0~n~uttzrniuna t~ 0az$tWATER CONDITION TUESDAY'S TIDES '71%t dalj p6a,zr wso w a ide CHINFO -A1ar c4warud HIGH 1IOW Charlie V U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA lp:17 a.m. 6:40 a.m. STORAGE ASHORE ---- 4:28 p.m. 14.8 Million Gallons Phone 9-5247 Date MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) fo npidou - New President Of France PARIS (AP/PFNB) -- Official election returns are complete from all metropolitan France and part of her territories. They show that George Pompidou has received almost 58 per cent of the vote and centrist candidate Alain Poher 42 per cent. Abstentations ran about 31 per cent. In a victory statement, Pompidou said he would exercise power in the name of "all French men and women." In his concession, Poher said his fight was not useless. He pdded: "Tomorrow Mr. Pompidou and his government will be obliged to take the positions I defended into consider- ation. Former French President Charles De Gaulle congratulat- ed Pompidou. In a message from Ireland where he is va- cationing, De Gaulle said: "For all national and person- al reasons, I send you my most cordial congratulations." Britain after the election expressed the hope that the Georges Pompidou new French president would put her common market application at the top of his priority U.S. To Withdraw 9,000 Infantrymen From Mekong Delta listA foreign office spokesman SAIGON (AP/AFNB)--The Un ited States command has designated said Britain wants to see neg- the first units to be withdrawn from South Vietnam under Pres- otiations open on the question ident Nixon's plan for a pull-out of 25,000 troops. First to as soon as possible. go will be 9,000 infantrym en from the Mekong Delta and 7,000 Sources in London said no Marines who have been figh ting in the North. new initiative is needed from The withdrawal will star t with a 900 man airlift before Xmid- Britain. They added that the July. The rest of the 16, 000 men now designated for with- next move lies with the six drawal will be pulled out by the end of August. countries of the economic bloc. American officials say t]he withdrawal of most of the United De Gaulle opposed British en- States infantry division fi ~om the Mekong Delt- will turn that try into the market. area virtually back to the South Vietnamese Army and mil- itia. The replacement will test the ability of Saigon Evans' 000 Suspected Of Negligence In Mishap Government forces to take on SUBIC BAY, THE PHILIPPINES June 3, killing 74 Uhitd the Viet Cong without too much (AP/AFNB)--Ltjg Ronald Ramsey States sailors. outside help. has been advised he is sus- Ramsey testified before a Senators.who back President pected of negligence that led joint U.S.-Australian board of Nixon's decision to withdraw to the collision of a United investigation that he neither troops were expressing skep- States destroyer with the Aus- saw the running lights nor ticism this weekend over the tralian carrier Melbourne. heard a warning from the ability of the South Vietnam- The 24-year-old officer was Australian carrier before it ese to assume major responsib- in command of the Evans' cut the Evans in two collid- ilities for the war. bridge when the ships collided ing at right angles. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Monday, June 16, 1969 dEMPHIS (AP/AFNB)--Attorneys for James Earl MOSCOW (AP/AFNB)--The Soviet Government Ray have asked for a review of the recent den- newspaper Izvestia, has published an official ial of his request for a new trial. The ac- decree about nation-wide mobilization to save tion could put the case before the State Court the nation's agriculture crops. of Criminal Appeals. The paper said "drivers, repair workers, Ray Pleaded guilty on March 10 to the slay- mechanics. .will be paid 75 per cent of their ing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and was average salaries. in addition to normal pay sentenced to 99 years in prison. of an agricultural worker" in order to add in- terest in saving the crops which were badly SAN DIEGO (AP/AFNB)--Five Navy men and a damaged by winter and spring storms. civilian are dead or missing in a crash of a Navy Helicopter on a mercy flight from the at- WASHINGTON (AP/PFNB)--The Coast Guard this tack carrier "Constellation" to San Diego. weekend called off the search for a Strategic Two bodies were recovered before an air-sea Air Command reconnaisance jet with 19 ser- search ended late Saturday, and the other vic- vicemen aboard missing since June 5 in the tims are listed as missing at sea. The Navy Bering Sea. says the helicopter crashed and sank seven The Northern Pacific search and rescue cen- miles off the coast after picking up a ser- ter said the eight-day search was officially iously injured sailor who had been blown off ended after 244 aircraft sorties were flown the carrier's flight deck. over almost 400,000 square miles of icy waters.