【R3.3 英語】 Tochigi City (Revised Version, March 20, 2021) 【 Fare 】The fares have been set to the same price. 【 Commuter Pass】 You can get on and off freely on all routes while valid. Adult 200 yen Commuter Pass (Ordinary) Student Pass Individuals with disabilities and caregivers ・Individuals with ・Individuals with disabilities and disabilities and (Present the disability certificate to a driver) 100 yen Adult Adult caregivers caregivers Seniors ( 75 +) ・Seniors ( 75 +) ・Seniors ( 75 +) Children ( elementary school age or below) Free 1 month 7,200 yen 3,600 yen 4,800 yen 2,400 yen 3 months 20,400 yen 10,200 yen 13,600 yen 6,800 yen 【 1 Day Ticket 】You can get on and off freely on all routes for one day. Adult 400 yen ※Please contact the respective bus company for inquiries with regard to the purchase of commuter pass. Individuals with disabilities and caregivers If you are a student, please present your student ID card. (Present the disability certificate to a driver) 200 yen Seniors ( 75 +) 【 Multiple Ticket】 1,000yen(A strip of 11 of 100-yen tickets) 【 Bus Route Number 】 Before boarding, check carefully the route number on the front of the bus. 【 How to ride 】 ⑤Manago Line 1 Wait at the bus stop ① Terao Line 2 Signal by rasing your hand when the bus is coming Check the route number displayed on the front of the bus ⑥Kanasaki Line 3 Get on the bus and put the fare into the fare box ※ Please pay the fare in advance. 4 Take a seat. 5 Push the button after announcement of the stop you intend to get off. 6 Get off the bus. Make sure you have all your belongings with you. ⑧Onodera Line 【 For inquiries regarding Commuters Pass 】 ・Kanto Jidosha Co.Corp. Tochigi Branch TEL 0282-22-2645 TochigiEkiMae Ticketing Office TEL 0282-23-2291 ・KuranoMachi Kanko Bus Co.Corp. TEL 0282-29-1221 ・Fuji Kanko Bus Co.Corp. TEL 0282-23-3113 ⑩Ohira Line ・THS Co. Corp TEL 0282-61-2301 ・TCB Kanko Co. Ltd. TEL 0282-31-3821 ⑫Iwafune Line 【 For all general inquiries about Fureai Bus, contact us below. 】 ④Heya Line Tochigi City OfficeTraffic and Crime Prevention Division Transportation Management Section TEL 0282-21-2153 ⑪Fujioka Line ① Terao Line Time Table (For Izuru and Hoshino) 寺尾線(出流・星野方面) 令和3年3月20日改定 英語 District Name バス停名 Bus Stop Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tochigi medical center shimotsuga Tochigi Medical Center Shimotsuga 1 とちぎメディカルセンターしもつが 8:35 10:29 12:20 14:13 16:25 tochiginosato In front of Tochigi no Sato 2 とちぎの郷前 8:37 10:31 12:22 14:15 16:27 sunplaza In front of SunPlaza 3 サンプラザ前 8:38 10:32 12:23 14:16 16:28 T 4 tochigi eki (kitaguchi) Tochigi Station (North Exit) 7:15 8:40 10:34 12:25 14:18 16:30 17:20 19:10 19:50 o 栃木駅(北口) c 7 tochigi shokokaigisho In front of Tochigi Chamber of 7:18 8:43 10:37 12:28 14:21 16:33 17:23 19:13 19:53 栃木商工会議所前 Commerce and Industry h takada sanfujinka 8 In front of Takada Maternity Clinic 7:20 8:45 10:39 12:30 14:23 16:35 17:25 19:15 19:55 i 高田産婦人科前 g tochigi shogyokoko higashi Tochigi Shogyo HighSchool East 9 栃木商業高校東 7:21 8:46 10:40 12:31 14:24 16:36 17:26 19:16 19:56 i aokigankaiin In front of Aoki ophthalmology Clinic 10 青木眼科医院前 7:22 8:47 10:41 12:32 14:25 16:37 17:27 19:17 19:57 D 11 tochigi joshikoko mae In front of Tochigi All-Girl High