![The Herods [1898].Pdf](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
■ — S./L -t. /s=/'-3A T he Herods BY F. W. F A R R A R , D.D., F.R.S DEAN OF CANTeRBURY BIBLIOTECA MUNICIPAL «0R«6ENES LESSA» Tombo NS................. MUSEU LITERÁRIO ü a n t r o n SERVICE & PATON 5 HENRIETTA STREET 1898 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. PAGE Interest of the Herodian Epoch—Powerful Part played by the Herods in the Development of History—Necessity for a long retrospective Glance to understand the Meaning of the Period ...... xvii-xix CHAPTER I. The J ews after the Babylonish Captivity.' The Exile—Cyrus—“ The Jews”—Zerubbabel and Jeshua— Inertness and Apathy—Disappointment in Zerubbabel— The Prophets of the Return—Haggai and Zechariali— Ezra—Splendid activity of Nehemiah—Beginnings of Judaism—Ceremonial and Function—Temple on Mount Gerizim — Degeneracy of the Priesthood — Jaddua — Changed Aspect of Jewish Religion . 1-10 CHAPTER II. T he J ews hnder P tolemies and Seleucids. The High Priest—The Halachah of Scribes—Onias I.—Glory of Simon the Just—Onias II.—Antigonus of Socho— Onias II.—Simon II.—Onias III.—Struggles of Ptole­ mies and Seleucids.—The Vision of Heliodorus—Onias III. and “ The Spartans ” .... 11-18 Vlll CONTENTS CHAPTER III. The J ews under Antiochhs E piphanes. Bid Priests—Jason—Menelaus—Murder of OniasIII.—Tragic Persecution—Designs of Antioehus—Popilius Lienas— Rage of Antioehus against the Jews—Mattathias—Judas the Maccabee ...... 19-25 CHAPTER IV. R ise of the Asmoniean Family (The Maccabees). Apelles at Modin—The Priest Mattathias—The Chasidim— Judas the Maccabee—His Initial Successes—Recovers Jerusalem—The Encaenia—Death of Antioehus Epiphanes —Talmudic Legends—Alcimus—Continued Victories of Judas—The Alliance with Rome—Eulogy of the Romans in the First Book of Maccabees—Death of Judas— Johanan—Jonathan—Alexander Balas—The Rabbis— Simon ....... 26-39 CHAPTER V. The Later Asmonaians. Murder of Simon—John Hyrcanus I.—His Vigorous Reign— Quarrel of Hyrcanus with the Pharisees ; Change of his Views—Aristobulus I. assumes the Title of Nasi— Antigonus—Tragic Events—Alexander Jannseus—His Troublous Reign—Simeon ben Shetach—His Dishonesty —His Boundless Arrogance—Hatred of Jannseus by the Pharisees—Tumults—Deathbed advice of Jannseus to his Widow—Alexander and the Pharisees—Aristobulus II.—Hyrcanus II. ..... 40-49 CHAPTER VI. Antipater, the I dum/ean. The Founder of the Herodian Family—His Parentage—His Ambition—Embraces the Cause of Hyrcanus II.—Antio- chus Sidetes—Siege of Jerusalem—The Pig—Onias the ' CONTENTS ix PAGES Circlemaker—Stories about him—The Golden Vine— Aristobulus II. and Hyrcanus II. before Pompey—Storm- ingof Jerusalem—Pompey intrudes into the Holiest Place; his astonishment atfinding it empty—Triumph of Pompey —Origin of the Jewish Colony at Rome—Hyrcanus II. and Antipater—Roman Influence in Jerusalem—Escape of Aristobulus — Sacrilege of Crassus — Aristobulus poisoned—Battle of Pharsalia—Services of Antipater to Julius Cæsar—Murder of Cæsar—Antipater poisoned— Vengeance of Herod—Rise of Herod . 