Reg. No. G-2/RNP/GOA/32/2018-20 RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410 Panaji, 25th January, 2018 (Magha 5, 1939) SERIES III No. 43 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Note:- There is one Extraordinary and one Supplemen- Porvorim that in view of prevailing situation in the tary issue to the Official Gazette, Series III country and intelligence inputs regarding terrorist No. 42 dated 18-1-2018, as follows:— threats to Western Coast of India and the possibility 1) Extraordinary dated 19-01-2018 from pages 1561 of antisocial elements with an intention of to 1562 regarding Order from Department of Home committing crime in Goa/elsewhere staying in (Home—General Division), Office of the District house/flats/building premises on rent, it is Magistrate, North Goa. necessary to ensure proper verification of the 2) Supplement dated 19-01-2018 from pages 1563 to antecedents of persons staying in residential 1592 regarding Notification from Department of accommodation on rent or in hotels, lodging and Finance [Directorate of Small Savings & Lotteries boarding, private guest houses, paying guest (Goa State Lotteries)]. accommodation of religious bodies, etc. GOVERNMENT OF GOA And whereas, it is absolutely necessary to take Department of Home speedy measures to prevent danger to human life and to thwart and prevent terrorist activities which Home—General Division may affect the security of the State and create Office of the District Magistrate, North disturbance of public order and tranquility and for — this purpose all the owners of houses, buildings, Order flats and other residential accommodation and the No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol.V/330 owners/management of all hotels, lodging and Read: 1) Order No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol.V/225 dated boarding, private guest houses, paying guest 17-01-2018. accommodation of religious bodies, are required to verify the antecedents of all the persons before 2) Addendum No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol. V/302 letting out their premises on lease, rent or on hire dated 19-1-2018. basis to such persons. 3) Addendum No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol. V/303 dated 20-1-2018. Now, therefore, I, Nila Mohanan, IAS, District The prohibitory order read at Sr. No. 1 and Magistrate, North Goa, in exercise of the powers Addenda read at Sr. No. 2 & Sr. No. 3 above stands conferred upon me by Section 144(1) of the Code of withdrawn with immediate effect. Criminal Procedure, 1973, do hereby make this written order that all the owners of the houses, Given under my hand and seal of this office on buildings, flats and other residential accommoda- 22nd day of January, 2018. tion and the owners/management of all hotels, Panaji.— The District Magistrate, Nila Mohanan, lodging and boarding, private guest houses, paying IAS. guest accommodation of religious bodies etc., in __________ the whole of North Goa District should verify the Order bonafides of the persons through their proof of identity such as Election Card, Driving License, No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol.V/348 Aadhar Card, Passport, etc., and should fill in the Under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Tenant/Visitor/Guest Verification Form in respect Procedure, 1973 of their Tenants/Visitors/Guests before such persons Whereas, a request has been received from the are allowed to reside/stay in their premises and Superintendent of Police, North Goa District, furnish the same to the local Police Station for Suggestions are welcomed on e-mail: [email protected] 1593 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 43 25TH JANUARY, 2018 further verification and record. This order shall also Criminal Procedure, 1973, do hereby make this apply to the owners of such premises who have so written order for strict compliance of the following far not furnished the verification forms in respect of directions by the owners of such Cyber Cafes in the their Tenants/Visitors/Guests who are already entire North Goa District:- occupying their premises. The owner of the Cyber Cafe shall: This order shall come into force w.e.f. 26-01-2018 a) Prohibit the use of Cyber Cafe by unknown and shall be effective for a period of 60 days that person and whose identity has not been is upto 26-03-2018 (both days inclusive) unless established by the owner of the cafe. withdrawn earlier. b) He/she shall maintain a register for identity of As the notice cannot be served individually the visitor/user. on all the concerned, the order is hereby passed ex-parte. c) He/she shall get an entry in the handwriting of the visitor/user mentioning name, address, Any person contravening this order shall be telephone number and identity proof. The punishable under Section 188 of the Indian Penal visitor/user shall also sign the register kept Code. for this purpose. Given under my hand and seal, on this 24th day d) The identity of the visitor/user shall be of January, 2018. established through Government Identity Card only; like Voter Card, Driving Licence, Smart Panaji.