AI Magazine Volume 23 Number 1 (2002) (© AAAI) omputers C & Thought Edward A. Feigenbaum & Julian Feldman E DITORS ISBN 0-262-56092-5 560 pp., index. softcover The AAAI Press • Distributed by The MIT Press Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 To order, call toll free: (800) 356-0343 or (617) 625-8569. MasterCard and VISA accepted. SPRING 2002 5 first time that AAAI’s National confer- ence has been held in Canada—a AAAI News trend that we hope continues on a pe- riodic basis. In addition, the program chairs are experimenting with a new format for AAAI. The technical confer- Spring News from the ence will be structured around an all- American Association for Artificial Intelligence day plenary session followed by poster sessions in the evening. We hope you will join us for this exciting new pro- gram in Edmonton! Edmonton: The Festival City Artificial Intelligence AAAI-02 Edmonton is the capital of the province of Alberta, the second largest Journal Online Access Registration information for the Eigh- metropolitan area west of Toronto, teenth National Conference on Artifi- AAAI is delighted to announce the cial Intelligence (AAAI-02) will be and the fifth largest city in Canada. continuation of its cooperative effort available in March by writing to The city originated from a humble fur with AI Journal, giving unlimited ac- [email protected] or by visiting AAAI’s trading post built by the Hudson’s Bay cess to the online version of the Artifi- website at www.aaai.org/Conferences/ Company in 1795. Edmonton’s first cial Intelligence Journal to all regular National/2002/aaai02.html. Copies of period of growth was fueled by the leg- AAAI members. AAAI regular members the AAAI-02 registration brochure are endary Klondike Gold Rush of 1897. can view and browse tables of con- being mailed to all AAAI members. At that time, the tiny frontier commu- tents, view articles published in recent Please note that the deadline for early nity of Fort Edmonton was the last issues of AI Journal, and use the current registrations is May 31, 2002. If you supply center for legions of adventur- features available through Elsevier’s would like a AAAI-02 poster for your ers following Canada’s arduous over- electronic journal service. They may lab, please write to us at [email protected]. land route to the Klondike gold fields. also view, print and/or download ex- The conference will be held July 28 The future greatness of Edmonton was cerpts of reasonable quantity, provid- – August 1 at the Shaw Convention assured when the province named the bustling city Alberta’s capital in 1906. ed that the use of such excerpts is per- Center and the Westin Edmonton Ho- A third major period of growth came sonal and does not amount to or result tel, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. with the discovery of vast reserves of in commercial distribution. Participa- AAAI-02 will feature twelve tutorials, “black gold” in the region in 1947. tion in this experimental program is twenty workshops, the Innovative Ap- Edmonton features many attrac- included in your normal AAAI mem- plications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, the Mobile Robot Compe- tions of interest, including galleries, bership dues. tition and Exhibition, the Intelligent museums, zoos, and historical sites. If you are a current regular member Systems Demonstration program, the The North Saskatchewan River Valley and have not received your Reader Key AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium, includes the longest stretch of urban and Instructions for accessing the on- and the Robot Building Laboratory. parkland in Canada. Known as “Cana- line AI Journal, please contact mem- The Keynote Address will be delivered da’s Festival City,” Edmonton hosts [email protected] for more informa- by Michael Jordan, University of Cali- more than nineteen major festivals tion. fornia, Berkeley, and the AAAI Presi- each year, including the Klondike Fes- dential Address will be given by Tom tival, which overlaps the beginning of AAAI-Sponsored Journal Mitchell of Carnegie Mellon Universi- AAAI-02. Edmonton is also the gate- ty. Other invited speakers include Hec- way to the Canadian Rockies and Program Expanded tor Geffner, Universitat Pompeu Fabra beautiful Jasper National Park, ac- and Tally Tishby, Hebrew University. A cessed either by the TransCanada Yel- Did you know that you are eligible to special AAAI-02/IAAI-02 joint invited lowhead Highway or Canadian rail. receive a discount for many journals talk by Ray Kurzweil is also scheduled. The Shaw Convention Centre of- in the AI field? The list of journals in The AAAI-02 Opening Reception will fers a spectacular view of Edmonton’s AAAI’s Sponsored Journal program has be held at Fort Edmonton, Canada’s river valley from the banks of the recently expanded