___ Two Coast Guard cutters also participated in1W SALINA, Ka. (AP/IFNB)--The Navy Chief of In- the futile Aleutian Island of Shemya on a formation said the United States Fleet is flight to Fairbanks. wearing out its equipment in the Vietnam War. The lost plane carried 12 enlisted men and RAdm Lawrence Geis told newsmen in Salina, three officers. Kansas ".speaking like a businessman, we're sort of wearing out our inventory." WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)--Diplomatic sources in He noted that the Navy has been engaged in Washington say the Russians may soon call upon the Vietnam War for more than four years. other Asian nations to form a collective sec- Geis also commented that "an unduly large per- urity system to counter Communist China. centage of our ships are out of date and need Soviet Communist party chief Leonid Brezhnev refurbishing or to be replaced." hinted at such a move at the Communist Summit He said, "The Russians are building new war- Conference in Moscow. ships, merchant ships, nuclear submarines and missile carrying ships at a faster rate." He asserted the Soviet Union is "closing the Guantanamo Gazette gap" in a race with the United States for Na- val superiority. ComNavBase RAdm J.B. Hildreth WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)--The Nixon administra- Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach tion has claimed broad new powers to use Editor wiretapping against persons suspected of try- J02 Mike Nash Associate Editor JOSN Phil Jordan ing to "forment violent disorders" across the Staff Writer JOSN John Bell nation. And it contends the government does not have to secure court approval before in- The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published according to the rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers stalling electronic surveillance devices in as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of such cases. the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed The Administrat-ion's stand was contained in four days a week at government expense on government a memorandum filed this weekend in United equipment. The opinions or statements in news items that appear herein are not to be construed as official States District Court in Chicago. In the mem- or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- orandum the Justice Department admits bugging ment of the Navy. at least five anti-war demonstrators. Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours They were charged with conspiracy in con- of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m, MON through FRI only and will be published in Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's GAZETTE. nection with the disorders during last year's No ads or notices except command notices will be pub- Democratic national convention in Chicago. lished more than once a week nor will they be run in Friday's paper. The GAZETTE welcomes contributions of a newsworthy MADISON, Wis. (AP/BFNB)--The Liberals have nature. All contributions should be forwarded to Box had their way at the 1969 Wisconsin democratic 22, in care of the GUANTANAMO GAZETTE. The GAZETTE re- convention. The convention adopted a resolu- serves the right to modify the content of any story to tion Saturday demanding the immediate pull-out make it conform to typographical and format standards for publication. of American troops from Vietnam. Monday, June 16, 1969 Guantaname Gazette Page 3 1645 Jamaica inbound off bus, board ferry MAC FLIGHT SCHEDULE for Windward side. 1900 MAC flight arrives Norfolk. The following is the schedule of movemett NOTE: Guantanamo bound passengers from King- for Kingston/Norfolk bound passengers on MAC ston report to Palisadoes Airport by 1200 EDT flights for July 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 21, 24, (1100 EST local time in Kingston). 29 and August 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 27, 29 flights. The 104 PIN flights July 21, 24, and Norfolk bound passengers report to Leeward 29 August 8, 12, 15. MAC Terminal two (2) hours prior to departure of flight. 0900 Jamaica bound passengers on Windward side check in with baggage at McCalla Terminal New Bible Study At McCalla Chapel 0930 MAC flight departs Norfolk The Bible study, called "Christ and the Meaning of Life," is being conducted at 1130 McCalla baggage truck boards frrry the McCalla Chapel Annex each Tuesday for Leeward side. evening at 7 o'clock. This is a study of the four Gospels with special emphasis on 0 1200 McCalla baggage truck arrives Leeward. the problems faced by modern man as he Bus with Jamaica bound passengers tries to discover the ultimate purpose for aboard depart McCalla for ferry.
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