DANCING. School Heads to Convene Classified Ad Rates AUCTION SALES (Cont.) LEGAL NOTICES (Cont.) Local Advertisers TH08. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers. JOHN F. HILLYARD. Attorney. The Maryland State Depart- Southern Three Lines (Minimum) 435 Building. 815 lftth 8t. N.W. ment of Education is sponsoring UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 1 time, 38c per line. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable ONE AND for the District of Columbia, Holding Hollywood - a meeting of county superin- S to 8 time* consecutively, 86c per ONE HALF STORY DETACHED Probate Court.—No. 78.969, Admin- LEGAL NOTICES line. BRICK DWELLING. KNOWN A8 istration.—This is to Give Notice: tendents of schools and school J. FONTAINE HALL, Attorney. 7 times consecutively. 33c per lint. PREMISES NO. 3109 MONROE That the subscribe', of the District UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 4 m New 66c per line. 4-llne STREET. NORTHEAST. of Columbia has obtained from the board members December Automobile! for the ol Diary minimum. a Prooate Court of the District of District Columbia. Hold- virtue of certain deed of trust By ing Probate Court.—No. 75.914. Ad- the Enoch Pratt Balti- Notlcea and Pertonal. 6c per duly recorded. In Liber No. 8017. Columbia. Letters of Administration Library, Special ministration.—This is to Give No- McCrea to Make Film line additional. Folio 491 et sea., of the land rec- on the estate of Ma'ra'tt L. Byrne, more. tice: That the Subscriber, which Ta Place a Star Clateifled Ad Cal) ords of District of Columbia, and late of the D.strict of Columbia, de- the was United 8tates at the request of the party secured ceased. All persons having claims by the District His Wife are Court lor the District of Columbia Co-Starring thereby, the undersigned trustees against the deceased hereby 5000 granted letters testamentary on STerling will at In front warned to exhibit the same, with the tho And Ask for Ad Taker sell, nubile auction estate of S. of on vouchers the i-.f, legally authenti- Margaret Chamberlalne, Sheilah Graham the premises, THURSDAY. deceased, has. with the or By CLOSING HOURS THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF NO- cated. to tbe subscriber, on cr approval the United States District Court for SUNDAY EDITION—2 P.M. Sat. VEMBER, A.D. 1051, AT TWO- before the 15th day of May. A.D. EVENING PARKING HOLLYWOOD. the District of Columbia, holding a MONDAY EDITION—8 P.M. Sun. THIRTY P the follow- 1052; otherwise they may by law O’CLOCK M, Probate Court, Monday, TUBS, to FRI.—B P.M. DAY BEFOR* ing-described land and sit- be excluded from ali benefit rf said appointed -Joel McCrea has the financing premises, the 10th day of 1951. at uate in the District of Columbia, and estate. Given under my hand this December. 10:00 o’clock a m., as the time and 50c va*;° for his own independent com- designated as and being Lot 78 in 15th day if November, 1051. DORO- SPECIAL NOTICES N.E. said Court room as the place, for and its Square 4317 in Homeslte Realty THY B. THIEL, 4014 11th St.. pany first picture will be of (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COOS- making payment and distribution Corporation's subdivision of part from said estate, under the Court's CAPITAL GARAGE I WILL NOT be responsible for any as WELL. Register of Wills for the “The Mustard Seed,” with Joel Block 10. "Woodridge." per plat direction and when debts Incurred by any one other recorded in the Office of the Sur- District of Columbia. Clerk of the control, and 1320 N. Y. Avs. N.W. than T. where all creditors and persons en- and his wife, Frances Dee, co- myself. JAMES COLEMAN. veyor for the District of Columbia Probate Between 13th end 14th Court._ ne.21.28de5_ titled to distributive shares or 1941 ltfth st. i.e.. Washington. D. C. in Liber 114 at folio 188. Subject to leg- starring. • WM. E. CAREY. Jr.. Attorney. acies, or the residue, or parts there- building restriction shown on said Bldr. new Union Trust are notified to in TYPEWRITER—Rent any port- plat; subject to condition of record. of, attend, person Jose Ferrer and Jimmy Cagney able; $12 for 3 months. Rental UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT or by agent or attorney duly au- on Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed Hold- are a revival applies purchase CENTRAL, for the District of Columbia. thorized, with their claims against discussing of “The 2019 14th st nw HU 5121 of trust for approglmately $6,294.49. ing Probate Court.—No. 78.994. Ad- the estate properly vouched Given E. PAPER COr Musical Comedy Man”—Georgo I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for further particulars of which will be ministration—This is to Give No- under its hand this 16th day of MORRISON an.v debts incurred by anyone other announced at time of sale; the pur- tice: That the subscriber, of the November. 