Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 37 No. 25 Car, Ri, P.S, June 24,1982 3rd Annual Heritage Fair Sunday To Be Biggest One To Date The town's third annual Heri- tage Fair will run from 11 a.m. to Junior High Graduation 7 p.m. Sunday, June 27, on the high school football field. Rain Ceremonies Tonight At 6 date is Sunday, July 4. Swift Junior High School will The Rev. Joseph Suppe, as- Musical entertainment, graduate 302 eighth graders sistant pastor of St. John's games, booths, and exhibits all from its Class of 1982 at cere- Church, will ask the invocation will be part of the festivities. monies scheduled today (Thurs- and give the benediction. There is an admission charge day) at 6 p.m. outdoors. The graduates will sing "Hitch for adults. Children under 12 Addressing the class will be Your Dream to a Morning Star," years of age, if accompanied by School Superintendent Dr. Rich- Alison Estey accompanying; an adult, get In free. ard C. Briggi. Presenting dip- "The Greatest American Hero," The area will be divided into lomas will be Principal Joseph Todd Pistilli accompanying; and two staging spots, a game field, A. Mereier, Vice Principal Patri- "God Bless America," Maureen and refreshment tent section. cia W. Bellini, and Board of Edu- Jackson accompanying. Vocal The schedule for the main cation members Cynthia Whlt- director is Anna Kalenuukas. stage is as follows: Nestor Czek- aker and Joseph Gugliotti. Delivering speeches will be ala's six-piece German band, 12 Mr. Mereier and Mrs. Bellini students Mary Rlnaldi and Ste- noon to 2 p.m.; Summer Time also, will make the awards pre- Blues Band with music of the . _. --.—.- ,-- »™»« jjic- ve»oini Hofflernoiiior., Theiiiey werwere selecteselected a 1 1970's, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.; and r C°5PKE<T HOTDOGS pt the heat treatment from Water- senfatlons to outstanding class by the* faculty afteran open com members. JiJ Robert Mobilio's IJ.piece band town High School junior Bob Beres' solar cooker, constucted by members. petitio—' n was screened* 'by a com- The junior high band, with di- mittee. with the "big band sound," S to himself in teacher Carll PaUokat's solar energy class Par Glass 7p.m. donated 64 mirrors to the project. The cooker can be used by Water- rector Kenneth Nigro conduct- kvile o Seventh grade band members ttom pf , «anizations during the summer for various ing, will open the program with will play the recessional at the On the auxiliary stage, the Sa- (unctions. Interested parties should contact Mr. Pallokat at WHS* Osterling's "Overture in C Mi- conclusion of the ceremonies. tin Hollers from Valley Holler- (Valuckas Photo) nor," Ward's "America the In case of inclement weather, a magic will give a roller skating Beautiful," and Gore's "Fame." decision will be made by 4 p.m. demonstration from 2 to 2:30 The seventh grade musicians to move the program indoors. p.m. The Nutmeg Square will do will play Elgar's "Pomp and Cir- square dancing from 4:30 to 5 WHS Class Night Program The graduates are: Douglas p.m. cumstance" for the processional. Ferguson Andrew, John William The graduates, audience, and John ChenJtus and his five- Honors 1982 Graduates band will participate in the sing- Andrews IV, Jeffrey Paul Aureli, piece Polish band will perform Deserving Watertown High ing and playing of Key's "Star Wendy Marie Austin, Ellen Jane from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the re- provement in four years. Barber, Joseph Alan Barbleri, School seniors in the graduated The Bausch & Lomb Corp. me- Spangled Banner." freshment area. Class of 1982 were recognized for The, graduates then will take David W. Bavono, Susan Mary The game filed will be the site dal for the senior ranking highest Benoit, James Frederick Bernler outstanding achievements and in the science field went to Mr. the Pledge of Allegiance. for both entertainment and com- scholastic ability at the June 18 Jr., Joy Marie Bernier, Cavarly petition. Interspersed with the Melkonian, He will be attending Evans Berwick, Paul Henry Bet- Class Night program. