United States Army Forces in the Philippines 1 Date reported Name Rank Unit/Organization killed Home Address Source Abad, Cresencio (1st Lt.) S1 & S4, 1st FA Bn DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Abad, Florencio (Pvt.) 15th Inf. Co. I 31Mar1945 Batac, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.89 Norte Abad, Fortunato Cpl Co "B" 28-Mar-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p196 Abad, Norgerto (2nd Lt.) Pltn Ldr “C” Co, 14th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Abad, Peregrino P. (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. C 17May1945 San Esteban, DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Ilocos Sur Abada, Cirito Pvt Unknown 26-Mar-1945 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p211 Abadilla, Julio (1st Lt.) Bn Surg, 3rd Bn, 15th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Abalajon, Pacifico 2nd Lt 1st Bn 27-Apr-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p219 Aban, Guillermo (2nd Lt.) Pltn Ldr “G” Co, 14th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Abaring, Lucrecio Pfc Co "L" 4-Feb-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p186 Abas, Alejandro Pvt Co "H" 27-Jun-1943 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p198 Abasolo, Jaime (Cpl.) 14th Inf. Hq & Sy Co. 18Jun1945 Tayug, DS 686.4 U46 p.93 Pangasinan Abat, Alejandro (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. B 22Feb1945 San Juan, La DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Union Abat, Santos S. (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. B 22Apr1945 Sa Juan, La DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Union Abaya, Domingo (2nd Lt.) Ex Off, Hq Serv Co, DS 686.4 U46 Engr Bn p.100 Abaya, Macario (Pfc.) 14th Inf. Co. D 21Jun1945 Santiago, Isabela DS 686.4 U46 p.93 Abaya, Priscilla (2nd Lt.) Hosp Co, 1st Dist DS 686.4 U46 p.102 Abaya, Rafael (Capt.) Bn Surgeon, Engr Bn DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Abcede, Salvador Lt. Col. 7th Mil Dist DS 686.4 B3 p167 Abdon, Eulalio Pvt Co "H" 1-Jul-1943 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p198 Abela, Apolonio 3rd Lt 7th PAAC 5-Apr-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p210 Abelarde, Hector M. 2nd Lt 72 Trans Bn 27-Apr-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p210 Abelarde, Nestor Pvt Unknown 31-Jul-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p212 Abellera, Juan (2nd Lt.) S1, 3rd Bn, 66th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Abenes, Florentino (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. H 11Apr1945 Aringay, La DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Union Abenglar, Victor (Pfc.) 121st Inf. Co. G 2Jan1945 Naguilian, La DS 686.4 U46 p.78 Union Abenoja, Herminigildo T. 121st Inf. Co. A 19Jan1945 Unknown DS 686.4 U46 p.79 (Pvt.) Abenoja, Juan Q. (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. D 5Jun1945 Naguilian, La DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Union United States Army Forces in the Philippines 2 Date reported Name Rank Unit/Organization killed Home Address Source Abenoja, Manuel (1st Lt.) CO, “F” Co, 121st Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Abenojar, Crispin (Cpl.) 14th Inf. Hq & Sy Co. 28Apr1945 Tayug, DS 686.4 U46 p.93 Pangasinan Abes, Mathias (Pvt.) 11th Inf. Co. D 6Feb1945 Utokan, Bauko, DS 686.4 U46 p.97 Mt. Province Abestrano, Juan Pvt Hy & Hq Btry 28-Dec-1943 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p205 Abeto, Francisco Pvt Co "F" 11-May-1943 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p198 Abilla, Leopoldo 3rd Lt 7th PAAC 5-Apr-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p210 Abing, Manuel (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. I 8Jul1945 Sagada, Bontoc, DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Mt. Province Abiva, Domingo Felipe 15th Inf. Co. G 20Feb1945 San Nicolas, DS 686.4 U46 p.89 (Pvt.) Ilocos Norte Ablang, Jose (2nd Lt.) 2ndinComd, Combat DS 686.4 U46 Co, 14th Inf p.101 Ablasa, Roberto (Pvt.) 66th Inf. Co. K 1Jul1945 Sapid, Mankayan, DS 686.4 U46 p.72 Benguet Ablina, Uldarico Pvt Co "A" 5-May-1945 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p220 Abonador, Ramon Pvt Co "E" 12-Apr-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p188 Abonales, Juanito Cpl Co "I" 5-Feb-1943 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p185 Abordo, Leopoldo Pvt Co "A" 9-Apr-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p207 Abrrera, Petra (3rd Lt.) Med & Hosp Co DS 686.4 U46 p.102 Abuan, Clemente (Sgt.) 121st Inf Co. D 17Feb1945 Bauang, La DS 686.4 U46 p.77 Union Abuan, Mauro B. (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. C 30Apr1945 Naguilian, La DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Union Abuana, Segundo Pvt Co "B" 30-May-1943 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p220 Abubo, Pedro (1st Lt.) CO “L” Co, 66th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Acar, Gaudencio Cpl 72nd Infantry Regiment DS 686.2 J3 A32 Acas, Bibiano Pvt 72nd Infantry Regiment DS 686.2 J3 A32 Acasio, Trinidad (1st Lt.) S3 MP Bn DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Acay, Alberto (Pvt.) 66th Inf. Co. H 7Feb1945 Tuding, Itogon, DS 686.4 U46 p.73 Benguet