Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2007 A History of the Japan Choral Association Mihoko Tsutsumi Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERISTY COLLEGE OF MUSIC A HISTORY OF THE JAPAN CHORAL ASSOCIATION By MIHOKO TSUTSUMI A Dissertatio submitted to the College of Music I partial fulfillme t of the Requireme ts for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree A,arded- Summer Semester. 2001 Copyright 2001 Miho2o Tsutsumi All Rights Reser3ed The members of the Committee appro3e the Dissertatio of Miho2o Tsutsumi defe ded o April 18. 2001. A dr7 J. Thomas Professor Directi g Dissertatio Matthe, Shaftel Outside Committee Member Ke3i Fe to Committee Member Alice8A Darro, Committee Member The Office of Graduate Studies has 3erified a d appro3ed the abo3e amed committee members. ii ACKNO9LEGEMENTS I ,ould li2e to e:press my appreciatio to the follo,i g perso s for their assista t i this project- Dr. A dr7 J. Thomas. my major professor. for his percepti3e guida ce. his co ti ui g patie ce. a d his musical passio —all of ,hich ha3e i spired a d moti3ated me; Dr. Charlotte Pfeiffer. my editor. for offeri g her time. patie ce. a d e courageme t a d for bei g my frie d. teacher. a dAmerica sister si ce I came to the U ited States i 2000; Yoshihiro Ega,a a d Masayu2i Ta abe. Deputy Secretary8Ge eral a d Secretary Ge eral of the Japa Choral Associatio . for their 2i d respo se to me a d their ,illi g ess to assist me ,ith this project through i ter3ie,s a d correspo de ce; Dr. Ke3i Fe to . Dr. Alice8A Darro,. a d Dr. Mathe, Shaftel. my committee members. for their gracious support a d their ,illi g ess to gi3e of their time; My family for their emotio al a d eco omical support a d their abu da t affectio ; Fi ally. all of my teachers a d frie ds ,hom I ha3e met i my life. for ,ithout them I ,ould ot ha3e come to this stage i my life. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables...........................................................................................3ii Abstract..................................................................................................3iii CHAPTER Page 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................1 Problem Stateme t...................................................................3 Research Questio s ..................................................................4 Delimitatio ..............................................................................4 Need for the Study....................................................................4 Sources of I formatio .............................................................4 Orga iAatio of the Study ........................................................5 2. REVIE9 OF RELATED LITERATURE..............................................C The First 9ester Music i Japa ..........................................C Traditio al Japa ese Music .....................................................C I troductio of Music Educatio i Japa ..............................1 The Da, of Me Ds Glee Clubs ................................................8 The Fou datio of the Natio al Music Associatio ................E Other Competitio s ................................................................ 11 Choral Acti3ity duri g 9orld 9ar II .....................................13 3. THE FOUNDATION OF THE ALL JAPAN CHORUS LEAGUE ....15 Fou datio of the Bra ch a d Regio al Associatio s ..........1C The Ho22aido Bra ch ............................................................11 The Toho2u Bra ch ................................................................11 The Ka to Bra ch ..................................................................18 The To2yo Bra ch...................................................................18 The Chubu Bra ch .................................................................18 The Ka sai Bra ch.................................................................1E The Chugo2u Bra ch .............................................................1E The Shi2o2u Bra ch...............................................................1E The Kyushu Bra ch................................................................1E The Fou datio of the Japa Choral Directors Associatio .20 The Utagoe U do FSi gi g Mo3eme t) .................................21 The Fou datio of Professio al Choirs .................................22 Japa ese Choral Compositio s..............................................23 Spirituals ................................................................................25 The Fou datio of the Japa BoyDs Chorus League .............25 The First Choral Co ductor a d I crease of Compa y Choirs......................................................................................2C 4. THE ALL JAPAN CHORAL COMPETITION- THE FIRST T9ENTY YEARS ..............................................2E i3 5. THE ALL JAPAN CHORAL COMPETITION- THE NEHT THIRTY YEARS .................................................38 C. THE ALL JAPAN CHORAL COMEPTITION- THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY TO THE PRESENT ........52 1. THE CHORAL 9ORKSHOP .............................................................5E 8. THE MOTHERSD CHORAL FESTIVAL.............................................12 E. OTHER FESTIVALS FOR MOTHERSD CHORUSES .......................8C 10. THE CHORAL MUSIC CENTER AND LIBRARY..........................EC 11. THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR CHORAL MUSIC FIFCM) AND THE JAPAN CHORAL ASSOCIATION FJCA) ........102 The Asia Ca tat i Naga o. 1E84......................................102 The Asia Choral Federatio FACF) ....................................103 The 1th 9orld Symposium o Choral Music i Kyoto. 2005.......................................................................................10C 12. THE JUNIOR CHORAL FESTIVAL.............................................. 112 13. PUBLICATIONS............................................................................. 11E The Choral MagaAi e Harmo y........................................... 11E The Popular So g Series ......................................................122 A i3ersary Boo2s ...............................................................122 14. COMMITTEE STRUCTURE. MEMBERSHIP. AND FINANCIAL STRUCTURE..................................................124 Fi a ce..................................................................................121 15. OTHER CHORAL ORGANIIATIONS...........................................130 The Japa Choral Directors Associatio .............................130 The Male Chorus Associatio ...............................................131 The O ga2uju .......................................................................131 The Utagoe............................................................................131 The Japa Ju ior Choral Society a d All Japa Boys a d Girls Choral Associatio .......................................................132 The U i3ersity Choral Associatio s ....................................132 1C. CONCLUSION................................................................................134 3 APPENDIH A The Preside ts of the JCA......................................................................138 B Co stitutio ............................................................................................140 C Regulatio s of the JCA Natio al Choral Competitio ..........................153 D Regulatio s of the JCADs MothersD Choral Festi3al...............................1C2 E Appro3al Memora dum..........................................................................111 F Agreeme t of Copyright .........................................................................115 REFERENCES .............................................................................................111 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETECH.......................................................................1E1 3i LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 The JCADs Committees.......................................................................124 2 Tra sitio of Membership .................................................................125 3 Membership i Ni e Bra ches..........................................................12C 4 The Top Prefectural Associatio s of Membership ............................121 5 Stateme t of Accou ts from April 1. 2004. to March 31. 2005 ........128 3ii ABSTRACT The Japa Choral Associatio co sists of 150.000 members ,ho belo g to fifty8four regio al associatio s. It plays a importa t role i the I ter atio al Federatio of Choral Music a d has played a leadi g role i choral acti3ities i the Asia Pacific regio s. The purpose of this study ,as to collect historical data from e,spapers. jour als. a d i ter3ie,s of the orga iAatio Ds secretary ge erals i order to a alyAe the de3elopme t of the orga iAatio a d its projects. This study fou d that the Japa Choral Associatio has had a lo g a d acti3e history. The orga iAatio bega i 1E21. ,he Kosu2e Komatsu created the Natio al Music Associatio . After 9orld 9ar II. four regio al choral associatio s ,ere orga iAed i the Ka to. Ka sai. Chubu. a d Seibu regio s. Those associatio s established the All Japa Chorus League FAJCL) i 1E41 ,ith Kosu2e Komatsu as its preside t. I 1EEE. the ame ,as cha ged to the Japa Choral Associatio FJCA). The study fou d that the Japa Choral Associatio has raised the performa ce le3el of Japa ese choral
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