U.S. 10th Army Invades Ryukyu Isles LIEGE EDITION Time Don't forget to set your watch Sorry one hour ahead. The Stars and Stripes will be Double Summer Time came reduced to four pages for a few in this morning. Daily Hews paper of U.S. Armed Forces «5» ^■<-^^^ in the European Theater of Operations days because of a shortage of news- Vol. I—No. 73 Monday, April 2, 1945 print. Ruhr Industries Isolated As 1st. 9th Armies Link Landing Is Tanks, Men Pour Ashore 325 Miles At Japan's Front Door Americans 100 Mi. WITH TENTH ARMY ON OKI- Off Japan NAWA, Apr. 1 (AP)—Streaming From Czech Line; ashore directly in the face of a GUAM, Apr. 1—Veteran Army and rising sun, American troops quickly Marine divisions of the new Tenth established beachheads on this French, 7th Join island, "front porch of the Japanese U.S. Army surged ashore this Easter homeland," today. morning on Okinawa island in the A terrific naval bombardment had torn The great industrial Ruhr was completely cut off from the rest of Ryukyu group—only 325 miles from holes in a sea wall, permitting entry Germany at 1530 yesterday when the Ninth U.S. Army's Second Armd. tile Japanese homeland—in the largest of tanks and other armored vehicles. Div. linked up with elements of the First U.S. Army's Third Armd. Div. amphibious operation of the Pacific war. Troops drove inland rapidly against scant at Lippstadt, 20 miles west of Paderborn. Fleet Mm. Chester W. Nimitz dis- initial opposition. closed the invasion, which was suppor- This afternoon, waves of troops were The American encirclement deprived Germany of its last; important ted by the world's greatest sea force. digging in for the night, while landing concentration of war plants. Gen. Eisenhower had predicted at the Nimitz said that within two and a half craft poured more men and supplies outset of the trans-Rhine offensive that organized resistance in the Reich hours following the initiial landing, a into the coral approaches. Americans rapid advance inland had begun and two camped in a small farm area amid wheat, could not continue long once the Ruhr was lost. Meanwhile, far to the airports, at Yontan and Kadena, had radishes, cabbages and beans. southeast, spearheads of two American peen captured. Equipment was landed without loss of armies slashed to within 100 miles- of More than 1,400 ships were involved in a single landing craft. Hundreds of Czechoslovakia, and the Third U.S. Ar- the operation. The landings were preced- amphibious tanks and landing craft mov- Night Slows mys's Fourth Armd. Div. shot almost to ed by heavy gunfire and carrier planes ed to the shore without opposition. Eisenach, 140 miles east of the Rhine and provided close-up support for the ground The landing was so easy that it looked 160 miles southwest of Berlin. .troops. Strategic support was being given as if the door had been left open for Swift Armor The First French Army, which had Iby shore-based aircraft of the Southwest American troops. crossed the Rhine at Speyer, linked its Pacific and Pacific Theaters and by the ten-mile bridgehead with the Seventh {20th AP. U.S. Army ten miles south of Mannheim, Hundreds of aircraft had been employ- To Short Jab giving Gen. Eisenhower a solid four-army ed to soften the island's defenses and Reds 33 Miles From Vienna, chain covering the greater portion of the they were joined by warships in a ten- By Errest Leiser Reich south and southwest of the Ruhr. day bombardment. Several attacks were Stars and Stripes Staff Writer Thousands of Nazis Trapped made on Honshu, Shikoku and Formosa Get Aid From U.S. Bombers WITH SECOND ARMD. DIV., The ringing of the Ruhr, accomplished to neutralize airfields there. Nearly Mar. 31 (Delayed)—This is the way in four days after sensational dashes by 1,000 Japanese planes were destroyed in Red Army forces rolling forward in Hungary yesterday captured First and Ninth Army tanks, trapped these operations. the armor knifes across Germany. an undetermined number of German sol- Nimitz said the invasion actually be- the stronghold of Sopron, 33 miles southeast of Vienna and 19 miles from It move;, by day and by night. diers as well as depriving the Wehrmacht gan last Monday when elements of the the Austrian city of Wiener-Neustadt, important center of German air- By day, it strikes out in bold, roar- of desperately-needed materiel produc- Tenth Army landed on the tiny Kerama- craft production. tion. ing columns, cutting over the roads at a Retto Islands, west of Okinawa's south- Marshal Stalin announced the fall of Early yesterday, thousands of Germans lorn tip. steady rate. When It hits road blocks caught inside the American trap attempt- C47s Fly Fuel