IMPLEMENTATION OF GEOSS IN MADAGASCAR BACKGROUND I knew GEO by internet. I was convinced, that without ICT, Madagascar can not access and use the informations, data and products of GEO and we can not implement the GEOSS workplan. Before 2004, It was very difficult for the malagasy administration to find an internet How Madagascar joined GEO? 1. We increase access and use the EO data for sustainable development, building the infrastructure. What did we do? Infrastructure 2005-2006: Elaborate a National Politic of E- Gouvernance 2006: Develop the Web portal in each Ministerial departments . 2006 - 2007: implement the National Politic of E- Governance in each ministerial department. 2008: Set internet in 22 environmental regional department and the satellite system of monitoring the fire of bush. 2008: All governmental administration have Access in internet now. 2. We enhance Individual capacity building to use the internet and to access the data from satelite system of fire of bush in the 22 Regions in 2008 (the member of the government and the Regional Environment leaders) 3. We have set a National Environmental Informations Network with the UNEP . Now, We work together with many institutions who works in EO data as the Meteo, BIOMAN (Biodiversity of Madagascar Network (with GBIF) , Ecosystem Forest, Water, Satelite system of monitoring the Fire of Bush Our Ministry has in first time his Report integrated of the state of Environment of Madagascar 4. We join GEO implementing the GEOSS workplan CONSERVATION OF FOREST System Satelite of Monitoring of Fire of Bush The Agents of our Ministry trained the regional users, how to use the System All makers of decision used the informations and rapidly they moved in the village. Resultat: The area burnt in 2008 is dicreased in 25% of 2007. N FEUX DANS LE CIREEEF ANTANANARIVO • Point of fire and the 88 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 88 8 88 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8888 8 8 8 88888 8 area of covered forest 8 8 888 8888 888 8 8 8 8 888888 8 88 8 888 88 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 #Marotsipoy 8 8 8 Tsaramasoandro 88 88 8 88 Ki an g ar a # 888 88 8 8888 # 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 in each Region of 8 8 8 88 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Antakavana 8 8 8 # 8 8 88 8 8 8 888 8 8 8 88 88 88 88 88 8 88 88 88 888 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8888 88 88 88 8 8 8 888 888 8 88 8 8 8 8 88 888 Madagascar. 8 Amboasary 8 888 8 # 88 88 88 8 8 8 8 8 888 88 88 8 8 8 88 88 888 8 88 888 88 888 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 88 88 8 88 88 8 88 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Be ta tao 88 Ta la# ta -An ga vo 8 # Ambohibary 8 8 #Fia danana # 8 88888 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 88 Ambolotarakely # • 888 88 We have already 88888888 888 8 Ambatomanoina Ambonindriana 8 Ankazobe 8 8 8 # # Ambongam ar ina % 8 # 8 Ambohi mi8 ra ry 8 8 8 # 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 888 8 8 8 8 8 Foroanar in a 88 8 8 Antanetibe # Anjozorobe 8 8 8 # % outreach the EO data in 88 8 Analaroa 88 # Ambohitromby 8 # Antotohazo 8 # 8 8 Mahavelona# 8 8 88 88 88 Alakamisy the 22 Regions of # Tsarasaotra 8 Mangamila# # Fih a on an a Ambato# # Sa da b e # Avar atse na 8 8 # 8 Antsahafilo# Madagascar in this year. 88 Antanetibe 8 # 8 Ankazondandy 8 # Miantso AmpanotokanaAmpanataovana Ambohitrolomahitsy # # # # Ambohimanjaka8 8 # Andri am pam ak y # MananjaraMahit# sy Ta la ta Vol on o nd r y 8 8 # Merimandroso# Ambohimanga # 8 # 8 Ambohidrabiby 8 # Ambatomena # #Ambohitseheno Iva to # Manandriana 8 Ia rina rivoAmbohidratrimo # Viliahazo8 # Nam eAnosy ha# na Ava. # • % # Fieferana Ranovao The Communication and Ta la ta ma ty Atsinanantsena # # # # Ambohitriniandriana Ankadikely-Ila# fy Anjepy Ambohitrimanjaka # # Ampangabe# # Ambanitsena Ambohibary Ambohimanarina# # # Sa mb a in a Ambohimalaza Miray # Ambohimangakely# Fia# danana Ambohidrapeto # Nandihizana # # Ita# osy Manjakandriana Ampitatafika# Ambohimanambola % # Anjeva # Ta n jo m baAlasora to the National Education # # Alarobia Alatsinainy# Ambazaha# Masindray # Ambatomanga# AndoharanofotsyAnkaraobato # So al an d# y Androhibe# 8 # Ambohijanaka# Mantasoa 8 # Anjomakely Miadanandriana # # Ankadinandriana # Ts a ra ri vo tra # 8 Ambohitrandriamanitra Department are # Ambalavao# Ta la ta Amb a tofa8 h ava l o # 888 Merikanjaka # Mandrosoa# Anosibe-Trimiloharano# Andramasina% involved to outreach Sa# bo tsy Alarobia# Ambohimiadana # 8 Alatsinainy-Ba karo # these EO data to the Ba ka ro -F its i n jo va na # 8 population and to all 1:1200000 pupils and the students Autres ou mélangées Girofle Peuplements mélangés Cacao Mangroves Plans d'eau Canne à sucre Mosaique de cultures Prairies Fo rêts Peuplements d'anacardiers Rizières Formations marécageuses Peuplements d'Eucalyptus Savanes Fourrés xérophiles Peuplements de Pins Sisal Source: DGEEF/IEFN 1 Surfaces baties Réalisation: Sept 2007 8 Feu OCT 2006 DISASTER Madagascar is victim of tropical cyclone in each year. (2 – 4 tropical cyclones) First: Madagascar built a new institution named: Office National of Disaster Management (ONDM) linked in our Primature. Now, the ONDM works hardly to pick all informations after cyclones. They have to travel many kilometers to receive the data after cyclone We need now a Forecast System, and other system how to manage better the tropical cyclones WATER 2008: Madagascar built a new institution named Ministry of Water, to manage the used water and assure the potable water CLIMATE CHANGE Madagascar METEO system has detected that our climat is increased in 3°C during 30 years ago. The level of our sea is increased of 2mm The raining, the cyclone, the desertification are observed We implement the project REDD We Sensitize the population with the environmental satelite information ENERGY 95% of Malagasy use the wood and the charcoal as energy resources. Now, We begin to develop the ecocharcoal and the solar Energy We elaborated the Webportal about the informations of the AGRICULTURE LIVESTOCK and FISHERIES: BIODIVERSITY The World Conservation Society in Madagascar have set and implement the Biodiversity of Madagascar Network and join to the Project GBIF in our country. • HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT We have elaborated our National Strategy of Health and Environment NEW PROJECTS Development of the university research applicable in teledetection for the natural resource, risk and Environment management Actual Situation actuelle • Project with the UNESCO and IRD to assess the Pression on the Protected Area of the East Forest (Parcs Raanomafana and Andringitra) Mapping the forest • Project with the Environmental Program to set the intranet and extranet in 22 Regional Environmental Department • Preparation of the project in partenariat with SEAS –OI based in Reunion – Observatory of inondations : Risk Management – Coastal Zone • Préparation of the project to AMESD – Water Resources Management – Biodiversity – Health and Environment Perspectives • Development spatial applications – Observatory inondation : Risk Management – Health and Environment – Coastal Zone Management – Water Resources Management – Conservation of the Biodiversité .
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