Volume 42 Number 19 Thursday, May 13, 2021 34 Pages | 75¢ Jail could expand 50 beds might be added By Travis Lott accepted into prison now, As part of the congres- the state’s system remains sionally directed spending sluggish in that regard. process known as commu- “In the old days, you nity project funding, Ran- would have someone sen- dolph County has applied tenced to the Department for funds to expand its jail. of Corrections in the morn- Commissioner Marc ing and processesed into Kiehna submitted the ap- prison in the afternoon,” plication April 14 for more said Kiehna. “Now, at any than $11 million in federal time, we may have a dozen grant money for the pro- inmates sentenced to the ject, which would cover Department of Corrections renovations and more than who are sitting in our jail double its housing capacity. for months.” The cost estimate and When the jail is over- design for the renovations crowded, it creates safety were developed by Quad- issues for both inmates rant Design of Sparta. and correctional offi cers. The jail’s current inmate If approved for funding, capacity is 44, a limit that the jail would expand to the county has exceeded hold 50 additional beds. more than once over the Sheriff Shannon Wolff past couple of years. said the expansion would The Randolph County Jail While the jail has met or also allow the county to exceeded capacity a num- house more federal in- from this every year. trally located to the cities of mark. ber of times over the years, mates. “The county is in dire St. Louis, Cape Girardeau If the expansion is built, that problem was magni- The county houses be- need of more funding, and and Benton. the jail would have to meet fi ed by the COVID-19 pan- tween 20 and 25 federal this would help tremen- The expansion would ex- all state and federal re- demic because, for several inmates at any given time. dously,” Wolff said. tend the jail across Chesnut quirements for a jail, in- months, the state halted the Federal marshals pay Kiehna added that the Street toward the Stone cluding the construction processing of new inmates the county to house the housing of federal inmates Cottage and parking lot, of a yard for inmates and into Illinois Department of inmates, and the county in Randolph County is ben- but Wolff said the project meeting Americans with Corrections facilities. brings in between $300,000 eficial for the marshals would not affect the cot- While inmates are being and $400,000 in revenue because the county is cen- tage as a historic land- Continued on Page 5_____ Marissa kids get hoop from cops By Travis Lott to see if there was anything A complaint last week to they could do. police turned into a posi- “There was no question tive story for a family in about it,” Nellis said. Marissa. Nellis said he knew the Marissa police were called boys and had played basket- to the apartment complex ball with them before. on Leslie Drive just after 4 Nellis and Watt went to p.m. May 7 after someone Walmart in Sparta and nearby voiced an objection picked out a new hoop and about noise. a ball. From left are Trustee Darren Kempfer, Treasurer Denise Holmes, Trustee Rick When offi cer Braden Watt When the officers re- Zweigart, Clerk Nancy Schilling, President Kenny Kempfer and Trustees Theresa arrived, he found Josiah turned to town, Nellis sent Ovelgoenner and Craig Valleroy. Ivie, 15, Jy’Ere Ivie, 10, and Josiah to get his mother, Josiah’s best friend Monzell Jessica Ivie. Franklin, 14, who all live at Jessica said her son the complex. thought he was in trouble. Kempfer takes reins in Evansville In talking to the young However, Nellis and Watt An almost entirely new Fisher, Kerkhover, Coffey men, Watt learned that just wanted to surprise government has been seat- and Gremmels, village at- their basketball hoop had them. ed in Evansville, includ- Aaron Runge torney; Asaturian Eaton been damaged in a storm “It was amazing,” Jessica ing several new board and Associates and Tony some time ago, and they said. members, a new president, Schenk of Gonzalez Engi- had no way of playing bas- Watt and Nellis helped the treasurer and clerk. named new neering, village engineers; ketball at home. boys set up the new hoop, In the April 6 election, and Keith Brinkman of Watt wanted to help, so he Trustee Darren Kempfer police chief Scheffl e Boyle, village au- called Detective Levi Nellis Continued on Page 5_____ was the only board mem- ditor. ber to run for one of the Prior to the board chang- three open seats on the ing hands, the old board board. Former Trustee Kenny Kempfer also settled some items