PAGE EIGHTEEN FBIDAY, JUNK T, 1968 Avenffe Daily Net Press R n Mrs. Cedi H. TreadweU Jr. of . Manchester Rod and Gun Club Pfc. Walter F. Scadden, U.S. For the Week Ended. Lance Q)l. Joseph O. Hettinger A ^nan 3.C. Francis O. ‘Zeman- The Weather About Town 124 Hackmatack St. recently re­ will have its quarterly meeting Marine Corps, aon of Mr. and Mre. o f the U.S. Marine Corps, son of tlc Jb, son of Mrs. Stella M. Flah- Two Serving Jtohe 1 , 196X ceived an award for the hii^eat Monday at 8 p.m. at the clubhouse W. H. Scadden, 13 CourUand St., M /. and Mra Walter O. Hettinger, er of 87 Avondale Rd., recently o f U. & WcMbM average in - the freshman olasa at on Daley Rd., Coventry. recenUy graduated from Aviation Gleason S t, recently received a arrived at Wethersfield RAF sta ­ niore will be « hlgb Maas In WilUmantlc State College. Crash Crewman School at the 13,920 lionor of the Rev. Phlllj) Hussey’s letter of appreciation for outstand­ tion, {higland, for an assignment Priiwn Terms Calvary Church, Assemblies of Naval Air Technical Training with a unit of the U.S. Air Force ■Caliber of the Audit Partly noniqr, little wanner. Fair ■liver Jubilee, Sabiuxlay at 8 a.m. ing field mesa operations at Bogue Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith. God, will sponsor a concert of the Center, Memphis, Tenn. He is now Pledd, N.C. March 18 to 29. He In Europe. He la an air freight , Rnrean of OUeolatton tonlglit and Snnday wMl MNe at St. BartholOTnenv’s Church, at 131 Hartford Rd., will be host and Revivaltime Choir tonight at 7:30 qualified for duties as a fireman specialist and was formerly atS' temperature change. the request o f the Ccmblned Oath'* entered the Marines Septemiber For Assaults ‘Manche§t«r— A CUy of Village Charm hostess Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at Community Baptist Church. The and emergency rescue worker 1959 and is a mess cook with tloned at SheppaA AFB, Texas. oUc Mothers Caroles. at Lutz Junior Museum. public is invited. with Marine aWation units. Stajtlon Maintenance squadron at FbUKp Date RJbe, toL, c f U P tos Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Mlaa Diane H. Klimaa, daughter HUi St, and‘John C. NMonsy, SB, John Pofflnharger, intern at Point, N.C. of Mr. and Mra. William J. KXmas, of 9. Pleasant St„ both have been MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1968 (Olaaelflad AdvertMng on Page B\ Elmanuel Lutheran Church, will PRICE SEVEN CENTS conduct a service Sunday at 6:40 159 Irving St., has recently start­ found guilty to aex offeneee and a.m. at the chapel at Manchester Madls Raudsepp, son of Mr. and ed a 12-week program in psychi­ are now serving prison terms at Memorial Hoapdtal. The Rev. Paul Mrs. Hugo Raudsepp, 16 Eldridge atric nursing at the Institute of the State Prison at Wetherafleld. J. Kaiser, pastor of Concordia St., has begun basic training at Living, Hartford. She is a student Rose last Friday at Hartford Lutheran Church, will bfe hospital the U.S. Army Training Center at at Mercy Hospital School of Superior Court was eentenoed to chaplain of the week. Ft. Dix, N. J. He is a graduate of Nursing, Woonsocket, R I. eerve from 8 to IS years at thii Manchester High School and state prison. He was oonvloted on The Rev. Alex H. Ellsesser, pas­ Morse Business College in Hart­ Mrs. Benjamin Tarasiuk of 50 separate counts of rape which oc­ or dads tor of Community Baptist Church, ford. Winter St. and Mrs. ’Walter curred in Coventry on March 4 will be in charge of radio broad- Smoluk of 116 Oak St. left today and in Manchester on March 10, Isolate Campus at Alabama casU sponsored by the Manchester Miss Jean Mary Anderson, for a three-month visit to friends the latter Involving a teen-age Ministerial Association over sta­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter and relatives In Poleind. They girl. He received 7 to 13 yean on tion WTNF Sunday at 7:35 p.m. Anderson, 20 Avondale Rd., re­ sailed on the M. SI Batory from one count and 8 to 11 yean on the and dally next week at 7:30 a.m. cently graduated with honors from Montreal, Canada. Mrs. Smoluk Is Shafer photo other. Roee also was given from Lighter Side and 6:30 pjn. Bay Path Junior College, Long- returning home for the first time 1 to 3 years for burglary and from JFK to Bear Down From "MARLOW'S GIFTLAND"... .meadow. Mass. She received a In 40 years. Mrs. Tarasuik visi­ Engaged 1 to 2 for Indecent assault. Ail Miss Barbara Ladabouche,' 'prerldent’s gold key for high scho- ted her home in 1960 after an Of the News The engagement of Miss lAura sentences are to run oonourrently. Stores Father's Day Headquarters For Over SO Years! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard lasUc standing. Miss Anderson has abseiKe of 34 years. Rose was AWOL from Camp Ladabouche, 86« E. Middle Tpke., accepted a position at Traveler’s Anne Trudel of 46 Weaver Rd, Lejuene, N. C., Marine Training On Political Trail has recently been appointed a Research Service, Hartford. to Elttore Charles Raccagni of Center at the time of Ms arrest SAN DIEGO, OaUf. (AP) — summer extension assistant at Tol­ Correction Manchester has been announced on March 12 by State and Man­ Shaking Preoldent Kennedy’s land County Extension Service. Mark Abraitis, son of Mr. and chester Police. Ihe original Cov­ hand has turned a blind sixth She will assist staff members with by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. grade atudent, Joey Renal, 11, Mrs. Cutson Abraitis, 68 Doane Because it received inaccurate entry charges by poMce Included LOS ANGELES (A P)— President Kennedy left missiles summer programs, particularly in St., who is on vacation from St. information. The Herald yesterday Thomas J. Chara of Kenmore, Into a celebrity at his elemen­ behind today and began bearing down on politics, courting the 4-H phase. She is a Child De- burglary with violence, robbery tary eohool. nnm Bonaventure (N. Y.) University, reported erroneously that the W N .Y .,^ m e rly of Manchester. with violence, indecent assault (3 the women’s vote after lining up California’s governor as an veloppnent major in the School of is recuperating from surgery at part-time applicants to the Man­ Her fiance is the son of Mrs. counts) and kidnaping. Both Cov­ He spent the day after the informal political agent. Home Eccmomics at the University Hartford Hospital. He expects to chester Community College Include momentous handshtae deliver­ of Connecticut. Her minor field is Charles N. Raccagni, 74 Wood- entry and Manchester charges Kennedy, winding up three days return home in about one week. 17 high school seniors and three bridge St., and the late Charles were consolidated and the oases ing speeches and showing off a study of animal Industries. mbiiatare PT boat tie clasp of military displays In 'the three adults. The applicants are actual­ Raccagni. brought a double-blndover to the states, arranged a midmorning St. Christopher’s Moth'ers Cir­ the President gave him. Lincoln White ly all adults. Also, Supt. of Schools iMlss Trudel is a graduate of higher Hartford court. appearance at a breakfast meet­ Mrs. Margaret Baldwin of 79 cle will meet tonight at 8:30 at William H. Ourtls may act on the Nike Circle recently was natural­ Manchester High School and Mahoney, an ex-policeman and His schoolmates wanted to ing of Democratic women. This the horqe of Mrs. Joseph F’lsch, applications, and It Is not neces­ grip the hand which had grip­ ized at the U. S. District Court at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. parolee from the Wethersfield was only a few hours after attend­ Has New P ^ t TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) 74 Helolne Rd. Mrs. Francis sary that they be held up pending ped the President’s. ing .another dining session Friday New Haven. Maloney will serve as oo-hostess. She attended. Harvard Graduate State Prison, on May 17 at ^ p e r - •^Bright yellow barricades’ hiring of a dean. School of Education, and ia pres­ "I had girls gMore, and all night limited to party contributors A-POOT ior Court was tried and convicted of them saying Pm hioky,” he isolated the University of r. ently completing studies for a of indecent assault and sentenced in the $1,000 clas.s. In Australial said. a s masters degree at the University to serve from 2 to 9 years at Earlier Friday Kennedy tagged Alabama campus today of Hartford. She is a member of Wethersfield. Mahoney was ar­ One of the glris, Nancy Bow­ California Gov. Edmund G. Brown WASHINGTON (AP) — The! segregationist leaders ursred the faculty of Waddell School. rested by Manchester Police on man, IS, who also la blind. An­ to undertake a speaking tour voice of the State Department is their followers to combat in­ Give gered the he clasp with the throughout the West. changing. Mr. Raccagni is a graduate of March 23 on a Circuit Court 12 tegration with dollars instead warrant charging him with rap­ word "Kennedy" written on It Brown termed his prospective Lincoln White, who for years Manchester High School and and told Joey: "Next Ame, autumn tour ’’quasi-political,'' but has given newsmen and the pub­ of violence. ing a Manchester women in her Bates College, and received a mas­ I’m going to write." no one doubted that the emphasis lic the department’s view of for­ Eugene (Bull) Connor, the mUi- ters degree from the University home on Alorch 20.
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