School 7:22 8:47 10:41 12:32 14:25 16:37 17:27 19:17 19:57 i 栃木女子高校前 torisen kuranomachiten mae Torisen Kuranomachi Store s 12 とりせん蔵の街店前 7:23 8:48 10:42 12:33 14:26 16:38 17:28 19:18 19:58 t 13 york benimaru tochigiiwaichoten York Benimaru Tochigi Iwaicho Store 8:50 10:44 12:35 14:28 16:40 17:30 19:20 20:00 r ヨークベニマル栃木祝町店 koraibashi Korai Bridge i 14 幸来橋 7:23 8:52 10:46 12:37 14:30 16:42 17:32 19:22 20:02 c kankokyokai 15 In front of Kankokyokai 7:25 8:54 10:48 12:39 14:32 16:44 17:34 19:24 20:04 t 観光協会前 shiyakusho City Hall ( 16 市役所前 7:26 8:55 10:49 12:40 14:33 16:45 17:35 19:25 20:05 栃 17 tochigi koko iriguchi Tochigi High School Entrance 7:28 8:57 10:51 12:42 14:35 16:47 17:37 19:27 20:07 木 栃木高校入口 地 nagashimamae In front of Nagashima 18 永島前 7:29 8:58 10:52 12:43 14:36 16:48 17:38 19:28 20:08 区 19 kohira medical clinic In front of Kohira Medical Clinic 7:31 9:00 10:54 12:45 14:38 16:50 17:40 19:29 20:09 ) こひらメディカルクリニック前 nakatsubo clinic In front of Nakatsubo Clinic 20 なかつぼクリニック前 7:32 9:01 10:55 12:46 14:39 16:51 17:41 19:30 20:10 cawachi inter ten In front of Kawachi-Interchange Store 21 カワチインター店前 7:33 9:02 10:56 12:47 14:40 16:52 17:42 19:30 20:10 aeon mae In front of A E O N 22 イオン前 7:34 9:03 10:57 12:48 14:41 16:53 17:43 19:31 20:11 nonaka Nonaka 23 野中 7:35 9:04 10:58 12:49 14:42 16:54 17:44 19:32 20:12 sogoundokoen nishi Tochigi Sports Park West 24 総合運動公園西 7:36 9:05 10:59 12:50 14:43 16:55 17:45 19:33 20:13 F kunugiyama iriguchi Entrance of Kunugiyama u 25 くぬぎ山入口 7:37 9:06 11:00 12:51 14:44 16:56 17:46 19:34 20:14 k restaurant yamato D 26 In front of Yamato Restaurant 7:38 9:07 11:01 12:52 14:45 16:57 17:47 19:35 20:15 ( i レストランやまと前 吹 i a fukiageshindo 上 s 27 Fukiage Shindo 7:39 9:08 11:02 12:53 14:46 16:58 17:48 19:36 20:16 g 吹上新道 都 t e chizukashogakko iriguchi 賀 r 28 Entrance of Chizuka Elementary School 7:40 9:09 11:03 12:54 14:47 16:59 17:49 19:37 20:17 / 千塚小学校入口 地 i chizuka shogakko kita T 29 Chizuka Elementary School North 7:41 9:10 11:04 12:55 14:48 17:00 17:50 19:38 20:18 区 c 千塚小学校北 s t fukujuen iriguchi Entrance of Fukujuen ) u 30 福寿園入口 7:42 9:11 11:05 12:56 14:49 17:01 17:51 19:39 20:19 g suntory iriguchi Entrance of Suntory a 31 サントリー入口 7:43 9:12 11:06 12:57 14:50 17:02 17:52 19:40 20:20 azusa Azusa 32 梓 7:44 9:13 11:07 12:58 14:51 17:03 17:53 19:41 20:21 shiriuchi iriguchi Entrance of Shiriuchi 33 尻内入口 7:45 9:14 11:08 12:59 14:52 17:04 17:54 19:42 20:22 shiriuchishinozaki mae In front of Shiriuchi Shinozaki 34 尻内篠崎前 7:46 9:15 11:09 13:00 14:53 17:05 17:55 19:43 20:23 shiriuchiishii mae In front of ShiriuchiIshii 35 尻内石井前 7:48 9:17 11:11 13:02 14:55 17:07 17:57 19:45 20:25 yokochitatamiten soko In front of Yokochi Tatami storehouse 36 横地畳店倉庫前 7:48 9:17 11:11 13:02 14:55 17:07 17:57 19:45 20:25 okubo Okubo 37 大久保 7:49 9:18 11:12 13:03 14:56 17:08 17:58 19:46 20:26 tuji iriguchi Entrance of Tsuji 38 辻入口 7:49 9:18 11:12 13:03 14:56 17:08 17:58 19:46 20:26 umezawa drive in In front of Umezawa Drive In 39 梅沢ドライブイン前 7:50 9:19 11:13 13:04 14:57 17:09 17:59 19:47 20:27 umezawashimmachi Umezawa ShimMachi 40 梅沢新町 7:51 9:20 11:14 13:05 14:58 17:10 18:00 19:48 20:28 umezawa yubinkyoku In front of Umezawa Post Office T 41 梅沢郵便局前 7:52 9:21 11:15 13:06 14:59 17:11 18:01 19:49 