University of Vienna Institute Rep ort Institute for Software Science University of Vienna Vienna Austria Preface This rep ort describ es the scientic activities of the Institute for Software Science the former Institute for Software Technology and Paral lel Systems at the University of Vienna for the twoyear p erio d from January through Decemb er The primary ob jectives of the Institute are to conduct research in programming languages compilers programming environments and software to ols that supp ort the user in the pro cess of solving problems on high p erformance computing systems to actively contribute to a transfer of technology by participating in joint development pro jects with application develop ers and industry and to disseminate knowledge in the elds of parallel computing and software technology Research at the Institute included the continuation of work related to High Performance Fortran HPF including the sp ecication of the HPF language and the development of the Vienna For tran Compiler VFC as well as related p erformance analysis and prediction to ols such as SCALA 3 and P T We also initiated new activities in a numb er of elds such as proleguided optimization parallel data mining in large scientic databases interop erability b etween OpusHPF and Java and programming mo dels for massively parallel pro cessorinmemory arrays An imp ortant new fo cus of work b ecame the Sp ecial Research Program F AURORA of the Austrian Science Fund FWF which started in April and reached the end of its rst phase in early AURORA is a joint pro ject of the Institute with application designers from various disciplines including nancial optimization quantum mechanics and semiconductor simulation The European Centre of Excel lence for Paral lel Computing VCPC is a department of the Institute that was founded in with the help of a Europ ean Union grant and additional supp ort from the Austrian government and the Austrian Science Fund Its main fo cus is a transfer of technology from academia to industry in the area of High Performance Computing During the rep orting p erio d the VCPC participated in a numb er of ESPRIT pro jects of the EUs Fourth Framework Programme and also contributed to AURORA Research and development at the Institute were p erformed in co op eration with many institutions across the world Emphasis was placed on strengthening the collab oration with academic and in dustrial application partners in particular in the context of AURORA various ESPRIT pro jects and direct co op eration pro jects with industry We would like to express our thanks to the Austrian Ministry of Education Science and Culture the Austrian Research Fund FWF the Europ ean Commission and the University of Vienna for their generous supp ort and invaluable advice and guidance The co op eration with the Institute i for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering ICASE NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton Virginia has played an imp ortant role in our work A new co op eration with the Center for Advanced Computing Research CACR at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena California led to a new research direction targeting an emerging class of massively parallel architectures Sp ecial thanks are due to our partners in the Industrial Aliates Program Fujitsu and NEC I am grateful to the Rector of the University of Vienna and the Dean of the Scho ol of So cial Studies and Economics as well as to the many colleagues at the University of Vienna who have supp orted us over the past years Last but not least I would like to thank all memb ers of the Institute for their hard work and continued enthusiasm Vienna July Hans P Zima Acknowledgement I thank Peter Brezany and Ian Glendinning for their contributions to editing this Rep ort Our Co ordinates Institute for Software Science University of Europ ean Centre of Excellence for Parallel Vienna Computing at Vienna VCPC Liechtensteinstrasse Liechtensteinstrasse A Vienna Austria A Vienna Austria Telephone Telephone Fax Fax WWW Home Page httpwwwparunivieacat WWW Home Page httpwwwvcpcunivieacat Anonymous FTP Server ftpparunivieacat Anonymous FTP Server ftpvcpcunivieacat ii Contents Ma jor Research Pro jects The AURORA Sp ecial Research Program Overview Scientic Concept and Goals Results of Phase The ESPRIT Pro ject HPF APART ESPRIT Working Group on Automatic Performance Analysis Resources and To ols The Industry Co op eration Pro ject ADVANCE Languages Compilers and Runtime Systems for Scientic Computing The HPF Language VFC Distributed High Performance Computing with Opus and OpusJava Prole Guided Optimizations Advanced Communication Optimizations for Distributed and Parallel Systems Parallel Access to Persistent Arrays from HPF Application s Mining Large Spatial Databases With Parallel Pro cessing Macroservers An Execution Mo del for Pro cessorinMemory Arrays Pro cessorinMemory The Macroserver Mo del To ols Intro duction 3 P T SCALA SPIDER Europ ean Centre of Excellence for Parallel Computing at Vienna VCPC Intro duction Computing Facilities CS iii PC cluster The ESPRIT Pro ject ATTN and Asso ciated Pro jects The ESPRIT Pro ject FRAME The ESPRIT Pro ject FLOAT The ESPRIT Pro ject HPCNCAST The ESPRIT Pro ject APPEAL The ESPRIT Pro ject FITS The ESPRIT Pro ject VICAR The FSP Pro ject Mathematical Metho ds and To ols for Digital Image Pro cessing The ACTS Pro ject AC DIANE Teaching University Courses Other Courses Diploma Theses Publications Chapters in Bo oks Refereed Publication s Technical Rep orts Editorial Activities Program Committee Memb erships PhD and Habilitation Theses Exhibitions and Conferences Lectures Research Visits and Visitors Lectures and Research Visits Visitors and Guest Lectures Faculty and Sta Bibliography iv Chapter Ma jor Research Pro jects The AURORA Sp ecial Research Program Hans Zima Overview The Special Research Program AURORA Advanced Mo dels Applications and Software Systems for High Performance Computing is an academic interdisciplin ary tenyear research program supp orted by the Austrian Science Fund FWF AURORA is co ordinated by our Institute and led by Hans Zima Sp eaker and KarlHeinz Schwarz Deputy Sp eaker Phase started in April and was concluded in early Below we give the list of pro jects participating in AURORA together with the pro ject heads and their aliation Coordination Project Hans Zima Institute for Software Science University of Vienna Languages and Compilers for Scientic Computation Hans Zima Tools Thomas Fahringer Institute for Software Science University of Vienna Numerical Algorithms and Software for High Performance Computers Christoph Ub erhub er Institute for Numerical Mathematics Vienna University of Technology Paral lel Algorithms for Dynamic Stochastic Optimization in Financial Planning Georg Pug De partment of Statistics Op erations Research and Computer Metho ds University of Vienna Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Solids with WIEN KarlHeinz Schwarz Theoretical Chem istry at the Institute of Technical Electro chemistry Vienna University of Technology Paral lelization of Program Packages for the Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices Eras mus Langer Institute for Micro electronics Vienna University of Technology Services and Systems Barbara ChapmanWilly Weisz VCPC University of Vienna Scientic Concept and Goals Research in AURORA fo cuses on highlevel software for High Performance Computing HPC systems The ma jor goals include pushing the stateoftheart in highlevel programming paradigms languages and program ming environments for HPC systems studying and developing new mo dels applications and algorithms
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