Eastern Illinois University The Keep July 1937 7-7-1937 Daily Eastern News: July 07, 1937 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1937_jul Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: July 07, 1937" (1937). July. 1. https://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1937_jul/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1937 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in July by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EASTERN'S EVENT OF THE WEEK EVENT OF THE WEEK Faculty Lose Ph. D's! ~eacbera <to liege 1Rews EI to Play Camp Shiloh A //-Columbian Columbia Medalist "TEU THE TRUTH AND DON'T BE AFRAID" !CPA Best Newspaper NSPA A II-A mericatl 19.36-.37 1931-35-.37 19JJ-3:!-3J-.34-35-.36-.J7 19.33-.36-.37 VOL. XXII CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1937 NO. 3-S 1 EI Gathers to Two Lecturers to Appear Here This Week Celebrate 4th -Spare That Trio! A STRIP TEASE} A TRIO, -on the 5th, with Softball, Picnic AN AM.A TEUR ROMEO­ Noted Interviewer Will Speak Luncheon, Fireworks, Finale ... Turn Out for Stunt Sho·w! of Dancing ~ ~ ~ Thursday, Tony Sarg Monday The annual summer school stunt By Staff Reporter show which harks back to the days Master of Marionettes Btin!!s C. William Duncan, Philadelphia The evening of the Fourth's of Elmer Clapp and his calf is 'An Hour with T.ony Sarg' as Columnist, Will Offer 'Close­ fifth got under way with the (6J scheduled for July 21. The staff Third Ent. Number July 12 ups of Famous People' playing of a soft ball game be­ ~~·\~ in charge, which includes Glen tween the Cooperites and the Cooper and Gwendolyn Oliver as "An Hour With Tony Sarg," the C. William Dun·can will speak the Thutarians. The faculty won by chairmen and Mr. Robert Shiley of third number of the summer enter­ evening of Thursday, July 8, in the (t~ tainment course, will be presented a score of 14 to 10 according to Dean the faculty as advisor, assures a next Monday evening in the college auditorium on "Closeups of Famous Beu and Umpire Lantz. Officially, show unsurpassed in excellence in auditorium by Tony Sarg and his People." Mr. Duncan is an interview­ preceding years. however, the students won 10 to 7. The ~j· famous marionettes. er-columnist for .the Philadelphia Eve­ "ump" was prejudiced no doubt. Among the attractions rumored His versatile program is as follows: ning Public Ledger and during the last Roughly five hundred students, fac­ '(, is a strip tease by the Lair boys Part I - An amusing account of ten years has interviewed more than ulty members, and guests partook of Stunt entries must be turned in and the traditional faculty quartet, Tony Sarg's unusual experiences in the sandwiches, tea, salad and beans, to · the News box, Gwendolyn brought back by general student launching his career as an artist and 3,000 men and women in all walks of reports Jay B. MacGregor, refresh­ Oliver, or Mr. Shiley by Friday request. The program is to be con­ showman. life. He will seleot 18 or 20 nationally ments chairman whose class in extra­ preceding the show. Rehearsal ducted by a master of ceremonies. Part II - A series of short mar­ known figures, bringing them to the curricular activities served. The at­ dates will be announced later. Recreation tickets will admit. ionette skits and playlets presenting platform, as it were, for the audience tendance number soared as towns­ every kind of marionette. to see them through his eyes. (1) The professor at the piano; people gathered to see the fireworks in The antics of every figure, from the (2) The royal juggler; (3) The charge of Mr. E. L. Stover. E. I. was Thirty- five Companies Cooperate in flighty doings of Dizzy Dean to the clever Ballarina; ( 4) Sicilean mar­ dazzled by the dazzling E. I. Salutes, flight doings of Admiral Byrd, are fountains, flares, rockets, pin wheels, ionettes - with the puppets dressed Educational Aids Exhibit at Eastern among the personal recoUections of in full armor; (5) Greedy George­ and candles, all in abundance, com­ ..._ this lecturer, gained by interviews. He the only eating and drinking mar­ posed the display. may select such persons as Boake Car­ ionette; (6) The dancing sailor; (7) The evening was not complete for Displays of Materials Continue Stover Plans Trips ter, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Al Smith, The Yankee General; (8) The Indian those who could take it until they had For Three Oays in Aud. Huey Long, Father Coughlin, Hugh For Botany Students Magician; (9) The Punch and Judy danced to an hour's recorded music in Walpole, Lionel Barrymore, Babe Ruth, An exhibit of educational aids for Theatre; (10) "Charlie" - a ventril­ the auditorium following the fireworks. Knute