Jeoloji Panorama Engin Öncü Sümer ve Mine Sümer GEOCHEMISTRY OF CARBONATE (References) Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği (ODTÜ Kütüphanesi GEOREF 1983-1993 CD- taraması) Bölümü, Beytepe 06532 Ankara Tl: Sedimentary cycling and -environmental change Ira. the late Proterozoic; evidence from stable sand radiogenic isotopes. AU: Derry-Louis-A; Kauf man-Alan-J; Jacobsen-Stein-B SO: Geochiinica-et-Cosraochimica-Acta.. 56,. (3). p. Ï 317-1329. YR: Jeoloji Panorama 1992 DE: carbon-; C-İ3/C-12; carbonate-rocks; strontium-; Sr-87/Sr~86; oxygen-; 0-18/0-1.6; isotopes-; .sedimentary-rocks; upper-Proterozoic; Proterozoic-; upper-Precambrian; Precambrian-; stable-isotopes; radioactive-isotopes; alkaline-earth-metals; metals-; ratios-:; marine- environment; environment- Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi'nin 50. sayısının "Jeoloji Panorama" Dünya PeriyodÜderindea CD Tarama sayfalarında Tl: Geochemistry öf Precambrian carbonates; IV, Early Paleoproterozaic (2.25 + or - #«25 Ga) seawater. ''Karbonatların jeokimyası" konusu araşbrmacüann hizmetine AU: Veizer-Jan; Oayton-Robert-N; Hinton-R-W sunulmaktadır. Öz/Abstract bölümünde sayfa sınırlaması SO: Geochimica-et-Cosmochimica-Acta. 56. (3). p.. 875-885. YR: 1992 nedeniyle ancak 4 öz/abstract'a yer verldi.. Sempozyomlardan DE: South-Africa; geochemistry-- carbonate-rocks; Australia-; haberlere 1.997 yılında Çukurova ve Selçuk: Üniversiteleri Canada-; oxygen-; Q-18/O-16; carbon-; C-13/C-12; isotopes-; sedimentary-rocks; strontium-; Sr-87/Sr-86; Precambrian-; lower- Jeoloji Mühendisliği Böllimleıince .gerçekleştirilmiş Jeoloji Proterozoic; Proterozoic-; upper-Precambrian; Malmani-Dolomite; Sempozyumlan ko.no yapılmışta. Çeşitli yayınevlerinden der- Transvaal-Supergroup; Southern-Africa; Africa-; Duck-Creek- Dolomite; Wyloo-Group" Australasia-; Bruce-Member; Espanola- lenen yeni, yaym ve kitaplarla okurïanmizm Iterator dağarcığı Formation; Huronian-; trace-elements; stable-isotopes; ratios-; daha da zen.ginleşmiş olacakta.. Yapılan değerlendirme sonu- marine-environment; environment-; alkaline-earth-metals; metals- cunda oldukça ilgi göreceğine .inandığımız '"'"Jeoloji .Panorama*'" Tl; Carbonate minerals, major and minor elements and oxygen. sayfalarına içerdikleri konu başlıkları, kapsamında sizlerden and carbon isotopes and their variation with water depth in cool, temperate carbonates, western. Tasmania, Australia. gelecek, olan yazılan beklemekteyiz. Bo düşünce ile sizlerinde AU; Prasada-Rao-C; Adabi-Mohammad-H katkılarıyla jeolojinin çeşitli, disiplinlerine daha. geniş bir per- SO: Marine-Geology. 103. (1-3). p. 249-272.. YR: 1.992 DE: Tasmania-; oceanography-; sediments-; Tasman-Sea; oxygen-; O- spektifle bakabilmek olanağı bulunulacaktır. Ayrıca i 8/0-16 ; carbonate-sediments; carbon-; C-l 3/C-12.; isotopes- ; okurlarımızın bize gönderecekleri öğrenmek istedikleri konu- diagenesis-; cementation-;, geochemistry-;, processes-; chemical- fractionation; Australia-.; Australasia-; West-Pacific; Pacific-Ocean; lan ve yanıtlamamızı istedikleri somları, yanıtlan ile birlikte carbonates-; major-elements; minor-elements; stable-isotopes; bulacakları '"Okurlarımızdan** başlığı ile yeni. bir bölümü gele- sedi mentation-rates; marine-sediments; temperate-environment; environment-; depth-.; temperature-; SEM-dala; X-ray-diffraction" cek, sayımızdan başlayarak "Jeoloji Panorama" içinde yer data; bryomol-; bioclastic-sedimentation vereceğiz,. TI: Glacial to interglacial contrasts in the calcium carbonate content and influence off Indus discharge in two eastern AraMan Dünya Periyodiklerinden Sea cores. AU" Divakar-Naidu-P CD-Tarama GEO-REF (1983-1993) SO" Palaeogeography.