
JJ.', I www.magiciicvalley.coin : -v V ,: .'.' ^ ,. i'»v m m S i— rTw>n"P?iiisri m S u n d a y , A p r il 2 2 , -2izooT'"*'™ *" M ______________' $ 1 .5 0 I . Good MOlORNINC I -' W eatherI >. ■ 'TMay!lay:'Suhshme. '.' withi-pK p a td iy : , I * > clou&iids;Ifi^.S8, M q )RE P R <OT]ECI ■;v ’36.''.. ■ T" norR? ■■■ ^ ^ ^ G i c r V tiL e L E Y . ~ ^ )wyhee ispute ioiniSijs S r ’ ■; ' ■ B y Si.N i’i o S to ri)d ’.' r . ’. ”i; . T Im m^<ewlwi^tgT ii ' " '? ■, L —-In-thasidsi-BiKter:er the beagle' fb FLAT. - Th^'isolatedd; ': I ' andR extheR oR wtweflerwere c iouihwewest comer of Idaho is so I ■ r among the more Iththi a n 40 dogs re m ote te an echo would die of,if, shampooed Satuidorday to raise , lonelineness. •; ! monqr to paint the:ieBurleyani- TWso5 com er of Owyhee County,"’ft" ' malshelter. whereld! Idaho, Nevada and Oregon P a g e B l was. identified in 1936 as econd largest' roadUss - . , desert.aj: area in the United States.i,; ■ Healthy self-image:’eiThe Mostofi)f it is federal publiclanB;' author of “like'ISii[Ime fo r Your L ates hlast year, several, conser*, I Life,” gave tips for.rdeveloping: d ■ It groups! proposed then- a healthy self^ageige a t a con- lent. Clinton'designate 2.77.; ! J . FerraceinH^^ Sa n acres of .Owyhee County,:, ■passing the canydnlands of “‘^ e m - th e -Owy- hee ' and-.'I '■ ll8w i8S M . .rivers and1 . jSlowerlnspHngiTwIWin'Falls* ■ . H W ' -J a"c ,k s.< Creek, as a ‘ |constni(^bn sectorarihlMbrch i • n a t i o n a l1 . f^ishbrtofyeanear:»rlier activi- . S h aaplngthe n m o n u.- . ty fdr the firet time's .. October. ' O w ytarhees-AS,' "Sw ton ' PageDl, >T-—---------- ------- is ■ gone- from office■ ; Rafiingonthe BruneauR now,-but>ut the v ^ u e s the groups v River has attracted whltew’atirater boaters from, ^u n d thM a countiye «|Ma the river was.flnt fl navigated in J^SO. F ; ^ i i ^ y .L i e[7R e sought to protect still exist. So do) /' .. , Flg|, ■ ■ the disa:sagreemehts about the feidof ^ .area’sfutfuture. ... ......... ^ Wanttovis e biological and wildlife C’O w y l i e e T P n i i i l a i i d s . 5 of the Owyhees are ^Frai|og*.>h I'se. They a re nationally m w i t ^oolspphor . sigjiifirairant,^ said Katie Fite of immlttsrfOTdaRo’rffip ^ ' tel ii>WiiQ>'.M , w-Beaert-r l)ouldn*t ■ '^TheJ ihtdfestij in t&T cfcSnay ' — X . - 4 p fin e w h o i !oing;^to go ^ a y ,* * said ,!^ y Nothem, spokesman fo?-® v Till* map o f - , n.MikeCrapo. " .'-\v • . Page El • .But rairanchers fear that addi-' ' Mud.l!iBrRb8d.tumsofr& " tis ;■ pwhyM'- ;■ ;i tional prprotective designations • would m<mean an end to grazing ; . Head south oii.Mud Rat Road,'..R( . *.. .; . County thOMra .. S p o r t s laDeled as O^ee.Uplaikinds'Back . - fonnar,. • . within thethecanyonlands. , . Couhtiy Byway. ■' M l splits at Ricks:i: cCoUege o f “U om*t n ' know w hat will'hap;.r;,.'>!