2017 Italeri S.p.A. Office and Factory via Pradazzo, 6/b I-40012 Calderara di Reno 09299 Bologna - Italy Tel.: +39 051 317 5211 Fax: +39 051 726 459 Company with Quality System Certification of conformity with e-mail: [email protected] UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 http://www.italeri.com ModelKit Collection Preview 2017 Italeri S.p.A. Office and Factory via Pradazzo, 6/b I-40012 Calderara di Reno Bologna - Italy Tel.: +39 051 317 5211 Fax: +39 051 726 459 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.italeri.com ItaleriPreview2017 36510 Jagdpanzer IV 1:35 36511 38(t) Hetzer 1:35 56505 KV-1/KV-2 1:56 WORLDofTANKS WORLDofTANKS WORLDofTANKS 56506 JS-2 1:56 46504 German Battleship Tirpitz 1:700 5622 WORLDofTANKS WORLDofWARSHIPS 5620 Schnellboot S-38 1:35 1018 Ju 88 A-4 < 99.9 cm > < 20.0 cm > 5621 S.L.C. “Maiale” 1:35 1368 P-47D-30-RA Thunderbolt 1:72 < 19.8 cm > < 15.3 cm > 1382 F-5F Tiger II 1:72 1383 Wellington Mk. IC 1:72 1384 Tornado Gr.1 1:72 < 20.0 cm > < 27.3 cm > < 23.2 cm > Released in April 2016 Released in June 2016 Released in October 2016 1385 F/A-18 Swiss Air Force 1:72 1386 Jaguar A 1:72 1387 B-57B Canberra 1:72 Special 100 Jahre decals < 23.7 cm > < 23.6 cm > < 27.7 cm > Released in July 2016 Released in November 2016 2 ItaleriPreview2017 ItaleriPreview2017 1388 SM.81 Pipistrello 1:72 1389 SM.82 Marsupiale 1:72 1390 Caproni Ca.311 1:72 < 25.5 cm > < 31.8 cm > < 16.3 cm > 1391 Ju 86 E-1/E-2 1:72 1392 A-6E Intruder U.S. Navy/ U.S.M.C. 1:72 1393 DC-3 Breitling 1:72 < 24.8 cm > < 23.0 cm > < 27.3 cm > 1394 F/A-18 Hornet Tiger Meet 2016 1:72 1395 F-5E Tiger II Patrouille Suisse 50th Anniversary1:72 1396 Hawk T1 1:72 1:72 < 23.7 cm > Decals for all team planes < 20.1 cm > < 17.3 cm > 1397 IAF Kfir C2 1:72 1398 F-100F 1:72 1399 F-111A Aardvark 1:72 < 21.7 cm > < 19.9 cm > < 31.1 cm > 1400 C-130J RAF Hercules Anniversary 1:72 1401 Harrier GR.3 “Falkland” 1:72 2750 F-117A Nighthawk 1:48 < 41.4 cm > < 19.5 cm > Photographic reference manual included < 41.9 cm > 2754 EFA 2000 single seater 1:48 2764 Cessna 172 Skyhawk - Red Square 1:48 2765 Macchi MC.205 Veltro 1:48 < 33.3 cm > < 17.2 cm > < 18.2 cm > Released in June 2016 Released in November 2016 ItaleriPreview2017 3 ItaleriPreview2017 2766 Tornado IDS 60° Anniv. 311° GV RSV 1:48 2767 Macchi MC.200 XXI serie 1:48 < 17.0 cm > 2768 Hurricane Mk. I 1:48 < 38.1 cm > < 20.5 cm > 2769 Ju 87 B-2/R-2 Stuka “Picchiatello” 1:48 2770 F-4E Phantom II 1:48 2771 Reggiane RE.2000 1:48 < 22.9 cm > < 40.0 cm > < 16.6 cm > 2772 Hunter F Mk.6/9 1:48 2777 F-104 G/S Starfighter 1:48 2506 F-35A Lightning II 1:32 < 29.2 cm > < 34.7 cm > < 49.0 cm > 2509 TF-104G 1:32 < 52.0 cm > 4 ItaleriPreview2017 ItaleriPreview2017 2513 Tornado GR.4 1:32 2511 NATO Pilots, Ground Crew and Access. 