20:29 e 42 terao shogakko In front of Terao Elementary School 7:52 9:21 11:15 13:06 14:59 17:11 18:01 19:49 20:29 r 寺尾小学校前 43 horenji In front of Horenji 7:53 9:22 11:16 13:07 15:00 17:12 18:02 19:50 20:30 a 宝蓮寺前 shimogawara Shimogawara o 44 下河原 7:54 9:23 11:17 13:08 15:01 17:13 18:03 19:51 20:31 nabeyamaishikawa mae 45 In front of Nabeyama Ishikawa 7:55 9:24 11:18 13:09 15:02 17:14 18:04 19:52 20:32 D 鍋山石川前 nabeyamashinden Nabeyama Shinden i 46 鍋山新田 7:55 9:24 11:18 13:09 15:02 17:14 18:04 19:52 20:32 s kumashita Kumashita 47 熊下 7:56 9:25 11:19 13:10 15:03 17:15 18:05 19:53 20:33 t 48 kumashita kita Kumashita North 7:57 9:26 11:20 13:11 15:04 17:16 18:06 19:54 20:34 r 熊下北 hoshinotakouchi HoshinoTakouchi i 49 星野高内 7:58 9:27 11:21 13:12 15:05 17:17 18:07 19:55 20:35 c 50 hoshinoshinmachi Hoshino Shin Machi 7:59 9:28 11:22 13:13 15:06 17:18 18:08 19:56 20:36 t 星野新町 51 hoshinoiseki In front of Hoshino Ruins 8:00 9:29 11:23 13:14 15:07 17:19 18:09 19:57 20:37 ( 星野遺跡前 hoshino ontakesan iriguchi Entrance of Mt.Ontake Hoshino 寺 52 星野御嶽山入口 8:03 9:32 11:26 13:17 15:10 17:22 18:12 20:00 20:40 尾 53 hoshinotakouchi HoshinoTakouchi 9:34 11:28 13:19 15:12 17:24 18:14 地 星野高内 54 teraobashi higashi Terao Bridge East 9:35 11:29 13:20 15:13 17:25 18:15 区 寺尾橋東 55 saihouji In front of Saihoji Temple 9:38 11:32 13:23 15:16 17:28 18:18 ) 西方寺前 yamagiwa Yamagiwa 56 山際 9:39 11:33 13:24 15:17 17:29 18:19 tamasa mae In front of Tamasa 57 田政前 9:40 11:34 13:25 15:18 17:30 18:20 okada mae In front of Okada 58 岡田前 9:41 11:35 13:26 15:19 17:31 18:21 tagen mae In front of Tagen 59 田源前 9:42 11:36 13:27 15:20 17:32 18:22 izurubashi Izuru Bridge 60 出流橋 9:46 11:40 13:31 15:24 17:36 18:26 izuruchuo Izuru Chuo 61 出流中央 9:47 11:41 13:32 15:25 17:37 18:27 izuru kanon Izuru Kanon 62 出流観音 9:50 11:44 13:35 15:28 17:40 18:30 ① Terao Line Time Table (For Tochigi) 寺尾線(栃木方面) 令和3年3月20日改定 英語 District Name バス停名 Bus Stop Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 izuru kanon Izuru Kanon 62 出流観音 6:45 10:05 12:00 13:55 15:45 17:55 18:45 izuruchuo Izuru Chuo 61 出流中央 6:45 10:05 12:00 13:55 15:45 17:55 18:45 izurubashi Izuru Bridge 60 出流橋 6:46 10:06 12:01 13:56 15:46 17:56 18:46 tagen mae In front of Tagen 59 田源前 6:50 10:10 12:05 14:00 15:50 18:00 18:50 okada mae In front of Okada 58 岡田前 6:51 10:11 12:06 14:01 15:51 18:01 18:51 tamasa mae In front of Tamasa 57 田政前 6:52 10:12 12:07 14:02 15:52 18:02 18:52 yamagiwa Yamagiwa 56 山際 6:53 10:13 12:08 14:03 15:53 18:03 18:53 55 saihouji In front of Saihoji Temple 6:54 10:14 12:09 14:04 15:54 18:04 18:54 T 西方寺前 54 teraobashi higashi Terao Bridge East 6:57 10:17 12:12 14:07 15:57 18:07 e 寺尾橋東 hoshinotakouchi HoshinoTakouchi r 53 星野高内 6:58 10:18 12:13 14:08 15:58 18:08 a hoshino ontakesan iriguchi 52 Entrance of Mt.Ontake Hoshino 6:17 7:00 8:14 10:20 12:15 14:10 16:00 18:10 o 星野御嶽山入口 hoshinoiseki In front of Hoshino Ruins 51 星野遺跡前 6:18 7:01 8:15 10:21 12:16 14:11 16:01 18:11 D hoshinoshinmachi Hoshino Shin Machi 50 星野新町 6:19 7:02 8:16 10:22 12:17 14:12 16:02 18:12 i 49 hoshinotakouchi HoshinoTakouchi 6:20 7:04 8:17 10:23 12:18 14:13 16:03 18:13 s 星野高内 kumashita kita Kumashita North t 48 熊下北 6:21 7:06 8:18 10:24 12:19 14:14 16:04 18:14 r
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