I GREAT CLOSING TO NATIONAL N. V. A. WEEK ¦PH VIOLA RUDELL & DUNIGAN-EDWARD - C jHP V^Pjl "Such is Life"—By EUGENE CONRAD E§3y§l PALACE—NEW YORK—THIS WEEK, APRIL 21 ' / " ^^^^ E ' - J/ • ll^l^^^^^^^^ l K '" ' / Jj ^ ¦ , IfcM^^ JHni^^BJ^^^^^^l LEE STEWART, Representative Photo by Progress CLARA ORVAL BARRY & WHITLEGE Now with "COLLEGIATE UNIT" Touring R-K-0 Circuit TRIP TO TOKIO BAwith TORA TANA and KUME SAN Week of April 21 — Keith's Palace N. Y, C. ¦¦ ¦' -- « Dir.—PETE MACK—PAT CASEY AGENCY TORA TANA - FRED ARDATH Creator of All He Has Produced The Comer Store"—"Hiram"—"The Singing Bee"—"The Financiers"— "The Section Gang"-"The Village Tinkers"—"The Crying Drunk^—"The Blue Ridgers"—"Virginia Mountaineers"—and last but not least—"The Hill Billies". Men Originate! Monkeys Imitate ! Still There Are Some Fair-Minded Humans Who Sometimes Give Credit. Loew's State Theatre, Broadway, N. Y. C—This Week Dir.—YATES OFFICE t^m^mmm^mmmmm¦BB» ^ — ««> 5™W ( 9~ "S!S ™ ^ "™ ^«™ ^^^^^ m ^^^^^ m ^^^^^^^^ - ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ m not possibly be given a place on the pro- gram, were the following, all of whom were Tremendous Audience Sees Won- recognized by the committee in charge who placed their names on the official program : Lester Allen and Nellie Breen, Paul Ash, Lionel Atwill, Phil Baker, James Barton, derful Bill at Metropolitan Sunday Jules Bledsoe, Ben Bernie and Band, Janet Beecher, Brendel & Bert, Fannie Brice, Johnny Burke, Eddie Cantor, Lita Grey Chaplin, Renie Chemet, Clayton, Jackson Night. Thus Closing Many-Sided and ' Durante, Ann Codec, Frank Crumit, John B. Daniels, Benny Davis and Gang, Allan Dinehart, Harland Dixon, Kitty Doner, Activities of N.V.A. Week Drive Dooley and Morton, Ruth Etting, Leon Enrol, Fioretta Ensemble (Courtesy of Earl Stars Representing Carroll), Harry Fox and ' Beatrice Curtis, Every Branch of Theatricals Contribute Trixie Friganza, Madame Geva and Girls from "Whoopee," Guerreri Giovanni and Varied Offerings That Win Approbation of a Distinguished Male Chorus from "Fioretta," Red Grange, N. T. G. and His Night Club Girls, Chester and Overflowing Audience Hale Ballet, Bob Hall, Adelaide Hall and the 'Ensemble from "Blackbirds," Evelyn When the curtain went down on the final appeared in the director's chair were Roxy, Herbert, Healy _ and Cross, Lou Holtz, stage activities of . the Thirteenth Annual Erno Rapee, William Daly and Victor Bar- Johnny Hudgins, George Jessel, Leatrice Benefit Performance for the National Vau- revali. Joy, Kouns Sisters, Francine Larrimore, deville Artists at the Metropolitan Opera Following this tremendous • symphonic Mary Lawlor and Bobby . Watson, Bert House on Sunday night, April 21, the gen- opening, with its rendition of "Orpheus" and Lytell, Russell Markert Girls, The Marx eral belief was that a new record had been a medley of Victor Herbert compositions, Brothers, Ada May, Mclntyre and Heath, established in the value and interest of this the acts began to make their appearance in Erin O'Brien Moore, Victor Moore, Greta yearly event. As a matter of fact, the per- quick order and by midnight more than 30 Nissen and James Rennie, George Olsen and formance that began on Sunday evening separate numbers, some of them big ballets, His .. Music, Zelnta O'Neal and Jack lapped over to Monday morning—and there bands and units, had contributed their quota Haley from "Follow Thru," Jack Pearl, still were scores of clever entertainers who to the general scheme of entertainment. And Plantation Orchestra from "Blackbirds," had volunteered their services and who were still they came—act after act after act— Ethel and Dorothea Ponce, The Revel- ready to go on. For, after all, every per- until the hour grew so late that it was then lers, Ritz Brothers, Bill Robinson, Edward formance of this nature must stop some- decided it was time to ring down the final G. Robinson, star of "The Kibitzer," Will where. In this instance, it stopped only when curtain. Rogers, "Roxy," Roxy Symphony Orchestra, the immense audience that crowded every 110 directed by Erno Rapee; The Roxyettes, part of the immense Metropolitan _ audi- Quantity and Quality There direction of Russell Markert; Yvette Rugel, torium had made up its mind that it had 1 R. K. O. Collegiate Unit Ensemble of 22, been witnessing a wonderful show—wonder- The program had been arranged along the Dave Schooler, Shaw and Lee, Gus Shy and ful in interest, import, length, novelty and lines of novelty and quantity, but, what.was Marie Callahan from "New Moon," William the other things that count. still more important, of quality. Almost Daly conducting; Aileen Stanley, Nina Tar- every known brand of entertainment was asova, Lenore Ulric, Rudy Vallee and his "Roxy" Keeps Things Going contributed by the loyal artists who, despite Connecticut