-Paîaeoclimatology -Palaeoecology. 86. (3-4). p.. 255-263. YR: 1991 Hazırlayanlar Engin öncü. Sümer ve Mine Sümer. DE: Arabian-Sea; stratigraphy-, Quaternary-; sediments-; composition-; calcium-carbonate, Indian-Ocean; Indus-River; cores-:; Konu: Karbonatlı kayaçlarm jeokimyasal, özelikleri discharge-; distribution-, geochemistry-; Holocene-; Pleistocene-; glacial-environment; environment-; interglacial-environmenir fluctuations-: climate-, changes-, indicators- Kısaltmalar Tl = Başlık TI: Geoctaemical mapping of carbonate terrains. AU: Pire-Simon; McNeal-J-M; Lenarcic-T; Prohic-Esad; Svrkota-R AU = Yazar (fer) SO-'Applied-Earth-Sciences.. 100. p. B74-B87. YR; 1991 ÖS = Yayınlandığı yer,, cilt, sayfa DE: Yugoslavia-; geochemistry-; surveys-; geomorphology-; solution- features.; karst-; cartography-; topography-; terrains-; carbonates-; AB' = Yayının özeti Southern-Europe; Europe-; statistical-analysis; soils- YE = Yayınlandığı, yıl LA = Yayının yazıldığı dil TI: Strontiom isotope profile of Carboniferous-Permian Akiyoshi Limestone in Southwest Japan. 1 DE = Yayının, .anahtar sözcükleri AU: Nishioka-Sumino; Arakawa-Yoji; Kobayashi-Yoji SO: Geochemical-Journal. 25. (3). p. 137-146. YR: 1991 DE: Japan-; geochemistry-; isotopes-; Sr-87/Sr-86; limestone-; strontium-; sedimentary-rocks; Akiyoshi-Limestone; Honshu-; Far- JEOLOJl MÜHENDİSLİĞİ, Sayı 50 82 East; Asia-; alkaline-earth-metals; metals-; sedimentary-petrology; matrix-; cement-; dolomitization-; sea-water; brines-; fluid-inclusions;' carbonate-rocks; stable-isotopes; Carboniferous-; Permian-; inclusions-; geologic-thermometry; oxygen-; O-18/O-16; hydrogen-; interpretation- D/H-; deuterium-; Michigan-Basin; North-America; siliciclastics- TT: Pétrographie and geocheniical analysis of caliche profiles in a TT: Carbon isotopic stratigraphy of the San Andres Formation; a Bahamian Pleistocene dune., possible correlation tool.?. AU: Beier-J-A SO: Sedimentology. 34. (6).. p.. 991-998. YR: İ9S7 AU: Colgan-R-Eugene; Scholle-Peter-A DE: Bahamas-; geochemistry'-; sedimentary-rocks; carbonate-rocks; SO: AAPG-Billetin.. 75.. (3).. p. 5.55 YR; 1991 caliche-; carbon-; C-13/C-12; oxygen-; 0-18/0-1'?; isotopes-; ratios-; DE: Texas-; stratigraphy-; Permian-; San-Andres-Formation; upper-Pleistocene; Pleistocene-; Quaternary-; West-Indies; clastic- Southwestern-U.S.; United-States; carbon-; isotopes-; correlation-; rocks; eolianite-; "stable-isotopes; trace-elements; petrography-; San- Algerita-Escarpment; Permian-Basin; transgression-; shelf- Salvador environment; environment-;. nearsho:re-environ.m.ent; progradation.-; cycles-; dolostone-; carbonate-rocks;. C-1.3/0.12; stable-isotopes; TI: Petrological and isotopic implications of some contrasting late dissolved.