• • UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 OFFICE OF PREVENTION. PESTICIDES AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES Mr. Richard Gorrell NOV 20 2000 A ventis Environmental Science USA LP 95 Chestnut Ridge Road Montvale, NJ 07645 Dear Mr. Gorrell: Subject: Final Print Label Review ) DeltaGard GC EPA Reg. No. 432-837 DeltaGard T & 0 EPA Reg. No. 432-836 DeltaGC EPA Reg. No. 432-867 Delta G EPA Reg. No. 432-868 Your Submission Dated August 14, 2000 The labeling referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, is acceptable subject to the comments given below. Changes indicated below are directed at all labels referenced above. Regarding the labels: I. In the letter dated February 22, 2000, you were directed to amend the listing for ticks. Specifically, you were directed to reword information related to potential Iyme disease vectors under DIRECTIONS FOR USE, table which lists pests, dosage of product and application procedure to: •· ... (including those which may vector Iyme disease)". 2. EPA has issued a PR Notice revising first aid statements (PR Notice 2000-3). The following are the revised statements that will be required for products placed in category III and above. You may ",ish to incorporate these statements on your labeling at this time: "IF SWALLOWED: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for \5-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for \5-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes. Call a poison control center for treatment advice. IF INHALED: Move person to fresh air. If person' is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice." Also, add the following statement near the first aid statements: "Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment." EPA recommends that these statements be boxed and bulleted to present the information in a clear, easy-to-read fashion. ) 3. Submit three copies for each above referenced product of the complete labeling revised in accordance with the above comments. Stamped labeling is enclosed for your records. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Linda Werrell Gerber of my team at (703) 308-8033. Sincerely, (-))'C .l,-" LC?1cJ.-0 C./L£./~ ~ George T. LaRocca U' Product Manager 13 Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch ) Registration Division (7S0SC) Enclosure OCT 03 '121121 li21:~ AGREVO P.13/19 . .-. RIDRICl"ED USE PESTIODE Due To Arute FISh and Aquatic Organism Toxicity For rotail sale to and use only by CertirlCd AppIkators or persons under their dirttt supervision. and only for u.-..... ClNCred by the C.rtified """,kalor's certific;otion. , DElTA~ GC • - - ~ - -. ~ -' . ~ .·i • INUG/OOf ON FERTUZEIC • FOR INSECT CONn«1/. ON "'~ COURSES. SOD fo4IUfS, IANDSCAI'f OItNAMENTAl. 1'tANTI~ AND I'fRJIIETEJIS AROUND COIIMfllClAI.. INOUS11tIAI.. REaEA11ONAI.. AND mlOENTlAl. AIIEM. • CONTAINS IhltflWrr ACTIVE INGREDIOO: Deltamethrin: .•••••..••...•.•.•.••••••••••••. " .•.••••.. , •••.. _ ..•• 0.1" OlllER INGREDIOOS: • • • • . • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • . • . • • • . • • . .. • . • •. 99 9!i 100."" fatitIzor Anolysis Total NilloS<n (N) •••••••• - •••••••••.•••• , •••••••••• - ••••••••••••••••• _CIIl PI>ospo,us (PI •••••••••••••.•. - - .••••••• , •• _•••••••••••••••••••••••••• CIIl ACCEP'I'ED Po!a>h (IQ •••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !"I lfith COMMENTS ) {~.~",iJ ",'II WIf7. ".,."." riI k _ '"p"., 0JIrUitta 'obdifll.} In EPA LeUer Dated: raruUOOH Al. U$UJO: li _ n. I~ ina/ ... nO use est. ",oduao ..-que fa etiq.... I• ...,. ,iclo "",".. do NOV 20 am ampbmmt.. ero lHE USfA: II you C3IIIIOt read EnsJish. do not use this ptodua unul the Jabd !,os been fully ""plain'" to you) KEEP OUT OF REAOI OF OIILDREN CAUTION EPA Reg. No. 432.a67 EPA Est. No. IN CASE Of MEDICAL DlERGENOES OR NEALlIt AND SAFETY INQUlIUES, OR IN CAsE OF AJIf. l£AKING. OR DAMAGED CONTAINlOlIS, INFOIIMA1l0N !lAY BE OBTAINED BY CAl.UN4; HlOo- 334-7>17. FOR PRODUCT INFORMATlON, CALL TOU·FREE: 1-80~331-2861 See Side Panel For Additional Precautions (:~~pco· NET CONTENTS: Prllr~$.1911i1- Pr()6IXt~ OCT 03 '00 10:~ AGREVO P.14/19 • ARST AID ments on thi' I.bel about persorIIl prolective equipment (PPE) If Swallowed: (;oil a physician 0' Poison Control Ceoter. Drink' 0,2 an" restrkted-tntry interval. The ~uirements in this only alaues of Wittr and induce vomiting by touching back'of throat with box r.nger. If person is unconscious. do not give anything by mouth and do apply to uses of this product that ar. covered by the Worker not indua vomiting. Protection Slandord, "In Eyes: Rush oyes with plenty of water. -call a ph"/'ician if irritation Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or perSOIU, persis~ . other either direaly or through drift. Only protected han­ dltlJ may be in the area during appliation. