/ TO GLENDALE GAL/CE, GRANTS P'ASS ~ TO MAR/AL, ILLAHEE. GOLD BEACH R ~ I I "\ R. JW . 1 R r· w. I/ • Protect public and private property. While ·;?' ~ j ! you enjoy nature now, earn the Rogue River to Port land ~""'~'.'.' I .... K•l•oy I '== ~ appreciation of those who will follow you. .... ;'. i: ~ Peak l 3 449 I • Be careful with fire. Build campfires only Classification ~ --'-- ·- --Ll --+ '" ~ r - _ I- ""-·----I ~ ( in safe places where they can be In October 1968, Congress passed the Wild and Scenic extinguished completely. Never leave a Rivers Act. This Act recognized that certain rivers in ) :' fire unattended. Be especially careful the United States possessed outstanding scenic, during dry weather. Report all recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, - ) ,/ uncontrolled fires to the Bureau of Land cultural, or other similar values. It set forth l Management, Forest Service, or State management objectives and requirements. An 84-mile --+-r-----''-- --1-- - - - --...-. --i-+ '- t o Port Orford Forestry Department. segment of the Rogue River, averaging one-fourth mile ·;,.,, on either side, was designated under this Act. The area .... • If lost or injured, keep calm. Improvise a designated extends from the mouth of the Applegate l'""" t:A~:~~~,;:<:t> ( shelter to keep dry and warm. To summon River near Grants Pass to the mouth of Lobster Creek 3 682 help, use three signals that can be heard near Gold Beach. The Act provided three river (\Hungr or seen. classifications-wild, scenic, and recreational . I <.. ·"'Hill ---+--~~ -s: The Wild River classification requires that the river be /ohri=n °"" • Avoid over-exertion. Be careful. s,,,,,, ~ free of impoundments and generally inaccessible • Bring your own drinking water or purify all except by trail or boat, with watersheds or shorelines Gold Beach GRANTS PASS water taken from streams in the area by essentially primitive and waters unpolluted. The l 1>oj l boiling or by using water purification objectives of this classification are to provide river­ i ~x_{:.. '-</ e¥- I / G<f. I (}a. 'l}; 01, I tablets. oriented recreation opportu nities in a primitive setting 1),1,,,, j . y "~q and to preserve the river and its immediate ~ ave. .• ..,. _ M/N f. • Be prepared. A good map, rain gear, first environment in a natural, wild, and primitive condition, . aid kit, rations, water, and extra clothing essentially unaltered by the effects of man . , are essential. ' The Scenic River classification requires that the river I ,- • Observe fishing and hunting regulations. be free of impoundments with shorelines or I ' They are designed to provide fish and watersheds still largely undeveloped, but accessible in I/ places by roads. Management in this area is to 'rl-----1-----\i ---.~+---,___- l other wildlife now and in the future. -t maintain or enhance the condition of the high-quality LI TTLE • Leave word where you are going and scenery and provide opportunities for river-oriented AJ,ol( M!NEX ... when you will be back. recreat ion dependent on the free-flowing state of the RAVE CREE K ' ----- river, consistent with the primitive character of the - -- OR EGO N to Sacramento • Several commercial lodges are spaced yvlL!=J R _ECFH~_AT I O NAL ~ (' ~ ----- ------ surroundings. ,...., - C ALIFORNIA -- - - - - - - - - - - along the river. These operate primarily to --., ~ meet the necessities of downriver gu ided The Recreational River classification applies to those float trips originating in the Grants Pass portions of the river readily accessible by road that LEGEND area, and the jet boat trips coming upriver may have some deve lopment along their shorelines. Th is river cla ss is managed to provide a wide range of / WILD RIVER from Gold Beach to Agness and Paradise Bar. Hikers who have made reservations public outdoor rec rea ti on opportunities on th e river in SCENIC RIVER its free- fl owing condition. r \ can be accommodated. to San Francisco RECREATIONAL RIVER Secti ons of th e river classi fied as wild, scenic, or I • Poison oak is common along portions of recreational are indicated on accompanying maps. f ( the Rogue River Trail. Learn to identify Trail and Legend this noxious p lant. It has shiny green \ SCALE IN MILES leaves in threes. Avoid contact with any company of soldiers 0 River Guide old miner's cabin, built in 1880. The Whisky 12.1 Francis Creek. Outdoor part of the plant, to prevent skin irritation. Creek cabin is on the National Register of from Fort Orford tried 12.3 Cop ey Cre k. Upper wild section Historic Places, and offers a glimpse into to open a trail along • Rattlesnakes are found along the Rogue. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGE M ENT Manners and Be careful where you step, and carry a The Natural features and other points of interest the pioneer history of the Rogue River. 12.4 Cowley Creek. the Rogue. A member of the party later NATIONAL FOREST LA ND snakebite kit. through the Wild section of the Rogue River 3.5 Cedar Mountain fault, like th e Hansen 13.6 Meadow Creek camp. Large, grassy related that a Lt. OTHER Trip Tips Wild and Scenic area are listed below in black. Trai 1 • Wood ticks are numerous during the Saddle lault, contai ns serpen tine with fl at. R.S. Wi lliamson rode mileages commence at Grave Creek and are PAVED ROAD spring and summer months. Periodic su rf aces smoothed and polished by a mule named John. GRAVEL ROAD • Within the Rogue River corridor you will shown to Maria! on this side of the map, 14.1 Dulog Ca mp-Two camp sites, each on tllOt.Ol: N wi;.~: -x • checks of clothing and skin shou ld be Rogue River tremendous pres ures generated by When the mule was come in contact with others. Respect and continue from Maria! to lllahe on the south side of River. } DIRT ROAD made to remove ticks before they attach movements of the earth. turned loose to graze " their ri ghts to enjoy their visit. Remember other side. These trail mileages vary / PRIMITIVE ROAD themselves. Duloq R1 f le N< row roe .y riffle. that your conduct affects their Wild River somewhat from river miles. 3.7 Big Slide camp. A small sp rin g Is near the stream, it T RAIL located near the river upstream from lhe I<- I' y F nll :>w 1ft c urrent. wandered off and was INTERSTATE ROUTE experience. • Keep a clean camp and leave a clean R1 v£•r con<l 1t1ons of special interest to camp. Long ago, a big land sli de b locked not found despite a U .S. ROUTE camp. Pack out what you pack in. 1> 0.1 1t ·r · i Hl ' .-,h own 111 blue Characteristics 15.4 Kel sey Creek camp, on narrow bench .... •Bears are becoming increasingly the rive r here for a time. Another s m all , thoroug h search. FOREST SERVICE ROUT E bold along the river. They are Jur1 11q nor1n.il •lHTlfl ll r fl ows are described, beside cascading stream. Ke lsey Creek and Un usual variety characteri zes th e f lo ra and active s lide can be seen across th e river in Because of this BUILDING learning t11 at people mean but v...-111 ViJry w11t 1 c h , 1n g <' ~1 1n water levels o r Kelsey Canyon are named for Colonel John fau na of the Rog ue River country . Thi s is the sheared rocks of the Cedar Mountain incident, the stream M INE groceries. Secure your food riv1 rh Pd cond1t 1ons. 8Pfo re running Kelsey, who led a group of territorial the result of geologic history, geo graphi c faul t zo ne. was named John Mule RECREATION SITE and discourage their unf.: 11nll1n r rapid s, h o at0 rs sh ould scout the vo lunteers against Chief Jo hn's Indian Creek, but later location, and climati c differences from 3.9 Doe Creek Camp on south side. presence in camp. s. 1tuat1on fro 1n tt1c bank 1f a safe route forces in the spring of 1856. shortened to Mule BOAT RAMP mountain valley to ocean shore . To cl1nnot s t~l'n f1 or 11 tile boat. ' maintain this unique heritage for others to be 4.4 Alder Creek. 16. 4 Corral Creek. Creek. There is also a ,. discover, it must be protected. Do not Mule Mountain nearby. ;; - IN FOA MATION CENT ER o.o Grave Creek boat land ing and Rogue -- :...-.Ric ti 4. 7 Booze Creek. 16.6 Battle Bar was the site of an The tale ended happily damage or remove living plants. Because of River tra il head, on north bank just below c indecisive skirmish that characterized the several years later when % WILD & SCE NIC RIVER BOUNDARY the scarc ity o f dead wood, campers a re bridge at confluence o f Grave Creek with Tyec ll 1p1ds c-,c OUT IN G Rogue River Indian War of 1855-56. Oregon Williamson found hls ;: encouraged to carry pressure stoves. Eve ry Rog ue River. Grave Creek gets its name RECO MMENIJFD Steep drop with huge bolll<lf ,u1d t1oli w1tt1 ri ver going to wall at territori al soldiers had been sent to bring mule at Sil etz. precaution must be taken to prevent forest from th e fact that Martha Leland Crowley, bac k Indians wh o had spent the winter in fires. Keep America green and beautiful. bottom Tye is th e Chi nook word for chief. daughter of a pioneer couple, was buried th at vicinity, after leaving their reservation 24.0 Rocky Bar Creek.
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