• ’ Mud Rat Road ains souttnthwestup Prastdent grazing,is halted,” said ' onto the Owyhee plateauu andi turns . • ' .Clinton's pro: Southem Idaho final!jallylosta SnkeH?.lanley of Jordan .Valley, , game, but the EagleslescMe . Ore.,wh< . - wMt and then north to JorIordan Valley. ^ /hose .faniily has grazed • .Ore., •• V.back in ^ e nightcap.ap. livestock dc in Owyhee CoimtyBfor , Fnm Jordan Valley you car Page 01 more thar»ah;SO years. back Mross the Ov^eeK I ) Mountains -. A nd • 0 off*highway vehicle'." ■ Marsit^gonU.S. c 95. ' enthusiaslasts say excluding users' ■—=----- ^ ^ -nsthe-les laleuJDlles^ leasrfavorable-form-of,~ • and turns to gravel. It, Is 'a'good.ali'.'a' , . land ihantinagem ent •. ^ weather road, but there arerodvan - ■6«ie;)Mue:,MedicalIpaoents p The mene£a campaign pushing SflV^iHrSlls should s spots and some loose gra^velalong' , d s up p o rt ' .nationahal.m onum ent.designaT __— -thewayrMostcar^-lngow}od condition * , * T— -BIBSScS;i>tif55?dred doh in ththe waning days of the - should hot have'.any troub , Provider Ofgahizadoidon, today’s' Clinton administrationac left isome • Plan on t^ ln g a whole da]lay. And It's . ^.‘T 'e d ito n a l $8y& ' ■ - ■ > suspicion^)n^ w d it will take Mme ' 'a goodldea to bring extrarawaterTff~ ----- . P a g e A M to- re-establish . trust, ■' fittle exbS food and somelewarm!' ■; isaid. Clothing Ihcasa'of a brealiakdown.' ' . ■ : Clinton,’;)n.'s use'of the Antiquities • Help Is a long off. andndtra’tflols S ection by seSECTION .Act to setset aiside national monu- ' :. sparse. , ■ ments durluring his administradon GetUngtothecartyonslsdl. difficult.'Ifs Section Seci^tlon D stirred .controversy among - easy to get lost, and theidirttracks d W e a t h e r ' .2 Moneynai/ • IR ' W esternn ]lawmakers and rural that pass for roads cari becomebe ' •.. ■ pbsadJwtmd-' residents,ts. Cohservadonistirec- arlaa for a . ■ Natiori ...3 -1 0 Classfl Impassably'slick In a sumr sslfled .6-20 o g n k ethh e b a ^ a g e th at a monu- stomi. (think four-wheel-drS i - Indiaans, trapper^s and m orerrnark Owyhee . national fflon* . Worid-....iU3 , • teehtdesiijsjpnation may carry and . tire chains.) umarrtlnthe • sidering a modified pro-: Jkkentved • Opinion. .:.i4 -i5 ‘ .Secfiction E are consid Oon;t go alone. Go with soiloipmhe ■ ^ N.S. NoM . explored: It .also markss Ithe east- Capt. Benjair Owyhee Featun idd C r ^ Gehrke of The who knows the territory. Is properly • ^_Tlrne»-WewgyawrHer i .■ ■ • .. • > ern end of a vast hetiitwork of ili 1833, desc n ess S o c ie ty ’^ B oise equipped ahd knows howV tto read a ., river canyons.and sa{ . canyoniantt.^ ' S e c t i o n B ' UearA agebrush ', ding Bmneau irA b b x ...3 office. ■ map.', ■ ■ . .-’ BRUNEAllAU-In the summer of ' steppes proposed by environ-:e dpitOus icanyc Lawmaker* ; Maglc:ysi% M , Crossvissvrard...3. -Protectieting the canyonlands ■: An easier optton Is slmply^vyvie^^rtng .1 9 5 0 , three.se .Twin FaUs.men; Len •. mentalists as a! 2.7 miUllion acre. v Before Boi ‘ are cor»ldep> ' Ob}tuarieis.^..2 Commin™nlly.