of old Kenny Kempfer ran unop- worked through a list of ap- business, agreeing to the posed for village president, pointments of board mem- purchase of a new Kubota leaving a fourth vacancy bers, a clerk, treasurer and mower from Sparta Equip- on the board. police chief. ment for $13,300. Village Clerk Bethany First, he swore in Nancy The board also approved Wunderlich also decided Schilling as village clerk. a purchase of mulch for to not run for re-election. Denise Holmes was ap- the playground at the ball At the beginning of the pointed treasurer. diamond and village park meeting, outgoing Vil- Schilling then adminis- from Semco Stone of Perry- lage President Red Becker tered the oath of offi ce to ville for a cost of $2,268. thanked Wunderlich for appointed trustees Craig Trustee Pam Bruegge- her 10 years as clerk, pre- Valleroy, Rick Zweigart mann noted several items senting her with a plaque. and Theresa Ovelgoenner. in need of repair for the Becker also noted that Aaron Runge was named water department. Among Police Chief Todd Ehlers police chief. them were a line break on and Offi cer Dave Biermann Mark McConachie also Evans Drive, which would had resigned and turned in stepped down as zoning cost about $810, and a sew- their keys. administrator and code er break on Main Street, Wunderlich administered enforcer, positions that re- which is not on village the oath of offi ce to Ken- main vacant. property but required the ny Kempfer and Darren Kempfer reappointed village to send a letter to Kempfer, and all of the Sherry Walter as collec- the property owner. From left are Marissa offi cer Braden Watt, Jessica outgoing board members tor; Mike Hanna, fire Ivie, Jy’Ere Ivie, Monzell Franklin, Josiah Ivie and left the meeting. chief; Jeff Kerkhover of Continued on Page 5 ______ Detective Levi Nellis. Willis Publishing Inc. © Copyright 2021 MONEY $AVING COUPONS INSIDE! PAGE 2 COUNTY JOURNAL | APRIL 8, 2021 All those arrested or ticketed are presumed innocent until POLICE proven guilty in court. Sparta recycling trailer set on fi re Someone attempted to When fi remen ar- set the recycling trailer rived, they found that in Sparta on fi re May 8. someone had lit a piece According to Sparta of paper on fi re and Fire Chief Tim Rucks, stuck it in the trailer’s the fi re department plating in the back. The was called to the re- fi re did not reach the cycling facility at 5:52 paper contents of the p.m. for a report of trailer. smoke coming from the Rucks said the fi re trailer that holds card- was extinguished with board. a can of water. Air rifl e shooting leads to arrest A Pinckneyville covered the gun was man was arrested an air-type rifl e, and May 11 after he alleg- the injuries to the edly used an air rifl e caller were minor. to shoot another per- However, McClaine son. D. Houghland, 18, of Low fl yer This helicopter was just feet off the ground May 8 as it sprayed fungicide on a wheat field north According to Pinck- Pinckneyville was ar- of Ava. The field is farmed by Bruce Dean of Ava. The helicopter was contracted though Bockhorn neyville police, a call rested for aggravated AG of Blair. was received that a battery. man had a gun, and Police said the inci- the caller advised that dent started as a ver- he had been shot in bal altercation. the stomach. The investigation When police arrived was continuing as of on the scene, they dis- Wednesday morning. Local police blotters Cody A. Wilson, 25, of **** Belleville was arrested Alek R. Jarrett, 39, May 3 by the Randolph of Steeleville was ar- County Sheriff’s Offi ce rested May 8 by Steel- on a Randolph County eville police on a Jef- warrant for failure to ferson County warrant appear in court on a for failure to appear theft charge. Wilson in court on a meth de- was jailed. livery charge. He was **** released to Jefferson Jennifer A. Jetton, County authorities. 40, of Lenzburg was **** arrested May 3 by state Alvin H.E. Penny, 61, police in Randolph of Sparta was arrested County for DUI, illegal May 3 by Sparta police transportation of an on a Randolph County alcoholic beverage and warrant for failure to Welcome back failure to reduce speed appear in court on a The sight of the American Dutchess riverboat cruise docking at the Mississippi riverbank in Chester to avoid an accident. charge of possession of is a welcome sight to the pandemic-weary. This is just one more sign that things are beginning to She posted bond and a controlled substance return to normal after more than a year of cancellations and shutdowns.
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