50-Cl CHAPTER VII. H erod the Great. Herod’s Manifold Endowments—His Early Vigour—Sup­ presses the Robbers—Summoned before the Sanhedrin— Overawes them—Courage of Sameas—Herod escapes to Sextus Caesar—The Sanhedrin—The Early “ Couples” (Zougoth). Talmudic Stories — The Rabbis and the Government—-Popularity of the Pharisees—Coldness to theAsmonseans—Herod takes vengeance on the Sanhedrin —Friendship of Herod with Antony—Terrible Parthian Invasion—Intrigues of Antigonus—Hyrcanus incapaci­ tated from the High Priesthood—Terrible Death of Phasael—Eclipse of Herod’s Fortunes—Mariamne—Herod flies to Masada—Reaches Rome—Welcomed by Antony and Octavianus—Made King of the Jews—Has to Con­ quer his Kingdom—Thrusts out the Robbers—Takes Jerusalem—Gets rid of the Romans—Humiliating Death of Antigonus—The last Asmonaean King . 62-78 CHAPTER VIII. H erod, King of the J ews. A Life of gilded Misery—Footsteps red with Blood—Hananeel, High Priest—Intrigues of Alexandra—Herod’s Court —Menahem the Essene—Nicolas of Damascus and : i- ir '■ U-' !■'; i'Üh.Ü"; CONTENTS Ptolomsus—Hungry Greeklings—The Law of Retribu­ tion—Legend of Mariamne—Adverse Influences—Cleo­ patra—Infatuation of Antony—Ambition and Baseness of Alexandra—Aristobulus made High Priest at Seven­ teen—Jealousy of Herod—Murder of Aristobulus—Un­ availing Hypocrisy—Herod summoned before Antony— Secret Orders to put Mariamne to Death—Joseph reveals the Secret—Anger of Mariamne—Jealous Intrigues of Salome—Insatiable Greed of Cleopatra—Her Visit to Herod — He rejects her Advances — Zenodorus and Malchus—Fame of Rabbi Hillel—Rabbinic Minutiai . 79-94 CHAPTER IX. T roubles at H ome and Abroad. Antony and Cleopatra—Outbreak of the War with Octavi- anus—Herod ordered to advance against Malchus— Battle of Actium—Herod changes Sides—Thwarts the Advance of Antony’s Gladiators—Meets Octavianus— Received with Favour—Interview at Rhodes—Augmen­ tation of his Dominions—Renews the Fatal Order for Mariamne’s Death—His Royal Reception of Octavianus and his Army—Treachery of Cleopatra—Favour of Octa- vian for Augustus—The Policy, Splendour, and Wealth of Herod—Mariamne’s Coldness and Wrath—Fate of Sohem—Execution of Mariamne—Infamous Conduct of her Mother Alexandra—Herod a Haunted Man—His Dangerous Illness—Execution of AlexandJSi^pf Costobar, of the Sons of Babas ..... 95-104 CHAPTER X. A H ated Benefactor. Splendid Services and Intense Unpopularity—Royal Munifi­ cence and Self-Denial of Herod during the Famine—Fails to win the Jews—Hellenic Cosmopolitanism—Gladiato­ rial Shows—A Theatre in Jerusalem—The Trophies of Armour and the Rabbis ..... 105-108 iiiiiiy iiu ■ CONTENTS xi CHAPTER XI. T he P ublic Life of H erod. PAGES His Prosperity—1. Extends Ms Dominions on every side— 2. Protects Ms Frontiers from Marauders—3. Suppresses the Robbers and their Supporters—4. Builds a Circle of Fortresses—5. Magnificent Buildings and Public Bene­ factions—6. His Palace at Jerusalem—7. Rebuilds Strato’s Tower, and makes it the Capital of Palestine under the name of Caesarea—8. Rebuilds the Temple— 9. Gains great Immunities and Privileges for the Jews by his Influence with the Romans—Who were the Herodians? ...... 109-114 CHAPTER XII. P ublic and P rivate E vents. Usefulness of Herod in defeating the Designs of Syllseus— Confidence reposed in him by Augustus—A new Queen— Simon ben Boetbos, High Priest—Hatred of the People for greedy High Priests—Herod sends his Sons, Alex­ ander and Aristobulus, to be educated at Rome—Yisit of Agrippa to Jerusalem—His great Popularity , . 115-120 CHAPTER XIII. H erod’s Domestic Misery. Return of Alexander and Aristobulus from Rome—Their Mar­ riages—Their Imprudence—Mutual Antagonism between them and Herod’s Idumaean Relatives—Insinuations of the Rabbis—Secret Whisperings—Herod summons to Court bis son Antipater—Diabolic Character and Sub­ terranean Conduct of the Prinoe—Female Jealousies— Antipater intrigues at Rome—Augustus reconciles Herod with his Sons—Torturings and Delations—They are thrown into Prison—Archelaus, King of Cappadocia —A fresli Reconciliation—Troubles in Arabia—Augustus offended with Herod, and does not make him King sf Arabia—Execution of the two Sons of Mariamne . 