Rockne, Einstein, Senator Bor­ ---ElaTe--- .the purpose of showing summer oquist. Mr. E. L. Stover of the botany ah, John Garner, Schumann Heink, or school students the kind of material Part III. - Demonstration of division of the soience department, Rudy Vallee for his lecture subjects. ./A Class Pours available in their particular field is has been conducting tours of various lightning sketches. being held July 6, 7 and 8 in the illustrative sections of this locality Part IV. - Finale - "The Cough .Mr. Duncan speaks here as part of a Large 'Eastern' auditorium. Thirty - five companies for the benefit of his botany 22 class. Medicine" - a skit. 5,000 mile speaking tour taking him are to be represented, making the This week-end one of the longest Mr. Sarg was born in Central into eight states of the nation and 17 A nameplate for Eastern is being exhibit even larger than the one giv­ tours will be made, to Turkey Run, America, educated in Germany, was towns. It is his third annual trip to constructed in concrete by the farm vn last summer. Says President Buz­ Indiana, to study the many types of an officer in the German army until the Middle West. He is appearing m mechanics class under Mr. Russell H. zard; "This is an unusual opportunity vegetation represented there. 1905, is now a citizen of the United many other tea.chers colleges and Ro­ L~ndis of the industrial arts faculty. for teachers to see the latest in books, Last week the class climbed the States and lives in New York. Be­ tal·y and Kiwanis clubs of large cities, Letter forms 3'h feet high are being equipment and helps in their field. The Rocks at the park of that name on sides his famous marionettes, he is a not to mention such institutions as the poured now for each of the letters in very same exhibit was on display in the Embarrass east of town, and the well known writer, illustrater, speak­ University of Pennsylvania. the word Eastern. These will .be sunk Detroit." week before that they studied the er, and designer. ---EISTC--- in the ground in a slanting position so Mr. Buzzard attended the NEA meet- beech-maple forest near Paris, Illi­ ---ItI liTe--- that they may be read just east of the ing in Detroit last week. nois. Orndorff, McCollum ,McKinney Book Lincoln street entrance to the cam­ ---IEISTc--- A week from Saturday, Mr. Stover pus. Latest Placements expects to lead a trip to Rocky Wed, Tour Michigan Gets Recognition As his part of the project, each mem­ Branch and before the end of the ber of the -class has made a letter Put Total Over 200 term he will visit either the Twin Marietta Orndorff, Mattoon, and Miss Isabel McKinney's biography form, the first ones being poured last Lakes at Paris or the lake south of Victor E. McCollum, Terre Haute, of the late president of EI, a book en­ Thursday. Placements reported to Mr. Walter Mattoon to study water plants. were united in marriage Wednes­ titled Mr. Lord: Life and Words of Liv­ W. Cook, placement bureau head, dur­ This is the first year that farm me­ ---EISTe--- day, June 30, at 9 o'clock by the ingston C. Lord, was on display in chanics has been offered here. The ing the past week put the total over Stylist Lectures; Rev. Horace Batchelor in the Pres­ dummy form at the American Edu­ wmk is tor instruction in laying con­ the 200 mark. They are as follows: byterian parlors in Mattoon. Mr. cation Association meeting in De­ crete. Josephine Moulton, third grade, Mat­ Plans Fashion Show and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bosley were troit last week with other University Mr. Camille iF. Monier, head grounds­ toon; Dale M. Wingler, high school, the attendants. of Illinois Press publications. The man, reports tha1t he hopes to have English and music, Middlestown, Mis­ Miss Sallie Courtri.gl\t, stylist from Mrs. McCollum was a two-year book will go into print soon, some of NY A workers complete the entire name souri; Mary Frances Heermat:Is, high New York, gave a brief talk to the graduate of Eastern in 1936 and has the proofs having already been tak­ of the college in concrete next fall, be­ school, general science, Shelbyville, Home Economics 40 class Friday I been teaching in the Mattoon schools. en. fore the blocks are actually laid. Thus Ill.; Helen Westrip, high school, Eng­ morning, July 2. As a result a style Mr. McCollum is employed in the Miss Ruth Carmen is taking orders summer school students will not have lish, Latin and mathematics; Buffalo, show is planned to feature dresses Montgomery Ward store in Terre for the book at $3 per copy until an opportunity to see ·the work com­ Ill.; Charles Moon, rural, Coffeen, for all occasions made and modeled Haute.
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