This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONNECTICUT WEATHER1 Low 46 High 52 cloudy, light rain possible fog MO'S #: 703/684-7848 301/745-5426 FINAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1989 7:55am DEPART Residence for Andrews Air Force Base Naval Air Facility 8:25am ARRIVE Andrews Air Force Base Naval Airforce Facility and proceed to departing aircraft 8:30am DEPART Washington,DC for Groton,CT/Groton-New London FBO: Columbia Air Service Aircraft: C20 Tail number: 692 Flight time: 1 hour 10 minutes Pilots: LCDR Kevin Boyd LCDR Walt Huestis Seats: 12 Meal: Breakfast Manifest: Senator Dole Cong. Slattery Capt. Ted Hack 703/329-8575(H) C. McDowell(Slattery's aide) P. Jacobson 9:40am ARRIVE Groton,CT/Groton-New London FBO: Columbia Air Service 203/449-1257 Met by: RADM Bill Houley - Commander Submarine Group 2 NOTE: Capt. Hack will be Senator Dole's escort. 9:45am DEPART airport for Precommissioning Breakfast and Briefing Location: Squadron Two Headquarters Bldg. 80 Submarine Base Drive time: 15 minutes Page 1 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONNECTICUT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1989 lO:OOam ARRIVE/ATTEND Precommissioning Breakfast and Briefing 203/449-3605 Location: Squadron Two Headquarters Bldg. 80 Attendance: 45 Event runs: 9:30-10:45am Press: Closed Format: Informal breakfast and briefing - not a sit down event Facility: None Contact: Capt. Hack 202/697-3212(0) 703/329-8575(8) NOTE: See attached list of attendees. 10:45am DEPART Breakfast and Briefing for Commissioning of USS TOPEKA Location: Pier 32 North Submarine Base Drive time: 5 minutes NOTE: Senator and Mrs. Dole will proceed in separate cars. 10:50am ARRIVE Pier 32 and proceed to Commissioning of USS TOPEKA Page 2 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu ____..C~_LS_Rtt_C_~~r (r,~} c. ~--T~~--~ ---~-- ..• ~~¥? . l.trMcr.Lt1U '- /. ~fit<c1t/1'!2_xa.. -~~.KL. .. ···-- · -· ··· - · -- · ---~1ti~_K1.t l(QTI(.~ ··- _____ . 5'-i_~!<v _o~·F1~u _~'i..4 --·-·- -~ __- · ---- ._co~ . l... 1'1~ . ..rt~ll£'< _ -- ·· __ P.c.o_ ~~.Joss-_ .. _. -- ·-·------ ~-----~It.~ _QA(2cl ._f_ R• '~- __ __cpM ~-f.L..-t..."!J'__ ---· __ ··------- , ·Bt!CM 4.MltS CAJrj1~~-- Rttt•u~.m~ M+VilA~Y._~~----- -------- -'-~........ ~.... D~___..J. ... tlli._ ~uil~~· ~t.,.,._J ___.c.a,.,_.!t~e .c. a~.~~-------- . 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(~.C:.°.77) ___ •.N"'~·'-~~$ _/Jlfle~~ ~-~~1. ·-~ - ---•- ----·---· ·· -· -··- ·--- ·- · --- . ..• ·------·-···----- Page 3 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONNECTICUT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1989 ll:OOam ATTEND/ADDRESS Commissioning of the USS TOPEKA 203/449-4343 Location: Pier 32 Attendance: 1,000 50 Kansans Event runs: 11:00am-12:00pm Press: Open Format: ll:OOam Invocation by Lt. Logan ll:OSam Welcome remarks by CDR Reichert ll:lOam Brief remarks by James Turner, VP-Gen. Mgr. Electric Boat Div. General Dynamics ll:lSam Brief remarks by Capt. Shackelton, supervisor of shipbuilding 11:19am Remarks by Mayor Felker 11:23am Remarks by RADM Walter Cantrell 11:27am Remarks by Cong. Slattery 11:3lam Commissioning by VADM Bacon, Commander Submarine Force National Anthem 11:36am Hoisting of the Flag 11:45am Remarks by Sec. Dole ll:SOam Remarks by VADM Bacon and intoduction of Senator Dole 12:54pm Remarks by Sen. Dole 12:00pm Benediction by Lt. Logan Facility: Platform on ship with Podium and Mike Guests seated on pier Contact: Capt. Hack 697-3212 NOTE: See attached list of Kansas attendees. Page 4 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu .. ' .. ' ' •1 t r . L ~ USS.!OPBKA CO?.L\!JSSIONING COMMl'I1EE llany ..... r.lwt\ ~ llJI I. Pda It,_. locttR Mil r ...-. ......... PltOIM IJl-IM..-n IT OCTI It it> ALL PIUOHI PLA.NMI JtO TO ATTllCD OCl6U ltJONJ JKJ1 Mr. and Mr1. Rl•h•rd aramen Mr. Ootdon Lan1ford 1411 lt1rlin1 fO lox 111t K1n1a1 cttr, Mi11ourl ••1aa Topeka, l1n111 11101 r>ou' la~b•tt T..... Pl11noP ' Ill ldrewatar D~f ve llGt lunnybroo~ L111 It. ~Oltph, Ml11ourl ••&OI L1wr1n11, Kan111 llDC4 Crnt lal tit lohn locrl r/o Top•k• Capital-Journal o/o Tope•• Capital Journal Ith t ~1tfer1on Ith t '•ff1r1on top1k1, K1naa1 11101 Topeka, K1n111 11111 Mar1 Loftu1 Paul lean c/o Wl.IW•TV o/o WJIW·TV PO 101: 111 PO lox llt Topeta, Kania• 11101 Topeka, l1n111 •ttD1 Id Har•• lloolrJ Arnold a/o ISMT-TV o/o klJIT•TV PO lox 1700 PO 101 ITOO Tupeta, Kan111 18101 Topeka, 11n111 11111 O"qtl• •• Srlekeon, Jr. Vol'l\t ltt,htnt ~110 llarrleon 1011 &Aan1on Topeka, Kan••• 81111 Topeka. Kanaat lllQf Mr. and Mra. Gary lmlth Mr. and Mra. Don ~•••• P•tk f o r1 '"' l t h 1114 loutheaat IO\h '111 louthw11t llnd Ttrrao• #1 Topeka, l1n111 11101 Topeka, K1n1a1 11114 Mr. and Mr1. John MoMea1 Mr. and Mr1. Charle• carpenter %111 llvntoon 11e1 Pla11 r~p•k&, Kanaaa 11194 Topeka, Kan111 11104 Mr. and Mr1. Larr1 lohumen Mayor and Mr1 • . luteh r1lk1r cttr Hal1 .