JOURNAL OF SEMANTICS Volume 14 (1997) CONTENTS Articles Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jos/issue/14/4 by guest on 30 September 2021 JAY DAVID ATLAS Negative Adverbials, Prototypical Negation and the De Morgan Taxonomy . 349 ANDREA BONOMI The Progressive and the Structure of Events 173 KAI VON FINTEL Bare Plurals, Bare Conditionals, and only 1 BART GUERTS Good News about the Description Theory of Names 319 ALFONS MAES Referent Ontology and Centering in Discourse 207 RANI NELKEN AND NISSIM FRANCEZ The Analogy between Nominal and Temporal Anaphora Revisited 369 ALMERINDO E. OJEDA A Semantics for the Counting Numerals of Latin 143 MARGA REIS AND INGER ROSENGREN A Modular Approach to the Grammar of Additive Particles: the Case of German Auch 237 DIETER WUNDERLICH Argument Extension by Lexical Adjunction 95 JOOST ZWARTS Vectors as Relative Positions: A Compositional Semantics of Modified PPs 57 LINGUISTICS an interdisciplinary journal oj the language sciences Editor-in-Chief: Wolfgang Klein, Max-Planck-Institut, Nijmegen, The Netherlands LINGUISTICS was founded in 1963 as an international review and reconstituted under a new Editorial Board in 1979. The journal provides an international Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jos/issue/14/4 by guest on 30 September 2021 and interdisciplinary forum for research in the language sciences. LINGUISTICS publishes articles and short notices in the traditional disciplines of linguistics: pragmatics, semantics, syntax, morphology, phonology. In addi- tion, it will accept articles and notices from neighboring disciplines that are engaged in the study of natural language: experimental phonetics, psycho- linguistics, and neurolinguistics, and first and second language acquisition. LINGUISTICS also publishes occasional special issues and welcomes pro- posals for these. LINGUISTICS accepts work from other disciplines, insofar as it is deemed to be of interest to linguists and other students of natural language; for example, cer- tain studies in logic, artificial intelligence, social interaction, physiology, and neurology would meet this requirement. LINGUISTICS is published in one volume of six issues per year (approx. 1200 pages). As of 1979 the numbering was changed; Volume 35 corresponds to Issues 347.-352. Subscription rates for Volume 35 (1997): Institutions / libraries DM 646.00 / 6S 4716.00 / sFr. 575.00 (postage extra) Individuals* DM 324.00 (includes postage) Single issue DM 114.00/6S 832.00/sFr. 101.00 (postage extra) Prices in US dollars for subscriptions in North America only: Institutions / libraries $ 430.00 (postage extra) Individuals* $ 208.30 (includes postage) Single issue $ 72.00 * Subscriptions at the individual rate are for personal use only and must be prepaid and ordered directly from the publisher. Prepayment may be made by check or by credit card: MasterCard [Access], EuroCard. Visa and American Express. Orders placed for institutions will be invoiced at the institutional rate. The individual rate is not available in Germany, Switzerland or Austria. Institutional subscriptions and single or back issues can be ordered from your local bookseller or subscription agent, or directly from MOUTON DE GRUYTER (a division of Walter de Gruyter) at the following addresses: For North America: For all other countries: Walter de Gruyter, Inc. Walter de Gruyter & Co. 200 Saw Mill River Road Postfach 30 34 21 Hawthorne, NY 10532 D-10728 Berlin USA Germany New at SAGE in 1997! LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JOURNAL OF THE POETICS AND x LINGUISTICS ASSOCIATION Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jos/issue/14/4 by guest on 30 September 2021 Edited by Katie Wales University of Leeds "LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE is a pointer to the future." - Times Higher Education Supplement ...covers the latest developments in stylistic analysis, the linguistic analysis of literature and related areas. With its uniquely broad coverage, the journal offers readers easy access to all the important new research relevant to stylistics. Topics covered include: literary and non-literary stylistics, the connection between stylistics, critical theory, linguistics and literary criticism, and their applications to teaching. \ LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE also includes book reviews, examining new publications in the field. Published three times a year. ISSN: 0963-9470 Order Form for New Subscribers - Subscribe at the Introductory Rate /S!\ SAGE Publications Ltd, 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU, UK \g) Call our Subscription Hotline on +44 (0)1713301266 USA orders to be sent to: PO Box 5096, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 Name . 