1:32 < 46.1 cm > 1371 HH-101 Caesar/AW-101 TTH 1:72 2672 CH-47D Chinook 1:48 2748 AH-64D Apache Longbow TM 1:48 < 31.2 cm > < 34.0 cm > < 31.2 cm > 2773 Bell AH-1Z Viper “Zulu Cobra” 1:48 2774 H-21C “Flying Banana” Gunship 1:48 2775 AB 212 ASW 1:48 < 37.1 cm > < 33.3 cm > < 26.2 cm > 2776 H-34 1:48 2778 AB-206B1 1:48 285 Sd. Kfz. 179 Bergepanther 1:35 < 36.0 cm > < 37.1 cm > < 19.7 cm > 6383 Demag Sd. Kfz. 10 with 5 cm. PaK 38 1:35 6450 Sd. Anhanger 51 1:35 6537 LMV Lince crew 1:35 < 13.6 cm > Contains 2 models < 7.6 cm > Contains 4 figures ItaleriPreview2017 5 ItaleriPreview2017 6538 M36B1 1:35 6542 Land Rover Series III 109 “Guardia Civil” 1:35 6543 Carro Armato M13/40 with Bersaglieri 1:35 < 21.3 cm > < 12.5 cm > Contains 6 figures < 14.0 cm > Released in November 2016 6544 Semovente M40 da 75/18 1:35 6545 1:35 6546 15 cm. Panzerwerfer 42 1:35 < 14.0 cm > < 17.1 cm > 6547 M32 Recovery Vehicle 1:35 6548 Pz. Kpfw. IV F1/F2/G with Assault Troops 1:35 6549 Steyr RSO/01 with German Soldiers 1:35 < 16.7 cm > Contains 6 figures < 20.0 cm > Contains 7 figures and accessories < 12.6 cm > 6550 508 CM “Coloniale” staff car 1:35 6551 Kangaroo 1:35 6552 Staghound Mk. I 1:35 < 9.5 cm > Contains 6 figures < 17.0 cm > < 15.7 cm > 15761 M3/M3A1 Stuart 1:56 15762 M18 Hellcat 1:56 15763 KV-1/KV-2 1:56 Contains 1 figures < 8.0 cm > Contains 1 figures < 12.0 cm > Contains 1 figures <12,2cm > Released in september 2016 Released in november 2016 15764 IS-2 1:56 7404 NSU HK 101 “Kettenkrad” 1:9 6180 The Last Outpost Battle Set 1:72 Content Blockhouse MDF laser cut with etched details American Infantry and Militia French Infantry Indian Warriors Contains 1 figures < 14 cm > < 33.3 cm > 6 ItaleriPreview2017 ItaleriPreview2017 6118 1940 Battle of Arras - Rommel’s offensive Battle Set 1:72 Content 50 German infantry figures 42 British infantry figures 1 Sd. Kfz. 250/3 with 3 figures 1 8.8 cm FLAK 37 AA gun with 8 figures 2 Matilda Mk. II with 2 figures French House/Shop - 2 “rapid ruin” modular elements Released in November 2016 6179 Civil War Farmhouse Battle Battle Set 1:72 6182 1944 Battle at Malinava Battle Set 1:72 Russian Isba Barn Russian Isba Content Farm and Barn MDF laser cut with etched details T-34/85 JS-2 Stalin Union Infantry Russian Union Cavalry Infantry Union Artillery Set Confederate Infantry 2x Pz. Kpfw. VI Tiger I E Confederate Cavalry German Infantry 6181 El Alamein: Battle at the Railway Station Battle Set 1:72 El-Alamein Station MDF laser cut Afrika Korps infantry Railway tracks British 8th Army infantry Pz. Kpfw. IV F1-F2 M4A2 Sherman III Italian Cannone da 149/40 Morris Quad Tractor/25 pdr. Gun with crew 7050 Sd. Kfz. 176 Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar 1:72 7051 Autoblinda AB 41 1:72 7055 Kfz. 305 Ambulance 1:72 < 8.2 cm > < 7.3 cm > < 8.3 cm > 7072 Sd. Kfz. 265 Panzerbefehlswagen 1:72 756 MAN 26.321 Formel Six 1:24 770 Scania 142M Flat Bed Truck & Trailer 1:24 < 6.1 cm > < 27.0 cm > < 62.1 