ULLETIN OHST H E NEW S LETTER O F BT H E O NTARI O H I S T O RICAL so CIETY I SSUE 164 A PR I L 2008 Province Joins OHS Coming Soon - 2008 OHS in Defending the Public Interest! AGM and Conference! Rob Leverty, Executive Director following the receipt of many Cynthia Comacchio, OHS Board McCrae House; two different walk- [email protected] submissions, the Registrar re- [email protected] ing tours of downtown Guelph; and leased his decision “that closing a tour to the Wellington County a part of Confederation Square Museum and Archives, a National n unprecedented decision by Cemetery for the purpose of HS members and affiliates are Historic Site, in recognition of AOntario’s Registrar for Ceme- erecting a monument is not in the Oreminded of our very special its status as the oldest House of teries in favour of preserving an public interest. For this reason the plans to celebrate the Society’s Industry remaining in Canada. historic cemetery in Peterborough application for an order for the 120th anniversary. With our part- The WCMA visit also includes is now being challenged by the partial closure of the cemetery is ners, The Guelph Historical So- time for a ‘walkabout’ and coffee City of Peterborough. It is the denied.” ciety, Guelph Museums, and the break in the lovely town of Elora. first case in Ontario to involve the Under subsection 10(b) of the History Department, University of Saturday’s events begin at 8:00 a.m. proposed relocation of a cemetery Cemeteries Act (Revised), any Guelph, we are pleased to present with breakfast and the AGM; 4 designated under the Ontario person with an interest may appeal From Nature to Ecology, Land- conference papers on our environ- Heritage Act, and the Ontario a refusal to order a cemetery closed scape to Ecosystems: An Historical mental history theme; a keynote Historical Society will once again to the Licence Appeal Tribunal View of Ontario Environments, 13 address by Dr. Gilbert Stelter, be arguing strongly that it is in the (LAT). Subsequently, the City of and 14 June, 2008, at the historic one of the founders of urban his- public interest to preserve burial Peterborough appealed the order University of Guelph campus. tory in Canada; our annual awards sites in their original locations. of the Registrar to the LAT. Registration begins on Friday presentation, and a closing “Step The challenge began in February The Registrar’s order is an afternoon at 1:00 at the Macdonald Up to Guelph” bus tour. There is 2006, when the City of Peter- historic decision in that it was the Stewart Art Centre, also on the also a special concurrent student borough applied to close a part of first time since the Cemeteries Act university campus, and the site of session for the very special student the Confederation Square Cemetery 1992 was enacted that the Province our opening night reception. Regi- price of $45 for all of Saturday’s that is designated under the Ontario of Ontario had ruled in support of strants will enjoy the MSAC’s events. For the student sessions, Heritage Act. The City wants to the OHS’s position in defence of new exhibit featuring paintings please contact OHS Board member erect on the closed portion of the the public interest. Readers of the by Tom Thomson and some of his Cynthia Comacchio directly at: cemetery a Wall of Honour to OHS Bulletin will remember that Group of Seven colleagues, as well [email protected] commemorate veterans of Peter- on several occasions the OHS has as an exhibit of Group-inspired There are a number of local borough City and County who appealed to the LAT’s various artist Evan Macdonald’s works. hotels within a five-minute walking served in both World Wars and the Provincial orders to close and For the first time in our history, we distance of the campus venues, Korean War. move cemeteries in the public are holding an Opening Night Gala: and accommodation on-campus Subsection 8 (2) of the Cemeteries interest. These were all lengthy Celebrating Ontario’s Environ- is also available. Those without Act (Revised) states “The Regis- and very costly public hearings. mental Heritage, War Memorial internet access can telephone the trar (for Cemeteries) may order a As recently as June 2006 the OHS, Hall, University of Guelph, 8:00 University conference services cemetery closed if the closing is in partnership with the Ontario p.m. Advance tickets are avail- directly at (519) 824-4120, ext. in the public interest.” To close Genealogical Society (OGS), even able through Guelph’s River Run 53350, or otherwise call the OHS a cemetery means to dig up and had to defend our appeal rights Centre: $25; $20.00 seniors and office at (416) 226-9011. relocate all human remains. Unfor- at the LAT against a Provincial students; $30.00 at the door. The We intend to make this our best tunately, the Ontario Legislature motion to deny them. Box