Robber Shoots Youth Outside Lantern By Nick Katsoris a assailants escaped and the victim was carried A 16 year-old male high school student back to the Lantern by two friends. Chris was shot outside the Lantern Tavern early Byrne, FC '89, a worker at the Lantern, heard Sunday morning after being robbed by two about the incident from a girl who entered the unidentified assailants, according to Detective bar. "An unidentified girl came running back Davey Cruz Ortiz from the 52nd precinct. into the bar screaming, 'Call an ambulance, Ortiz said that the student was accosted call the police,' " Byrne said. He called for an by two male Hispanics on the corner of 194th ambulance, but when it did not arrive im- Street and Marion Avenue after leaving the mediately another Fordham student, Joe Tor- Lantern at approximately 2:30 a.m. The tora, FC '89, offered the use of his car to take assailants reportedly tore a chain off the vic- the victim and one of his friends to the tim's neck and seized his wallet, containing 30 hospital. dollars. When the student attempted to "During the ride I tried to talk to [the recover his possessions, one of the assailants victim] to get his mind off the pain," Tortora drew a gun. The student, however, continued said. "Even after the shot, he didn't believe it his efforts to recover the chain, and was shot was a real gun until he felt it go through him. in the leg upon following the assailants around He also said that he could positively identify the corner, After the shot was fired, the continued on page 4 Hughes to Turn Triple i Dorm may go Female By Diane Byrne Lisa Peterson, assistant dean of students for The Housing Planning Committee residential life. decided that Hughes Hall will house three Peterson said the committee reached its freshmen in each room instead of four and is decision to change Hughes to triples, reducing considering a proposal to make Hughes a the number of residents from 269 to 203, just predominantly female dormitory, according to prior to the semester break. She indicated that one of the main reasons for the change was Hughes Hall's history of being a dormitory with disciplinary problems. "It's our rowdiest hall. More incidents happen in that hall than any other, and it hap- pens because ... it's such a densely populated Are We Safe? residence hall," Peterson said. "Hughes has a By Nick Katsoris and Kimberly-Marie Colon community for that matter. Crime will con- The shooting of a 16 year-old high school tinue, but "if you do get accosted, then walk student last Sunday has raised many unan- away," said Ortiz. swered questions regarding the safety of For- In the shooting incident last Sunday, the dham students. Last Sunday marked the third victim did not walk away. After his chain and Inside shooting related incident indirectly connected wallet were taken, he pursued the assailants in with Fordham in the past year. What, if an attempt to recover his property. As a result, one of the assailants drew a gun and shot him in the leg. Perhaps, in a case such as this, News Analysis^ walking away is the best solution. Material ob- jects can always be replaced; a life cannot. anything, can be done to upgrade the safety of Fordham students as they venture beyond the But what happens to the aggressive per- gates of Rose Hill? son who just cannot walk away? For these in- According to Detective Ortiz of the 52nd dividuals, Fordham offers the Tae Kwon Do precinct, students should always travel in Club, an organization devoted to and groups, stick to well-lit areas, and try to avoid disciplined by the martial art of Korean confrontations. Ortiz also added that if con- Karate. The club currently has a membership fronted, one should carefully note any of approximately fifty people. distinguishing features that could help in Hughes Hull positively identifying the assailant(s) later. For The curriculum includes the studying and example, one should recognize the height of practicing of basic motions, and free-style no legacy of being a crazy dorm, and ... we're the assailant, weight, age, race, clothing, contact fighting. The club also offers oc- going to try to break that history now, have all jewelry, and any prominent facial markings, casional self-defense courses basically of our buildings a little quieter and maintain Of course, it may be difficult to notice designed for the inexperienced fighter. The the academic atmosphere we're trying to have anything when you are being held at gunpoint, Tae Kwon Do Club conveniently meets during in the halls." but the prospective information could be activity periods and on several evenings during According to Peterson, the committee is crucial t o your case later on. the week. While this may not serve as a considering a change that would make four of While Ortiz offered suggestions, he solution for all people it serves as an alter- the five floors in Hughes female. She ex- realizes that helpful hints are not a solution, native to some. plained that the committee members felt this There is no clear-cut way of eliminating crime The University also offers advice aimed at would reduce the number of disciplinary cases surrounding the Fordham community, or any continued on page 4 in the residence hall. continued on page 4 I THE. 1AM. Tnin.