cm > ItaleriPreview2017 7 ItaleriPreview2017 777 DAF 3600 Space Cab 1:24 3919 IVECO Hi-Way 40th anniversary 1:24 < 27.5 cm > 3916 MAN TGX XXL Euro 6 1:24 < 25.7 cm > < 25.4 cm > Released in May 2016 3918 Curtainside Trailer “schöni.ch” 1:24 3922 Scania 164 L Top Class 1:24 3920 DAF XF105 “Maritime” 1:24 < 58.0 cm > Cont. chromed parts and chromed adhesive < 24.2 cm > < 62.1 cm > Released in April 2016 Released in September 2016 3921 MAN TGX XXL “Wolf Transporte” 1:24 3923 Volvo FH 16 Globetrotter 4x2 1:24 3924 Mercedes Benz SK Eurocab 6x4 1:24 Contains chrome stickers < 25.7 cm > < 24.0 cm > < 27.0 cm > 3925 Freightliner FLD 120 Special 1:24 3927 Scania S730 Highline 4x2 1:24 < 32.5 cm > 3926 IVECO Turbostar 190.48 Special 1:24 < 23.8 cm > < 25.7 cm > 8 ItaleriPreview2017 ItaleriPreview2017 3929 Tecnokar 20’ Tank Trailer 1:24 3928 IVECO Hi-Way 480 E5 (Low Roof) 1:24 < 25.4 cm > 3652 Renault 5 1:24 < 28.8 cm > < 14.6 cm > 3708 VW 1303S Beetle 1:24 4703 FIAT 500 F 1:12 < 17.5 cm > Released in October 2016 3709 VW 1303S Beetle Cabriolet 1:24 < 17.5 cm > < 24.7 cm > Released in October 2016 3653 Giulietta Spider 1600 1:24 3654 Lancia Stratos HF 1:24 3655 Ford Escort Mk. II 1:24 < 16.3 cm > < 15.4 cm > < 16.5 cm > 4640 Norton Commando 750cc 1:9 70393 Opel Blitz 1:48 70394 Autoblinda AB 43 Polizia di Stato 1:48 Modelset Modelset ItaleriPreview2017 9 ItaleriPreview2017 68003 The Colosseum 1:500 The Colosseum scala scale Edificato nel centro di Roma Antica da Vespasiano (72 d.c.) è il monumento più visitato del mondo Built in Ancient Rome by Vespasian (72 d.c.) is Prototipo in the most visited plastica e resina monument prototype of the world plastic and resin Particolare del dettaglio finale An example of the final detail 110 mm 375 mm - 316 mm the short side 72003 1:32 BO-105 Police Helicopter Starter Kit 72001 1:72 EF-2000 Typhoon Model Set special edition also including a sprue cutter and a downlodable video tutorial that will guide you step by step in building of 72002 1:24 Lamborghini Miura the model Model Set 10 ItaleriPreview2017 ItaleriPreview2017 3111 Flying Pendulum Clock 42209 Macchi MC.202 Folgore 42210 Macchi MC.202 Veltro 1:100 48211 Tornado IDS 60th Anniversary 311° GV RSV Dimensioni/Size 24 cm x 10 cm x 15 cm 1:100 Released in september 2016 Oltre il catalogo Beyond the catalogue #tuttaitalerimodellopermodello #allofitalerimodelbymodel Il nostro sito, con novità, recensioni, schede prodotto, Our website with news, reviews, product data sheets, link ai video su youtube, segnalazioni di eventi reali reports of real and media events, our Facebook page e mediatici, la pagina facebook con i vostri commenti, with your comments, theme-based competitions, i concorsi a tema, i collegamenti ai blog principali, links to the main blogs, Twitter, twitter, newsletter, in breve ..
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