llhio State C]orthwestern Saturday, November 2, 1957 3 5 • your car' to . •• • 1n New Sinclair Power·X Gasoline WORKS LIKE A FREE ENGINE TUNE-UP E XCLUSIVE NEW X-CHEMICAL "OCTANE BOOSTER" in Sinclair Power-X G asoline tunes up your engine automatically every time you drive by eliminating the harmful engine deposits t hat ruin power and performance. In older cars - after 3 tankfuls of new Power-X-drivers feel new power, as if their cars just had engine tune-ups. In a new N ORTHWESTERN - OHIO STATE WILB UR E. NYPP, Editor car, Power-X helps keep it running like Willinm A. Woodruff ................... Advertising Manager n John F. Jfummel.. ............................ Circulntion Mannger ew, year after year. ationnl Advertising Representative See your friendly Sinclair Dealer Spencer Ad,•ertising Co., 271 Madison Ave., .Y. 16, N.Y. and Ohio tate niversity Official .............................. 2 try new Sinclair Power-X Gasoline. orthwestern niver ity Officials ........................ 3 Northwestern Coaching Staff .................................. 4 Ohio State Coaching Staff ...................................... 5 Dr. J. W. Wilce's La t Team .................................. 6 Former Coach To Retire in 1958 ......................... 7 Students Welcome A lum ni .................................... .. ~cenes at orthwe tern University ................... 9 h~ niversity Cabinet ........................................... 10 Oh10 State's Winter S1>ort Schedules 11 Ohio tate Players ............................ 12, i,i','.2ii;'i2;·36 orthwe tern Players ............................ 16, 30, 34, 42 Story of orthwestern University 1 Meet ~he Wildcat .............................. ::::::::::::::::::::::::26 Marching Band Half-Time Program .. 27 N o~thwe tern Song a nd Y ells .............................. 37 Ohi o State Football Roster ...................................... 38 St:~t:'~: }~f~r!:~f ball Ros ter ............. ................... 39 on ................................................ 4-0 Power Up with SINCLAIR POWER-X Sinclair Refining Company, 155 N. Wacker Dri ve, Chicago 6 , Illin ois OHi STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTE N UNIVE ITY DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT DR. J. ROSCOE MILLER President President DEAN WENDELL D. POSTLE Faculty Representative STUART K. HOLCOMB Director of Athletics RICHARD C. LARKINS PROF. T. LEROY MARTIN Director of Athletics Faculty Representative 2 3 Northwestern Coaching Staff The Buckeye Coaching Staff HEAD FOOTBALL COACH HEAD FOOTBALL COACH W. W. HAYES, Denison, ' 35 ARA PARSEGHIAN, Miami, ' 48 (At left) {At right) Defensive Line Coach Defensive Line Coach, Centers LYAL CLARK, Western Maryland, ' 29 ALEX AGASE, Illinois, ' 47 Guard and Center Coach HARRY L. STROBEL, Miami, ' 32 Backfield Coach PAUL SHOULTS, Miami, ' 49 End Coach ESCO SARKKINEN, Ohio State, ' 40 Tackle Coach BRUCE BEATTY, Miami, ' 51 Backfield Coach EUGENE FEKETE, Ohio State, ' 47 End Coach RICHARD URICH, Miami, ' 51 Tackle Coach WILLIAM R. HESS, Ohio University, ' 47 Guard Coach EDWARD (BO} SCHEMBECHLER, Miami, '51 Backfield Coach CLIVE RUSH, Miami, ' 53 Freshman Coach Head Freshman Coach Dale Samuels, Purdue, ' 53 o S E. R. GODFREY, Ohio State, '15 Fro nt row, left to right; Tom Dillman, a sst. freshme n; Esco Sarkkine n, e nds; Clive Ru sh, backs; Bill Hess, tackles; Le ft to right - Bo Schembechle r, guards; Paul Shoults, backs; Dale Samue ls, freshme n; Ara Parseghia n, he ad coa ch; Dave W e a ver, a sst . freshme n. Back row, le ft to r ight; Ernie Godfre y, he ad freshme n; Harry Stro b el, guard s and Dick Urich, e nds; Bruce Be atty, tackles; Alex Agase, d e fe nsive l ine a nd centers. cent ers; W . W . (Woody) Hayes, h e ad coach; Ge ne Fek et e, backs; Lyal Clark, d e fe nsi ve line , 4 5 1 Coach Jack W ilce s Last Team-1928 Dr. Wilce to Retire in June1 1958 O PRESENT-DAY Ohio rate Univer iry students, T D r. John W. Wilce is rhe professor of clinical and preventive medicine who directs rhe University Health ervice, bur in rhe world of athletics and to thousands of Ohio tare alumni, he i best known as the "Jack" Wike who coached Buckeye football from 1913 through 1928. It was during this 16-year period char Ohio Scare reams first attained championship calibre and national acclaim, and char rhe Ohio radium arose on the banks of the Olentangy River. He al o led in the organization of Ohio State's intramural athletic sysrem, served as its first director, and was co-organizer of rhe American Foot­ ball Coaches Association, in which he holds honorary life membership. Dr. Wilce, a native of Rochester, New York, received his bachelor's degree at rhe University of Wisconsin in 1910, and after a year a reacher of h iscory and director, and coach of athletics at l a Crosse, Wisconsin H igh School, he returned co the University as ass istant pro­ fessor of physical education and Assistant Football Coach. H e joined the Ohio State staff as professor of physical education and head football