Sopron to the northern forces of Marshal or sectors of resistance it either colls Nimitz' communique said the capture Feodor Tolbukhin's Third Ukrainian Ar- ed to flee before the escape gap was clos- of Okinawa "will give us bases only 325 along the road while a small task force ed. However," the speed of the linkup my, some of which already have invaded cleans out the opposition, or bypasses it miles from Japan, which will greatly To Fast Armies Austria. Other forces of the Third, driv- made it unlikely that any large number an and keeps on rolling. intensify attacks of our fleet d our ing for the Austrian communications of Germans escaped. air forces against Japanese communica- 12th ARMY GROUP HQ., Apr. 1 (AP) center of Graz, last were reported at the At night it's different. The armored Even before the trans-Rhine offensive tions and Japan Itself." —U.S. Annies In Germany have been Austrian-Hungarian border. fingers reach out tentatively In the opened less than two weeks ago, Allied The Tenth Army is commanded by Lt. moving so fast they now have to be Marshal Rodion Malinovsky's Second dark, groping toward towns and roads planes had largely Isolated the Ruhr JSen. Simon Bolivar Buckner and includes supplied with fuel flown in by Ninth Ukrainian Army, advancing toward Vien- and withdrawing quickly with any signs from the rest of the Reich by a program the 24th Army Corps, commanded by Troop Carrier Command planes. na from the east, captured the Slovak of resistance. Then, after an hour or of bridge-blasting which had cut virtual- Maj. Gen. John Hodge, and the Third Brig. Gen. R. G. Moses, Army Group town of Svenc, about 15 miles from Bra- two's wait, the fingers start reaching ly every rail bridge leading into central Marine Amphibious Corps, under Maj. supply officer, disclosed today that tislava and 47 from Vienna, Stalin an- uncertainly out again. Germany. Gen. Roy S. Geiger, veteran marine several hundred C47s flew approximately nounced. Strikes In Darkness Early reports yesterday indicated that aerial operations expert. Gen. Buckner 400,000 gallons of fuel in "jerricans" to The Soviet forces at Sopron were three Last night, after Brig. Gen. "Peewee" the Germans were making desperate commanded the Seventh Inf. Div. which hastily-prepared fields in Germany and miles from the Austrian border. Their Collier's combat command had rumbled efforts to hold the zlg-zagglng tanks drove the Japanese from the Aleutian returned with casualties. operations, and those inside Austria, were over a bridge laid hastily over the and infantrymen of eight Allied armies Island chain off Alaska. Although supply problems have multi- supported by U.S. heavy bombers of the water barrier, it struck out into a no- east of the Rhine. Areas of stiffest re- The Tenth Army numbers perhaps plied quickly with the armies bursting 15th AF, which flew from Italy to attack man's land of blackness. sistance were north of the Ruhr, In the Ninth U.S. and Second British sectors; 100,000 men, and is opposed by a Japa- through lightly defended territory, it was the Maribor rail bridge, in Yugoslavia Moving clong in what you thought south of Paderborn, where the First Ar- nese garrison estimated at 60,000 to reported that no column had had to about 35 miles below Graz, and the St. was the main column, you came in the (Continued on Page 4) 80,000. check its advance so far because of a Pol ten rail yards, 35 miles west of Vienna. dark to a handful of scout cars, half- The landings were made along the supply shortage. Stalin also announced that troops of tracks and peeps and were told you'd bet- southern shore of 65-mile long Okinawa. Marshal Ivan Koniev's First Ukrainian ter stop—unless you wanted to spearhead Nazi Traffic Heavy Indications were that the Americans Army had captured Glogau, in Silesia 55 the whole division push. intended to drive across the island, cutt- U.S. Escort Carrier miles northwest of Breslau, and taken This was the point of the combat com- On Netherlands Exit ing off the well-populated and industrial Sunk, 300 Men Lost more than 8,000 Gejman troops. Glogau, mand's Task Force "A", 1/Lt. Edwin southern section from the mountainous a bypassed German strongpoint, had been (Continued on Page 4) HQ, 12th ARMY GROUP, Apr. 1—RAF Oiorth. ALAMEDA, Calif., Apr. 1 (ANS)—More under attack for weeks. pilots, returning from flights over Ger- than 300 men were lost In the sinking No Room for PWs man-occupied Holland, reported heavy B29s Return to Tokyo of the U.S. Escort Carrier Bismarck Sea eastward road traffic, which was inter- ATC to Fly to Istanbul WITH NINTH ARMY, Apr.
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