Extavour Authorship2012.Pptx (Read-Only)

Extavour Authorship2012.Pptx (Read-Only)

Issues of authorship prac/ce and policy in experimental science research labs Cassandra Extavour Associate Professor Organismic and Evolu6onary Biology Harvard University Members of the research team Principal Invesgator Graduate Postdocs Students Research Undergraduate Assistants Students Members of the research team have different goals Principal • Publish • Obtain funding Invesgator • Get tenure/promo6on/other honors • Help grad students graduate • Help postdocs get jobs Graduate Postdocs Students • Achieve career stability • Graduate • Publish • Obtain post-graduate • Obtain post-postdoc job job • Publish Research Undergraduate Assistants Students • Keep good job • Graduate • Obtain next career opportunity • Obtain post-graduate posi6on • Contribute to research/publish • Contribute to research/publish Authorship has different values for different members of the team Principal • Demonstrates ability to lead produc6ve research team Invesgator • Indicates intellectual contribu6on • CRITICAL Graduate Postdocs Students • Demonstrates ability to • Demonstrates ability to carry out and complete carry out research independent research • MAYBE IMPORTANT • MAYBE IMPORTANT (depending on career (depending on career coals) goals) Research Undergraduate Assistants Students • Stepping stone for next career • Stepping stone for next career opportunity opportunity • BONUS • BONUS Authorship order has specific meaning, which is different in different fields of scholarship RESEARCH ARTICLE 5015 • DevelopmentAuthorship is merited if you have contributed 138, 5015-5026 (2011) doi:10.1242/dev.073395 © 2011.substan6ally to Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd Notch/Delta– Experimental design signalling is not required for segment generation– Carrying out experiments in the basally branching insect Gryllus bimaculatus– Analyzing data – Wri6ng the manuscript Franz Kainz1,2, Ben Ewen-Campen1, Michael Akam2 and Cassandra G. Extavour1,* – Obtaining funding for the research • SUMMARYWho decides who has contributed substanally? First authorArthropods: carried out and vertebrates display a segmental body organisation along all Last authoror part of the anterior-posterior: senior author axis. Whether this reflects– aDifferent team members may differ in their defini6on of shared, ancestral developmental genetic mechanism for segmentation is uncertain. In vertebrates, segments are formed bulk of experimental and/sequentially by a segmentation ‘clock’ of oscillating gene expression involving Notch= PI. Usually major pathway components. Recent studies in or analy6cal work. Usually spiders and“substan6al” basal insects have suggested that segmentation in these arthropodscontributor of intellectual also involves Notch-based signalling. These grad student or postdoc. observations have been interpreted as evidence for a shared, ancestral gene networkcontent and funding. for insect, arthropod and bilaterian segmentation.– Ul6mately the PI makes this decision However, because this pathway can play multiple roles in development, elucidating the specific requirements for Notch– signallingPI should is important for understanding the ancestry of segmentation. Here we show that Delta, a ligand of the Notch Second authorpathway, is not: likely carried out some required for segment formationOther middle author in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: could have contributed in any , which retains ancestral characteristics of of experimental and/or analy6cal work. arthropod •embryogenesis. Clarify expectaons/lab publicaon policy Segment patterningway but how is unclear; less experimental/analy6cal genes are expressed before Delta in abdominal segments, and Delta expression doesUsually student or technician. not oscillate• guide other team members in effec6ve communicaon/nego6aon of in the pre-segmental regioncontribu6on than preceding authors AND less senior or in formed segments. Instead, Delta is required for neuroectoderm and mesectodermauthorship goals formation; embryos missing these tissues are developmentally delayed and show defects in segment morphology but normal segment number. Thus, what initially appear to berole played than last author. ‘segmentation phenotypes’ can in fact be due to developmental delays and cell specification errors. Our data do not support an essential or ancestral role of Notch signalling in segment generation across the arthropods, and show that the pleiotropy of the Notch pathway can confound speculation on possible segmentation mechanisms in the last common bilaterian ancestor. KEY WORDS: Arthropod, Segmentation clock, Evolution, Neurogenic phenotype, Gryllus bimaculatus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Given the large number of genes likely to be required by neous, or mosaic, gonads. Many of the genes used in germ-line the germ line, and the complexity of germ-line development, Author's personal copy development also play roles in somatic development [Saffman, particularly the loss of 50% of germ-line cell precursors early in E. E. & Lasko, P. (1999) Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 55, 1141–1163]. Mutations development (1) (see below), we undertook clonal and mosaic in these genes may have cellular phenotypes throughout germ-line analyses to ask whether or not germ-line cells undergo cellular development leading to their differential elimination or survival, as competition in genetic mosaics. Cell competition and selection has been observed in somatic cells [Morata, G. & Ripoll, P. (1975) in the germ line have important population and evolutionary 288 D.P. Sarikaya et al. / Developmental Biology 363 (2012) 279–289 Dev. Biol. 42, 211–221]. We investigate whether mutations in implications

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