INTRODUCED AND NATIVE LIZAFROLLERS (LEPIDOPTERA : TORTRICIDAE) ON BERRY CROPS IN THE LOWER FRASER VALLEY, B .C. David Roy ~illespie B .Sc,, Simon Fraser University, 1975 M~SC.,Simon Fraser university, 1979 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMFNTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the Department of Biological Sciences @ David Roy Gillespie 1981 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY December 1981 All rights reserved. This thesis may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without permission of the author. Approval Name : David R. Gillespie Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Title of Thesis: Introduced and native leafrollers (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on berry crops in the Lower Fraser Valley, B. C. Examining Committee Chairman: Dr. Robert C. Brooke Dr. B. P. B'ehne, Senior Supervisor Dr. J. H. Borden ~f.J. Raine Dr. P. Belton, Public Examiner ~r:stanlei G.-- oyt, ~ntomolo~ist,Tree Fruit Research, Hentre, Washington State University, Washington, U.S.A. External Examiner Date approved: 9L- &. /%Y ----PART IAt- COPYR l GHT L I CENSE I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the right to lend my thesis, project or extended essay (the title sf which is shown below) to users of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single copies only for such users or in response to a reqbest from the library of any other university, or other educational institution, on its own behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for multiple copying of this work for scholarly purposes may be granted by me or the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying or pub llcation of this work for financial gain sha II not be allowed w i thou t my written permission. Title of rhesis/Project/Extendad Essay Introduced and native leaf rollers (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on berry - - - -- -- - crops in the Lower Fraser Valley, B.C. Author: (signature) David- R. Gillespie (date) ABSTRACT Leafrollers are significant pests of blueberry and cranberry, but not of raspberry and strawberry, in the Lower Praser Valley, B- C- Leafrollers feeding on fruit clusters reduced blueberry yields by np to 8%. The economic threshold is damage to 1% of clusters. Leafrollers on cranberry devastate fields when not controlled by insecticides, On raspberry and strawberry they are controlled by sprays for other pests, Pest manageraent on blueberry and cranberry is feasible, On blueberry 14 species of Tortricidae, 1 of Oezophoridae and 1 of Geometridae fed in leafrolls and blossom clusters, The dominant species were gggis%ongufa rosaceana , S pilon ota ocel_h=g, Archips rosanus and Cheirno~hilasalicella. Because Rhg~ob& g2~qg,the onf y iapostaat leafroller on cranberry, has few alternate hosts, its population can be readily tnonitored and managed, Common species on raspberry were gL g~sacgggq,ssshtera br uceata and Acleris comariana, but these did not cause damage- Larvae of A, comariag2 were abundant on strawberry at 3 site and did no visible damage. Para sitism of C, rosaceana ( 18 to 33%) and 2, ocellam (231) on blueberry and of R, coreariana 469%) on strawberry may limit their populations, Parasitism was highest in areas of high C, rasacegmp density; no correlation was observed iii between density and parasitisa of A= comariang. Alternate plant hosts near blueberry fields h potential leafroller pests of blueberry, Larvae of 5% -----coaariana in a strawberry field were mcst nunerous near wild vegetation, Sone first-instar leafroller larvae on blueberry aerially disperse on hatching. Control spraying should coincide with this dispersal* Dispersal occurred most1 g inside the margins of a blueberry field, limiting its iaportaace ic reinfesting fields after control, High larval densities of naevanp decreased development tine and adult size, This effect would be itaportant only at high field densities, The female-produced sex pheromone or' C, salicella is a ~ixtureof s-13-tetradecenyl-1-wetate: g-11-tetradecen- 1-01: tetradecanyl-7-9-acetate in a 202 1: 1 ratio- Introduced leafrollers fed on a11 crops surveyed. Recently introduced species occurred only on blueberry but were not important- Wative leaf rollers be•’ore hibernation inhabited abandoned rolls of introduced species. Control programs for introduced leafrollers controlled both native and introduced leaf roller species, These species also shared csmmon garasites, This research vorald not have been possible without the support, advice and assistance of many pople, I thank my senior supervisor, Dr, B,P, Beirne, Professor of Pest flaaagemeat , Biology Department, Simon Fraser Umiversit y for providing the direction and guidance, and the constant and generous support which made this research possible, I also thank the members of aty supervisory cornntitte, Drl 3-NI Burden, Professor, Biology Department, Simon Fraser Universi'ky, and #re 3, Raine, Research Scientist, Agricultare Canada, for their advice and assistance. I aa graitef ul. to Prof, T, Pilaf ayson, Professor Emerita, Biology Department, Simon Praser University, and Drl TI Crant, Research Scientist, Agr-iculture Canada, for their advice acd criticism of this irork