— The District Magistrate, Nila Mohanan, Card, Passport, etc. IAS. __________ e) Activity server log should be preserved in the main server and its record should be preserved Order for atleast six months. No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol.V/2(1/5)/349 f) If any activity of the visitor is of suspicious nature, the owner of Cyber Cafe shall Under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal immediately inform the nearest Police Station Procedure, 1973 and the Police Control Room (P.C.R.). Whereas, a request has been received from the g) Record shall be maintained about the specific Superintendent of Police, North Goa District, computer used by each visitor/user. Porvorim that in view of prevailing situation in the country and intelligence inputs regarding terrorist h) CCTV camera shall be installed by the owner threats to Western Coast of India, it is necessary to at the entry point of each Cyber Cafe. impose restrictions on the commercial places/shops This order shall come into force w.e.f. which are popularly known as Cyber Cafes as large 26-01-2018 and shall be effective for a period of 60 number of people visit such places to use internet days that is upto 26-03-2018 (both days inclusive) facilities, including e-mails and social networking; unless withdrawn earlier. And whereas, it has come to notice that certain As the notice cannot be served individually on anti-social elements/terrorists are using these all concerned, the order is hereby passed ex-parte. facilities to mislead the security and investigating It shall be published for information of public agencies, create panic in the public, endanger the through press and also by affixing copies on the security of VVIPs and vital installations and help in Notice Boards of all Sub-Divisional Magistrates, the terrorist activities, thereby directly affecting Mamlatdars and Executive Magistrates and all the security of the State; Police Stations in North Goa District. And whereas, it is necessary to take speedy Any person contravening this order shall be measures in this behalf to prevent danger to human punishable under Section 188 of the Indian Penal life or safety, to thwart/prevent terrorist activities, Code. which may affect the security of the State and create disturbance of public order and tranquility. Given under my hand and seal, on this 24th day of January, 2018. Now, therefore, I, Nila Mohanan, IAS, District Magistrate, North Goa, in exercise of the powers Panaji.— The District Magistrate, Nila Mohanan, conferred upon me by Section 144 of the Code of IAS. 1594 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 43 25TH JANUARY, 2018 Addendum And whereas, the circumstances do not allow No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol.V/303 serving of notice individually except Shri Pramod Mutalik, leader of Sri Ram Sene; Read: 1) Order No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol.V/225 dated Now therefore, I, Anjali Sehrawat, IAS, District 17-01-2018. Magistrate, South Goa District in exercise of the powers 2) Addendum No. 4/1/92-MAG/Vol. V/302 vested in me under Section 144 of Cr. P. C., 1973, do dated 19-1-2018. hereby prohibit the entry of Shri Pramod Mutalik s/o Shri The prohibitory order read above issued under Hanmant Rao Mutalik leader of “Sri Ram Sene” and any Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 of his associates or members within the jurisdiction of and extended vide Addendum read at Sr. No. 2 South Goa District, State of Goa for a period of 60 days above till 20-01-2018 is hereby extended and shall with effect from 17th January, 2018. remain in force till further orders. Margao, 17th January, 2018.— The District The other contents and directions/prohibitions Magistrate, Anjali Sehrawat, IAS. in the order shall remain the same. ———¿¿¿——— Given under my hand and seal of this office dated 20th day of January, 2018. Department of Tourism ___ Panaji.— The District Magistrate, Nila Mohanan, Order IAS. No. 5/NTTR(4395)/18-DT/387 ———¿——— The registration of Vehicle No. GA-03/T-7309 Office of the Collector & District Magistrate, belonging to Shri Nevis F. Alex Britto, H. No. F-93, South Goa Mandrem-Goa, under the Goa Registration of — Tourist Trade Act, 1982 entered in Register No. 45 Order at page No. 74 is hereby cancelled as the said Tourist Taxi has been privatized and which is now No. 38/2/2008/MAG/918 bearing No. GA-11/A-2824. Whereas, a report dated 18-08-2014 was made by Panaji, 8th January, 2018.— The Dy. Director of the Superintendent of Police, South Goa, requesting Tourism & Prescribed Authority (North Zone), for action against Mr.
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