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Taxes Payable athletic activities will be music Awards and presentations In the fall. tencourt, Sandra Bettini, Timo- by the Oakville-Watertown Drum were made by Principal William Next Month On thy Biderman, Stephen Shane Corps, from 2 to 2:30 p.m., and Joseph Bavone received the Body, Allison Jean Bradley, Cyn- P. Williams. David Melkonian, Sarah Whitman Truinbull Chap- the Westbury Drum Corps, from class valedictorian, asked the in- »8i Grand List thia Lisbeth Bredy, Mindy Sue 4:30 to 5 p.m. ter, Daughter of the • American Broulllard, Dawn Marie Brower, vocation. Class President Jean- Revolution (DAR) Award for ex- Tax bills on the 1981 Grand Games for children and adults ne Bavone delivered the wel-cellence in American history. List are going out to residents Timothy Dempsey Burke, Wil- are scheduled for 12:30 to 2 Ham Henry Burke, April Ellen coming address. TTie Baldwin-Judson PTA this month and are due in July, p.m., 3 to 4:30 p.m., and 5 to 6 Class salutatorlan Diana Jones tax Collector Armand Derouin's Bums, Jeffery W. Bushey, p.m. on the field. Among the ac- Scholarships went to Lawrence Christopher Lee Cabral, and Ani- gave the benediction after the Lamy and Nancy Qulrke. staff is mailing the bills on all tivities will be a Break the Ballon formal "passing of power" took motor vehicle, personal proper- ta Marie Calabrese. Contest, spoon and egg race, Gail St. Mary received the Li- Also: Nancy Lynn Camerota, place between Miss Bavone and brary Service Club Award for ty, and the first half of real estate three-legged and sack races, a Raymond Giordano, president of four years of "friendly and help- or any real estate of $100 or less. (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 17) the WHS Class of 1983. The current mill rate is 36.95 , v- -i iwwiiiiiiuwu un page 11) ful service". mills. The high school band, directed (Continued on page 20) by Robert M. Pettinlcchi, played The second half of the real es- Pay Hikes Approved For Elgar's processional "Pomp and tate payment will be due In Jan- Circumstance," and Meyer- Dedication For uary, 1983. Mr. Derouin noted beer's recessional 'The Coro- both payments can be made In Non-The Town UnionizedCouncil Monday the tow nEmployees clerk, July, but no new bill will be mail- The Town CnllHrii MnnHn.. th»tnu«i-.l«-t nation March." Terrace Sat, night authorized pay increases of The town manager had includ- Kathleen Kelly was named ed for January if the taxpayer 8.5 percent for 55 non-unionized The official dedication of the chooses to split payments. ed $10,000 in the budget to con- Most Outstanding Senior, and employees and Town Manager tinue the increment program, new Buckingham Terrace elderly According to state law, the in- received her award from Lisa housing complex will be Satur- James Troup, The actions were but it was deleted by the Council. Krady, class secretary. terest rate has increased from 15 taken by unanimous vote of the day, June 26, at 2 p.m. on the percent per year to 18 percent, or "This action was very much Miss Krady received the Most grounds of the Buckingham seven members present. regretted by non-organized em- Deserving Young Woman Award i'/j percent per month, effective Mr, Troup's yearly salary will Street site. July 1. Correct interest on any ployees, and they are very dis- from the Alma D.F. Jackson Es- Frank Hayes, chairman of the increase to $36,348, effective af- appointed" the program was tate. The recipient is chosen by delinquent taxes can be obtained ter July 1. The non-organized Watertown Housing Authority, by calling Mr. Derouin's office, halted, Mr. Troup said in a state- vote of the faculty, based on cit- said all townspeople are invited employees will receive their pay ment last week. Fewer than half izenship and service in organ- Taxes can be paid at the fol- hikes the first full pay day of the to attend, Local dignitaries and lowing locations: tax collector's the 55 employees would have ization. state Department of Housing 1982-83 fiscal year. been affected by catuh-up raises office, Town Hall, 37 DeForest The Council delayed acting, The current Miss Watertown Commissioner Joseph Canale are St. (274-5411, ext. 294-295)- The this year. 1982, she will compete in the expected for the ceremonies. however, on providing "catch- The program has been in ef- Banking Center, 433 Main St., up" raises of from two to four Miss Connecticut Scholarship Mr. Hayes said a number of Oakville, and Straits Turnpike fect for two years. Pageant this weekend in New people associated with the de- percent for the employees who In an additional statement to Britain, branches; Colonial Bank, Main have been lagging behind, ac- sign and construction of the 40- Street and Watertown Plaza of- the Council June 18, Mr. Troup The Most Improved Young unit complex, the town's second, cording to an Institute of Public Bsked the Council to reconsider fices; Mattatuek Bank & Trust, Service 1979 salary survey. Man Award from the E.G. Marg- will be present. Buckingham 461 Main St., QakvlUe; and State the catch-up raises since the graff Estate went to Allan Scav Terrace opened in March.
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