in its various stages, I thank Dr, 8- S lessor, Bssociat e Professor, Chemistry Department, S inion Fraser University, for intrcdvcing Be to the marvels of pheroaone che~istry. f thank the staff at the Biosystematics Research f nstitute, Agriculture Canada, for identitying many of the species encountered in this research, and for the information and instruction which das so freely given to me by then, I thank D, Quiring, D, Lactin, 3- Lighthall, and J- Nelson for the able and industrious technical assistance P TABLE: OF CONTENTS Page TZTL E PAGE i APPROV AI, PAGE ii ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEBENTS V TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF PIGUEES xvi CH APTEB I, f NTRODUCT ION i CHAPTER 11, LEAPROLLERS ON BERRY GRQPS IN THE 14 LOgER FR RSEW VALLLE Y I B- Co RESEARCH SITES AND WEARING TECHNIQUES 15 SECTION B, LEAFROLLERS ON BLUEREFIRY 19 MATERIALS AMD RETHODS 13 --Survey technipgeg 19 -------Calculation pf rates 9f garasitisa 20 ---Berial ---drift -of first-instag larvae 21 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 21 "1 Abundance of leafrollers in blueberry 2 1 fields, 2, Biology of major species, 2 9 i. Clmristoneara ~sacesgg(Ham-) - 29 ii, wlomta ocellana ID. G 5,) 3 3 iiL &chips rpsams (L,) 37 - iv, Cheimmhila salicella ((Hbn-) 39 3, Biology of cammon species 40 i. Operophtera kweata (ffuls t) ii, Croesia cugvalana (Rft, ) iii, Pandeais Erasaria {Hbn.) iv, Badebecia art icaqa (H bn.) 4. Biology of other species, 5- Aerial drift of first-instar larvae. 6, Significance of leafrollers on blueberry, SECTION 8, LEAPROLLERS OH CRANBERRY WATER1 ALS AND HETHODS --Survs techniques Aerial drift of first-instar larvae ---I-u - I_---- ---- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1, Abundance of leafrollers on cranberry- 2- Biology of @ajor species, i. Rhopobota naevaaa (Nbn,) 3- Aerial drift of first-instar larvae, 4, Significance of leafrollers on cranberry, SECTION C, LEAfEOLLZRS ON RASPBERRY HATERI ALS AND RETNODS --Sur yes techniques --1Calculation a rates of zzasitisg t ---Aerial ----drif --of -_1-1_--first-instar larvae RESULTS AND DISCOSSIOB 1 .. Abundance of leafrollers on raspberry, 2, Biology of major species, i, Choris toneura rosaceanq (Harr-) vii i ii, Herpgtorlramir pgte,xta_bfs (Led,) 3, Aerial drift of first-instar larvae- 4, Signgficance of leafrollers on raspberry. SECTION D, LEAFROLLERS ON STRaWBERRY WATER1 ALS AND BETHODS --Survey tecIn_nis=g CaPclala-tion g rates qf parasit- ism P --DistributAj. gf larvae field RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3, Abundance of leafrollers on strawberry, 2, Biology of major species, 3, Distribution of larvae in field 4, Significance 05 leafroller on strawberry CB APTEB 111, EFFECTS OF LEAFROLLERS ON BLUEBERRY YIELDS FIRTERXAES AHD METHODS 1, &kative numbers of larvae _iq leafrolfs and in flower and fruit clusters, --- - --I- -- ------ 3, Effect qf leafroller ffeedi~= ~ieldsof --fruit clnsters, --4, -Rates pf damage by aoller larvae &q ---fruit ---clusters, BESULTS AND DTSCUSSXON 2, Relative ~r~ortionsof malqg leafroller species on flouq aqd fruit clusters, 3, Effect of leafroller feedinq qq yields fruit clusters, -- -.I.---- 4, Rates of dalaaqe & leafzu11e= larvae 29 -f sus e1usters CNAPTER I B, ALTER MATE HOSTS OF BLUEBERBY-PEED1 NG LEAPROLLERS PM THE LOVER FRASER VALLEY, B,C, fl ATERIALS AHD HETHODS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Alternate host plants. 2, Parasites CHAPTER 8, EIEL PATTERWS OF FEEDING BtTfVITY IW ZARVBE OF Choristoneura rosaceanp 8ATERIBLS BND METHODS RESULTS AND Df SCUSSION 2, g&& patterns of feedinq rates- CBBPTEW VP. EFFECTS OP LARVAL POPULATICNS DENSITY CN MORTALITY, SXZE AND DEVELOPMENT TIHE OP ~ho~obotp naevana- WATERIALS AND NETHODS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIOW CHAPTER V11, DETERBPIATIOW OF THE SEX PHEROMONE OF --CheFmophi~a salicel lal BATEXXBLS AND HETHODS ---Laboratory anal=& General field nethods ---Test --for qztractancy of 352 pd E-ll iso~lers of tetradecen.1- 1-0-acetate --Activitx pf second= pheromone ccmponents ---Effect of gtinulus concentratipq Data analysis -_.- UI -- RESDLTS AND DPSCUSSfON Laboratory analysis -_.-I ---Test --for attractancyl----- --of --2-70 --and --E-11 ----isomers tetradecenyl-1-0-acetate -Actdvi ty ef secondare gheromone ~o.maents Effect of stimulus concentration -Y--u. -7 --.U---.Qu-- Concladinq discussiga CHAPTER VfXI, SWflMARY AND GONCLUSZOIVIS APPENDIX A, PRECISE LOCATIONS OF RESEARCH SITES APPENDIX 3, CLASSXFLCATION AND CZ)BFlON BAflES OF ZE Zf DOPTERCfJS LEAFROLLERS OM BERBY CROPS, =ST OF REFERENCES LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Value at faringate (in 19781 and area of 3 land (in 1971) of berry, vegetable and tree fruit culture in the Lower Frases Valley, 3-C, Table 2 Species of Tortricidae previously 9 reported feeding on blueberry in Canada- fCIPB=Canadian Insect Pest Review volume : page: year; CAIPR= Canadian Agricultural Insect Pest Beview volume; page: par). Table 3 Species of Tortricidae previously 10 reprted feeding on cranberry in Canada, (CIPB=Canadian Insect Pest Revieu volaae: pagE: year; f AIPR= Canadian Agricultural fnsect Pest Review volume: page: year).
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