Smudge Glyphipterigidae 19.002 Glyphipterix thrasonella (Scopoli, 1763) Speckled Fanner 19.005 Glyphipterix haworthana (Stephens, 1834) Cotton-grass Fanner 19.006 Glyphipterix forsterella (Fabricius, 1781) Sedge Fanner 19.007 Glyphipterix simpliciella (Stephens, 1834) Cocksfoot Moth 19.008 Glyphipterix schoenicolella (Boyd, 1858) Bog-rush Fanner Argyresthiidae 20.011 Argyresthia brockeella (Hübner, [1813]) Gold-ribbon Argent 20.012 Argyresthia goedartella (Linnaeus, 1758) Golden Argent 20.013 Argyresthia pygmaeella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Sallow Argent 20.016 Argyresthia retinella (Zeller, 1839) Netted Argent 20.019 Argyresthia conjugella (Zeller, 1839) Apple Fruit Moth 20.020 Argyresthia semifusca (Haworth, 1828) Brown Rowan Argent 20.022 Argyresthia bonnetella (Linnaeus, 1758) Hawthorn Argent Lyonetiidae 21.004 Leucoptera laburnella (Stainton, 1851) Laburnum Leaf Miner 21.005 Leucoptera spartifoliella (Hübner, [1813]) Broom Bent-wing Oecophoridae 28.009 Endrosis sarcitrella (Linnaeus, 1758) White-shouldered House-moth 28.010 Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Stainton, 1849) Brown House-moth 28.025 Pleurota bicostella (Clerck, 1759) Light Streak Depressariidae 32.006 Exaeretia allisella (Stainton, 1849) Mugwort Flat-body 32.007 Agonopterix ocellana (Fabricius, 1775) Red-letter Flat-body 32.011 Agonopterix scopariella (Heinemann, 1870) Broom Flat-body 32.015 Agonopterix subpropinquella (Stainton, 1849) Ruddy Flat-body 32.018 Agonopterix heracliana (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Flat-body 32.019 Agonopterix ciliella (Stainton, 1849) Large Carrot Flat-body 32.026 Agonopterix kaekeritziana (Linnaeus, 1767) Straw Flat-body 4 OHBR Checklist: Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera) 32.029 Agonopterix umbellana (Fabricius, 1794) Gorse Flat-body 32.030 Agonopterix nervosa (Haworth, 1811) Dark-fringed Flat-body 32.032 Agonopterix angelicella (Hubner, 1813) Angelica Flat-body 32.035 Agonopterix yeatiana (Fabricius, 1781) Coastal Flat-body 32.036 Depressaria radiella (Goeze, 1783) Parsnip Moth 32.038 Depressaria badiella (Hübner, 1796) Brown Flat-body 32.039 Depressaria daucella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Dingy Flat-body Gelechiidae 35.004 Syncopacma taeniolella (Zeller, 1839) Silver-barred Sober 35.010 Aproaerema anthyllidella (Hübner, [1813]) Vetch Sober 35.017 Neofaculta ericetella (Geyer, [1832]) Heather Groundling 35.031 Helcystogramma rufescens (Haworth, 1828) Orange Crest 35.036 Chrysoesthia sexguttella (Thunberg, 1794) Six-spot Neb 35.039 Bryotropha politella (Stainton, 1851) Polished Groundling 35.040 Bryotropha terrella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Cinerous Groundling 35.048 Bryotropha umbrosella (Zeller, 1839) Sandhill Groundling 35.066 Monochroa tenebrella (Hübner, [1817]) Common Plain Neb 35.082 Eulamprotes immaculatella (Douglas, 1850) Twilight Neb 35.109 Scrobipalpa acuminatella (Sircom, 1850) Pointed Groundling 35.119 Scrobipalpa samadensis (Pfaffenzeller, 1870) Buck's-horn Groundling 35.120 Scrobipalpa artemisiella (Treitschke, 1833) Thyme Moth 35.128 Caryocolum alsinella (Zeller, 1868) Narrow Groundling 35.130 Caryocolum vicinella (Douglas, 1851) Coast Groundling 35.131 Caryocolum marmorea (Haworth, 1828) Beautiful Groundling 35.150 Carpatolechia notatella (Hübner, [1813]) Sallow-leaf Groundling 35.151 Carpatolechia proximella (Hübner, 1796) Black-speckled Groundling 35.153 Pseudotelphusa paripunctella (Thunberg, 1794) Tawny Groundling Coleophoridae 37.022 Coleophora lusciniaepennella (Treitschke, 1833) Osier Case-bearer 37.028 Coleophora juncicolella (Stainton, 1851) Least Case-bearer 37.044 Coleophora discordella (Zeller, 1849) Lotus Case-bearer 37.055 Coleophora pyrrhulipennella (Zeller, 1839) Ling Case-bearer 37.063 Coleophora albicosta (Haworth, 1828) Gorse Case-bearer 37.070 Coleophora tamesis (Waters, 1929) Jointed-rush Case-bearer 5 OHBR Checklist: Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera) 37.071 Coleophora glaucicolella (Wood, 1892) Grey Rush Case-bearer 37.072 Coleophora otidipennella (Hübner, [1817]) Wood-rush Case-bearer 37.073 Coleophora alticolella (Zeller, 1849) Common Rush Case-bearer 37.074 Coleophora taeniipennella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Small Rush Case-bearer 37.080 Coleophora virgaureae (Stainton, 1857) Goldenrod Case-bearer 37.083 Coleophora saxicolella (Duponchel, [1843]) Orache Case-bearer 37.086 Coleophora versurella (Zeller, 1849) Pale Orache Case-bearer 37.099 Coleophora striatipennella (Nylander [1848]) Hedge Case-bearer Elachistidae 38.004 Elachista argentella (Clerck, 1759) Swan-feather Dwarf 38.016 Elachista subalbidella (Schläger, 1847) Buff Dwarf 38.026 Elachista kilmunella

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