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': Cor The Week :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:., ....:.:.:..,:.,6•,.•?,. .•:.:.:.:.:.:. ================================================= :-:.:.:*:.:.:.:-:o.....0..0........0 ...................... ===============================================================..., .... •. • ß.... ***********************.... JI•LY 2, 1961 VOL. XXXIII, No. 27 Celebrate Twenty-Fifth Anniversary $35 STRAIGHT SZ. (Cor. 20th Ave.) PATERSON, N.J. ß MUlberry 4-788O .. .. .. Gift Dep•rtment Living Rooms '.":':'.":':T:':':'":':':':':':':':':':' Bedrooms- Bedding :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Free Decorating Dining Rooms :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Service , Furniture Accessories We DecOrate Within. Your Budget APPliances ZITO STUDIOS COMMERCIAL-- NEWS -- PORTRAIT . MR. AND MRS. LOUIS FERRUZZI RUSSELL ZITO, Photographer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ferruzzi, 15-21 George St., Fair SWarthmore 6-0104 Lawn, formerly of Paterson, marked their 25th wedding anniversary with a dinner celebration for the immediate 10-16 F•ir I•wn Avenue Fair I•wn, N.J. family and friends. The couple. were married June 7, 1936 in Blessed Sacrament R. C. Church by Msgr. Pasquale Mole. Mrs. Ferruzzi is the former Miss' Adel.e Ruggiero. Mr. Ferruzzi is owner of the 1V•odern Typesetters, of Clifton. The Ferruzzis have two children, Louis, Jr., a student at Fairleigh Dickinson U.niversity and Carolyn, a student at St. John's High School. I. PARRILLO r, TheMan from Equitable asks- Willyou leare your family a home --or a mortgage? THE ODDSthat you will die beforeyou pay o• your mortgageare 16 timesgreater than the chanceyour housewill catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthinkofbeing without fireinsurance. Why beEquitable'swithout mortgageremarkable insuance?mortgage repayment insur- lossof savings...or lossof home. Costsare low for thisancebasicplanprotection.protects' your For familyfullinformationagainst forcedcall...sale.. I PARRILLO 200 EAS• RIDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N.J. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 FOURTHRITEI- pretty'ToniWallace (left) andJune Ferguson Letthe manfrom Equitable bring you peace of mind a're ready to salute Independence Day. Toni and June are the models on-NBG-TV's "The Price Is Right" daytime and night time_ •-alar nv•argrnm Page Two T'HE PublishedWeekly by TIlE CIIRONICLE COMPANY 170-172Butler Street Paterson,N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VII•CE•TS.PARRILLO, Pu,blisher VINCENT N. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as .SecondClass matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Offi-ee at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. JULY 2, 1961 -- VOL. XXXIII, No. 27 --SingleCopy 10 Cents ••.2 $4.00a Year by ,Mail .i CONTENTS ß FEATURES Rot Perranoski Making Good AT THE COLOSSEUM-- NBC News' Mediterranean correspond- ent Irving R. Levine chats with a Rome street-sweeper.Levihe's The Family Picnic beat ranges from the dome of St. Pet.er's to the minarets of Is- tanbul. In one recent 12-month period he covered stories in the Congo, India, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Portugal, A Complete Short Story 14 Algeria and France. In 1955, Levine became the first accredited American radio-TV correspondent allowed to stay in Moscow Famous American Taverns 15 after an eight-year gap in broadcast coverage of the Soviet city. DEPARTMENTS F•itorials ................... Television Programs For The Week _11, 12, 13 THE COVER .•This week our country celebrates the Fourth of July. Oftimes, throughout the year we give little thought to the significanceof this important date,in American history. Few, if any of us, try to recall what it meant to those Americans • .. years ago who stood their ground against seemingly .curmour•table odds to hew out of the wilderness the great MAGIC -- George Clay, red-beardedNBC News correspondent ,country which is America. As a nation we have provided in the Congo, demonstrates the magic of the tape recorder to a group of native boys. Clay, who was roughed up in a riot in Por- i'•!.udependenceto millions of peoplewho soughtrefuge from tuguese Angola, arrested by Portuguese police, and expelled --- ,.•ne• sortof intolerable suffering or another. Nowhere in and still doesn't know why---says that the toughest problem is not covering the news but getting to it. "Once when I wanted to •,thiswide world is thereanother country such as ourswhere go from Accra west to Nairobi, I had to fly all the way down to •ndependenceDay meansso muchto so many! South Africa and back up the East Coast," he exElains. THE CHEONICLE Page Three .2 DANNY'SGANG- ComedianDanny Thomas stars as Danny Williams,an entertainerwhose efforts as headof a fun-loving - RUBSOAP •amilyresult in hilariousadventures on NBC-TV's"Make Room For Daddy" daytime repeat series. Others in the cast are Mar. WiLL jorieLord as Danny'swife, Kathy;Angela Cartwright as Linda and (seated) Rusty Hamer as Rusty. ••NUM • • , thinkmy noee is +oo long. • +hereany way can make if look zhorYer? If youdon't take a car bed,you canmake a sleepingarea by piling luggage to the level of the rear seat, then covering both with a mattress and blankets. Lock the z• : '•e. A hairdo'•ha•' hae hei.qhf e•r +he backdoors and put pillows against crownwill creaJ-e a longeru• Women'sTravel Authority them. line fha•- will balance The length Be sure to take: sterilized bot- o•9our noee,makjng iT eeem Traveling With Baby tles, facial tissues,cereal to be mixedwith milk or water, baby. •hor•er. Babies travel well-iœ rest and food, a vacuum bottle of boiled diet are kept closeto normal. These water, disposablediapers, waxed tips are for families on tour with ßgarbage
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