THE LONDON GAZETTE, l&MA&SH, 1921. 2219 of the said United Kingdom upon the under- The Homa Secretary gives notice that, in mentioned gentlemen and the heirs male of pursuance of Section 2 (1) of the Employment their respective bodies lawfully begotten: — of Women, Young Persons and Children Act, Admiral of the Fleet • Sir Cecil Burney, 3920, he has made an Order, authorising the G.C.M.G., K.C.B., of Preston House, employment of women of 18 years of age and Preston-Candover, in the County of South- over in conneotiom witlh the bottling of beer at ampton. the works- of Messrs. Barclay & Perkins, Ltd., Park Street, iSouthwark, S.E. 1, on two day- Frederick Eley, of Sagamore, in the Parish of shifts, subject to the condition that suitable Shiplake, in the 'County of Oxford, Esquire. cloakroom and messroom accommodation shall Samuel Hill Hill-Wood, of Moorfield, in the be provided. Parish of Giossop and County of .Derby, Wihitehall, Esquire. 16th March, ] 921. Donald Macmaster, of Glengarry, in the Pro- vince of Ontario', and of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, iboth in the Dominion of Canada, Esquire, one of His Majesty's The Home Secretary gives notice that, in, Counsel learned in 'the Law. pursuance of Section 2 (1) of the Employment of Women, Young Persons and Children Act, 1920, he1, haa made Orders in respect of the undermentioned firms authorising the employ- Whitehall, March 15, 1921. ment of certain workers on two day-shifts, sub- ject- to the conditions that no worker shall be The KING has been pleased to approve of employed in the afternoon shift in consecutive the appointment of Charles Coltman Rogers, weeks and that suitable cloakroom and mess- Esq., J.P., to be Vioe-Ldeutenant for the room accommodation shall be provided:— County of Radnor. Firms and Workers Concerned. W. & T. Avery, Ltd., Soho Foundry, Smeth- wick: Women of 18 and male young persons Whitehall, March 15, 1921. of 16 years of age and over engaged in. the Automatic Machine Department. The KING has been pleased to give land The British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Bank Quay, grant unto George Frederick Godfrey Purvis, Warrington: Women of 18 years of age and Esq., Director-General, Coastguards and over engaged in connection witih the making Fisheries Service, Cairo, His Majesty's Royal of aluminium sheets and tubes. licence and authority to .wear the Insignia of 0. Hanimerton & Co., Ltd., The Stockwell Grand Officer of the Order of the Nile, which Breiwery, Stockwell, S.W. 9': Women of 18 Decoration has been conferred upon him. by years of age and over engaged in She despatch His Highness the Sultan of Egypt in recogni- ; department. tion of valuable services1 rendered by him. Maguire, Paterson & Palmer, Ltd., Commercial Buildings, Dublin : Women and yoning per- , sons of 16 years of'age and over engaged in connection with the manufacture of matches Whitehall, March 15, 1921. at the Hammond Lane Works1, Dublin. The KING has .been pleased to give iand ' Whitehall, grant unto Leonard Fryer, Esq., His 17th March, 1921. • • Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear the Cross of Chevalier of the Order of Leopold II., which Decoration has been conferred upon him by His Majesty the King of the Belgians WO&KMEOSPS COMPENSATION ACT, in recognition of valuable services rendered by 1906. him during the War, and also in connection i . The Secretary of State for tihe Home Depart- with .the establishment of the Young Men's ' ment has appointed William Bafrie Brownlie, Christian Association at Brussels. .Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S., of 89', Preston New J Road, Blackburn., to be one; of the Medical 1 Referees under the Workmen's Compensation ' Act, 190'6, for County Court Circuit -No. 4, Whitehall, March 15, 1921. .with a view to his being employed in all ophthalmic cases arising in the Circuit in which; The KOGNIG has been pleased to give and the services of a Medical IReferee are required. grant unto the undermentioned 'gentlemen His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear Whitehall, Decorations (as stated against their respective 17th. March, 1921. names) which have been conferred upon them by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan in recognition of valuable services rendered by ALIENS RESTRICTION ACT, 1919, them : — OF THE RISING |SuN. : S. 10 (2). Third Class. • LIST OF FORMER ALIEN ENEMIES LANDED PROM IST TO 28TH FEBRUARY, 1921. Frank Prior Purvis, Esq., of the College of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University. Afenski, Heinrich. Ahrens, Claus. OBDER OF THE SACRED TREASURE. Ahrens, Fraafis'F. C. Third Class. Albert, Robert. Wilhelm. ' • John Timpson, Esq., Mayor of Portsmouth. Alberti, Victor Paul F..
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