1951 NATIONAL SAV- M. Cohan, whom Cagney por- than myself. RAYMOND S. HINER. chase price above said irust to be District of Columbia has obtained INGS AND TRUST COMPANY. By: lOOf Pesos- A«. N.W. In cash. A of $500.00 trayed on the screen in “Yankee 3S* paid deposit from the Probate Court of the Dis- BRUCE BAIRD, President. (Seal > I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for required. Conveyancing, recording, trict of Columbia. Letters Testamen- Attest: THEODORE etc., at cost. Adjust- COGSWELL, Doodle Dandy.” any debts contracted by anv one purchaser's tary on the estate of Mary Elizabeth Register of Wills for the District or other than myself. ARNOLD E. ments made as of date of sale. Terms late of the District, of Colum- Columbia. Clerk of the Probat* • Sihley. Alan Ladd is LEWIS. 3453 Hcrlmead pi. n w' to be complied with within tflrty bia. deceased. All persons having asking Paramount days, otherwise forfeited and Court._no21,28,de5__ PHEASANT SHOOTING — Limited deposit claims against the deceased are for the may be advertised and FREDERICK M. BRADLEY and “Babylon Revisited” by F. bookings available "for 2 and 4 property hereby warned to exhibit the same per- resold at the discretion of the LEONARD MAKBUUY. Attorneys. Scott as one of son parties. Must have club refer- with the vouchers thereof, legally can Loose Leaf A Fitzgerald^ the tniatees. UNITED STATES Fun—popularity—rood times be ences and good dog. Apply by let- T authenticated, to the subscriber on DISTRICT COURT miwith a ARLIE L. JOHNSON. for the of youra few inexpensive dance four pictures he plans to make in ter. Also single and or before the 19th day of May, District Columbia. Holding pheasant guin- Trustee. Probate lessons at Victor's. Open 1 to 10 p.m. Filing Snpplie* JJ eas, live or oven-dressed. VALLEY Surviving A.D. 1952; otherwise they may by Court.—No. 78.3.14. Admin- 1952—the last of POOR POLLY—John Mills, JOHN B. PREBILICH. is year his studio FARM. Route 2. Box 77. Vienna. Va. law be excluded from all benefit of istration.—This to Give No- Private aa Blank Books Attorney for Noteholder. tice: That Located on Given under hand the subscriber, of the contract. who the hero Miller rd.. l'/« miles not said estate. my plays Milquetoast from Va. Vienna this ol November, 1951. District of Columbia has obtained Lessons Oakton. Telephone 16th day from the Probate 4tt-Hour vJ-W of 131-J-21. TB08. t. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer*. RICHARD EI.MER SIBLEY. 612 O Court of the Dis- Gay danee Other One Gable's beefs against in “The Mr. _—39 trict of Columbia. parties held far atndenta. V History of Polly," Southern Building. St.. B E. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE Letters Testa- Lady Sylvia—now it can be told— ATTENTION'DRUG AND for mentary on the estate of Charlei Office COGSWELL. Register of Wills Ubel, late of Supplies which opens today at the Du- Trustees’ Sale of Valuable IMPROVED the District of Columbia. Clerk of the District of Colum- is that she insisted on VARIETY STORES bia, deceased. All VICTOR changing KEAL ESTATE. BEING PREMISES the Probate Court. no21,28 de5 persons having ,7m,c«4oa”- Clark’s tough, drinking, pont Theater. Make extra money for Christmas. NO. 1034 QUEBEC PLACE. N.W. claims against the deceased ar* All private lessons riven at jeer Phone IVA. 2945 racing- Sell the latest earrings and costume ROBERT MELVIN CHARLES, hereby warned to exhibit the same, con- By virtue of a certain deed of trust venience. Results guaranteed. driver role in “To a jewelry aets. Buy direct. Stanley Attorney. with the vouchers thereof, legally Please Lady.” duly recorded, in Liber 9297 at Jewelry Co. of Providence. R. I. UNITED authenticated, to the subscriber, on folio 260. et sea., STATES DISTRICT COURT Sylvia advised him to cut out all Call MR. KOSLOFF. Alturas of the land records before the 6th day of April. EDUCATIONAL. Hotel, of the District of Columbia, for the District of Columbia. Hold- A.D. HU 0110 or Ernie’s Watch default 19o2; otherwise they may by law be dancing! the drinking and to dress well. It Shop, having occurred and at ing Probate Court.—No. 78,900, 428 7th st. a.w. RE. 3729. —3 thereunder, excluded from all benefit of said the request of the Administration.—This Is to Give party secured Given under Its hand thla spoiled the picture. thereby, the Notice: That the subscribers, of es'kfe,. WINE AND BEER undersigned trustees 15th day of November. 1951. The ' will sell, at public auction, in front the District of Columbit.
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