-materi.als; dol.omi.tizati.on-; chemostrattgraphy- Precambrian carbonates, ME Spitsbergen. AU; Fairchild-I-J; Spiro-B SO^: Sedimentology. 34. (6). p. 973-989.. TI: Calhodolnminescence and trace-element geochemistry of YR: 1987 carbonate cements formed with burial in seawater. DE; Spitsbergen-; sedimentary-petrology; sedimentary-rocks; AU: Budd-D-A carbonate-rocks; geochemistry-; carbon-; C-13/C-12; oxygen-; O- SO: AAPG-Bulletin,, 75. (3). p. 547 YR; 1991 18/Ö-16; isotopes-; ratios-;, Svalbard-; Vendian-; upper-Ptoterozoic; DE: Atlantic-Ocean; sedimentary-petrology; diagenesis-; Proterozoic-; stable-isotopes.; iron-; metals-; manganese-; strontium-; cathodoluminescence-; trace-elements; cement-; carbonates,-; sea- alkaline-earth-metals; diagenesis-; paieoenvironment-; upper- water; cementation,-; Lower-Cretaceous; Cretaceous-; turbidite-; Precambrian; Precambrian-; Arctic-region; Polar-regions. debris-flows; mass-movements; .DSDP-Site-534;; Leg-76; EPOB-;. Deep-Sea-DrilHng-Project; DSDP-Site-416; Leg-50; aliochems-; petrography-; overgrowths-; siliciclastics-; Eh-; pH-; brines-; TI: Coordinated textural, isotopic, and elemental analyses of 1 i mes tone- ; carfo onate-rocks constituents in some Middle Devonian limestones. AU; Popp-Brian-Nicholas OS.; University of Illinois, Urbana, United- TI: Diagenetic framework for chemical remanence acquisition in States; Master's SO; 136 p, YR; 1981 lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks from W.. Newfoundland. DE: sedimentary-rocks; limestone-; isotopes-; Devonian-; AU: Beaubouef-R-T; Rush-P-F sedimentary-petrology; geochemistry-; carbonate-rocks; textures.-; SO: ÄAPG-Bulletin. 75. (3>. p.. .539 YR: 1991 Middle-Devonian DE: Newfoundland-; sedimentary-petrology; diagenesis-; stratigraphy-; Paleozoic-; Eastern-Canada; Canada-; lower-Paleozoic; TI: Stable isotope geochemistry of early Proterozoic carbonate carbonate-rocks ; western-Newfoundland; Saint-George-Group ; concretions in the Ânimikie Group of the Lake Superior region; Tfemadocian-; Lower-Ordovician; Ordovician-; Port-au-Port- evidence for anaerobic bacterial processes. Peninsula; Cambrian-; autochthons-; uplifts-; petrography-; evolution- AU; Winter-Bcyce-L; Knauth-L-Paul SO: Precambrian-Research. 54. ; fabric-; limestone-;, dolostone-; paleomagnefism-; magnetization-; (2-4). p. 131-151. YR:1992 hematite-; oxides-; karst-; solution-features; dedolomitization-; DE: Minnesota-; geochemistry-; isotopes-; Ontario-; carbon-; C-13/C- remagnetization-; magnetite-; geochemistry-; cementation-; 12; concretions-; oxygen-; O-18/0-16; sulfur-; 5-34/S-32; precipitation-; authigenic-minerals; dolomitization- sedimentary-structures; secondai-structures; Aitimikie-Group; Rove- Formation.; Thomson-Formation; Gunflint-Iron-Formaäon; Midwest-; TI:: Kuwaiti dolocrete; petrology» geochemistry and groura.dwa.ter Uni ted-States; stable-isotopes; lower-Proterozoic; Proterozoic-; origin.. dolomite-; carbonates-; precipitation-; diagenesis-; reduction-; AU: El-Sayed-M-1; Fairchild-1-J; Spiro-B SO: Sedimentary-Geology. Eastern-Canada; Canada-;. Pass-Lake-Quarry; Oliver-Creek; electron- 73. (1-2). p. 59-75. YR: 1991 probe-data; authigenic-minerals; Lake-Superior-region DE: Kuwait-"
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