coach two years lacer. While serving as coach, Dr. Wike attended Ohio tare Medical School and University of Chicago, and received the degree of doctor of medicine in 1919. He continued on the health service staff and the physical education and Front row, left to right: Wyer, Wiragos, Sack, Taylor, McClure, Cory, W. Nesser, Hall. Second row: Freppell, Hess, Horn, McConnell, Fouch, Kruskamp, Eby, Holman, Huston, Coffee. Third row: Willaman, Taylor, Popp, Schear, medical faculties after relinquishing his coaching duties, Dill, Fesler, Fontaine, Alber, Surina, Idle, O'Shaugnessy, Glasser, Seddon. Fourth row: Watts, Gamble, Evans, Oster, and has held his present position since 1934. Reboulet, Griffith, Young, Ujhelyi, Barratt, Raskowski, Cox, Hieronymous, Beck, Zinke, Yerges. Fifth row: Dr. Duffee, , Dr. Wike did po t graduate Roemer, Oberlander, Tuttle, Reese, Selby, Larkins, Yingling, Carlin, J . Nesser, Ray, Buechsenschuss, Carter, Chambers, In the field of medicine Aquila, Dr. Wilce. Sixth row: Nichol, Sattler, Nicklaus, Gerhard, Walkup, Fivas, Rose, Neidert, Ahres, Van Heyde. work ar Columbia University, Harvard University, and Seventh row: Hudson, Lemon, Fisher, Weprin, Brunson, Cahen, Humberstone, Sundra, North. at the arional Hospital for Diseases of the Heart, Lon­ don, England. He is the author of many papers on health, "JACK" WILCE coached Ohio State University foot­ in another undefeated season. However in Ohio State's public health, national physical fitness, medicine, and ball reams to three Western Conference champion­ first Rose Bowl appearance January 1, 1921, the Bucks medical aspeccs of spore, and has conducted several original ships during the "golden days" of early Buckeye losr co California, 28 ro 0. research projects on the heart. gridiron lore and concluded 16 years of brilliance with Dr. Wike is a Fellow and life member of rhe Ameri­ Another loss co Illinois (7-0) in 1921 again pre­ can College of Physicians, served as president of the the marvelous record of 78 victories, 33 defeats and vented an Ohio race championship. This was the Ohio Student Health Association from 1944 to 1946, nine ties. Winning perceocage was .703. last game on old Ohio Field, the stadium dedication and is a member of numerous organizations includi ng the American Heare Association, the American rudenr Three years after launching his Ohio State coaching following in 1922. Association, of which he is presently Vice Pres_i­ career, Dr. Wike won the Big Ten title. Hi 1916 Health Exclusive of rhe abbreviated 1918 season, Ohio rare, denr rhe Columbu Academy of Medicine, the Ohio Public rerun, featuring "Chic" Harley, Ohio rate's first all­ education so­ during the 1915-1921 era, w n 41 games and lost Health Association, and various physical American, won seven straight. In 1917, the Buckeyes cieties. only five for the remarkable winning percentage of .891. still remained undefeated but were tied 0-0 in a post­ He was the only representative of American Medical season game with Auburn. Thus in three years, the Dr. Wilce's last team in 1928 won five, lost two Association on rhe ational Physical Fitness ommirree Buck won 20, lo t one and tied two, rhe 1915 record and tied one. Big Ten victims included Michigan, 1944-46, and serves presently as a member of t!,e having been 5-1-1. 19-7; Indiana, 13-0 and Northwestern, 10-0. Losses School Health ommitree of rhe Ohio Medical Assoc ia­ were to Illinois, 8-0 and Iowa, 14-7. A thrilling 6-6 tion. He served seven years as president of the entral After the war-rime eason of 1918, when the record Ohio Area, Boy Scouts of America, a nd later was a tie was played with Princeton. was 3-3, Ohio rate losr only co Illinois (9-7) in 1919. member of the executive council of that organization. This defeat deprived the Bucks of another ride, but in Dr. Wike and members of rhe 1928 squad are being Dr. Wilce as coach in 1928 Dr. Wike was a member of the board of directors 1920, Dr. Wilce's team won its third championship honored today as they hold their first reunion. of rhe Ohio rare Alumni Association from 1932 to 1940. 6 7 From kickoff to the final gun, Students Welcome Alumni with era.ekerJaek® it's twice the fun I Members of the students' general home coming committee are s hown here. left to right (sitting): Murray Reich­ enstein, s ophomore, Commerce; Babs Jones, sophomore, Education; Skip Calotta, junior, Commerce; Lee Lestock, juniot, Commerce. Standing: Mike Moritz, chairman, senio r, Commerce; Andy Fanta, sophomore, Arts; Gary Buchanan, junior, Comme rce; Jim Sipp, junior, Comme rce; Dave Ford, junior, Comme rce. Airer today's game, fratern ities and sororities will w ELCOME HOME! hold open house so that you may meet the under­ see rbe wonderful HOMECOMING The HOMECOMING committee of 1957 welcomes graduates and you - the OHIO ST ATE ALUMNI, who, since 1882, decorations. have mer annuaUy to renew HOMECOMI G tradi­ Welcome back! The student senate and the HOME­ tions.
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