from five to eleven largest living history park, which of- North Saskatchewan river. This titles—if you subscribe to several jour- fers a glimpse into life in the early fur award-winning facility is situated in nals, the discounts can more than trading days, frontier life in 1885 and the heart of the City’s vibrant down- equal your membership dues! For gives a peak into the brand new city in town core. Visitors gain easy access more information about the Spon- 1905 and its progress into the 20th to Edmonton’s major hotels, fine sored Journal Program, please see century. restaurants, theatre, and downtown www.aaai.org/Publications/Journals/s The year 2002 will bring some shopping district through direct ped- ponsored-journals.html. changes to AAAI. First, this will be the way connections. For more informa- 6 AI MAGAZINE Copyright © 2002, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-2002 / $2.00 AAAI News new from Neurotechnology for Learning with Kernels the mit press Support Vector Machines, Biomimetic Robots Regularization, Optimization, edited by Joseph Ayers, Joel L. Davis, and Beyond and Alan Rudolph Bernhard Schölkopf An overview of neurotechnology, the and Alexander J. Smola engineering of robots based on animals “This splendid book fills the need for a Imitation in Animals and animal behavior. comprehensive treatment of kernel A Bradford Book methods and support vector machines." and Artifacts 648 pp., 200 illus. $65 — Chris J. C. Burges, Microsoft Research edited by Kerstin Dautenhahn Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning and Chrystopher L. Nehaniv series 632 pp., 138 illus. $60 An interdisciplinary overview of current Readings in research on imitation in animals and artifacts. Machine Translation Complex Adaptive Systems series edited by Sergei Nirenburg, Harold Advances in A Bradford Book Somers, and Yorick Wilks 612 pp., 104 illus. $65 “This book will be of inestimable value to Neural Information researchers now growing up and in now in paperback generations to come.” — Maghi King, Processing Systems Professor of Machine Translation Proceedings of the First Truth from Trash A Bradford Book 12 Conferences How Learning Makes Sense 426 pp. $55 edited by Michael I. Jordan, Chris Thornton Yann LeCun, and Sara A. Solla “The author intertwines some literary The complete twelve-volume proceedings of passages in the form of cunning dialogues, Learning Kernel the Neural Information Processing Systems historical anecdotes and even sly games conferences from 1988 to 1999 on CD- with the reader, and lightened but still Classifiers ROM. substantial technical material.” Theory and Algorithms Neural Information Processing series —José Hernández-Orallo, A Bradford Book Artificial Ralf Herbrich Intelligence $65 Complex Adaptive Systems series An overview of the theory and application of A Bradford Book kernel classification methods. 126 pp., 43 illus. $22 paper Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series To order call 800-405-1619. 384 pp. $40 Prices subject to change without notice. http://mitpress.mit.edu tion about Edmonton, please visit ■ The Eighth ACM SIGKDD Interna- graduate students at colleges and uni- www.ede.org. tional Conference on Knowledge versities; are members of AAAI; submit Discovery and Data Mining (KDD- papers to the technical program or let- Collocated Events 2002), July 23-26, www.acm.org/ ters of recommendation from their fac- in Edmonton sigkdd/kdd2002 ulty advisor; and submit scholarship Several conferences have elected to col- ■ Symposium on Abstraction, Refor- applications to AAAI by April 15, 2002. locate with AAAI in Edmonton this mulation and Approximation (SARA In addition, repeat scholarship appli- summer. AAAI attendees will enjoy dis- 2002) Kananaskis Mountain Lodge, cants must have fulfilled the volunteer Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, August 2-4, counts at these events: and reporting requirements for previ- www.cs.ualberta.ca/~holte/SARA2002 ■ Fourteenth Conference on Innovative ous awards. ■ Applications of Artificial Intelligence Association for Uncertainty in Artifi- In the event that scholarship appli- cial Intelligence (UAI ‘02), August 1-4, (IAAI-02), July 30 - August 1, www.aaai. cations exceed available funds, prefer- www.cs.ucla.edu/~uai02 org/Conferences/IAAI/2002/iaai02.html ence will be given to students who ■ The Third Annual Canadian For more information about collocat- have an accepted technical paper, and Database Research Workshop (Can- ed events, please see www.cs.ualber- then to students who are actively par- DB), July 22, db.cs.ualberta.ca/candb ta.ca/Edmonton2002/ ticipating in the conference in some ■ Third International Conference on Student Scholar way. However, all eligible students are Computers and
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