Office can be reached at (519) annual event yet, and look forward has been unwilling to define the In the summer and autumn of 763-3000; Toll Free: 1-877-520- to seeing many of our members public interest and thus, the OHS 2007 the OHS worked closely 2408; online: www.riverrun.ca and friends in Guelph in June! For has for almost fourteen years been behind the scenes with our local There are also a number of excit- more information and registration, engaged in a constant struggle to partner, Citizens for the Protection ing tour plans for Friday, including please see the OHS website, define the public interest. and Preservation of the Pioneer the famous ‘afternoon tea’ at John www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca In March 2006, the OHS wrote Cemetery (CPPPC), and other the Registrar stating that “Fur- interested parties, to try and resolve ther to a site visit and a review of the concerns of the veterans and relevant documents, the OHS has the City of Peterborough. Unfortu- concluded that the removal of nately, all these efforts ultimately human remains from, and the failed to satisfy either the veterans partial closing of Confederation or the City of Peterborough. Square Cemetery, Peterborough’s On March 5, 2008, the LAT only burial ground between held a prehearing in Peterborough. 1825-1851, is not in the public Laurie Sanford, Vice-Chair, LAT, interest.” On May 25, 2007, PROVINCE cont’d page 5... In This Issue PRESIDENT’S REPORT ................................2 EXHIBITS & EVENTS .................................4 Please contact the OHS offices to register for this year’s AGM and Conference, From Nature to Ecology, Landscape to Ecosystems: An EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT ............2-3 Historical View of Ontario Environments at the University of Guelph. Photo: 1910 postcard, Speed River, Guelph, courtesy of Guelph Public Library. DONORS AND DOERS/NEW MEMBERS........2-3 ACROSS THE PROVINCE..............................3 CEMETERY NEWS ......................................5 The Ontario Historical Society 34 Parkview Avenue MUSEUM NEWS.....................................6 Willowdale, Ontario M2N 3Y2 FROM THE BooKshELF.........................7-8 THE 34 PARKVIEW AVE. ONTARIO WILLOWDALE HISTORICAL ONTARIO SOCIETY M2N 3Y2 www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca as Program Coordinator. Rob brings with him a vast network of D ONORS A ND D OERS President’s Report contacts from across the province and is perhaps best known for his tireless efforts in defending D ONORS Chris Oslund Historical Society, Guelph Muse- Ontario’s cemeteries. Please join [email protected] ums and the History Department with me in welcoming Rob to his of the University of Guelph. new position. Dear Members, In March we bid farewell to Finally, this is my last article Merle Alkins Karolyn Smardz Frost as our as President of the Society. My Spring has finally arrived and we Executive Director. Karolyn started term has been a challenging, yet can finally put away our shovels her duties as Executive Director in rewarding, experience. We have June Dafoe and snow-blowers for a couple of September of 2006. She brought accomplished a great deal and I am months and relax a bit. about a real enthusiasm and pas- especially proud of the fact that we The OHS Board and Staff have sion for Ontario’s history which have come to a resolution regard- Mrs I. Davey been very busy the past couple of was exemplified in her work. She ing the Banting Homestead after months preparing for the Annual encouraged the Board to reinstate many years of careful and some- General Meeting which will be the Annual Conference which was times contentious deliberations. Robert W. Johnston held at the University of Guelph on a tremendous success last year. On I am extremely pleased with the June 13 and 14, 2008 in conjunc- behalf of the Board, our members outcome and fully support the tion with our Annual Conference. and affiliated societies I wish to Town of New Tecumseth in their Richard Kilbourne The theme of this year’s conference thank Karolyn for her commitment efforts to ensure that the Homestead is From Nature to Ecology, Land- to the Society and wish her well in is protected for future generations. Wayne & Heather Lyons scape to Ecosystems: An Historical her future endeavours. I would like to thank the OHS View of Ontario Environments. A I am very pleased to inform you Board, staff and especially you, our full schedule of events has been that the Executive Director posi- members, for your support through- Manvers Historical Society planned. At this time I would like tion has now been filled by long- out the past two years. to thank Dr. Cynthia Comacchio time Society staff member, Rob for all of her hard work in the Leverty.
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