121-128 xii CONTENTS CHAPTER XIV. H erod and the Temple. PAGES Herod’s wide Views—His Passion for Glory—His Proposal to rebuild the Temple—His Generous Offer—His Con­ stant Irritation of Jewish Susceptibilities—Messianic Expectations —Wishes to be regarded as the Promised Messiah—Objection to his Offer—He concedes every­ thing to the Jewish Demands—Magnificent Preparations regardless of Cost—The Sanctuary—Immensae opulentiae templum—The Temple and its Precincts as described in the Mishna and by other Authorities . 129-136 CHAPTER XV. The Temple of the Lord, and the Lord of the Temple. Splendour of the Building—Enthusiasm of the Galilean Dis­ ciples—Different Feelings of Christ—Spiritual Religion —“ Destroy this Temple!’’—Herod spoils his Benefac­ tion, and infuriates the Jews by his Golden Eagle— Wrath of the Pharisees—Conspiracy—The Golden Eagle is torn down and destroyed—Fate of the Rabbis and their Disciples—The High Priest deposed . 137-143 CHAPTER XVI. The Midnight and the Daystar. Antipater conspires against his Father—Designs to poison him—Intrigues with Pheroras and his Wife, and a Slave Girl at Rome—Wife of Pheroras and the Pharisees— Death and Remorse of Pheroras—Wife of Pheroras ar­ rested—Antipater’s Designs disclosed—He is summoned from Rome—Universal Execration felt for him—His Meeting with his Father—His Trial—His Condemnation —His Forged Letters—Sullen Misery and Ferocious Madness of Herod—His Haunted Deathbed—Execution of Antipater — His Death — “ The Great” — Herod’s Funeral—Birth of Christ—Its Date, and Circumstances attending it ..... 144-155 CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER X Y 11. Archelahs the Ethnarch. PACES Herod’s Last Will—Archelaus accused of Hypocrisy at His Father’s Death—He meets the People—Their Demands —A Tumult and Massacre—He hurries to Rome— Counter Intrigues of the Various Members of Herod’s Family—Embassy of the Jews—Augustus makes Arclie- laus Ethnarch, Antipas and Philip Tetrarehs—Tumult and Disorder in Jerusalem—Rapacity of Sabinus— Popular Movements and Sham Kings—Return of Arche- laus—Parable of the Pounds—Archelaus marries Gla­ phyra his Half-brother’s Widow—The Omen and its Interpretation—Glaphyra’s Dream and Death—Procura­ tors of Judaea ...... 156-162 CHAPTER XVIII. I. H erod P h il ip .—Lives and dies a Private Person— Married to Herodias ..... 163 II. P h ilip the Tetrarch.—Tlie Best of the Herods—His Just and Faithful Rule—Builds Caesarea Philippi— Heathen Subjects ...... 164-166 III. H erod Ahtipas.—A Friend of the Emperor Tiberius— Jealousy of Vitellius—Builds Tiberias—Difficulty of securing a Population—His Palace—Adulterous Mar­ riage with Herodias—His Arabian Wife—Hareth, her Father—Accession of Gaius (Caligula)—John the Baptist —Castle of Machaerus—Herod’s Attitude towards John— His Accession Feast—The Daughter of Herodias—John falls a Victim to the Fury of Herodias—The Vengeance of Heaven—Herod and Christ—“ The Fox”—Pontius Pilate sends Christ to Herod’s Palace at Jerusalem—The Tetrarch’s Frivolous Brutality—Sends back Christ to Death—Jealousy of Herodias at the Success of Agrippa I.
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