Yankees, Solly Ward, Paul the downpour of rain, made their^ appearance ' "Roxy"—-who Whiteman and his Orchestra, Whiting and S. L. Rothafel—everybody s and seemed to be glad that they were able Burt " had acted as chairman of the committee , Charles Winninger from "Show Boat, to do their best for such a wonderful cause.. Walter Woolf and "The Red Robe" En- having the benefit in charge, was the Master The N. V. A. Year Book was sold in the semble, Clara Kimball Young. of Ceremonies and General Stage Director, lobby of the Metropolitan and proved to be and from the moment he appeared after the one of the most attractive and interesting MUTUAL CIRCUIT TO EXPAND overture leading Prancine Larrimore to the issues of this annual ever produced. front until his final appearance, the audi- It was a wonderful night any way you take The Mutual Burlesque Circuit will ' have sixty theatres on its list next season ence showered applause on everybody con-' it, and a most fitting close to the N. V. A. , ac- cording to an announcement made by I. H. cerned and was not backward in showing Week Drive which had kept vaudeville and Herk, president and general manager what it thought of "Roxy" himself. picture presentation house interests on their , last "Roxy" was assisted by other M. C.'s, in- toes from the very moment that the cam- week. There will be fifteen new theatres , cluding Vincent Lopez, John B. Daniels, paign opened. added eight being in the Middle West. Lionel Atwill, Jack Pearl, Solly Ward and others, some of whom also appeared on- the The Roll of Honor CISSIE LOFTUS TO MARRY regular list of entertainers. Cissie Loftus, well-known impersonator, John A. Schultz served in the capacity of As mentioned in the foregoing, more art- will be married to Dr. Edward R. Johnson assistant stage director. ists volunteered than could possibly be in- of West Haven, Conn., according to re- The first big number consisted of the cluded in one performance. It seems only ports. Miss Loftus was married .once before Roxy Symphony Orchestra, augmented by fair, therefore, to say that among those who to a physician and has a son 18 years of agu. many additional members of Local 802, Fed- volunteered their services and were ready She has known Dr. Johnson for twenty eration of Musicians, and among those who to do their share but some of whom could years. AS WE GO TO PRESS When Gitz Rice Wrote They are all talking about the results of Actors' National Jubilee (N. V. A. Drive) and of the N. V. A. Benefit at the Metropolitan Opera House on Sunday night,—and they will continue to talk for a long time. About Mary and Jack Melrose, Mass., April 17, 1929. .. Among .the . notable vaudeville acts on Broadway this week are Marx Brothers (held The Editor, over at the Palace), Trixie Friganza, Leatric e Joy, Rudell and Dunigan, Paulsen Sisters, The Vaudeville News and Star. Kama's "A Trip to Tokio," Emile Boreo, Ser ge Flash, "Three Students," Ada May, Lou Dear Sir : Holtz, Colonel Fred Lindsay, Vincent Lopez, Red Grange, Kitty Doner, Jimmy Savo, Car- ter DeHaven and . Son, Lohse and Sterling, Kerr and Weston, and Wilfrid Du Bois. This may interest you and your readers, because so many of them have visited us at our home. Our- Unit closed at the Or- The Palace will hereafter give three sho ws on Saturdays as well as on Sundays. The pheum, Boston, last Sunday, after a won- third show starts at 5:15 P.M. on both days. derful season. We had the other members of the. Unit at our house over night. Mon- John E. Kellerd, veteran actor, leaves th e hospital after a long siege of illness. He is day morning Gitz Rice handed us the en- to star in "The Lovers of Suzanne" next sea son. closed. On Tuesday my brother, who is with the Boston "Transcript," had the verses Patti Harrold, well known in vaudeville, s uceeds Dorothy Knapp in the title role of set up in type. I am enclosing them in case "Fioretta. you care to use them. Gitz Rice, with his " Northwest Mounties, made the Loew trip a happy one. He wrote these verses in ten Texas Guinan takes over the Boucicault revival of "The Streets of New York," at the minutes. Spanish Theatre in West 14th Street. .(Signed) MARY CONWAY. George M. Cohan changes the title of his new play, "All in the Game," to "Gamble," And here are the verses : engagement in Philadelphia early in May. with a two weeks' Ye Olde Elm House Will . Rogers will come on from Boston for the Public Lambs' Gambol at the Metro- politan next Sunday night. "Conway Castle" By GITZ RICE Arthur and Morton Havel have succeeded Jans and Whalen in "A Night in London," now running in Philadelphia.' 'Neath the shade of an elm " There's a really true realm, Cissie Loftus, besides being married this spring, will also be a guest player with a A home of two pals that I know.
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