Acdang, Alban (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. K 13Jun1945 Bosao, Bontoc, DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Mt. Province Acdang, Jacob T. (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. I 10Jun1945 Bauko, Bantoc, DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Mt. Province Achaver, Mariano (2nd Lt.) JO “I” Co, 11th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Acildo, Gabriel Sgt Co "B" 13-Feb-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p184 Aciong, Calixto (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. B 25Jun1945 San Emilio, DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Ilocos Sur United States Army Forces in the Philippines 3 Date reported Name Rank Unit/Organization killed Home Address Source Acmor, Henry (2nd Lt.) 2nd Bn, 11th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Acnam, Andres (Sgt.) 15th Inf. Co. I 19Mar1945 Nueva Era, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.88 Norte Acnam, Eugenio (Pvt.) 15th Inf. Co. F 11Jun1945 Unknown DS 686.4 U46 p.89 Acoba, Gerardo (Pvt.) 14th Inf. Co. D 6May1945 Not Reported DS 686.4 U46 p.94 Aconia, Domingo (Pvt.) 11th Inf. Co. H 22Jun1945 Bago, Pamplona, DS 686.4 U46 p.97 Cagayan Acop, Alberto (Pvt.) 66th Inf. Co. B 14Apr1945 Payquec, DS 686.4 U46 p.73 Kapangan, Benguet Acosta, Ambracio M. (Pfc.) 121st Inf. Co. C 13Apr1945 Cervantes, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.78 Sur Acosta, Catalino (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. A 2May1945 Bauang, La DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Union Acosta, Damaso (2nd Lt.) Pltn Ldr “D” Co, 14th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Acosta, Damaso (Pvt.) 66th Inf. Co. E 15May1945 Libtong, Tagudin, DS 686.4 U46 p.76 Ilocos Sur Acosta, Eficio (2nd Lt.) Pltn Ldr “F” Co, 14th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Acosta, Ernesto (1st Lt.) Asst Bn Surg, 1st Bn, DS 686.4 U46 121st Inf p.100 Acosta, Julio (1st Lt.) CO “I” Co, 15th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Acosta, Maximo (2nd Lt.) JO, “A” Co, Engr Bn DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Acosta, Melchor (2nd Lt.) S3, 1st Bn, 15th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Acosta, Pablo (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. K 24Apr1945 Tagudin, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Sur Acosta, Tomas (1st Lt) Asst. G5, Med Sec. DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Acot, Domingo Cpl Hq & Hq SV Co 16-Sep-1943 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p185 Adalid, Evangelista Pfc Co "H" 15-Nov-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p193 Adalid, Evangelista Pfc Co "B", 7 Prov R 15-Nov-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p211 Adan, Hilarion Pvt Hy & Hq Btry 29-Jan-1945 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p205 Adela, Tomas (1st Lt.) Ex Off “B” Co, 15th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Adiong, Canuto (Pvt.) 14th Inf. Co. D 22Jun1945 San Mateo, DS 686.4 U46 p.94 Santiago, Isbela United States Army Forces in the Philippines 4 Date reported Name Rank Unit/Organization killed Home Address Source Adique, Moises (Cpl.) 121st Inf. Co. Hq & Hq 3Feb1945 Unknown DS 686.4 U46 p.78 Adolfo, Antonio 1st Lt 2nd Bn 9-Feb-1944 Negros DS 686.4 B3 p216 Adonglay, Agustin (Pfc.) 11th Inf. Co. Combat 13Jul1945 Kiangan, Ifugao, DS 686.4 U46 p.96 Mt. Province Afalla, Alonzo (Pvt.) 14th Inf. Co. H 2Apr1945 Sta. Lucia, DS 686.4 U46 p.94 Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya Afed, Ernesto (Capt.) CO “I” Co, 11th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Agang, Waes (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. A 5Aug1945 Sudipen, La DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Union Agapito, Paquito (Sgt.) 66th Inf. Co. K 2Aug1945 Kibungan, DS 686.4 U46 p.71 Benguet, Mt Prov Agapito, Santiago (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. K 13Jun1945 Kayan, Mt. DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Province Agas, Florentino (Pvt.) 15th Inf. Co. F 2Apr1945 Laoay, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.89 Norte Agatep, Alejandro (Pvt.) 14th Inf. Land Comm 14Jun1945 Uddiauan, Nueva DS 686.4 U46 p.94 Vizcaya Agatep, Gulberto (2nd Lt.) Combat Co, 11th Inf DS 686.4 U46 p.101 Agaton, Tomin (Pvt.) 66th Inf. Co. H 17Jul1945 Cayoco, Itogon, DS 686.4 U46 p.73 Benguet Agbayani, Federico (Sgt.) 15th Inf. Co. K 25Apr1945 Vintar, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.88 Norte Agbayani, Maximiano Hosp Co, 4th Dist, 11th DS 686.4 U46 (1st Lt.) Inf p.101 Agbugay, Ramon (Pvt.) 121st Inf. Co. B 22Feb1945 Burgos, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.79 Sur Agbulos, Evaristo (2nd Lt.) On DY w/G 5 DS 686.4 U46 p.100 Agbunag, Rodrigo (1st Lt.) Bn Surgeon, 2nd Bn, DS 686.4 U46 121st Inf p.100 Agcaoili, Casimiro M. (Pvt.) 15th Inf. Co. F 22Apr1945 Laoag, Ilocos DS 686.4 U46 p.89 Norte Agcolicol, Veronica (1st Lt.) Hosp Co, 5th Dist DS 686.4 U46 p.102 Agliam, Clodualdo Lt 72nd Infantry Regiment DS 686.2 J3 A32 CO, 1st Platoon, 72nd Agliam, Clodualdo 3rd Lt Infantry Regiment DS 686.2 J3 A32 Aglibut, Antonio (Pvt.) 121st Inf.
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