"Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries" FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Profiling of Provincial Fisheries Resources in Papua New Guinea PROJECT REFERENCE: PAC1.5 - B8 Assignment implemented by Paul NICHOLS & Steve LINDSAY JANUARY2013 Project Funded by “This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The the European Union. contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.” “The content of this document does not necessarily reflect the views of the concerned governments.” "Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries" TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 1 1 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................... 2 2 APPROACH TO THE ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................. 2 3 COMMENTS ON THE TERMS OF REFERENCE ............................................................ 4 4 ORGANISATION AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 5 4.1 DELIVERY OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE ............................................................................. 5 4.2 CONDUCT AND DETAILS OF THE ASSIGNMENT ...................................................................... 7 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................. 8 5.1 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................ 8 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................................. 9 Appendices APPENDIX A: TERMS OF REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................... 11 APPENDIX B: WORK SCHEDULE............................................................................................................................. 25 APPENDIX C: PEOPLE MET ..................................................................................................................................... 27 APPENDIX D: DOCUMENTATION CONSULTED ........................................................................................................ 29 APPENDIX E: PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN DURING THE MISSION.................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX F: INCEPTION REPORT .......................................................................................................................... 49 APPENDIX G: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL STAKEHOLDER VALIDATION WORKSHOP .................................... 93 APPENDIX H: VALIDATED INTERIM TECHNICAL REPORT – DRAFT PROVINCIAL FISHERIES PROFILES .................. 111 Tables TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF APPROACH ................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TABLE 2: KEY ACTIVITIES PERFORMED ........................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Figures FIGURE 1: MAP OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA, AND THE PROVINCES APPLICABLE TO THIS STUDY .................................. 1 FIGURE 2: AVAILABILITY OF PHYSICAL, GEOGRAPHIC AND SOCIAL DATA REQUIRED FOR PRODUCTION OF PROVINCIAL FISHERIES PROFILES .................................................................................................................... 4 FIGURE 3: AVAILABILITY/QUALITY OF DATA REQUIRED FOR PRODUCTION OF PROVINCIAL FISHERIES PROFILES ..... 4 FIGURE 4: COMPLIANCE WITH FISHERIES REGULATIONS AT PROVINCIAL LEVEL ..................................................... 7 FIGURE 5: ENFORCEMENT OF FISHERIES REGULATIONS AT PROVINCIAL LEVEL ....................................................... 8 FIGURE 6: STAFF AND FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS FOR PROVINCIAL FISHERIES ADMINISTRATIONS ........................... 8 FIGURE 7: RATING OF NATIONAL/PROVINCIAL EFFORTS TO INCREASE SKILLS ......................................................... 9 FIGURE 8: AVAILABILITY OF STOCK AND FISHERY DATA ....................................................................................... 10 FIGURE 9: AVAILABILITY OF DATA RELATING TO INLAND CAPTURE FISHERIES ..................................................... 11 i Project funded by the European Union Project implementedA project byimplemented AGRER by: "Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries" Boxes BOX 1: MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENTS BETWEEN NFA AND PROVINCIAL AUTHORITIES ....................................... 9 Cover photo Deep-water snapper landed at Kokopo Fisheries Cooperative Association, East New Britain Province (photo: Paul Nichols) Acknowledgements The assistance of NFA officers is gratefully acknowledged, particularly Sylvester Pokajam (Managing Director, NFA), Mr Andrew Taunega (Project Manager, NFA) andPresley Kokwaiye (NFA Provincial Support Officer). Our thanks go also to Philippe Cacaud (Legal and MCS Expert, ACP Fish II Coordination Unit, Brussels) and Mr Augustine Mobiha (Regional Manager for the Pacific- ACP Fish II, Solomon Islands), as well as Ms Stacey Wali for her excellent administrative support in organising the stakeholder validation workshop. ii Project funded by the European Union Project implementedA project byimplemented AGRER by: "Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries" Abbreviations and Acronyms ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ACP Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States ACP Fish II ACP Fish II programme: Strengthening fisheries management in ACP states ARTFISH Approaches, Rules and Techniques for Fisheries statistical monitoring CFMDP Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project (ADB-funded) CPUE Catch per Unit Effort FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN FFA South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency FMIS Fisheries Management Information System GEF Global Environment Fund ICT Information and Communications Technology LLG Local Level Government MCS Monitoring, Control and Surveillance MoA Memorandum of Agreement NFA National Fisheries Administration (of Papua New Guinea) OFCF Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Foundation (Japan) PGK PNG Kina (currency) PNG Papua New Guinea RCFDP Rural Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (EU-funded) SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats iii Project funded by the European Union Project implementedA project byimplemented AGRER by: "Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries" EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Mission was undertaken during the period 23 Nov 2012 – 24 Jan 2013 by AGRER Ltd, under contract to the ACP Fish-II Programme. The Mission’s objective was to help improve the availability and reliability of data and information for the fisheries sector at provincial level, through the development of a suitable fisheries database template and identifying courses of action required to ensure regular updating of provincial fisheries databases, once developed. The mission commenced with a literature search and review, and the development of a draft work plan. The two-man team assigned by AGRER to undertake the mission arrived in Port Moresbyon 23 and 26 Nov 2012. Initial planning consultations at NFAs office took place on 26th November, attended by NFA and ACP Fish-II officials. During this period, the mission team obtained clarity on the detailed aims of the mission, the outputs and logistical and administrative matters. The first phase of the mission took place between 23 November and 10 December 2012,during which time the mission team visited fivekey provinces, including East Sepik, Madang, East New Britain, Milne Bay and Central. Face-to-face consultations were held with a total of 53 stakeholders. In addition, phone/e-mail contacts were made with 10 stakeholders in other provinces and interested organisations.A debriefing on the first phase was undertaken at the beginning of phase 2 at NFA headquarters in Port Moresby on January 15th. The information and data obtained through literature searches and stakeholder interviews was used by the mission team to formulate a draft model template for provincial fisheries profiles – the key deliverable of the mission. These form the basis of the Interim technical Report. The second phase of the Mission took place between 11th and 24thJanuary 2013. A stakeholder validation workshop was held on 17thand 18thJanuary, 2013 in Port Moresby, attended by 25Provincial stakeholdersrepresenting 9provinces and other interested parties. The workshop afforded the opportunity for stakeholders to review and thoroughly discuss the draft Interim Technical Report produced at the end of the first phase, which included the draft Provincial profile format and draft national policy for data and information. The feedback obtained was duly considered by the mission team and a revised document produced – constituting the Draft Final Technical Report. The DFTRwas produced and submitted to ACP Fish-II and NFA on 28th January 2013 and circulated by NFA for additional comment. Additional comments were received from provincial and other stakeholders or the NFAbefore the end of the final 14-day deadline for further feedback, and thisfinal technical report was finalized on the basis of the workshop debates and the circulated draft FTR. The provincial data & information template and national policy document is attached hereto, together with
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