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated ar ... during the Hazards to Humans &: Domestic Animals restricted entry interval (Rei) 0112 hour;. CAunON Harmful if swallowed. Cau~ moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact PPE required lor early entry to treated areas that is permitted with eyes or dolhing. Wam thoroughly with soap and water after han­ under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact dling. with anything that has been treated, such as plant>, soil, or water. is: Food uttn~lssuch on spoons and meas..ring ClIps must not be IMd for Coveralls Iood purposes after use in measuring pesticides. 00 not allow child",p \ Waterproof gloves or pets on treated .~s until granules have been waleml into Ih~ soi~ Sboes plus socks and the grass or soil is dry. ) . Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Applicators and other handlers must wear: NON-AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS long-sleeved shirt and long pants The requiremenrs in this bole apply to uses of lhis product that are • W~ter·proof gloves NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection S14ndard for agricul­ • Shoes pi us so<ks tural pesticides (40 CfR Pari 170). The WPS applies when this prod­ uct is used to produce "iricullural plants on farms, forests. nurseries, ~ollow manufacturer's instructions for deaning/maintaining PPE. If no or greenhouses. ;uch instructions .for "amables. use detergent and hot wat.,. Keep and wash PPE sepa,.tely from oth.r laundry. Wear protectM! clothing when using or handline this product to help avoid ~5Ure 10 eyes and skin. Eye protection, gloves, a lona­ User Safery Recommendations sleeved shirl and long-legged pants or coveralls are recommended. Users Should: Wa<h hands before eating. drinlcing. chewing 00 not allow adum. children or pets on treated areas until granule, gum, using tobacco or using the toilet have been ....tered into the soil and thel!f3SS or soil is dry. Remove dothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and pOl on dean dothing. GENERAlIN~RMATION: Delta GC Insecticide Granule is a broad spec­ ) Environmental Hazards trum residual pyrethroid insectidde for the control of major ,urface feeding insect pest5 on golf counes. SO<! farms. ornamental landSCllpe Th~ product ~ extnemely 1QI<i( to fish and aqua ric invertebrates. Do plantings and perimeter1 aroun" commercial, recrealiona~ and resi­ not apply direc~y 10 ...ter, to areas wh.,e surface water is present or dential areas. Dtfta GC Insecticide Granule is deftamethrin for­ to intertidal are .. below the mean high wate, mark. Use with to'" 0.'" mulated on iI fertilizer carrier. Treat as directed. This product is when applying in areas adjacent to any body of water. Do not conta­ ext",mely toxic to fish and aquatic inveneb,.tes. Use ",ith care when minate. water when disposing of ~quipment washwater. applyin, in _",as adjacent to any body of water. Do not apply on satu­ rated soil. Do not allow runoff to occur. Do not contaminate ornamen­ DIRECTIONS FOR USE tal fish ponds. RESTRIUED USE PESTICIDE Apply this product as prescribed on this label but not more than once II is a violation of Fede,.llaw to use this product in a "",nner incon­ per week during the Browing season. sistent with its labeling. To avoid marking or discoloartion of concrete ,urfaces (patios. side· For any requirement> specific 10 your 514te or tribe. consult the agency walk~ paver1. or ~milar mate,iaij. it is recom"",nded that granules responsible lor pesticide regula lion. applied to these surfaces be removed. In New York state, product may not be applied to turf within 100 feet AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS of a coastal marsh or stream lhat drains directly inlO a coastal marsh. use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the For control of turf insects in New York Slate, a second application may Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard con­ be made after two weeks if target insect acti.ity persistS. tains ~uir.,.ents lor the protection of agricultural workers on RECOMMENDATIONS ~R TURFGRASSB, lANDSCAPE ORNAMENTAL larms, forests, nurseries and lreenhouses, and handlers of a~ri­ cultural pestiddes. II contains requirements lor minin&. decont­ PlANTINGS ANO I'fRlMETER TREATMENTS: amination, notification, and em"Zency a1Si1tall(e. It also con­ Apply Delta Ii( Insectidde Granule with suitable and calibrated appli­ tains Specific instructions and excePtions pertaining to the state cation equipment to give complete and uniform coveras" of pest infested areas. Applications should be made using the rates ,hown OCT 03 '00 10: 501'V1 AGREVO P .15/19 5/& below: .
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