„..4 iay \be accomplished ' the Bhineau Can^n. and Stoii MiracleM and Jonathan . .n atio n al m o n u m en t in south: . Qwyhee Cou •Ing.whether-V : “ -'- a Mmbination of wildv-. To gel to the Bfuneau Can^nyondver- : Hughes, na^navigated the, Bruneau • westem Owyhee County.y.” , American Indi tomodifytha,' • Wafw/We^ .46 , SenlORllors...;.,6, „eisTd-\fWild and Scenic River . ' : “The basaltiC' rocks r • ' Jook, go to Bruneau. turnI easte . • River Cahyolyon in an Anny surplus. .' ; rise per- . the nigged coi •propbaal. , . designafloid o n S jh e ^ d .. ' ; . toward the Saylor Creek Bombing-Be raft.' ' p e n d i^ a rly so that it is;[simpossi- ■ tudeforvision _L_SBCtIoniciJect • • Ranga anri fnllnw thn «ilgne ain^tQ.the __i_ BritUh fnr c t I o n . E -------- • ■ • B-wasThe-lasrDHdaho's-— ' S p o rtS :...'.i- 8 . Nation.Ion____ 2-5 ■ „ ;.PIeasiasdseeOW HYEES;Pa^ A4 ; | ' . whitewatei water or from the river m ter rivers ' toi be the filain,” the famed ch'meiius .9,,,. f e a j d i J Mildfire;s: ExpeeCt rhorfe o:jfth e s airne Prot , Gpvernm lUiS’iiJll 'an d fa ll of mer,i destroying hundi ee history [.'iWESiHB H N 'r 2000, the gov- ' homes.| . upfirefi^tirigccrews , ; DROMfSIG H T il ■ is A reconi $1.6 billion Wlwas spent ham. ' , ijamin'Bonneville^said■ • “ P Ito fight firu hadonyvi^Ja,in 2000, . , lescribingt ' the forbid- TheAMO^atedPreaa ;Thl« oofioliK eau River and the pre- ■ ..’ j: ^ .'get.lncrease.for.,1 flrefiis^tsi traa<inyon.' ■■, tjtesw ere : \e^pment;:thinning.]^j<)jects and • T,-, Bonneville arrived. County was home.to ^iwidjrfpr ■ dniiglit'<w bers anapro^. A,;, community( education.^*, ajom pers ’ .viding.'thdiai'J’^t'i*: vsintho ' 151*22^Indians, who hunted in > ydg|opU sd- ■ ’i\‘West b e ^ to melt; clos I county and found E li­ sion qu^ts. ' . • . ■ f*)^nic^/i^rii-^i,wd!the 'rV*'” million a a « s in'die W c ^ I Eun,ttappers;were the -' • '''' oyercast^esithat bro ' siderad) at.rt^k' o f catasifsSphta . ’ tastyear.i '.V fit^'d^.8i>B^iad:'becaiis< 8M see HISTOrV. PageAS 'WM’ticSarifei ■ buUd^,0(ftielidiiring d^ c la tiH I w i g r i i i , ' -• destroying hii ’Wr is i)itf&up'u;“ .nine states. It disastrotis. wilafin-4eM i . .acres bum 'bi I j t C S ^ ' 5 1 don was lira l i t e i'Tlie flames cQvere -Mde are. t h e 'o ^ t i ^ s ;1 ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ...';ttieBittem>ot • - ho m ^ 'M o>re re t l u u ^ i ^ p O ^ S ^ i ;^C r i | ) | r |emlks ■ - ' ■ ■ ■ - Bt^Praaa,'.-- '■ . ■' C -F elice fired rubber i ZM m Iter .cannons and . !: i^d J^^^m m iag ■ ------------T — TT/T— : ' ' ;— Fiib,''kIt,'kWw T Suntey^ Aprt 22.2001Ml ^ F Q R E e \ • . AcctccuW eather.com r^= g||M |=^n)A ANAC ■ ^IVEIDAVFOIHIECASTEORt TWIN FALLS " '.''CANADI>IAN CItiES 0. E k t r a h ^ — >—IWn FiM. th^6pjn..»>rtsrtay m ’ • ' ’ ' OMciffl:^rL_MPNDAY.W_LL_TUESOAY_II[j: JYEP^^SD jML ^ iiflh'ef tew .........;...:.;.i.;...„v.;...;. 60*/34» . ' — Cranbrook - ? .~-55-39.-shr-49-42-r-- 5 5 ------. ’ " ' . Low •^edtnenlm''-^^^5252 ^Ssrpe'^.W TSS:v. - , : Mullar B5* In 1 » 4 •. 58 42 r ' 57 48 r.. ;z;:z.™ rr:r.:;::z:fr-'K ‘-i8e2-^ s m ; : :S«7_i321’peQ:!B7^36“ ih -:;: •, • .
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