11 enclose a cheque (made payaablb e [ to SAGE Publications Ltd) for: Address _ Please invoice my credit card r Q Mastercard • Visa Amount: [ 7J16 • Yes! I want to subscribe to Language and Card No: | Literature starting with Volume 6 (1997) • Introductory Rate for Individuals Expiry Date: £25/US$40 (Usual Rate£32/US$51) • Institutional Rate £75/US$120 Q Please send me a brochure on the journal Signature:. Date: / / CAMBRIDGE Journal of Linguistics Editors: IAN ROBERTS, University of Stuttgart ROBERT D. BORSLEY, University of Wales, Bangor Journal of Linguistics is concerned with all branches of theoretical linguistics, including syntax, morphology, phonology, Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jos/issue/14/4 by guest on 30 September 2021 phonetics, semantics, pragmatics and historical, sociological, computational and psychological aspects of language and linguistic theory. The journal also provides an excellent survey of recent publications in the field with review articles on major works marking important theoretical advances as well as about twenty reviews and shorter notices in each issue. The full list of publications received and the comprehensive index published annually make the journal an even more valuable 53134 resource for bodi general and applied Take a closer look - free! linguists. Forthcoming articles include: The Please send me a free sample copy of organization and specification of manner Journal of Linguistics feature; Crossover: a unified view; Name Pragmatics and word meaning; A unified Address theory of scope for quantifiers and 'wh' phrases; Determiner phrase in a language without determiners; Subject clitics and clitic recycling: locomotive sentences in some Iberian Romance languges; Syntaaic constraints on intonational phrasing in Send coupon to: Journals Marketing Department, I Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, English. ' Shaftcsbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU Tel: +44(0)1223 325806 Fax:+44(0)1223 315052 Subscriptions E-mail: [email protected] In USA, Canada and Mexico, send to: Journals Volume 33 in 1997: March and September Marketing Department, Cambridge University Press, £61 for institutions; £45 for individuals; 40 Wesi 20th Street, New York, prices include delivery by air. ISSN 0022- NY10011-4211 2267. I Tel: 212 924 3900 Fax: 212 691 3239 E-mail: journals.raarketing^cup.org 1 CAMBRIDGE P UNIVERSITY PRESS Mobilian Jargon Referring to Space Linguistic and Sociohistorical Studies in Austronesian and Aspects of a Native American Papuan Languages Pidgin Edited by GUNTER SENFT EMANUEL J. DRECHSEL This collection of previously unpublished case- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jos/issue/14/4 by guest on 30 September 2021 Drechsel demonstrates the significance of studies of a number of Austronesian and Papuan language contact in America in this grammatical languages illustrates the means that these and sociohistorical study of Mobilian Jargon, an languages offer to their speakers for referring to American Indian pidgin which probably space. Understanding the differences between originated as a lingua franca among the pre- the various systems of spatial reference requires Columbian mound-building chiefdoms of the not just linguistic, but also cultural, historical, Mississippi valley. It was extensively used from and geographical knowledge. 1700 until the mid-twentieth century both Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics No. 11 among diverse groups of southeastern Native 0-19-823647-6, 336 pp, 70 black and white text-ligures, Americans, and in their interactions with non- Clarendon Press, October 1997, £50.00 Indians. Oxford Studies in Language Contact Understanding Cultures 0-19-824033-3,412 pp, maps, tables, Clarendon Press, February 1997, £55.00 Through Their Key Words English, Russian, Polish, German, Parts and Wholes in and Japanese Semantics ANNA WIERZBICKA FRIEDERIKE MOLTMANN Wierzbicka demonstrates that every language has Moltmann provides a unified account of a broad its "key concepts" (expressed in key words) and range of English and cross linguistic data that these concepts reflect the core values of the involving expressions of the notions of "part" and culture in question. Examining empirical "whole". She presents a new theory of part evidence from five languages, and using her own structures in which the notion of an integrated "natural semantic metalanguage" to provide an whole plays a fundamental role, and in which the analytical framework, she shows that cultures part structure of an entity may vary across can be revealingly studied, compared, and different situations, perspectives, and explained to outsiders through their key dimensions. concepts. Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics No. 8 0-19-509574-X, 272 pp, OUP USA, October 1997, £32.99 0-19-508835-2, 464 pp, OUP USA, October 1997, £61.99 Aspect and Predication 0-19-508836-0, paperback, £24.00 The Semantics of Argument Available through good
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