-3B> tanuari !' Tuesday, February 3 Wednesday, Last day to designate a course January 28 Pass/Fall r ^Basketball - Rams vs. Army - WFUV =.s SPO-so <ng workshops HomeZ:30PM. for those in:ereste<fin nea'sand operat:ons. Staging the 28th. Keatinc. 3rd floor. Wednesday, February 4 Cinevents of CAB Presents ,. "Play Misty For Me" Saturday, w January 31 Ran^s vs. ~c-y Cfoss — Basket- hs • ^ „_ j-* r*-^* c v ^ ^T*1' Ladv Ra^s vs. Hciv Cross — Hon^e. 12 cm. Gonceas 6. >VAC Present ••The Stornpers" 9 p.m. Cafeteria S4.OQ Thursday, February 5 Baskeibaii — Rams vs. Manhat- tan. Away • 7:30 PM. #Cinevents of CAB Presents "Sou Man Use this form to list events in the CAB Calendar Sponsoring Group Address Date: Place Time: Admission Requirements Time: Admission Requirements: Of interest to: :: College Z CBA ; General Pubiic I Grad Students DEADLINE MONDAY al * PW Upon Gomptetton o! thcs !yn. ret^m la :; Members of Fordham University Only CALENDAR COWWITTE5 Campus Celts' Director's Wl THE RAM/Thursday, January 29,1987/3 Summer Orientation Campus Edge For Parents Too By Lynnc Viera the participants in New Hall and Sesquicen- The Committee for Academic Residential Deadline Extended tennial but the new dormitory, Alumni Court, Life, in conjunction with Gregory Pappas, may be used if it is completed in time, accor- By Mary O'Neill "Along with five to seven hours of director of Freshman/Transfer Orientation, ding to Pappas. He added that there will be a Due to an insufficient number of student required service work, the students could offer has developed an experimental summer orien- registration fee of about $35 for the program applicants, the deadline for applying to the each other moral support and would be expec- tation program which will be initiated this to cover the expense of meals, entertainment Campus Edge project has been extended by ted to use their unique residential situation to one week, according to Rich McCouch, S.J., get others involved," McCouch said. "It will year, according to Rev. Denis Moran, S.J., and housing. coordinator of the University's Community be one way to follow up on Father O'Hare's dean of students. "The cost will be minimal," Pappas said. The program, which consists of two two- "We are not trying to make a profit. We just Engagement Program. big push to get students involved in the com- day sessions, will take place in July and in- need to cover expenses." Campus Edge is a proposal calling for the munity." volve about 300 parents and students. Moran transformation of New Hall into a residence said the reason for the new orientation for students interested in community service. ' 'A long with five to program is to inform parents and students The Office of Residential Life is handling the about education at Fordham. application process but, according to Lisa seven hours of required "We want to strengthen the academic Peterson, assistant dean of students lor orientation of students and include parents residential life, only five applications have service work, the stu- much more fully," Moran said. "The sessions been submitted to fill 22 spaces. will include lectures on Fordham's expec- Peterson said that the original deadline of dents could offer each tations, goals and philosophy." January 23 was extended to January 30 According to Pappas, there will be a because the poor timing of the project's other moral support series of lectures for the parents and students. original publicity may have caused the lack of Representatives from Student Affairs, applicants. and would be expected Residential Life, Security and Food Service "Exams, R.A. applications, and the ex- will be available to answer questions and ad- citement at the end of the semester over- to use their unique ministrators from both the College of Business shadowed our attempts to inform students Administration and Fordham College will also about Campus Edge," Peterson said. "In- residential situation to be present to counsel students. He said that if terested students have spoken to me very the program is successful there will be eight or recently, claiming they just found out about get others involved." nine orientation sessions next year.
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