· Netawaka, Kan1a1 18511 Tth A QulntJ ltft1t1 Tope••· Kan••• lttOI w.r. Po I •Y.~ Dr. M• I • r o 1• y John Prlee d l 4 1400 Colorado 4140 Bo 1•• oa Topeka, K1a111 •••OI 1 ll ver Lat•, Kanae• II &10 ..... , ww ¢1:t•, tr, 2 • ~~~~~~~' ~'~~~~~? ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~. ~. ~.~ , ,~· ~ : ~ ·. ~ ·- · · · ·~~ ~- ~ .. , ., . '"·•.'. •·, ·.' ".:· ' ...'. ·-... ::. I ·.. " ":-.: ~- :· . · ~~;~~ ;\ :;:.,+..: ( ', " ' ' . ... · · ~ ... --.. ,.. .. ; . .. I '..:. .. • · ... : -.i.t~~ .-. t_..t -it ' · ,.·,:):.;, .t · ·· • ,.· .r . .• ·... ,.: ·:..~~;:=,:i~ :'~iPage 5 ~of 82· " ~ - ,.. .,, ,. ,: ~.,)o:.J "" ~.v-J;tt 1 . ... ~~·.. ........... This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 4 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONNECTICUT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1989 ARRANGEMENT OF SPEAKERS ON STAND First row: Mayor Felker VADM Bacon, Commander Secretary Dole Senator Dole Cong. Slattery CDR Reichert, prospective Commanding Officer of the USS TOPEKA Second rows Lt. Logan, Chaplain Capt. Shackelton, Supervisor of Shipbuilding Mr. Turner, V.P., Electric Boat Ms. Wallace, Matron of Honor RADM Hauley, Commander Capt. Moore, Navy Commander Page 6 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Pagehttp://dolearchives.ku.edu 5 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONNECTICUT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1989 12:05pm DEPART Ceremony for Commissioning Reception Location: Officers Club Submarine Base Drive time: 5 minutes NOTE: Senator and Mrs. Dole will ride in same car. 12:10pm ARRIVE Officers Club and proceed to Commissioning Reception 203/449-2583 Location: Of ficere Club Attendance: 300 Event runs: 12:30-2:30pm Press: Closed Format: Remarks and presentation of gifts by CMDR Reichert Presentation of gifts to Senator and Secretary Dole Facility: Stage, Podium and mike Contact: Capt. Hack 697-3212 NOTE: Gifts will be presented to Senator and Secretary Dole at beginning of Reception. 12:45pm DEPART Reception for Groton-New London Airport Drive time: 15 minutes NOTE: Senator and Mrs. Dole will ride in same car. Page 7 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 6 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONNECTICUT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1989 l:OOpm ARRIVE Groton/New London Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBOs Columbia Air Service 203/449-1257 l:OSpm DEPART Groton,CT for Washington,DC/Andrews Air Force Base FBO: Andrews Air Force Base Aircraft: C20 Tail number: 692 Flight time: 1 hour 10 minutes Pilots: LCDR Kevin Boyd LCDR Walt Huestis Seats: 12 Meal: Lunch Manifest: Senator Dole Secretary Dole Cong. Slattery M. Wallace L. Venberg C. McDowell Capt. Hack P. Jacobson 2:15pm ARRIVE Andrews Air Force Base Naval Air Facility 301/981-3777 NOTE: Wilbert will pick up the Senator and Tim will pick up Mrs. Dole. 2:20pm DEPART Andrews Air Force Base for Residence NOTE: Mrs. Dole will proceed to Department of Labor. 3:10pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE o. Page 8 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu OCTOBER 21, 1989 USS TOPEKA SSN754 COMMISSIONING Page 9 of 82 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu ;6 USS TOPEKA SSN754 COMMISSIONING COMMISSIONING CEREMONY AND PENNANT The commissioning ceremony marks the acceptance of a ship as a unit of the operating forces of the United States Navy. At the moment the commissioning pennant is broken, USS TOPEKA (SSN754) becomes the responsibility of the Commanding Officer, who, together with the ship's officers and men, has the duty of making and keeping her ready for any service required by our nation, whether we be at peace or at war.
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